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Entertainment LLC, School of Arts

Purposeland Entertainment LLC, School of Arts

The vision of PURPOSELAND ENTERTAINMENT LLC, (PE) School of Arts is to

build a beginning marching band with a diverse group of kids, ages 7 to 17 years old that
is willing to express their gift and talents. Inside of the beginning marching band program
each member, will be able to learn acting, dance, basic film & music industry etc.
How to become a member:
1. Must be ages of 7-17years old
2. Must have proof of age (Birth certification) and complete an application
3. Register your child for the first twelve-hour beginning marching band training.
After twelve hours of training, your child(s) will have to audition for what ever
instrument he/she learns, to be accepted in the Purposeland Entertainment LLC,
School of Arts programs.
4. Once your child(s) have been accepted into the (PE) LLC, School of Arts.
Parent(s) will sign an agreement form of guidelines that is expected in the
program and facility.
5. Now your child(s) are open to our acting, dance, basic film & industry etc.
What can cause my child not to make the audition?
1. Missing training lessons.
2. Behavior reports not tolerated
How can my child(s) re-audition?
1. If your child missed lessons or behind. Your child(s) will be tested on the level
he/she stop, then he/ she will re-start where he/she left off. The cost will be
discussed with instructor.
2. Then your child(s) will be able to re-audition for membership with good behavior
How to Apply for Purposeland Entertainment LLC, School of Arts
1. Registration fee: $35.00 (Non-refundable)
2. The twelve hour training will cost: $150.00 (Non-refundable)
3. After twelve hour training, your child may audition for (PE) LLC, School of Arts.
*My child(s) have made the audition*
Once your child have been accepted in the (PE) LLC, School of Arts he/she will receive
an ID & T-Shirt in recognition membership. To obtain your child(s) seat the monthly rate
to continue is $80.00 a month or $40.00 every two weeks. (Guidelines are attached about
fees violations). (Non-refundable)

Purposeland Entertainment LLC, School of Arts

Purposeland Entertainment LLC, School of Arts

Application form

The application is to keep on file record of emergency must have proof of
address and birth certificate.

Member name: _________________________________

Date of Birth: __________________________________

Address: ______________________________________
Phone #: ______________________________________
Emergency contact person #1: _______________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________

Emergency contact person #2: _______________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________

Parent Signature: ____________________________ Date: ________________________

Director Signature: __________________________ Date: ________________________

Purposeland Entertainment LLC, School of Arts

Purposeland Entertainment LLC, School of Arts
Disciplinary agreement form
Below are the levels of offense. (PE) LLC, School of Arts will staff determine the appropriate disciplinary
action. By signing the bottom of this form indicate that you agree to disciplinary form.
Level I: These acts of misconduct include, but are not limited to, the following:
Age, health, maturity and academic placement of a student Willingness to enroll in a student assistance program.
Attitude of a student
Cooperation of parents
Willingness to make restitution
Seriousness of offense
Prior conduct
Disruptive behavior in the school classroom, hall, building or premises Violating the uniform dress code
Disciplinary actions:
Warning letter and email sent home to the parent/guardian
Parent/Guardian conference with school director
Any additional offense Parent/Guardian is contracted for student pick-up:
Student may return the next day.
Level II: These acts of misconduct include, but are not limited to, the following student behaviors that disrupt the
educational process at (PE) LLC, School of Arts

(Absence without just cause)

Use of profane, vulgar or obscene words, gestures or other


Insubordination (refusal to follow orders, directions or

stated school rules)

Repeated failure to follow state school rules and procedures

Smoking on school property

Cheating and plagiarism other students work
Initiating or participating in any unacceptable minor
physical actions

Visible and audible unauthorized use of cell phones or other

electronic devices
Bullying, including verbal and electronic harassment on or
off school grounds
Disrespect of school staff members

Disciplinary actions: Written notice sent home to the parent/guardian; student receives one-day home stay and any additional
offense-Parents/Guardian is contacted for student pick-up; student is suspended up to two (2) days.
Level III: These acts of include, but are not limited to, the following student behaviors:

Fighting or threatening any student or staff member

Assault on a student or any

school employee (an
attempt to do bodily harm
to a person)

Criminal behavior including, but not limited to, arson, vandalism, false fire alarm, bomb
threat, possession of weapon, theft, trespassing, involvement in gang activity, sex
violation/sexual harassment; use, possession, sale or delivery of alcohol, illegal drugs,
narcotics, controlled substances, contraband or look alike contraband/drugs

Any act that endangers the

safety of others

Member name: ____________________________ Date: _______________

Parent Name: _____________________ Signature: __________________ Date: ______
Director Signature: __________________________ Date _______________

Purposeland Entertainment LLC, School of Arts

Purposeland Entertainment LLC, School of Arts

Fees Violation Form

Purposeland Entertainment LLC, School of Arts, fees agreement and
violation terms.
Once Your child(s) ______________________________,
__________________________made the audition the cost of the
Purposeland Entertainment LLC, School of Arts is $80.00 monthly or
$40.00 Bi-weekly. If you choose to pay monthly payment the due date will
be on the 1st of the month with five-day grace period. If you choose Biweekly payment are due on the 15th of the month and the 30th of the
month, which breaks down two payments. Bi-weekly payments have no
grace period.
Payments arrangements do not change if your child(s) miss a day of
Violation Fees: If you miss a payment or grace period your child(s) will be
removed from (PE) LLC, School of Arts program until paid in full.
By signing below indicates that you agree to the terms of Purposeland
Entertainment LLC, School of Arts. Fees agreement and violation terms.
Parent Signature: ________________________ Date: _______________
Director Signature: _______________________ Date: _______________

Purposeland Entertainment LLC, School of Arts

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