Reflection Paper

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Reflection Paper

This class was very intriguing and interesting for me. As a History Major its always very
fun to learn further about the origins of our species. This class helped cover a lot of different
topics from evolution to the state of human remains. The topics were covered well, and there was
only one topic that perplexed me. The confusing thing to me was the difference between old
world and new world apes. Though she explained it very well, this topic is very interesting to me
and so I would like to learn more. Exactly where, when and how, these apes diverged and
stopped evolving is fascinating to me.
For me the best moment of this class was learning about the effects of disease and use on
the physical skeleton of the human body. How much wear and tear actually affects the body.
Learning about Wolffs Law was particularly interesting because of how they identified the
skeletons of archers that they found in sunken ships. They identified them as archers through the
bone mass in their pulling arms; historically speaking this was fascinating to learn about. Also
was the effect of disease on the body, for example the king of France, Charles VI (1380-1422)
was believed to have a disease that gave him bouts of insanity. It also helps historians understand
the people, and their decisions better. This particular part of human evolution and adaptation was
very interesting to me.
If I was a tutor, tasked with the responsibility of explaining human evolution, this class
would be indispensably useful. I would begin by explaining our early hominid ancestors and
their habits, behaviors, and life styles. This would be necessary because it would help explain the
divergence that would occur later down the evolutionary line, and why we are similar to many

primates. I would then explain the difference and importance of Old and New World primates.
Next would be the explanation of our closest relatives, and how/where we separated from them.
Whether this is the multi-regional or single origin theory, would have to be explained and delved
into. Next would be our direct ancestral line, beginning with Australopithecines. This is
important because of where we find their bones, and how their bodies evolved into ours. In
comparison to the modern Homo Sapien, Australopithecines and Homo Habilis are nearly
unrecognizable. How and why would they adapt? Explaining such evolution would be essential.
Hunting, gathering, and other aspects would also be explained, along with the first use of tools.
However the most essential would be explaining exactly what makes us human. Bipedalism,
Non-Honing chewing teeth, material culture, and other requirements would be explained as they
were in this class. Exactly why humans adapted and how they survived in such as harsh
environment would be an interesting topic to teach. Thanks to this class I would feel able to do
so however.

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