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Life of Maria Gonzalez Without Facebook


Social Media and Our Lives a Glance at the Lasting Effects

Are you going to Talk to Me?

Authors Note:
This series of papers were prepared for English 2010 with
Dr. Dani Liese

English 2010 Portfolio

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Table of Contents
The Life of Maria Gonzalez without Facebook (Profile)
Social Media and Our Lives - A Glance at the Lasting Effect (Report)


Are You Going to Talk To Me? (Position)


Works Cited


Veronica Gomez-Quintero

English 2010 Portfolio

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The Life of Maria Gonzalez Without Facebook

Veronica Gomez-Quintero
Salt Lake Community College

Authors Note:
This paper was prepared for English 2010 with Dr. Dani Liese

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English 2010 Portfolio

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Life Without Facebook

Maria Gonzalez
Maria Gonazalez was born on April 8, 1952. She grew up in Juchipila Zacatecas
and later moved to Salt Lake City Utah. Maria has pale white skin and short brown hair
that frames her face perfectly. Her skin smells of Juniper and clean linen. Maria has been
the glue that holds her family together. Most Saturday mornings, her sisters and nieces
meet in her home for a cup of coffee or tea. The kitchen fills with the sound of chatter
and laughter and that is what she loves most about her Saturday morning.
I still dont completely understand Facebook and social media. Maria said in a
confused tone and then slowly sipped on her steaming cup of black coffee. She is the
only person that I know that doesnt participate in social media sites such as Facebook or
Instagram. Maria still has family in Mexico and communicating would be much easier if
she had a Facebook account, Maria chooses to make a phone call to her family and hear
their voices claiming it brings life to their stories.
I understand sharing pictures and communicating with family and friends. But,
many people share very personal moments with everyone and even pictures with very
little promise of privacy, if any. I dont understand that. She said as she slowly stirred in
french vanilla creamer into her favorite chunky pistachio green mug. For as long as I
have known Maria, this has been her favorite mug.
Maria grew up in Zacatecas Mexico. There werent any computers in her area. In
fact, her family was the first to purchase a television set. In the evenings, people gathered

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in her familys foyer to watch television soap operas. Maria has many fond memories of
these gatherings with friends.
We spent the evening talking, sharing stories, and connecting. I built lifelong
friendships with these people. My family and I enjoyed having people in our home. We
enjoyed entertaining. The sound of laughter and chatter filled our home and we liked it
that. We really built lasting friendships. Maria said with a slight note of happiness in her
voice and a half smile across her face.
Maria recalled spending time with Dr. Millie Gordon. Millie was studying
medicine in Guadalajara and she traveled to Juchipila to visit Maria and her family as
often as she could. Millie enjoyed horseback riding, fresh food, and Martinas stories. But
most of all, Millie enjoyed gathering together with friends and family. Millie and the
family had a very close relationship.
Maria remembered filling with anticipation when she knew Millie would be
visiting. She couldnt wait to know what was new in her life, see her children and hear
her story telling. I loved hearing her laughter. My father Teodoro and Millie would tell
jokes and funny stories. Maria said. She stared into my eyes and her eyes filled with
tears as she remembered her friend that has passed away. I still remember her eyes, her
laughter, the sound of her voice. I miss her.
Everyone gathered around the campfire to share stories and munch on whatever
food was available. Anything from toasted pumpkin seeds to creamy hot chocolate that
was made from scratch. We bonded. Maria said.
Maria cant make sense of why our generation doesnt value personal connections
like her generation did. In an article on titled Young Users Spend More

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Daily Time on Social Networks, the article stated Facebook is the top social network
when it comes to daily time spent, with individuals averaging 42 minutes a day on the
site, according to Cowen and Company. (, 2014). We share detailed
information without considering our audience. Personal connections have been lost or
diluted in the flood of social media. Words make up only 7% of communication and
facial expression and tone make up 93%, however, these percentages can fluctuate (How
Much of Communication is Really Nonverbal?).
I choose not to participate on Facebook. I would rather enjoy a conversation face
to face with a friend. I would like to join my friend on a hike rather that just seeing
pictures of them on Facebook or reading random posts. Maria said, after a brief moment
of silence, she continued, I want to see their face as they tell me their story and I want to
hear their excitement in their voice. I cant imagine that my memories of Millie would be
the same if I had just read her words and viewed her pictures on Facebook. The two dont
compare in my book. I prefer to host a dinner party and have a huge mess to clean up. A
group message just doesnt cut it.
Maria remembered moving away from her family when she was only 20 years
old. Maria moved to another country for work. Maria found herself in a different country
without her family. This was very difficult for her. Maria wrote letters to her mother, her
father and her sisters, but she needed human contact.
That was the only way I could communicate with them. Phone calls were quite
expensive so they were rare and only for special occasions. I felt disconnected from my
family. I read the letters I received from my family and wished I could see their faces. Of
course responses took at least two weeks, so if there were pressing issues it would be two

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weeks before I heard back from them. It would have been nice to have Facebook back
then for this type of communication because we were so far away from each other. I
couldnt drive to a friends house and visit with each other. I would have preferred that.
Words written on paper are just that, words. A friendship is made of more than just
words. Chatting online and getting instant responses would have been nice. Maria
paused for a moment and took a deep breath before continuing But I still dont
understand how people can spend so much time surfing Facebook and writing posts. I
mean some people are really addicted to Facebook. I dont get that. When I want to know
what going on with friends, I call them or invite them over for dinner. That personal
connection seems like it is missing and that personal connection is something I really
enjoyed. I wouldnt change that for Facebook.
To establish connections with people, Maria socialized. She introduced herself to
new people and made friends. When is the last time you introduced yourself to someone
in a coffee shop or a stranger on the train? she asked me with a smirk on her face. She
introduced herself to new people and built a network of friends. Friends are people that
are there when you need them. Friends are the people that you are there for in their time
of need. Friends are the people you can lean on when you need them and be their support
when they need you. That makes a friend, not someone that accepted your friend request
on Facebook. Maria said with a rather firm and abrasive tone.
Maria has led a life filled with love and friendships. She hasnt spent her life with
her face buried in a cell phone or constantly checking her social media accounts. While
my generation spends more and more time on the social media accounts, Maria spends
more and more time developing relationships that she truly values.

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In the end, it is not about how many Facebook friends you have, how many posts
you made, pictures you shared or how many people liked them. What matters most are
the relationships you have built and the memories you have made. The unique impression
you leave on the world becomes part of who you are. Maria said to me and those words
could not have made more sense to me. I completely agree with her, we should not settle
for virtual friendships when we can and should have real ones.

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English 2010 Portfolio

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Social Media and Our Lives

A Glance at the Lasting Effects

Veronica Gomez-Quintero
Salt Lake Community College

Authors Note:
This paper was prepared for English 2010 with Dr. Dani Liese
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English 2010 Portfolio

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Social media has affected and changed different aspects of the world we know
today. Technological advances have without question benefited each and every one of us.
The social media site Facebook started out as a way for college students to socialize with
other college students. However, Facebook quickly evolved into something much more
than what it was intended for.
Facebook is just one of many different social sites. Others are Twitter, Instagram,
Tumblr and Pintrest. Each sites allows users to connect with friends and share material
from their lives. Social media users received much more than they signed up for.
Social media sites have taken over the lives of many people. The degree in which
they have done this varies. Some people report waking in the middle of the night to check
their phone for social media updates and others report that they felt a need to obtain a
social media account because friends were active on social media. Both groups were
driven by a fear of missing out.
In this paper I will explore five different areas that have been affected by social
media. Many of these different areas have been affected in positive and negative ways.
Many people remain unaware of many of these issues or they choose to ignore them.

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Social Media and Our Lives

A Glance at the Lasting Effects
People use social media for different reasons. Depending on whom you speak
with and what their personal use of social media is, the responses and uses will be very
different. There are many risks and advantages involved with the use of social media.
People are often unaware of the risks that come with the use of social media websites.
Social media websites can seriously impact the health and mental health of the user.
Social media has an impact on the security and safety of its users, their personal
relationships, and future ventures. Social media doesnt only affect its user. Many users
include other individuals in their status posts and their pictures. This is often done
without permission.
Businesses are also impacted by social media sites and face many similar issues.
The business culture has changed quite a bit over the years due to social media.
Marketing strategies and plans have changed a great deal in order to incorporate social
Social media impacts many different areas of our lives. This report will provide
an overview of the topics that are not often considered. The topics are:
1. Children and Young Adults
2. Security Risks
3. Relationships
4. Business
5. Politics

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Children and Young Adults

Social media present parents with many different issues. Children may face cyber
bullying, stalking, their pictures may be used inappropriately and without permission.
The abuse of social media is also quite common. Students that heavily use social media
sites tend to have lower grade point averages. Students that do not often use social media
sites reportedly have higher grade point averages (Karpinski, 2010).
Many users don't analyze the impact their words may have on their future.
According to an article on Jobvite titled Cutthroat Job Market Forces Recruiters To
Rethink Tactics To Engage Candidates, 2014 Jobvite Social Recruiting Study Finds
Cutthroat Job Market Forces Recruiters To Rethink Tactics To Engage Candidates, 2014
Jobvite Social Recruiting Study Finds (Kasper, 2014) more and more employers are
viewing potential employees social media websites and making assessments based on
what they find. Potential employers find anything from poor grammar to information
about illegal drugs, which of course negatively affects the applicants possibilities for
Social media users must carefully evaluate their posts because they may impact
you and influence the employers decision. A college student may be photographed in a
compromising position or in an altered state of mind and an employer will review this
information and choose not to offer employment opportunities.
According to a Huffington Post article titled 80% Of College Admissions
Officers Use Facebook To Recruit Students (Huffington Post, 2011) 80% of college
admissions officers are turning to social media websites to make assessments on potential
students. Sadly only 3% percentage of students applying to college actually believe that

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they may have something harmful on their social media website (Kaplan Test Prep,
2014). Unfortunately, this is not the case. An increasing number of students have
damaging information on their social media page. This information shows that young
individuals are unable to comprehend the powerful impact of their social media pages.
Student performance is an issue as well. According to an article published in
Computers in Human Behavior titled Facebook and Academic Performance grade point
averages suffered due to heavy use of Facebook. Grade point averages decreased an
average of .76 percent (Karpinski, 2010).
Isolation, eating disorders, depression and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
(ADHD) are all different mental health issues affected by social media. According to an
article on Natural News Two separate studies have emerged pointing to the conclusion
that for all its popularity, Facebook is actually making people unhappy. (Gutierrez,
Security Risks
Unknowingly, social media users provide the answers to many commonly used
security questions. Releasing a date of birth, names of siblings, mothers name possibly
even maiden name. Users post pictures that often include their location. During any given
day users post comments and their status, while others post their future plans.
Unintentionally, the social media user has just increased their risk of becoming an
identity theft victim. These very important pieces of information dramatically increase
those risks. Many different government agencies also collect information from social
media sites.
Homeowners may post travel plans and be unaware that this is, in a sense,

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opening up the doors to their home to burglars. The social media user has unintentionally
notified people that they would not be home and their home was open to burglars.
There are many risks and dangers lurking behind social media sites and often we
are uninformed or do not care to discuss them. Social media site users do not take the
time to read the terms and conditions they agree to.
Social media websites collect personal information. The advertisements on the
sidebars on your Facebook page are all customized based on items you may have liked or
other pages that you may have visited. This information is shared with retailers and
marketing companies. They track the users demographic information, preferences and
shopping habits. Most social media users are unaware this information is being sold
(Consumer Reports Magazine, 2012).
Facebook has a feature called Tag Suggest which is a facial recognition. It
scans the photographs a user uploads and suggests names of friends be tag to the
photograph. A big issue came when Facebook automatically signed up some users for
this feature without consent or knowledge of the user. Facebook responded to concern by
indicating users could deactivate this feature (Consumer Reports Magazine, 2012).

One of the most troubling issues for me is that social media sites are being used to
substitute human relationships. The Center for the Digital Future at the USC Annenberg
School study reported families were having less face-to-face interactions. The study
found the percentage of affected face-to-face time increased from 8% reported in 2000 to
34% reported in 2011 (USC Annenberg School Center for the Digital Future, 2011).

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There are different reasons why social media should not be the standard for
communication. Although it can be challenging for people to maintain personal
relationships and connect with other individual, social media should not be a replacement
for those relationships. People often resort to social media websites like Facebook to
create that personal connection rather an illusion of that personal connection. Social
media gives the illusion that you are connecting with someone, when you really aren't.
There are many different components to communication between people.
Communicating via social media sites deprives the conversation from those important
components. Posting information to social media pages is very easy. Social media has a
profound effect on human relationships, the life of the user and the lives of family

Social media has changed how business owners conduct their business. Business
owners may use social media for marketing purposes or simply to expand their business.
Social media can draw in different crowds and really open up the customer base for
businesses. Businesses can really focus on certain demographics when they use social
media. The use of social media for businesses can be very efficient.
Small businesses have great benefits from using social media. Most social media
sites have no charge for social media users and in some cases low fees for businesses.
The exposure that small businesses receive from social media sites is tremendous. For
example, Facebook users can follow business and that feeds directly into the Facebook
users newsfeed. This gives this business control over the exposure that they receive and

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the presence they have on Facebook. Businesses promise to announce future sales and
special promotion codes. This is enough to entice social media users.
Businesses are also able to promote items on social media sites. Pintrest is a great
place for this type of activity. Pintrest users can share items they view or browse to their
boards. Typically, clicking on the item redirects the user to where they may purchase this
specific item.

Social media has not only drawn in younger crowds. Politicians are turning to
social media to create awareness of their political campaigns. Including social media into
political campaigns has proven to be effective. Politicians create a presence with the
younger generation. Social media websites are visited frequently throughout the day, this
alone gives politicians a great deal of exposure. According to in an
article titled Internets Broader Role in Campaign 2008: Social Networking and Online
Videos Take Off states 42% of those ages 18 to 29 say they regularly learn about the
campaign from the internet, the highest percentage for any news source. (Pew Research
Center for the People & the Press, 2008).
President Barack Obama is a prime example of politicians utilizing social media.
In fact, President Obama has a Pintrest account. Politicians have taken advantage of this
resource and use social media to promote their campaigns. In June 2009, the White
House announced they were joining social media networks in an effort to open the lines
of communication (Kundra, 2009).

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Social media has irrevocably changed the lives of many and affected more than
just the social lives of its users. All users must be more cautious of the information that is
shared. Social media users must be aware of the risks and implications of using social
media sites.
Parents must be conscious of the risks involved with using social media and
vigilant of their childrens activity on social media sites. The use of social media can no
longer be taken lightly. Social media can seriously impact the future of its users and
because of this social media use must be used carefully.
Social media use must be drastically cut down. I am not a heavy social media
user, in fact, I never have been. Even so, my personal relationships have been a greatly
impacted by the use of social media of people I care about. Social media make it is easier
to communicate with friends and family in Mexico, however social media sites have also
become the preferred method of communication for family nearby.
Security settings provide a false sense of security or privacy. Many social media
sites offer security settings that can be personalized to each individuals preferences.
How reliable are security settings, and do they actually work? It is simple, security
settings cannot be relied upon.
The dangers associated with social media should not be overlooked. This is an
important matter and it should be given the attention it deserves. Quite often, people log
onto their Facebook, Instagram or Twitter account and share information about their
lives. This information is shared without much thought. It is dangerous and puts users at
risk. For one reason or another people fail to acknowledge that. We must be aware and

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become informed of the risks and dangers involved.

Social media should never under any circumstances be used to replace human
interaction. The number of Facebook friends you have is of no significant value. Many of
my own Facebook friends are people I hardly know or have hardly spoken to. These
Facebook friends know very little about who I am or what is really important to me. The
definition of friends changes depending on whom you ask and what it means to them. To
me, a friend is someone I enjoy spending time with, someone I enjoy speaking with,
someone I share laughs with, and someone that can rely on me and someone I can rely
on. Roughly, one third of my Facebook friends actually meet the minimum requirements
to be considered a friend. Every day an average of 40 minutes are spent on social media
(Constine, 2014). There are 365 days in a year multiplied by 40 minutes totals 14,600
minutes or 243.3 hours that is 10.138 days. These numbers are devastating but
unfortunately a reality of the world we know today.
I have discussed my position on social media and these different areas. Of course,
this is by no means a complete list. I have also discussed benefits of social media. I am
not suggesting that social media shouldnt be used. I believe we must lead the lives we
are destined to lead. We must push ourselves to achieve our goals. We must value the
relationships we have with our friends and our family. We must value those relationships
enough to invest the time and energy they need to grow. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
and other social media sites shouldnt be a priority in our lives. After all, when we leave
this world who is really going to cares how many Facebook friends we had.

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English 2010 Portfolio

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Are You Going to Talk to Me?

Authors Note:
This paper was prepared for English 2010 with Dr. Dani Liese
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English 2010 Portfolio

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Are you going to talk to me?

My family and I are sitting at the dinner table for our traditional Sunday dinner.
My mother has taken great care and prepared each dish to perfection. My mother always
cooks very well. Each plate is beautifully put together. There is a nice balance of color
and texture. The dinner table has been set beautifully. My mother always pays attention
to even the smallest detail.
Silence fills the room and it is unbearable. The sound of clicking cell phones
buttons temporarily interrupt the silence in the room. I sigh because I know they are each
tending to their social media accounts. My family members have barely spoken to each
other, but they have shared moments throughout the day.
Sunday dinners have been a family tradition for all of my life. Growing up,
Sunday dinners were full of laughter and, as silly as it sounds, family members would
randomly sing a lyric from a song that was repeatedly playing in their head. I distinctly
remember their smiling faces and my ridiculous laugh. My mother always has the loudest
laugh of them all. I cannot remember the last time I heard her laugh. It has become
unbearable. I am more than disturbed when I see the cell phone screen casting a glow my
mothers face. She is completely engulfed, like a moth to a flame, in her social media
There are many pros of social media. I recently worked on a project with my
business communications class. The business cohort group worked on the topic of suicide
prevention and focused on creating suicide awareness. It is a very sensitive topic for
many people. It was very touching and frankly surprising that many people were

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comfortable sharing their personal stories on social media regarding suicide, how suicide
affected their lives, and most importantly on suicide prevention.
Our goal was to have $1,000.00 donated to America Foundation For Suicide
Prevention (AFSP). In the blink of an eye our Facebook page had been viewed by over
100 people. People in other countries such as India had viewed and shared the page. The
videos had also been viewed and shared. Utah has a high suicide rate and by using social
media our group was able to spread a large amount of information. 1 to 2 days after
creating the Facebook page and sharing posts, the posts had come into contact with more
than 4,000 people.
Social media sites proved to be a valuable tool. It was very easy and incredibly
fast to spread information. But, what about when social media sites begin replacing
human interaction? Far too many people consider social media a form of human
interaction. Unfortunately, social media is costing people far too much. We can choose to
take the positive and change the negative.
I can close my eyes, and remember my grandmothers face, the distinct pattern of
her dark brown eyes with gold flecks, her petite figure but most importantly the emotions
that filled her as she shared stories of her life. I remember the hard to miss sparkle in her
eyes when she mentioned my grandfather. She shared stories of hiding love notes for one
another, the anticipation that followed and awaiting the response of her beloved. I
remember the distinct tone of her voice when she was angry or the sadness that filled her
eyes and spread across her face when she spoke of her daughter Valentina. I remember
the smile lines on her face, which were a reminder of how much she loved to laugh. The
wrinkles on her hands that showed the intense labor they had been subjected to.

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I cannot imagine reading her words on a Facebook post on a computer or smart

phone screen. Her words would not have the same impact on my life. My grandmother
built many meaningful relationships throughout her life. In the rural town she lived in,
everyone knew her by her first name. She was a very generous person and was well
respected. These things she earned. Many townspeople would get down on their knees to
greet her, grateful for all she had done for them and their families.
Gazing into someones eyes or reading their facial expressions seems to be a thing
of the past. It is common for couples to be on a date and rather than gazing into each
others eyes, they are lustfully gazing at their phones. The message we are sending to our
partner is that they arent keeping our attention, that we arent interested or simply that
what is on our smart phone is much more important than they are. Even when we are with
our loved ones, we allow social media to take the front seat and direct our attention. I am
devastated that in our world, this is a reality.
I grew up with many cousins and we lived very close to each other. My favorite
time of day was playing in the afternoons to late evening. I couldnt get enough time with
friends and family, it just wasnt enough. I wanted more.
Playing hide and seek until it was dark was common for us. A flashlight in hand,
we ran through the neighborhood searching for the perfect hiding spot. Or building a fort
with a sheet we borrowed from the clothesline without permission. The smell of laundry
detergent drifted through the fort, as we told scary stories that would later keep me up at
night. Or simply staring into the sky and naming the shapes the clouds looked like. My
imagination ran wild and my pants were worn, the occasional scrape adorned my skin. I
was happy, we were all happy.

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In that neighborhood I fell off my bike and needed stitches. I had my first kiss
near the tree in the backyard. My cousins and I talked until the wee hours of the morning
sharing our lives, doing silly dances and made memories I cherish to this day. Children
are more interested in their I pad or using mom and dads cell phone
I remember getting wrapped up in conversation and later looking at the clock only
to find that hours and hours had passed. I had been so engaged in conversation that time
passed by so quickly. Whether enjoying a funny story or a heated debate, I remained
engaged in the conversation. It is rare to see two or three people fully engaged in a
conversation. It is, however, quite common to see people typing away on their cell phone
screens as they speak a few words to the person sitting with them. Verbally they share
only the most necessary information and nonverbally show their disinterest. Slowly,
sucking the life out of the relationship that previously existed between the two.
Social media has had a detrimental effect on our social skills. Social Media has
disconnected us from our family, friends and human relationships altogether. People
constantly check their mobile device for updates on social media sites. Instagram or
Facebook sends a notification to your mobile device that someone has liked your picture.
Immediately, it takes precedence and people engage with their social media site, only
furthering their addiction. This of course has become the norm of our culture.
We have become so accustomed the ease of social media that even the most basic
questions are often reverted to social media. A simple Tell me about yourself. Is
responded to with My Instagram name is Socialmediaabuser or Find me on
Facebook, let me know if you have questions. Depriving us of the thrill of getting to

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know someone and their story. Social media again is given the power to tell your story
for you.
The story of our major life events is shared on social media. The beginning of a
new relationship or the announcement of a new baby, the excitement and emotion are
missing. Major life events become a notification on their timelines.
My close friend Naya and I work together spending more than eight hours a day
together. Naya became engaged after a long eight years of courting. I didnt know, in fact
I had no idea. Over the cubical wall, I overheard Congratulations on your engagement.
Thrilled to hear this news and elated at the new beginning for my dear friend.
Eagerly I inquired, Who, What, When and Why? Details, details, details. I was
so excited to hear about my friends engagement that I was unable to formulate a
complete question or even complete my thoughts.
I posted it on Facebook! How could you not know? Naya said with shock and a
hint of anger in her voice.
I am not a big social media user I replied, trying to explain myself. Naturally, I
was confused on how Facebook fit into this equation.
I posted the entire story on Facebook. You should read it. Naya said. Social
media sites have become the preferred method of communication.
I have never been a heavy social media user. I prefer human contact. I am so
wrapped up in my personal life, I am completely lost in the present moment that I dont
stop to share random pictures or posts with my 300 Facebook friends. Nor do I scroll
incessantly through my Facebook Newsfeed wasting precious time.

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Social isolation has become an issue that many social media users face.
According to Stephen Marche in an article on The Atlantic titled Is Facebook Making
Us Lonely?, scrolling through social media posts and not directly commenting or
interacting actually increases our sense of loneliness (Marche, 2012). Even when we do
comment, how do we know someone is actually listening?
Our personal information isnt safe or secure. In fact once it is released into the
world of social media, it is no longer personal. Social media administrators sell the
personal information of its users and they profit.
In conclusion, the invasion of social media has deprived user of building
meaningful relationships. Friends having a disagreement no longer work through the
conflict by discussing their positions, their perspective or their ideas until an amicable
resolution is reached. Conflict resolution has worked to strengthen the relationship and
ultimately creating a stronger bond. Instead, friends resort to social media and posts are
made reflecting their anger.
The impact social media is having on human contact is reason enough to demand
a change. Emotion, intent and the sounds of our voices have been muffled like a silencer
on the nozzle of a gun. Rather than wasting time surfing social media for one hour, I
challenge our generation to take that time and meet a friend for a drink. I am certain that
after the hour you will feel connected and the realization of what you have been missing
will hit you like a ton of bricks.
Social media should never under any circumstances be used to replace human
interaction. The number of Facebook friends you have is of no significant value. Many of
my own Facebook friends are people I hardly know or have hardly spoken to. These

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Facebook friends know very little about who I am or what is really important to me.
The definition of friends varies considerable depending on whom you ask and
what it means to them. For example, to me a friend is someone I enjoy spending time
with, someone I enjoy speaking with, someone I share laughs with, and someone that can
rely on me and someone that I can rely on. Roughly, one third of my Facebook friends
actually meet the minimum requirements to be considered a friend.
I have discussed my position on social media and these different areas. Of course,
this is by no means a complete list. I have also discussed benefits of social media. I am
not suggesting that social media shouldnt be used. Social media should be used
We must lead the lives we are destined to lead. We must push ourselves to
achieve our goals. We must value the relationships we have with our friends and our
family. We must value those relationships enough to invest the time and energy they need
to grow and thrive. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media sites shouldnt
be a priority in our lives. After all, when we leave this world who is really going to cares
how many Facebook friends we had.

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English 2010 Portfolio

Page 27

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Veronica Gomez-Quintero

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