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Wheels with Central Locking Wheels wih central locking are perfecy normal ia moter spert but on normal road they are nat Instead ofthe conta lock nut conventionally used inmotor spot the wiee! has a central bol, ‘wih whichitis fastened to the whee carrer. ts antHottion desice consists ofan element inert ito the woes! hub wth spang:maunted locking bot. Central Bolts Tre centr bolt and the lock are safetyreted ccemporerts. Therefore, alvays check them for signs of damage, © "The conical surface, tranezoida tread and intemal cothing of tho contra bolt must not ‘exhibit any seratches or cracks, © Raplace damaged cental aot, Only use the genuine Porsche contra bolts calocated specially to his velicle mocel, © The conical surace and vapezoidal tread OF the central boltmast be free of ary corta maetion, The central bolt must not contain ary grease ‘excent on the tiapezoial thread, Tightening torque Tightening torque for central bats: 370 fb, (500 Nm) 210 Practical rips, Emergency Service e Changing a Wheel Have the wheel changed at your authosized Porsche dealer @ sotraaien © The teols required fr changing a wheel (.g jack, torque wrench assembly aids are rot supplied a standard with the vice. Your authorized Porscive desler wil be pleased to ave you Ita whee nas tobe changed, the procedure described below must be edhered to exacty, as ottenvse the whee! nay become osened, resulting it damage. in such an event Persche val not be hl able Fer application of tho roquted hgh tightning torques ofthe central bot a stable, comme cialyavaiable 370 ftb./S00 Nm torque wench may be used a ‘The car may sip of the ack Duet thehigh assembly forces, there isa ish ‘ofthe car rong any when using a ck ‘Alay usa alifing pation i thera is one available, (ries Rick of damage to the cental bt © Do nbtuse an impact wrench, 1 Fly apply the handbrala, ngage 1st gear or _mnve PDK selector lve to postion P. Withdraw the ignition ke. Careful secure the car against rating éwey in both directions, e.g y placing wedges lurder the eels onthe opposte side, ‘THs particulary important on slopes, Fase the car uri the wheel Its of the ‘grou. Lit vehicle only atthe soecied Jacking oonts Peace soe the chapter “LIFTING THE VEHICLE \WITH A LIFTING PLATEORW, GARAGE LIFT OR JACK’ en Pago 217. Fisk of damage due to scratches, & Be cael when removing the west cap, ‘4 Ceretuly lever cut the wheethub cap veing 3 small screnctiver, Todoths, inser the seroutrivorin groove A. ‘Appia lace of adhesive tape tothe Stowerwer necessary to avoid seractng ‘he surface of to bolt © fhe cent bolt must ahays be epened using ‘he orginal too! ered inthe ggaze compertment © Ay keep the wench sactetin the hggage compar trent so thats available inthe eee of breakdown, 5. Isert the scclet and ft tas far as it will go. This pushes back the safety eck inthe corral bot @ seomaton the socket locks in ths position, Axor tigh torques recuredtoloosen the central bo, © Tani me correct diection! *Provent the whee rom uring ty geting @ ‘Second petscn to trate using the brake pov Fisk ot damage tothe saety lock © When ocsering the cental bt, make sure {hat the toc remains fully inserted arc) camot side — SS Practical Tins, Emergency Senice 21], . Unscrew the central bot nd sett down in suctia way that ro di can enter ‘hecone area or the trapezedal trea, NOTICE Fisk of damage to brake disea or brake cscs of the Porsche Ceramic Composite Breke (PCCB), Make sure not ttt the whee! hen remauir. 7, Remove the wheat caret 21.2 Practea Ts, fmerganey Senco Carry out a visual inspection of all before fiting the wheel ‘The central bok and the lok or safety compo- nents and must alvaysbe checked for damage, There must be no scratches oF cracks on the cone area, trapezoid thread or inner teeth of ne bat, © Thelock must not be removed from the wie hub, © Check the tootied lacing pin for smocth coeraton. When the pin is pressed int its ceridge, itmastretum frmly tits oil pasitin uithout catching. © Theteeth onthe locking pin must nt be darraged. The affected parts must be replaced they fe damaged cri you suspect that they 278 rol perfect working order. © Only brake discs tha were anproved forthe central lock may be ited © The lock must be in the wheel hub. © Al contact surfaces on the whee, wee hub and brake dsc. andthe trapezoidal treadin the wheelhub must show no signs af wear and ‘must be ee of sanc, cust and chp. pat from the thrads on the cenralbot and wheel hub all paris must be free of grease. ‘Apply some aluminum paste tote wapezoda tHvesd on the whest hub itnecessi Fick of damage to brake dscs o brake discs of the Porsche Ceramic Compost Brake (PCCE). Wake sure not ot he wheel when ating, 8. Filthe wheel caret, The vehicle must not be standing onthe wheel to be secured dur fitting, 9. Tnser the central Bot ino the socket untie engages), tthe central ait 2 ra anglas to the weal hub and sore iton without tiking 10.Tighton the corva bolt ance to at least 370 fb. (500 Nm) using a suitable torque ‘wrench and then loosen again slighaly (by approx. 1/4 LL Tighten the central bot to 370 fa, (900 nm), Prevent the wheel fom turing by geting a second persor to press te broke padal IF ou de not are 2 suitable torque wrench ima breakcown situatinn the emergency Drocedire for securing the central bok must be performs. Pease aoe tho chapter EMERGENCY PROCE- DURE FOR SECURING CENTRAL BOLT" on Page 213, 4 Wang Wheel cleaning agents Sel Claing atoms can each the ancdisee SaaCE of the central boc © Only use woe cea nts approved Dy Porsche and use thes Spar and in 2corcence with ‘nstuctons for use, Emergon Ny | re for securi lt ete for securing 5 inthe eventor Om, nO sutble torque toe gS Baibbe to tigenie he cena recat tettoing trae 3 yes {500 tm, te-emergencyorocede: ig te conta Dok must be rte te cat bot! aways be eg usin cone ol tred nee, Th comparmong, Bross he cap topo ie [eaten the central bot with force al bok (RB. SN ancnt oF ssze op the ner signa ONE lever and one at! Niholockig ps site tandem ager a deinen necessary Tete EY PIO 1/8 tae 2 ure Cut Othe et ange pat 24Now tower the venane” ea ince Bt ey ft, Zamereba tom te tou at ‘or example, (100 tn) sia toro es ant eneage inthe contra tose Whee! can He thot ching pe cera bot oeeSehatd Be tee can i © Neve dns bu Ue cing Gn eng acta Tbs, Emergency Senge 213 You il see the markings A and ML cn the central at. 2. Draw a gude ine onthe wheel atthe marking A g ‘3. Tighten the central bot further use a lorg lever untithe matking covers the guideline The bal is then tghtored securely, 4. Femove tho sockat and chock thatthe bcking Fin A fas akeady ongaged automaticaly inthe ental bot. The king pinis then sh with the incr teeth ofthe canal bo. the locking pins sillin therearposinon, he Bn must be tuned i fe le and right usne ' scuae bar trom the ‘00k, fo exarple, nul it engages inthe cereal bot. ‘When cing withcut locking pin, the central tot ‘can lnsen andthe whool can fa of Never dio without th locking pin being ‘engaged. 5. Fite wheethub capinthe centralbt so tat te postion finger is in the groove. Then press be cap ilo postion, *oply 2 smal amount o! grease onthe rubber ring ofthe cap detorehane necessary 6. Now lower the vehicle. Pease see the chapter ‘CHANGING AWHEEL" ‘on Page 207. © Have the central bot loosened again immeciately at your authorized Porsche dealor and then tighten itto the prescribed tightening torque of 370 fb. (500 Nim] using a suitable torque wrench. D seormation > The Tre Pressure Monitoring (Pu) settings on the ontoard computer must be updated ater the whee! shenge, Please soe the clepter "TPM TRE PRESSURE [MONTTORING' on Page 121. Wheel cleaning agents ies Using wheel caning agents: ‘Whee cleaning agents can bleach the anodised sutiace ofthe cetral do, © Only use wee! cleaning agents approved by Porsche and use these sparingly arin accordance withinstuctors far use. 214 Pracica Tos, Emergency Service

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