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Modules 47-48

Bucaramga 21

1. Lea las oraciones y escoja la opcin correcta.

1. I found your apartment very _____________.
A. easily
B. difficultly
C. frequently
2. Sarah behaves very _____________ with her teachers.
A. goodly
B. badly
C. easily
3. My brother always arrives at work _____________.
A. lately
B. early
C. weekly
4. They called the ambulance _____________ after the car accident.
A. immediately
B. slowly
C. peacefully
5. I couldnt sleep _____________ last night.
A. good
B. goodly

C. well

6. She was _____________ happy when she passed the Aptis Exam.
A. extremely
B. fully
C. much
2. Observa la imagen y responde las preguntas o crea
preguntas para las respuestas dadas.

Modules 47-48
Bucaramga 21

1. How many girls are there?

2. How many boys are there?
3. How much water is there?
4. How many bags are there?
5. How many animals are there?
6. How much painting is there?
There is one skater.
The boys have some fun.
There is one soccer ball.
There are two trees.


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