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Questioning: Food for Thought

Browse comprehension books

Plan lessons

Children enter school as

question marks and come out

as periods.
Neil Postman 1995

I wonder

I Wonder

the strategy that propels readers forward

Questioning At Its Best!

Wouldnt it be nice

Launching Sequence
Concrete experiences

Sensory exercises

Wordless picture books

Time for Text

Concrete Experience:
Questioning Rock

In Business for Questioning 24/7

Asking Questions
When Teachers Ask Students

When Readers
Ask Themselves Questions

Assessment Questions

Sincere Questions

(teacher generated)

(self generated)

Questions teachers know the

answers to

Questions we dont have the

answers to

Questions teachers ask in

order to check or monitor the

Questions we ponder and

wonder about
Questions that require
further research by both
teacher and student

Making Questioning Visible

Language to Use with Questioning

I wonder
What does this mean?
That was great question. Do you have any
Your question made me think of another
How come?

Thinking Stems
I wonder
What if
I dont understand
It confused me
How could

How Does Asking Questions Help

Me as a Reader?
Clarify Confusions
Speculate About What Is Yet to be Read
Determine Authors intent, style,
content or format
Locate a specific answer
Focus on the text
Consider rhetorical questions inspire
by the text

Choosing The Right Book

What I Noticed

Professional Resources
Picture Books
Social Issues
Appropriate for Grade Level
Appealed to Me

Text Modifications

Knowledge of Author

What Are We Wondering

Before We Read?

What Are We Wondering While We


What Are We
Still Wondering?

Huh? What Now?

Finding the Answers


Still Wondering

In the Head

In the Text


Link Questioning for Deeper


Watch the
chain grow!
Task/ Discuss:
Was your question chosen from
column 1 or 2?
Take turns sharing a question. If
that question evokes another
question, discuss it and link it.

Continue sharing questions/

discussions in this manner to grow
a chain.

Quotes to Get Kids Thinking

Not to know is
bad not to wish
to know is worse.
African proverb

Ones first step in

wisdom is to question
Lichtenberg, Scientist
The answers arent
important really.
Whats important
are the questions.
Snyder, author




Diller, Debbie, 2007. Making the Most of Small Groups:Differentiation for
All. Portland, Maine: Stenhouse Publishers.
Fountas and Pinnell, 1999 . Matching Books to Readers. Portsmouth , NH:
Fountas and Pinnell, 2011. The Continuum of Literacy Learning, second
edition. Portsmouth , NH: Heinemann.
Fountas and Pinnell, 2006. Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency
Portsmouth , NH: Heinemann.
Harvey & Goudvis. 2007. Strategies that Work . Portland, Maine:
Stenhouse Publishers.
Miller, Debbie, 2002. Reading with Meaning. Portland, Maine: Stenhouse
Keene, Ellin Oliver, 2008. To Understand. New Horizons in Reading
Comprehension. Portsmouth , NH: Heinemann.
McGregor, Tanny, 2007. Comprehension Connections, Bridges to
Understanding. Portsmouth , NH: Heinemann

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