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KBR Policy
1. During our in-class KBR reading time, you
may read any fiction or non-fiction book that
you havent read before. What we are working
on in class will not be acceptable.
2. I expect the books to be appropriate for your
age and reading ability. If I question your choice
of a book, I may ask for a note from your
3. Get a book from any source- the classroom
library, the school library, the public library,
your home, or borrowed from a friend, etc.
Some people actually go to book stores and buy
their books. NO really. Talk to me about your ereader (Kindles, Nooks, etc.) and well come to
an agreement. Other devices such as Ipods,
Ipads, laptops, and cell phones are not allowed
to be used as your e-reader.
4. You will be graded in three different areas for
your KBR time. 1. Each day you can earn 5
points for reading. If you are talking, not
reading, playing on your cell phone, absent, no
book, etc., you will lose the points. 2.
Learn2Earn, you will keep track of your reading
on this website. 3. Book Talks.
4. Quarter book talks on your KBR reading will
count for the equivalent of a major test. To
receive the full 100 points, you must
successfully report on 1000 pages per quarter. It
is the total number of pages you read that will
determine your grade, not the number of books.
If you read more than the required number of
pages in the quarter, the extra will carry over to
the next nine weeks grading period.
6. Learn2Earn. You will need to record what
you have read each day after KBR on this
website. You will also have to answer a
question regarding what you have read.
7. Books with pictures will count less. Come see
me to discuss a reasonable page count.

8. The book talk is an informal discussion.

You will need to convince me that you read the
book. Be prepared to answer specific, detailed
questions about your book.
9. I will conduct book talks on Fridays during
KBR time, or afterschool by apt. You will need
to have the book with you when you do your
book talk. If you dont have the book, you will
not receive credit. You are only allowed to
present one book talk at a time, so do NOT save
them until the end of the quarter.
10. If you try to report on a book and are not
able to convince me that you read the book, I
will record the book, but till not give you any
credit for the book.
11. You may abandon a book that you dont
like anywhere within the window of 25-50
pages. This means that you must read at least 25
pages before you ditch the book, but you wont
get credit for anything beyond 50 pages that you
read. I dont allow reports on books that you
havent finished. See me to complete a report
on the pages you read before you abandoned the
12. I will keep track of your pages. You may ask
to look at your book log anytime.
13. Special note about books connected to a
movie or TV show, you may report on ONE
movie/TV related book each Quarter to a
maximum of 150 pages total. This means that
even if you read a book that is 250 pages, you
will only receive credit for 150 pages.
14. You must come to class prepared. We will
make ONE trip to the library per semester. You
will NOT be allowed to go to the library during
KBR Time. The library is open from 7am until

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