Journal 2 SKPK

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This week was my 2nd week of practicum phase 3 at SKPK, problems arise as
usual as before, while or after teaching. They came from many sources such as from
myself, from my teaching aids, some were from my planning and some were from my
pupils. As for this week the main problem that will be talked about was the pupils with
emotion problem.
Based on my observation I found that the one who face this problem is three girls
and two boys. These guys were not the troublemakers but if they starts something then
it will affects the whole class. So I need to take care of these guys before its getting
worse and it will affect others as well as my lesson.
According to Dr. Amy Lew and Dr. Betty Betther it is a teachers job to understand
and motivate these kind of pupils. Without teacher spending their time on these pupils it
will be impossible for them to cope with other normal pupils in the classroom. A teacher
can motivate their pupils by understanding what their pupils need, in their theory a
teacher must be aware of the 4 cs that are connection, capability, counting and
courage. This 4 cs demands a teacher to promote sense of belonging in pupils from this
even a physical and emotion problem pupils will be a good pupils in classroom and they
will never feel discriminated in the classroom because everyone in the classroom in a
family and united as one. Next it also asks teachers to promote the environment of one
can always make a difference in classroom no matter whom or what condition the pupils
Looking at their theory I have to make pupils feel they are connected by placing
them in groups, a stick if its just alone it can easily be broken but if a stick were placed
together it will be impossible to be break, thats what I said to my pupils to strengthen
their bond. To make their spirit even higher I always offer star rewards to be put in their

reward card, pupils never discriminate their two learning disabilities friends but they
always help them and be friend with them like being friends with normal people. Making
them feel connected surely was a great Idea because it helps me a lot in preventing
other pupils from keep teasing and mocking the two unlucky pupils.
Classroom control is the most important thing that must be considered by
teachers. No matter how bad the pupils are teachers must be able to control their
pupils, or else the lesson cannot start and nothing can be delivered.

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