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Goddess Names A-I

Abundantia, Acat, Acca, Achamoth, Achlys, Adamah, Adda, Adernosa, Adishakti, Aditi, Adraste,
Adsullata, Aegea, Aegle, Aeons, Aerfen, Aestas, Aglaia, Agnayi, Aholibah, Ahurani, Aima, Aindre,
Aine of Knockaine, Akaru-hime, Akhamoth, Akibimi, Akka, Akna, Akwa Ba, Alaghom Naum Istat
Ix, Alaisiagae, Albina, Alcmena, Alecto, Aleitheia, Al-lat (Al-ilat, El-lat), Almathea (Amalthea),
Alphito, Althaea, Al-Uzza, Ama No Uzume, Amari De (De Delevski), Amaterasu, Amathaunta,
Amatsu-otome, Amaunet, Amayicoyondi, Amba Bai, Ambika, Amemait (Am-mit), Ament
(Amentet), Amirini, Ammarik, Ana, Anagke, Anahita, Anat (Anna-Nin), Anath, Anatha Baetyl,
Anbotoko Dama (Anbotoko Sorgina), Ancasta, Andromeda, Androphonos, Angerona, Angurboda,
Anna, Anna-Nin, Anna of the Angles, Anna Kauri, Anna Perennia, Annapurna, Anrita, Antum, Anu
(Anann), Anuket, Anumati, Anunet, Aoide, Aoife, Apet (Opet), Aphaea, Aphitrite, Aphrodite,
Apsaras, Apsu, Apt (Aleitheia), Arachne, Aradia, Aramaiti, Arani, Ara-seshap, Armathr,
Ardhanarisvara, Ardvi Sura Anahita, Arethusa, Aretia, Ariadne, Ariana, Arianrhod (Arionhod),
Aritimi, Arka, Arnaknagsak, Arsai, Arsinoe, Artemis, Artio, Aru (Aruru, Nintu), Asgaya-Gigagei,
Asha Poorna, Ashera (Asherah, Asherat), Ashima, Ashima Baetyl, Ashtart, Ashtoreth, Asia, Asri,
Astarte (Athtarat), Astraea, Asva, Asynjor, Atabei, Ataentsic, Ate, Atea, Atergatis, Ath-Enna, Athena
(Athene), Athtarat, Athtor, Atira, Atlanta, Atanua, Ataryatis Derketo, Atropos, Attar, Auchimalgen,
Audhumla, Aukert, Aunt Piety, Aurora , Avilayoq, Axo-Mama, Aya, Ayizan, Az
Baalat, Baau, Babelah, Bacchantes, Bachue, Badb (Badhbh), Bahu, Baltis, Banana-Maiden,
Banbha, Banshee, Bast (Bastet), Bashuli, Bau (Bohu, Bahu, Gur), Baubo, Bean-Nighe, Befana,
Belili, Belsima, Belit-Ilanit, Belit-Ili, Belit-Sheri (Nin-edin), Bellona, Belili (Beli-Sheri), Bendis,
Bene, Bensozia, Benten (Benzaiten, Benzai-Tennyo), Beltis, Benzaiten, Benzozia, Bera Pennu,
Berchta, Berecyntia, Beruth, Bestla, Bestower of Strength, Bethulta, Bhairavi, Bharati, Bhatta,
Bhavani (Bhowani, Parasu-Pani), Bhumi, Bibi Miriam, Bil, Binah, Bird Goddess, Birrahgnooloo,
Birra-Nula, Bitch Goddess, Black Annis, Black Hag, Black Madonna, Blancheflor, Blathnat,
Blodeuwedd, (the) Blue Hag, Boann, Bona Dea, Branwen, Bribsun, Brighed (Brigid, Brigit, Brid,
Bride, Brigante, Briget), Brigitte (Maman Brigitte), Brimo, Bringer of Birth and Death, Britannia,
Britomartis, Brizo, Brunissen, Brunhild (Brynhild), Buana, Bunnan, Buddhi Krotishaurima, Buddhi,
Bullai-Bullai, Buto (Uadjet)
Cabiro (Cabria), Caksusi, Calleach Beine Bric, Calleagh, Calliope, Callisto, (the) Campestres, Car,
Car-Dia (Cardea), Carman, Carme, Carmenta(Carmentis), Carnea, Carna, Carpet Snake Woman,
Cassiopeia, Cauth Bodva, Ceithlenn, Ceres, Cerridwen, Cesara (Cessair), Chala (Chapala),
Chalchiuhtlicue, Chandernaree, Changing Woman, Ch'ang-O (Heng-O), Chapala (Chala), Charis,
(the) Charybdis, Chasca, Chaos, Chauturopayini, Chhaya (Khaya), Chia, Chicomecoatl, Chih-Nii,
(the) Chimaera, Chimalmat, Chit (Buddhi), Chiu T'ien Hsuan-Nu, Cihuatcoatl, Circe, Citallinicue
(Ilamatecuhtli), Cleito, Clio, Cliona of the Fair Hair, Cloacina, Clotho, Coatlicue, Coco Mama,
Concordia, Copacati, Consus, Cotys (Cotytto), Coronis, Coventina, (The) Creatress, Creiddylad,
Cunda (Kunda), Cupra, Cybele, Cyhiraeth
Dahud, Daiera, Dainichi, Dakini, Dakshina, Damara, Dam-kina, Damona, Dana (Danu), Danae,
Danaids, Danu-Ana, Dark Lady of Wisdom, (the) Dark Maid, Dea Dia, Dea Hammia, Dea Syria,
Deborah, De Develski, Deianeira, (the) Delight Goddess, Delilah, Demeter, Dennitsa (Zvezda
Dennitsa), Derceto, Derketo, Deshtri, Deva (Devi), Devaki, Devana, Devananda, Devasuni, Death
Goddess, Destroyer of Men, Dharani, Di-Ana, Diana, Dianoia, Dictynna, Diiwica, Dike, Dinah,
Dione, Dirona, Discordia, Diti, Djet, Dodah, Dok, Dol Jyang (Bribsun), Dolma (White Tara),
Domnu, Don, Doris, Dorje-Naljorma (Vajra-Yogini), Dornoll, Druantia, Druxans, (the) Dryads,

Dugnai, Durga, Dwyvach, Dynamis, Dziewona (Devana)

Eartha, (the) Earthly Mother, (the) Eastern Mother, Echidne, Echo, Egeria, Eileithyia (Ilithyia), Eir,
Eirene, Eithinoha, Eithne, Ekadzati, Ekhamoth, Elat, Elate, Electra, Elihino, Elli, Embla, Emu
Women (the Seven Sisters), Enodia, Ennoia (Ennoe), Enthumesis, Eos, Eostre (Ostara), Epinoia,
Epona, Erato, Erce, Erditse, Eresh-kigal, Eris, Eire, Eriu (Erin), Ernmas, Ernutit (Renenet), Eros,
Erua, Erytheis (the Hesperides), Erzulie, Esharra, Ester, Esther, Estsanatlehi, Etain (Edain), Eterna,
Eunomia, Euphrosyne (Charites), Euronyme (Euronome), Europa, Euryale, Eurynome, Euterpe,
Fama, Fand, (the) Fates, Fatima, Fauna, Fea, Febris, Feng-P'o-P'o, Feronia, (the) Fertility Mother,
Fides, Filia Vocis, Fjorgyn, Flidais, Flora, Fodhla (Fotla), Fornax, Forgiver of Sins, Fortuna, Framer
of All Decrees, Fraus, Freya (Freyja, Frigg), Frimia (Fimila), Fuchi (Huchi), Fulla, (the) Furies
Gaia (Gaea), Galatea, Gandieda (Gwendydd), Ganga, Garbh Ogh, Garmangabis, Gasmu, Ga-TumDug, Gauri, Gayatri, Gefn "the Giver", Gendenwitha, Gerd The Earth Mother (Gerda), Gerfjon
(Gefjon), Gestinanna (Geshtin), Ghe, Ghul, Gjalp, Glaisrig (Glaistig), Gna, Goddess of Goddesses,
Goddess Har, Goddess of the Grove, Goddess of Marriage, Goddess of New Moon, Goddess of
Sexuality, Goddess of The Hunt, Godiva (Goda, Godgifu), Gokarmo, Goleuddydd, (the) Gorgons,
Gouri (Isani), (the) Graces (the Gratiae, the Charites), (the) Graeae, Grainne, Grian, (the) Gruagach,
Grandmother, Grandmother of Time, (The) Great Goddess, Great Mother, (The) Great Whore,
Guabancex, Guinevere, Gula, Gu-Lang, Gullveig, Gungu, Gunnlauth (Gunloed, Gunnlod),
Gwendydd, Gwenhwyfar (Guinevere, Gueneva)
Habondia, (Dame Habonde, Abundia), Hagar, Hag of the Ironwoods, Hainuwele, Hakea, Hakini,
Halja, Hamadryad, Hannah, Hanenca, Haniyama-Hine, Hani-Yasu-No-Kami, Hannahannas, Hapi,
Har, Harimella, Harita, Harmonia, Harpies, Hathor, Haumea, (Haumia), Haya, Haya-Akitsu-HimeNo-Kami, Hebat (Hepatu), Hebe, Hecabe, Hecate, Heh, Hekate, Heket, Hel (Hela), (The) Heliades,
Hemera, Heng-o (Chang-O), Hepatu (Hebat), Hepzibah, Heimarmene, Helen of Troy, Helice, Hera,
Herodias, Hertha (Nerthus), (The) Hesperides, Hesione, Hestia, Het Hert, Hetep-Sekhus, HettsuiNo-Kami, Hi'iaka, Hi'iakaikapoliopele, Himavati, Hina (Hine), Hina-Mitigator-Of-Many-Things,
Hina-Of-The-Land, Hina- Titama, Hine-Ahu-One, Hine-nui-Te-Po, Hingnoh, Hinlil, Hippodameia,
Hippolyte, Hir-Nineveh, Hlodyn, Hnossa, Ho Hsien-Ku, Holle (Holda, Holde), (The) Holy Spirit,
Horta, Horae, Horn the Holy Harlot, Hretha (Nerthus), Hsi-Ho, Hsi Wang Mu, Hubur, Hudigamma,
Hun-Ahpu-Mtye, Hunthaca, Huntress, Huruing Wuhti, Hvov, Hygeia, Hymen, Hypate (Muse),
Hypermnestra, Hyrax
Iambe, Ichchhashakti (Shaktis), Ida (Adda, Ila), Idea, Idun (Iduna), Igaehindvo, Ikugui-no-Kami,
Ila, Ilamatecuhtli, Ilithyia (Eileithyia), Ilmatar (Luonnotar), Ilythyia (Leucothia), Imbaluris,
Imberombera (Waramurungundju), Ina (Sina), Inaris, Innana ("Lady of Heaven"), Inaras (Inara),
Inari, Indoea Pad (Saning Sari), Indrani (Aindri), Ineno Pae (Mother of Rice), Ino (Leucothea), Io,
Iphigeneia, Irene, Iris, Isani (Gouri), Iseult (Isolde, Esyllt, Essyllt Vyngwen), Ishikoridome-NoMikoto, Ishtar, Isis, Istadevata, Istusaya, Iusas, Itzpapaloti, Ivi, Ixalvoh ("Water"), Ixchel
(Tlazolteotl), Izanami, Iztat Ix (Alaghom Naum)

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