Business Writing - Short Proposal

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Jessica Marler / Business Writing 1

Short Proposal


Loan Committee, United Bank of Union

Jessica Marler
July 29, 2015
Promotion of New Asst. Vice President / Loan Coordinator

The purpose of this proposal is to introduce a new job position that will bridge the gap between
the loan service department and the loan officers at United Bank of Union. The individual who
will become the Assistant Vice President/Loan Coordinator will take on the responsibility of
managing the schedules between the loan officers and the loan service department. The ultimate
goal is to have a mediator that is familiar with the way that both departments are operated and
can essentially bring the departments together to carry out the loan process more cohesively. The
objective in merging these two departments together is to improve communication and employee
morale as well as promote an overall smoother and more efficient work flow within each of the

Current Problem:
There is a severe lack of communication between the loan service department and the loan
officers. This lack in communication becomes frustrating to all parties involved and causes
tension to run high. Both departments rely heavily on one another, but their interactions are
limited due to conducting their own separate meetings and training sessions. Government rules,
regulations and loan standards are constantly changing and both departments need to
continuously be made aware of updates to loan requirements. It becomes extremely difficult to
ensure that both departments are aware of changes and performing along the same guidelines
when they are conducting training sessions that are independent of one another.

Proposed Solution:
The best way to solve the communication issues between the loan service department and the
loan officers is to promote an individual from within the bank who is familiar with the way that
both departments are operated. I worked in the loan service department for six years and have

Jessica Marler / Business Writing 2

Short Proposal

worked with the loan officers as an executive administrative assistant for three years. I am very
familiar with the way that both departments are operated and feel that I would be the best fit for
the new loan coordinator position. In taking on the new responsibilities as loan coordinator, I
would also be promoted to an Assistant Vice President for United Bank of Union. This
promotion would grant me the authority needed to make the changes that will be required to
make this new merge a success. I propose that with the promotion to AVP my salary would
increase to $50,000 annually to match that of the other AVPs at United Bank of Union.

In conclusion, the loan service department and the loan officers need to be brought together by a
third party that understands the day to day operations of both departments. It is imperative that
the communication issues that occur between these departments is corrected in order generate a
more efficient and productive work flow. With my promotion to Assistant Vice President/Loan
Coordinator I will have the authority required to make the necessary changes. I will be able to
provide unbiased third party opinions and suggestions to improve the communication process as
well as put new rules and procedures in place to improve the overall loan process.

Strategic plan for carrying out department merge:

The strategic plan for carrying out a successful merge of the two departments will include a
weekly meeting that both departments will attend in order to discuss the work load for the up and
coming week, as well as share any comments or concerns. We will also hold training sessions
over upcoming rules and regulations that both departments will attend together so that we can
insure that everyone is on the same page.
The loan coordinator will oversee the scheduling of loan closings to ensure that there is a
sufficient amount of time allotted to complete the tasks and that neither department gets
overbooked. The loan coordinator will also manage the scheduling of time-off for the employees
to ensure that both departments are completely covered for vacations, personal days, etc.

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