KINGDON, JOHN. Agenda, Alternatives and Public Policies

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base TTONGMAN CLASSI TAL SCIENCE Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies Second Edition John W. Kingdon With new foreword by James A. Thurber CHAPTER 9 Wrapping Things Up ‘This book has considered why some subject rise on governmental aged ‘ot about how presidents, members of Congres, or oer authoritative ures Take tet fia decisions Insta we have beck osupied wih anerstanding ‘ry participants dat with catin over ana nesac otar. Ths chops sue Ine apes, slung the agendas of sich subommunises as bomen. exch or wamreay wnaion Subjects at do ron sees oes acer “The proves of serative specication arows te ac et of posible a> ‘erative ht st rom whieh choices eal ate made: Tae sso be some alterstives ective more alent tan others” Some four answer 0 shi etn agent apn We sce wh fatwa, ‘ich teseparicipan afet agendas ane alemanee We have conesived oF ‘bree sveams of poceats: problems, pois, and politics, People rcognie foie ly srr roof publ poly ung, ed ey cane Eich pcg” pene, nar of Cr, Cu sana hy vi of to van pen he pcr 9 ofthe paricipants and processes con ats a imgees of a ean sui am pet he paramo proce Oo» je hgh Oh an ‘Stranraer forte disp st + tn of sublet or erative. Vigorous presure group opastion 2 Se. ‘Minitravonsuphsies fs ocr wets ceangie me peop ‘eis tend er ets Concea net usc sn AGENDA SETTING Problems tnd feedback. Sometimes more or less syematisindestor simpy ss ‘tthe condo gt inedonce of dives rt soa f= ogra) and ‘thr bur such tn vent har ony arson effects unin soompasio By ‘Son with her simian events Third offical een soot Sonos CrOWe) ‘Bontoring a conor program evaleten sie) or nora senma of ‘ny spent, Conan came 0 be defined sr posiema ana havea te ‘Sr Shun of ruin on he agen, hen we came fo Believe a should 39 ‘Sreting 0 change them. Peope i nd round poverrceat fie coviions ‘turstomed ino proba. Second: condions tecome problems by compar onthe conten ie roa ne. Tid iin 2 Soon {hoses The lc of pele wansgoracon fr handicapped peopl, fr innance, ‘nerrestment the subject rately aot by he category Problems ot ony re on goveromentl agenda ul the) als fe fom to invent ore of thor ine in losing tive. Seco, copns that lah Ks bon yng nen eo ae Fray hte mar simply be imeviable Cycle in aventon igh growth rates Politics ‘The secon fami oe for igh ow agen prominin te acy poops, pata! evens ow aon sccvaag oti or Synoies fren ther demande govereton, rere nil spr at ones agenda es A ne conceptions of problems andl propor, so takes atentin fo abet tht [patil bu oifietto conrempite sme inate, ‘gosh covainsongiuone sugy tobe ctnce as problems, or they sete oneal nin wien seepince “Te corbiraton of sonst mood 3nd laconic mote pote agenda st everuteetnl agen by adding slesens 4B mor fo ek Ming. They lest StcaTminecomeratns or bt nanan. on tir own. And whch cranaed ri her comin hel pe ot fr a ng Viste Participants ‘Subj pushed by prucipen i toe sie clon and dampened te eof Conarers the party leaders an key commie cir ‘Aenea fo at apes sting concerned led ofa and tei ap tray in specifing scraives or implementing decison, but they oo afer, ALTERNATIVE SPECIFICATION the ones that actly seeoe serie operation? There ae ts als ‘neers: (1) Aleeatives ae generated and narrowed inthe policy steam ae GB nden pip pie ne pa oo an. Hidden Participants: Specialists ‘tho wor for itrestaroupe Their works done, fr insane, plang end {anor et hoe ie Bescon th a api a cast There is such community for healthy for hance, whi flay ‘The Policy Stream four bctogial ater veleton, In what we hve tlle the policy peal ‘ch Sergei seen Te rie of ley inant sich sme ae ese torial he Inunty members: an the anipaton offre consi intodng« Dndpe oon, pub accept. and polis ecepviy. Props tata ‘Wa cot more than te edge wl silo, tuo foto opponion in {tee andar Inthe prosen of consaerton ate poly community, ess IMemciver are imporune Denture models so ne complcely cosas te Procesr Proposals are evslted partyin terms of ee pote! Suppo and “Pree Ilan proves of sotening up the system Poeyenreprenesrs SO sores cmon the rope ea pa SSGpmanerecombinnson (he eapling of iedy-famitr semen) is ore ipacan inn mua (he appeane of wheliy new fons). Tas ene frome, who proer people and idea. are more iponaa aa lnvesars Bestar recombination fs mare impertant than invention there maybe "90 Se "Ter long sfienng-up proces i rt 10 polisy change. Oppotnites for sesowebetiogs the pity windows we explored in Caper Sr pase Niky ton proces before he mind opens Tae work of Fsting and eS pro Elly important the proposal be Neate ae Chee COUPLING AND WINDOWS ‘iat om ways pie ae Snead ea reel Paley So eer nyse ane rane erp apa co ‘Dot ee cone mes when tenes seu ar joined. A pring poem

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