Journal Log

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1: 05/11/15
Website PDF transformation for automated use (ADA compliance)
Went through every tab on Kent State University Human Resources website; evaluated each tab
that was listed found out you can just click on Excel links instead
13 page list of PDF files that need to be determined for change (suggestion, description,
26 in first 4 hours, 57 total in day one
8-12 (lunch 1 hr) 1-5 = 8 hours

Day 2: 05/13/15
Website PDF transformation for ADA compliance
Continued through each PDF
Made determinations on PDFs ; at 100 now
Did research into how Google Docs work and capacity of files
Got a tour of the entire office
Met everyone including the Vice President (his last day); helped with preparing going away party
Signed out key card to access new location for doing my work
Best day so far; exciting & motivating. Did 190 PDFs today.
8-12 (lunch 1 hr) 1-5 = 8 hours

Day 3: 05/14/15
Website PDF transformation
Finished HR department; onto benefits 70 to 151
Met a few younger interns/employees (my desk is in the area where all of theirs are)
8-12 (lunch 1 hr) 1-5 = 8 hours

Day 4: 05/18/15
Finished all PDFs; just need to do images
Talked with Kim for a while and learned a lot of new things about scheduling and how important
it is to be organized and in sync with other departments. She needs communication info from
other departments a week a few weeks before it is even published.
Created her schedule for summer/fall 2015 (put in dates)
8-12 (lunch 1 hr) 1-5 = 8 hours

Day 5: 05/20/15

Completed images; entire website inventory completed!

Emailed Kim the entire PDF inventory

Did research on KSU website for various ways HR communicates to employees of entire
campus as well as HR department
Found interest in Training and Development
New schedule is 8-Noon starting May 27 (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday)
8-12 (lunch 1 hr) 1-5 = 8 hours

Day 6: 05/21/15

Completed policy link changes on website (edited each highlighted policy to the correct domain)
The HR department had switched systems so the policies werent connected and had to be
Completed all tasks so far. Waiting for a new assignment.
Memorial day weekend is coming up (Monday off)
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 7: 05/27/15

Was able to work a little on my portfolio assignments because both supervisors were out
Didnt have access to policy nodes because supervisors were out
Found out my meetings coming up are one-on-ones with each department manager to find out
what they do and what their role is
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 8: 05/28/15

Meeting with Elizabeth in Business department. Handles budgets for different departments, etc.
Dr. Nelson gave me a task to edit June Management Letter
Meeting with Bob Hall in Training and Development. Had a lot to say about the culture of the
Human Resources Department and how he got to where he is today
Couldnt access policies again (waiting for Sandra to come back from vacation)
Kim is on leave at the moment
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 9: 06/01/15

Two meetings got cancelled

Affirmative action meeting went well Title IX and helping employees through difficult situations
that occur on-campus
Finished policy nodes
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 10: 06/03/15

Met with Renee and Courtney and both were super nice and informative about their jobs

Renee is a manager in Training and Development under Bob Hall.

Courtney is the manager of Human Capital which was created for his particular skills
Helped set up for Interim Vice President meeting (met the interim VP)
Courtney invited me to the meeting (first major meeting) VP presentation
Training and Development / Human Capital seem intriguing for my future career possibilities
Had a meeting about Human Resources Divisional Update (11 a.m. 1 p.m.) w/ notes
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 11: 06/04/15

Met and talked to Omar who is the tech support person for Human Resources
Had meeting with Donna from Compensation to see what communication needs she had for
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 12: 06/08/15

Met with Loretta Shields who is the Director of Compliance and Benefits
Loretta said she would look at my resume any time
Met with Mark McLeod who is the Manager of Benefits at Kent State
Mark had a lot of knowledge in how to succeed in a similar position and felt that communication
is a vital asset in any job. Also found out that Kent has some of the best and most competitive
benefits in the state
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 13: 06/10/15

Met with Mary Jane from Talent and Acquisition (something I would be interested in doing)
Mary handles all postings, hirings and filtering of potential candidates at Kent State
Met with Dr. Nelson from Engagement and Outreach (busy but interesting)
Meeting with Tia before I leave for the day
Got a computer set up for my own use
Got a few handouts from Engagement to demonstrate how they reach out for events to faculty
and staff
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 14: 06/22/15

Had a meeting with Labor Relations (firing people, work with the union, go with terminated
employees to get personal things so everything runs smooth)
Attended Veterans Job Fair Debriefing (have notes on suggestions and changes for the next one)
Edited Wellness Test document for Benefits Department
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 15: 06/24/15

Created Using and Reporting Vacation/Sick Leave, Delays/Closings and Delays/Closings

FAQ webpages
Designed table for FAQ and worked to format the text
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 16: 06/25/15

Proofread Manager/New Hire Onboarding guides for hiring new employees

Created memo from Interim Vice President Willis Walker that would go out to all
Supervisors/Managers about the onboarding guides
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 17: 06/29/15

Continued working on KSU HR website using Drupal program

Formatting the text after copy/paste is becoming an issue
Sat in meeting with Compensation for communication needs (Kim and Sandra)
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 18: 07/01/15

Finished 1 document for Drupal (lengthy 6 page document)

Had meeting with Benefits about communication needs (9 a.m. 10 a.m.)
Working on Hairspray Employee Appreciation Event flyer (designing the layout and text format)
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 19: 07/02/15

Continued work on Drupal web pages

Completed/worked on Hairspray Employee Appreciation Day webpage
Learned how to place images in Drupal format for webpage (have to give the image its own
webpage and then copy and paste the URL in the initial webpage)
Making a lot of progress with producing work and gaining knowledge on the Drupal program
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 20: 07/06/15

Continued working on Drupal webpages (inputting pay ranges for each university division)
Edited roman numeral sections to be shown properly so content would appear formatted on
handheld devices AND computers
Will probably be working on pay ranges the rest of the week

Starting to feel communications in human resources might be the spot for me after all
Also fixed up the Hairspray Employee Appreciation web page that was due today
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 21: 07/08/15

Continued Drupal transfer of webpages (pay ranges)

Got 6 or 7 done today (webpages)
Began creating KSU for You template to transfer into the Drupal system
Getting a lot of work done in little time while remaining accurate in my work
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 22: 07/09/15

Drupal transfer (non-exempt staff pay ranges)

Created KSU for You template for re-use in future years and events
Contemplating what I really want to do with my career; back and forth with the idea of working
in human resources and if its really what I want to do
Still getting a lot of work done in a very quick time while remaining accurate
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 23: 07/13/15

Finished pay ranges for Drupal

Emailed all/almost all webpages I have created through Drupal to my email to use in my
Got started on practicum self-evaluation paper
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 24: 07/15/15

Worked directly next to Kim on editing August Wellness Offerings for the E-Inside (managers
Worked a little more on my self-reflective analysis today
Will work more with Kim and attend meeting with her tomorrow
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 25: 07/16/15

Called off work due to pain in my wisdom teeth after they were removed

Day 26: 07/20/15

Made and emailed word document to Kim for Title IX training dates to be added
Worked on portfolio and finished my self-reflective analysis paper

Many people are being shifted around the office because the Vice Presidents assistant is
moving into the building (my spot stays but shared with Cory who is Kims assistant)
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 27: 07/22/15

Kim was in a seminar all morning

Got time to work on my experiential paper
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 28: 07/23/15

Kim was at the Stark Campus for another seminar

Got a lot of my online portfolio done-finished experiential paper
Put about 100 sticker names on envelopes for onboarding guide mail-out
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 29: 07/27/15

Added Title IX and other department updates/information to the monthly management update
(worked with Kim)
Worked a bit on typing up my journal/log entries
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 30: 07/29/15

Met with Kim this morning to put final pieces into the monthly management update
Found out the table from Title IX didnt have links for employees to sign up on it so I went back
in my email and found the right table to place in the management update.
I made sure the formatting for the management update was clean and in order
Worked more on my journal/log entries
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 31: 07/30/15

Proofread August Management Update with Kim

Proofread August Newsletter
Worked on online portfolio
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 32: 08/03/15

Cleaned up online portfolio

Printed journal/log for Kim to sign
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 33: 08/05/15

Proofread articles
Reviewed/proofread portfolio
Updated journal/log
8-12 = 4 hours

Day 34: 08/06/15

Finalized my online portfolio to be turned in

Updated the log/journal one last time
Will be going to lunch with Kim to discuss the internship etc.
8-12 = 4 hours

Total hours completed: 152 hours

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