For Official Use Only: Technical Literature On Corrosion/Carbonisation Protection in Concrete Structures

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For Official use only

(Railway Board)



MARCH 2008


LUCKNOW - 226011

































0. Introductions
Corrosion of steel in concrete is a complex phenomenon. There are different
factors affecting the process of corrosion in concrete. The increase in volume of
reinforcement after corrosion is one of the adverse effects on the structure apart from
reduction in cross section area of reinforcement. Corrosion has been found one of the
important reason causing weakness to concrete structures. Lot of research has been done
on this subject in India and abroad to prevent the process of corrosion in concrete
structures. Before discussing the methods to avoid or reduce corrosion, it will be more
appropriate to understand some of the fundamentals of process of corrosion of
reinforcement in concrete. The ingress of water and oxygen is must to start process of
corrosion. The excess of Ca (OH) 2 as a result of hydration process of cement in concrete
provides a passive environment around reinforcement to prevent corrosion. The pH value
of normal concrete with OPC remains in the range of 13 to 17. Any chemical reaction
with in concrete to reduce this pH value poses a potential threat for start of corrosion of
reinforcement apart from other damages to concrete microstructures. Following are few
commonly known processes causing deterioration to concrete.


Carbonation of concrete

The microstructure of concrete is such that it has capillary pores to the extent of
28%. The extent of pores depends upon quality of concrete and the presence of water at
the time of mixing of concrete. Making more dense concrete with less w/c ration reduces
the amount of pores. These pores are created due to evaporation of excess free water
during strengthening of concrete mass. These pores are inter connected and goes inside
the concrete mass from surface of concrete structures.
Carbonation of concrete is a process by which carbon dioxide from the air
penetrates into concrete through pores and reacts with calcium hydroxide to form calcium
carbonates. It has seen that the conversion of Ca(OH)2 into CaCO3 by the action of CO2
results in a small shrinkage.
We shall see another aspect of carbonation, as CO2 by itself is not reactive. In the
presence of moisture, CO2 changes into dilute carbonic acid, which attacks the concrete
and also reduces alkalinity of concrete (i.e. ph value reduces).
Air contains CO2. The concentration of CO2 in rural air may be about 0.03 percent
by volume. In large cities the content may go up to 0.3 percent or exceptionally it may go
up to even 1.0 per cent. In the tunnel, if not well ventilated the intensity may be much
The pH value of pore water in the hardened concrete is generally between 12.5 to
13.5 depending upon the alkali content of cement. The high alkalinity forms a thin
passivating layer around steel reinforcement and protect it from action of oxygen and
water. As long as steel is placed in a highly alkaline condition, it is not going to corrode.
Such condition is known as passivation.

In actual practice CO2 present in atmosphere in smaller or greater concentration,

permeates into concrete and carbonates the concrete and reduces the alkalinity of
concrete. The pH value of pore water in the hardened cement paste, which was around
13, will be reduced to around 9.0. When all the Ca (OH)2 has become carbonated, the pH
value will reduce up to about 8.3. In such a low pH value, the protective layer gets
destroyed and the steel is exposed to corrosion.
The carbonation of concrete is one of the main reasons for corrosion of
reinforcement. Of course oxygen and moisture are the other components required for
corrosion of embedded steel.
Rate of Carbonation:
The rate of carbonation depends on the following factors.

The level of pore water i.e. relative humidity.

Grade of concrete

Permeability of concrete

Whether the concrete is protected or not

Depth of cover


Fig 1 Depth of Carbonation with respect to strength (grade) of concrete

It is interesting to know that if pore is filled with water the diffusion of CO2 is
very slow. But whatever CO2 is diffused into the concrete, is readily becomes dilute
carbonic acid reducing the alkalinity of concrete.
On the other hand if the pores are rather dry, that is at low relative humidity the
CO2 remains in gaseous form and does not react with hydrated cement. The moisture
penetration from external source is necessary to carbonate the concrete.

Fig 2 Depth of Carbonation for protected and un-protected concrete Depth of

carbonation with age and grade of concrete

Table 1

Depth of Carbonation (mm)


The highest rate of carbonation occurs at a relative humidity of between 50 and 70

per cent.
The rate of carbonation depth will be slower in case of stronger concrete for the
obvious reason that stronger concrete is much denser with lower W/C ratio. It again
indicates that the permeability of the concrete, particularly that of skin concrete is much
less at lower W/C and as such the diffusion of CO2 does not take place faster, as in the
case of more permeable concrete with higher W/C ratio. Fig 1 and table 1 shows th4e
depth of carbonation in various grades of concrete.
It is now well recognized that concrete needs protection for longer durability.
Protective coating is required to be given for long span bridge girders, flyovers, industrial
structures and chimneys. The fig.2 shows carbonation depth of protected and unprotected concrete.
Depth of cover plays an important role in protecting the steel from carbonation.
The table 2 shows relationships between W/C, depth of cover and time in years for
carbonation depth to reach the reinforcement.
Table 2 Approximate relations between W/C, depth of cover and time in years for
carbonation depth to reach the reinforcement.
Depth of cover (mm)






Time in years for carbonation





Fig 3 Concrete is under continuous attack by aggressive envoi mental agencies. Good
concrete and sufficient cover is the answer for durability
Measurement of depth of carbonation:
A common and simple method for establishing the extent of carbonation is to treat
the freshly broken surface of concrete with a solution of phenolphthalein in diluted
alcohol. If the Ca(OH) 2 is unaffected to CO2 the colour turns out to be pink. If the
concrete is carbonated it will remain uncoloured. It should be noted that the pink colour
indicates that enough Ca(OH) 2 is present but it may have been carbonated to a lesser
extent. The colour pink will show even up to a pH value of about 9.5.
2. Chloride Attack:
Chloride attack is one of the most important aspects for consideration when we
deal with the durability of concrete. Chloride attack is particularly important because it
primarily causes corrosion of reinforcement. Statistics have indicated that over 40 per
cent of failure of structures is due to corrosion of reinforcement.
We have already discussed that due to high alkalinity of concrete a protective
oxide film is present on the surface of steel reinforcement. The protective passivity layer
can be lost due to carbonation. This protective layer also can be lost due to the presence
of chloride in the presence of water and oxygen. In reality the action of chloride in
inducing corrosion of reinforcement is more serious than any other reasons. One may
understand that Sulphates attack the concrete whereas the chloride attacks steel
Chloride enters the concrete from cement, water, and aggregate and sometimes
from admixtures. The present day admixtures are generally containing negligible quantity
of chloride or what they call chloride free. Chloride can enter the concrete by diffusion
from environment. The Bureau of Indian Standard earlier specified the maximum
chloride content in cement as 0.05 percent. But it is now increased the allowable chloride
content in cement to 0.1 per cent. I S 456 of 2000 limits the chloride content as (Cl) in the
concrete at the time of placing is shown in table 3.

Fig 4 Pink Colour indicates that Ca (OH) 2 is unaffected by carbonization. the

uncoloured portion indicates that concrete is carbonated.
Table 3 Limits of Chloride Content of Concrete (IS 456 of 2000)



Type of Use of Concrete

Maximum Total
chloride content.
kg/m3 of concrete
Concrete containing metal and steam cured 0.4
at elevated temperature and prestressed
Reinforced concrete or plain concrete 0.6
containing embedded metal
Concrete not containing embedded metal or 3.0
any material requiring protection from

The amount of chloride required for initiating corrosion is partly dependent on the
pH value of the pore water in concrete. At a pH value less than 11.5 corrosion may occur
without the presence of chloride. At pH value greater than 11.5 a good amount of
chloride is required.
Limiting values of chloride contents, above which corrosion may be imminent, for
various values of pH are indicated in table 4. The total chloride in concrete is present
partly as insoluble chlorialuminates and partly in soluble form. It is the soluble chloride,
which is responsible for corrosion of reinforcement.
Table 4 Limiting Chloride Content Corresponding to pH of concrete

Chloride content g/litre






Chloride Permeability Based on Charge Passed

(As per ASTM C 1202)
Very Low

Charges passed
2000 to 4000
1000 to 2000
100 to 1000

Type of Concrete
High water-cement ratio 0.6
Moderate W/C ratio (0.4 to 0.5)
Water-cement ratio 0.4
Latex modified concrete
Polymer Impregnated concrete

Corrosion of Steel (Chloride induced)

Corrosion of steel in concrete is an electrochemical process. When there is a
difference in electrical potential along the steel reinforcement in concrete, an
electrochemical cell is set up. In the steel, one part becomes anode and other part
becomes cathode connected by electrolyte in the form of pore water in the hardened
cement paste. The positively charged ferrous ions Fe++ at the anode pass into solution
while the negatively charged free electrons e- pass through the steel into cathode where
they are absorbed by the constituents of the electrolyte and combine with water and
oxygen to form hydroxyl ions (OH)-. These travel through the electrolyte and combine
with the ferrous ions to form ferric hydroxide, which is converted by further oxidation to
rust.The reactions are described below
Anodic reactions
Fe Fe++ +2 e++
Fe 2(OH) - Fe (OH) 2 (Ferrous hydroxide)
4 Fe (OH) 2 + 2H2 O+O2 4 Fe (OH) 3 (Ferric oxide)
Cathodic reaction
4 e- + O2+ H2 O 4 (OH)

Fig 5 Simplified model representing corrosion mechanism

Fig 6 Shows that, depending on the oxidation state, metallic iron can increase
more than six times in volume.

Fig 7 Diagrammatic representation of damage induced by corrosion cracking,

spalling and delamination
It can be noted that no corrosion takes place if the concrete is dry or probably
below relative humidity of 60 percent because enough water is not there to promote
corrosion. It can also be noted that corrosion does not take place if concrete is fully
immersed in water because diffusion of oxygen does not take place into the concrete.
Probably the optimum relative humidity for corrosion is 70 to 80 percent.
The products of corrosion occupy a volume as many as six times the original
volume of steel depending upon the oxidation state. Fig. 6 shows the increase in volume
of steel depending upon the oxidation state.
The increased volume of rust exerts thrust on cover concrete resulting in cracks,
spalling or delamination of concrete. Refer Fig 7. With this kind of situation concrete
loses its integrity. The cross section of reinforcement progressively reduces and the
structure is sure to collapse.
3.0 Corrosion Control:
From the literature survey and case studies it has been reported that 40% of failure
of structures is on account of corrosion of embedded steel reinforcement in concrete.
Therefore corrosion control of steel reinforcement is a subject of paramount importance.
First and foremost for corrosion control is the good quality of concrete through
good construction practices. It is a very vast subject touches the fundamentals of

choosing constituents material and good rules to be followed during various stages or
production of concrete, in particular the use of lowest possible water/cement ratio having
regard to workability. In view of the general availability of superplasticizers, it should be
used to cut down the W/C ratio to make dense concrete.

Fig 8
Proper mix design, use of right quality and quantity of cement for different
exposure conditions is to be adopted. Recently it has been realized that lower W/C ratio
which has been always associated with lower permeability is not enough to make
impermeable concrete contributing to high durability. Use of supplementary cementitious
materials such as fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag (ggbs), silica fume etc. are
required to be used as admixtures or in the form of blended cement in addition to lowest
possible W/C ratio to make concrete dense. These materials improve more than one
properties of concrete, which will eventually reduce corrosion of reinforcement. Tests on
mortar containing ggbs have shown that water permeability is reduced by a factor up to
100. It is also reported that 60 per cent ggbs educed the diffusion of chloride ions into the
concrete by as much as 10 times. Silica fume contributes to the all-round improvements
in the quality of concrete, which are responsible for reducing corrosion of steel
reinforcement. The improvement in the microstructure of hydrated cement paste is
ultimately responsible for protecting the steel reinforcement from corrosion.

Fig 9 Crack formed due to bursting pressure on account of rusting of reinforcements

Example of delamination of concrete cover

In short it can be said that if we make good concrete with low permeability and
improved microstructure, it will be durable by itself and also it can take care of the
reinforcement contained in it o a great extent. It is always not possible to make such ideal
concrete, particularly, in view of the complex environmental and exposure conditions.
Further the inherent long term drying shrinkage and micro cracks in concrete, the
problems become more serious. This demands certain other measures to control the
corrosion of steel reinforcement. They are listed and briefly explained.

Metallurgical methods

Corrosion inhibitors

Coatings to reinforcement


Chloride removal

Cathodic protection

Coatings to concrete
3.1 Metallurgical Methods:
Steel can made more corrosion resistant by altering its structure through
metallurgical processes. Different methods such as rapid quenching of the hog bars by
series of water jets, or by keeping the hot steel bars for a short time in a water bath, and
by such other process the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance property of steel
can be improved. There are many situations where stainless steel reinforcements are used
for long term durability of concrete structures.
3.2 Corrosion inhibitors:
Corrosion inhibitors, which come in powder, gel and liquid form, retard the rate
of the corrosion reaction. They are widely used in many industries to effectively reduce
the corrosion rate of steel and other metals. Commercial products for the control of
corrosion of steel reinforcement in atmospherically exposed concrete were first produced
in the 1970's. They increase the time to the onset of corrosion and then act to reduce
the rate of corrosion. They can be introduced into the concrete mix at the time of
construction/ repair or (in a suitable formulation) applied to the surface of an existing
concrete structure. There are three main types of inhibitors:
3.2.1 Anodic inhibitors, which retard the corrosion reaction at the anode: Corrosion
can be prevented or delayed by chemical method by using certain corrosion inhibiting
chemicals such as nitrites, phosphates, benzoates etc. At low dosage there is concern that
they will suppress generalized corrosion but may fail to eliminate all anodic sites. Of the
available materials, the most widely used admixture is based on calcium nitrite but have
proved to be deleterious at high chloride concentrations. It is added to the concrete during
mixing of concrete. The typical dosage is of the order of 10-30 litres per m3 of concrete
depending on chloride levels in concrete.

Fig 10 Corrosion inhibiting effects of calcium nitrite

As mentioned earlier, in the high pH of concrete, the steel is protected by a
passivating layer of ferric oxide on the surface of steel. However, the passivating layer
also contains some ferrous oxide, which can initiate corrosion when the chloride ions
reach the steel. The nitrite ions present in the corrosion-inhibiting admixture will oxidize
the ferrous oxide to ferric oxide, thus stabilizing the passivating layer even in the
presence of chlorides. The concentration of nitrite must by sufficient to cope up with the
continuing ingress of chloride ions.
Calcium nitrite corrosion inhibitor comes in a liquid from containing about 30 per
cent calcium nitrite solids by weight. The more corrosion inhibitor is added, the longer
the onset of corrosion will be delayed. Since most structures in a chloride environment
reach a level of about 7 kg of chloride iron per m3 during their service life, use of less
than 18 litres/ m3 of calcium nitrite solution is not recommended.
Fig. 10 shows that without an inhibitor the reinforcing steel starts to corrode when
the chloride content at the rebar reaches a threshold level of 0.7 kg/ m 3. Although the
corrosion process starts when the threshold level is reacted, it may take several years for
staining, cracking and spalling to become apparent and several more years before
deterioration occurs. Adding calcium nitrite increases this corrosion threshold. When you
add 20-litres/ m3, corrosion will not begin until over 7.7-kg/ m3 of chloride is present in
the concrete at the rebar.
3.2.2 Cathodic inhibitors
Which retard the reaction at the cathode and seek to prevent oxygen reaching the
reinforcing steel. At low dosages, they are effective at reducing corrosion rates but are
generally less efficient than the anodic type.
3.2.3 Bipolar inhibitors
They retard the corrosion process both at the anode and the cathode. These combine
the benefits of both anodic and cathodic inhibitors at relatively low dosages. In this category
organic Migratory bipolar corrosion inhibitors are the most widely used.
Migratory Bipolar Corrosion inhibitors are organic inhibitors. They protect the
steel at both the anodic and the cathodic sites. The Bipolar corrosion inhibitor chemistry
involves migration of its molecules by electron density distribution to both the anodic and

cathodic sites of the steel. By virtue of its high vapour pressure, very high affinity and
virtue of diffusion these inhibitors migrate towards the steel in concrete and get deposited
in a monomolecular layer. This is true even in dense concrete. This barrier coating then
raises the chloride threshold concentration for corrosion. Further more the inhibitor
within the concrete matrix reduces the rate of chloride ion migration towards steel. It also
dislodges previously absorbed chloride ions and water molecules on the steel surface.
The basic advantage of the product lies in the ease of use. Studies have proved
that addition of these types of corrosion inhibitors has no deleterious effect on the
properties of concrete. Concrete penetrating corrosion inhibiting admixture upon addition
into the concrete matrix plays a major role in inhibiting the corrosion process. The
European Committee for standardization (CEN) pr. ENV 1504-9 recommends application
of Concrete penetrating corrosion inhibitors as a proven corrosion control strategy.
SHRP-S-666 (Strategic Highway Research Programme) has recommended these types of
corrosion inhibitors for concrete structures subjected to chloride-induced corrosion.
General Building Corporation of Japan has evaluated this product in concrete extensively
and has reported rebar life extension by six times. Two codes available internationally for
testing these types of inhibitors are ASTM G 109 & JIS A 6205.
They are available, both as surface applied inhibitors and as admixed inhibitors.
Surface applied inhibitors are used by spraying on the complete surface of the structure
being repaired so that protection to the unexposed reinforcement is taken care of.
Admixed inhibitors are used in the fresh mortar/concrete being placed for strengthening
the structure.
Specification for surface applied Corrosion inhibitor

Specific Gravity
Viscosity at 250C

Bipolar Water based Organic inhibitor. Concrete penetrating type.

Colorless Hazy liquid
1.01 1.02 at 25o C
11-12 sec by Ford B4 Cup.
Minimum 9.5
To be sprayed at the rate of 4m2 / ltr
Non-toxic , Eco-friendly.
Should pass JIS - 6205 standard

Specification for Admixed corrosion inhibitor

Specific Gravity
Viscosity at 250C

Bipolar Organic inhibitor. Concrete penetrating type.

1.05 1.08 at 25o C
11-12 sec by Ford B4 Cup.
Minimum 9.0

Effect on concrete

3 kgs per cubic meter of concrete.

Non-toxic, Eco-friendly.
No adverse effect on physical properties in fresh & hardened concrete in
the absence of any other admixtures. However it is Essential to carry out
trial mix with desired admixtures along with Migratory Corrosion

Compatibility for
Thermal Cycles

Higher Compatible for higher thermal cycles No deleterious effects

even at high temperature. Effective even at higher temperatures.
Should pass ASTM-G-109 standard & JIS - 6205
Should pass tropical climate test (thermal cycles)

Acceptance Criteria:
Migratory Bipolar Corrosion Inhibitor should be tested as per ASTM-G-109/ JIS - 6205
from reputed laboratories like CSIR & I.I.T.
Tropical Compatibility:
Material shall have evaluated test reports indicating significant reduction in corrosion rate
after minimum of 90 thermal cycles at 60oC followed by 8 weeks of accelerated
corrosion. (Linear polarization method)
The inhibitor shall be non-toxic & safe to plant and human life.
The principle of most inhibitors is to develop a very thin chemical layer on the
surface of the reinforcement. There is a very wide range of corrosion protection
performance from different inhibitor formulations, even with generic classifications.
Independent evaluation and certification of performance is desirable. However,
such evaluations need to be representative of field concretes and conditions. As the
true effect of an inhibitor can only be evaluated from corrosion rate measurements
before and after application and by reference to a control area, such systematic
evaluations are lengthy processes and are in their early stages.
3.3 Coatings to Reinforcement:
3.3.1 Cement Polymer Composite coating system (CECRI Karaikudi):
Central Electro-Chemical Research Institute, Karaikudi, developed the system
after years of research on cement-based coatings. Rebars embedded in concrete are
surrounded by an alkaline medium and as such cement based coating is more compatible.
Basically two coats are applied - Primer coat and Sealer coat. The primer and sealer
products: have thereto-plastic acrylic resin as basic raw material. The sealer product is
formulated with resin mixed with cement as a pigment. The principle of the system is
that the base metal contains 'p' electrons, which get released in corrosive environment
leading to formation of Iron Oxide (Fe203). To prevent oxidation, a surface coating
capable of nullifying the released electrons is provided. The sealer coat is compatible with
primer and alkaline environment.

System at a Glance:
No. Parameter



Sand blasting to the near white metal


(Surface reparation)
Primer coat


Sealer coat


Air curing


Continuity of coating

To be given within 4 hours of sand

Within 30minutes of primer coat, this
should be given. Thickness 150
microns 25 microns
Six hours before use in the work.


No defects such as cracking, bulging,

peeling, no rust mark. Inspect visually.
Adhesion of coating Coated bars are bent @ 120 around a
mandrel. No peeling or cracking should be
observe don outer radius.
Stack bars on buffer material.


Cutting, bending, welding



Coated bars can be cut and bent. Cut ends and

weld portion should be treated with same

3.3.2 Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating:

The System:
Fusion bonded epoxy is basically 100% solid finely ground fused powder
particles, which when heated; melt to form a continuous adherent film. Fusion
Bonded Epoxy Coating (FBEC) system for rebars is a fully automatized online
process and large quantities of rebars can be obtained by reproducible quality. In early
seventies, this system was originally developed in USA and around 1988, it started
in India. It involves coating of epoxy under factory conditions and such plants are
established in the country.


Fig 11
Pros and Cons of the System:
Though this system is being used in India for more than a decade and in USA for
more than 3 decades, there are opinions expressed in favour and against this system..
Briefly, some points are highlighted here for the benefit of decision makers.
Points in favour of the system:
Research carried out by The National Bureau of Standards (NBS) for Federal
Highway Administration, USA concluded that epoxy coated reinforcement by
fusion bonding process in excess of 102 microns in thickness would be capable
of protecting steel from corrosion. Similarly, research done in other countries
(Canada, Japan, UK) has shown that FBEC bars performed better compared to
uncoated bars.
In India, Central Road Research Institute conducted the test on coated bars in the
laboratory and in field for 3 years and evaluated that the performance of FBECR
bars is satisfactory.
It is possible to repair cut ends and damages to the fusion bonded epoxy coated
bard by touch-up methods. Within few hours, it can be used.
Points against the system:

There is no passivating primer film provided in case of FBEC rebars.

This coating introduces a medium of weakness in the path of an intimate bond

between rebar and alkaline concrete.

Investigation carried out on 40 bridges in Florida Key in USA has revealed that
disbandment can occur easily in the FBEC rebars which lacked passivation layer
of Fe 2 O 3 and is a precursor to corrosion.

Higher co-efficient of Thermal Expansion of fusion bonded epoxies impose

large thermal stresses in epoxy coating leading to its early failure.

Cost of FBEC rebars is 30 to 50% higher than uncoated bars.

Lot of precautions and care is required in transportation, handling and placement of these
coated bars failing which there will be damages, cuts and abrasions which may lead
to corrosion.
3.3.3 IP Net Rebar Coating System (CBRI Roorkee)
It is Interpenetrating Polymer Network Coating System for Corrosion Protection of
Reinforcing Steel.System Composition. The coating system consists of a primer coat and
a topcoat of the same system. The Primer and Topcoat (both coats) have Epoxy phenolic
base with mixing proportion of 1: 1 of resin and hardener by volume.
The application of the IPNet-RB coating system comprises the following sequence.
Properties: System shall conforms to

ASTM - D - 3963 - 86 A- (Adhesion test with reinforcing steel)

IS - 2770 (Part-1) (Pull-out test of coated bar with concrete)
ASTM - B - 117 - 64 Part 21 (Salt spray test)
ASTM-D- 2370-73 (Elongation).
The durability of the coated rebars is related to the coating quality. The more damages to
the coating is more prone to corrosion. Good job site practices can minimize the coating
damages. For this reason, standards from ASTM, NACE (USA) have laid down specific
procedures for stacking and transporting coating bars. Some important guidelines are
referred here.
Specifications for patch repairing of coating damages
a) Coating repairs is required when peeling off and other damages exist. Prior to repairs,
the damaged area shall be cleaned by removing loose or deleterious material. In case
where rust is present it shall also be mechanically removed to repair.
b) After this, primer coat shall be brush applied. After curing (4 hours) top coat shall be
applied and it is desirable to ensure a thickness of 150 microns.
The object of coating to steel bar is to provide a durable barrier to aggressive materials,
such as chlorides. The coatings should be robust to withstand fabrication of reinforcement
cage, and pouring of concrete and compaction by vibrating needle.
3.3.4 Simple cement slurry coating
It is a cheap method for temporary protection against rusting of reinforcement in
storage. Central Electro Chemical Research Institute (CECRI) Karaikudi have suggested
a method for prevention of corrosion in steel reinforcement in concrete. The steps
involved in this process are:
De-rusting: The reinforcements are cleaned with a de-rusting solution. This is followed
without delay by cleaning the rods with wet waste cloth and cleaning powder. The rods
are then rinsed in running water and air-dried.
Phosphating: Phosphate jelly is applied to the bars with fine brush. The jelly is left for
45-60 minutes and then removed by wet cloth. An inhibitor solution is then brushed over
the phosphated surface.
Cement Coating: Slurry is made by mixing the inhibitor solution with Portland cement
and applied on the bar. A sealing solution is brushed after the rods are air cured. The
sealing solution has an insite curing effect. The second coat of slurry is then applied and
the bars are air-dried.
Sealing: Two coats of sealing solution are applied to the bars in order to seal the micropores of the cement coat and to make it impermeable to corrosive salts.
The above is a patent method evolved by CECRI and license is given to certain
agencies. Somehow or other this method has not become very popular. Some experienced
consultants and engineers doubt the efficacy of this method.
3.4 Metallic coatings (Galvanized reinforcement):
Although coatings can be provided by number of metals such as nickel, copper,
lead, tin etc., coating provided by using zinc is more suitable and economical. This
process is known as "Hot Dip Galvanizing" and involves steps such as picking,

rinsing, flux solution dipping, drying and coating.

Galvanizing of reinforcement consists of dipping the steel bars in molten zinc.
This results in a coating of zinc bonded to the surface of steel. The zinc surface reacts
with calcium hydroxide in the concrete to form a passive layer and prevents corrosion.

Fig 12 Galvanization process adopted for corrosion resistance

Minimum mass of zinc coating shall be provided as given in the following table:
Mass of zinc coating minimum Reference
grams/m2 of surface

S. No.



surrounding 915 (125 microns)
such as marine areas,
chemical plants

ICJ Paper January




610 (85 microns)

- do -

Zinc coating covers up any scratches/holidays that may occur in the coating due to electrochemical property of zinc. Galvanized bars can be bent without cracking or peeling up of
coating due to ductility of zinc. Bond characteristics and weld-ability of zinc coated bars
remain unaffected.
Testing of Galvanized Bars:
Following tests shall be carried out to determine suitability of galvanized bars and before using
them in concrete:



Hammer Test (Hammer Wt.215 gms)


Knife Test (Sharp Edge)



for Reference
Should not peel off
IS 2629

No scratches and no IS 2629

peel off
Thickness Test
Zinc coating should IS 3203
conform to specified
Preece Test (copper sulphate test for coating No copper deposits
IS 2633
Hydrogen evolution test for purity of zinc Coating mass to be as ASTM A
coating wt.
Stripping test 15% HCL solution
Coating as specified IS - 6745
IS - 4759

3.5 Re-alkalization:
This electro-chemical technique provides a means of restoring the alkalinity to
carbonated but otherwise sound concrete. It involves the passage of a direct current
between the reinforcement (the cathode) and an anode applied temporarily to the
surface of the concrete. This process generates hydroxyl ions at the steel surface,
which locally regenerates the alkalinity of the concrete raising its pH upto about 12.
This helps restore the passivating surface oxide layer to the reinforcement.
Under the applied voltage, alkali ions are drawn from the anode into the
concrete. The use of sodium or potassium carbonate electrolyte is claimed to make the
treatment more resistant to further carbonation. Several forms of anode may be
employed. These are commonly either some form of mesh (titanium or steel) or
electrolytic tanks (for vertical surfaces)/baths (for deck slab applications). Sprayed
cellulose impregnated with the electrolyte is used with the mesh anode system.
The introduction of sodium ions, when using sodium carbonate as an
electrolyte, may exacerbate any potential the concrete has for ASR. In these cases,
plain water has been used as an electrolyte. It is understood that a lithium electrolyte has
been proposed and tested but is still a subject of research. The process typically takes


between three and five days but sometimes may take several weeks. Successful
treatment can be established by means of an acid/alkaline indicating solution. However,
it should be noted that phenolphthalein changes colour at a pH of about 9.5 (unless a
modified solution of phenolphthalein is used). This is not a passivating condition
and an indicator (Universal indicator) with a colour change closer to pH 12 may
be required to demonstrate that a passivating condition has been achieved.
As with cathodic protection and desalination, consideration must be given to
hydrogen evolution at the reinforcement. The re-alkalization process applies some 20
- 50 VDC between the anode and the steel that must be expected to achieve steel
potentials at which hydrogen evolution could take place. It seems unlikely that realkalization would need to be applied to pre-stressed concrete structures.
Re-alkalization requires electrical continuity of the steel in the areas to be
treated, a reasonable level and uniformity in the conductivity of the concrete, no
short circuits between the cathode and the anode and no electrically insulating layers
in he cover zone/bar surrounds. The process requires fewer concrete repairs than the
patch repair alternative. It is also able to treat the whole surface of the zone in
question. There has been strong growth in the use of re-alkalization in recent years
(since the late 1980's) presumably because of its greater convenience and cost
advantage over patch repairs.
3.6 Chloride removal:
Negatively charged chloride ions (Cl-) can be repelled from reinforcement and
move towards an external anode by making the steel cathodic and passing a direct
current through the concrete. This process is known by various names such as electrochemical chloride extraction, desalination and chloride removal. It is similar in
operation to cathodic protection by utilizes a temporary anode and a much higher
electrical power density. The cathode reaction generates hydroxyl ions that locally
enhance the alkalinity of the concrete in the vicinity of the reinforcing bars and
encourages their re-passivation. Treatment periods are in the order of 3 to 6 weeks.
Electrolytes employed include water and saturated calcium hydroxide.
The anode types employed are essentially the same as those used for
Realkalisation protection, namely either mesh systems or liquid electrolyte systems
contained within tanks. Sprayed cellulose impregnated with the electrolyte is used with
the mesh anode system. These use either titanium or a steel mesh (which is consumed
during the treatment).
As with other electro-chemical systems, it is necessary to have electrical
continuity across the zone to be treated, no electrical short circuits between anode
and cathode together with a reasonable level and uniformity in the conductivity of
the concrete. The approach minimizes the amount of concrete repair work necessary. It is
claimed hat the technique can be used to treat the whole of the concrete surface and, on
the basis of life cycle costs, that it should be applicable to a wide range of structures. Care
needs to be exercised in relation to potential problems (as with the other electro-chemical
methods, namely hydrogen evolution in the member concerned).
The chloride extraction and re-alkalization repair techniques are temporary

processes. Cathodic protection is a similar technique but permanent. It is now well

established and is increasingly becoming accepted as a practical long-term solution for the
rehabilitation of reinforced concrete structures suffering from chloride induced corrosion.
The basis of cathodic protection is to eliminate corrosion by reducing the potential
of the steel to a more electronegative state, thereby converting the whole of the steel
reinforcement into a large cathode. This is achieved by passing a small direct current
between an external anode material and the steel reinforcement material. The anode
material is connected to the positive pole of a rectifier and the negative to the steel
reinforcement. The production of electrons (cause of corrosion), which are consumed
by the oxygen and water in reduction reactions, does not occur at the steel reinforcement.
Instead the system forces electrons into the steel to be consumed in these reactions and thus
protect its integrity. The production of hydroxyl ions at the steel surface (cathodic
reactions) causes the concrete to revert back to an alkaline state thus stopping the
corrosion process.
Cathodic protection of reinforcing steel can be achieved by using sacrificial
anodes or an external direct impressed current source. However, sacrificial anodes
may not be suitable in the atmospheric zones due to the high electrical resistivity of the
Types of cathodic protection systems:
3.7.1 Titanium mesh anode/cementitious overlay system:
This has been the system most widely used but other systems appear to have
been overtaking it recently with regards to usage. It is applicable above ground/water
level and provides even current distribution, which minimizes the risk of over
protection. If necessary multiple layers can be used to protect large surface areas of
steel. However, the cementitious overlay can be susceptible to de-lamination, if not
applied correctly. It also imposes extra weight on the structure and can be susceptible to
impact damage.
3.7.2 Slotted/grid anode system:
A dense titanium mesh ribbon or strip is installed in slots cut into the concrete
(generally 25mm x 25mm) and the slots are then backfilled with a cementitious mortar
compatible with the parent concrete). It has a low risk of de-lamination and life can
be enhanced by using a larger anode strip. Minimal concrete cover can affect the
uniformity of current distribution.
3.7.3 Internal anode systems:
The internal anodes are embedded in 12mm diameter holes drilled into the
concrete at depths of upto 300 to 400mm. depending upon the length of anodes required
and the structural component being protected. A graphite based backfill material or a
conductive gel is injected into the holes and the 3mm titanium rods are then inserted into
the anode backfill. The life of the system is basically controlled by the consumption of the
graphite backfill, which is estimated by the manufacturer as 20 years, although recent
use of the conductive gel suggests a life of at least 30 years. However experience is now
showing that anodes of this type in service seem to have difficulties in meeting the

lifetime expectations of the manufacturers. The system is especially cost effective on

large elements such as beams, piers and columns but is not suitable for thin sections.
Careful design is required to minimize cable requirements and to ensure optimum
spacing and critical positioning of anodes in the vicinity of the steel.
3.7.4 Electro-conductive tape grease/over-wrap system:
A conductive tape/grease system which provides a conductive path to the
concrete is wrapped around a column or pile followed by titanium mesh. A further
layer of conductive tape over-wraps the mesh anode to secure and provide a
contact surface for the outer face of the mesh anode. Mechanical protection is provided
by either polyethylene or fiberglass impact resistance jackets. This system is
difficult to install on large sections, is susceptible to impact loadings and appearance
becomes a problem.
3.7.5 Electro-conductive tape Qrease/Ranel system:
This system utilizes similar technology as the over-wrap system. However, it
is pre-fabricated fiberglass impact resistant panel, which can be bolted into position.
It is suitable for soffits, columns and beams and it is easy to install. The thickness of
panels and their aesthetic appearance are its negative attributes. The expected life of the
conductive gel also needs consideration.
3.7.6 Water/soil anodes:
In this case remote anodes consist of proven materials such as high
silicon cast it on, lead, silver or 3 - 6mm diameter titanium rod embedded in coke
breeze (conductive backfill) and secure din geo-textile bags in a trench. In shallow
waters, the anodes are dug into the mud whilst those installed in seawater are normally
located flush with piers and housed in a slotted PVC' pipe for protection from boat
damage. These anodes are powered by an independently controlled output from the
Transformer/ Rectifier and protect large areas of reinforcing steel in immersed
concrete structures. These systems are mainly used in conjunction with other
systems to address the problem of current dumping.
3.7.7 Sacrificial zinc anode systems:
Sacrificial zinc anodes can be clamped onto concrete columns, immersed
below the waterline or dug into the mud in order to provide protection to the
buried/submerged and tidal zones. The degree of polarization will vary as a result
of several factors including the amount of current output from the anodes, the rate of
polarization obtained in the submerged/buried section, tidal variations and tidal
resistivity. Over-protection of the steel reinforcement is not a concern as zinc anodes'
current output is self-regulating with low driving voltage of 0.9 to 1.1 volts.
3.7.8 Sprayed zinc CP systems:
This is a very simple system with a very low initial cost outlay. It requires

the application of 99.9% pure zinc by arc-spray method at a total thickness of about 400
microns. It is a sacrificial system, which has a life expectancy of 12 to 15 years that can
be extended by whip blasting and re-spraying additional zinc material. It can also
be installed as an impressed current system and a protective coating may be applied
over it to further extend the useful life of the system. Sacrificial zinc anodes are also
use din combination with these systems, which protect the submerged/ tidal zones and
minimize current dumping.
3.7.9 Impressed current systems:
These require electrical connections to distribute the impressed current across
the anode, a DC power supply and an associated control system together with
embedded monitoring probes providing data by which adjustments can be made to
the voltage and currents applied. An installation will normally be divided into a number
of zones, each with its own power supply. The design of the zones needs to take
account of a number of factors such as the Variation in moisture and chloride contents (and hence the conductivity, of
the concrete) across the structure.
Continuity of reinforcement in different areas,
Presence of joints in the structure,
Requirements for different anode types
Variation in reinforcement provision.
Commissioning is a very important stage in achieving an effective and
durable CP system. It provides the opportunity to perform a variety of tests and trials
establishing the initial behaviour of the CP system, make adjustments to current and
voltage supplies and to verify control criteria. Once it has been established that an
impressed current CP system is providing protection to all reinforcement, it is
essential that the operation of the system be monitored and that it be properly
maintained. Changes occur in the concrete over the first few months of operation
(increase in resistivity due to removal of chloride ions and drying out of concrete).
The objective of the monitoring is to ensure that all reinforcement remains effectively
protected. For concrete structures with old types of pre-stressing steel, the risk of
hydrogen-embitterment shall be analyzed when considered the implementation of
impressed current CP systems.
3.8 Coatings to Concrete:
In the past it was believed that concrete by itself is a durable material, which
needs no protection or maintenance. This belief is no more hold good particularly on
account of environmental pollution, industrial fumes and contamination of ground water.
In addition to the coating of reinforcement by appropriate material, a surface coating to
the concrete member is given to increase the durability further. The coatings serve the
dual purpose of protection and decoration. Fig2 shows the reduction in depth of
carbonation of the protected concrete.
Giving protective coatings to major concrete structures such as bridges, flyovers,
industrial buildings and chimneys have become a common specification in India as in


other countries. Four km long bridge on national highway at Cochin was recently coated.
Almost all the flyovers at Mumbai are being coated for additional durability.
There are number of approved coating systems available in the country however
selection of coating depends on the severity of environment and the component of the
3.8.1 Epoxy Painting System by CECRI System:
Central Electro-chemical Research Institute at Karaikudi has developed a coating
system for controlling corrosion. This system is applied on the concrete surface and
helps in controlling carbonation and weathering effects. The system comprises of 4
coats such as primer coat, middle coat and top coat all these are epoxy based. The fourth
coat is finish coat of polyurethane and is recommended wherever the surface or part
of the structure is exposed to ultra violet radiation.
Before application, the substrata is thoroughly cleaned to remove the dust,
hardened cement slurry, oily residues etc., by scrubbing with coarse wire brushes,
grinding or sweep blasting methods depending on site requirements. Residual
amounts of de-moulding agents, curing agents should be completely removed. Any
cracks, crevices or surface blemishes should be treated with sealant prior to primer
application. The subsequent coats shall be applied by brush or spray with an interval of
24 hours between the two coats.
Concrete surface to be painted shall be allowed maturation time of minimum
28 days before applying primer coating. Primer coating shall be applied to the cleaned
surface after surface preparation within the pot life. After air-curing, intermediate and
top coatings should be applied with time lag as per manufacturer's specifications. The
coating shall be applied by brush or air-less spray gun.
The paint application should aim to achieve minimum dry film thickness as
specified by CECRI. Some typical thickness used are as under:

Primer 100 microns

Middle coat 100 microns
Top coat 120 microns
Finishing coat 40 microns

The DFT (Dry film thickness) shall be measured on 100x100mm steel plate
attached with epoxy on the concrete surface at the rate one per l0m2.
3.8.2 Epoxy Phenolic IP Net (Inter-Penetrating
Protective Coating system (CBRI Roorkee):



1. The coating materials shall meet the standards specified by various codes and
formulation set forth by the patenter.

2. A written certification shall be furnished to the Department that properly identifies the
number of each batch of coating material used in the work, material, quantity represented,
date of manufacture, name and address of manufacturer and a statement that the coating
material used must meet the requirements specified by CBRI-Roorkee.
3. The coating material shall be stored in the manner as per recommendations of the
manufacturer until ready for use. The coating material shall be used within the
manufacturers written recommended shelf life.
4. When a representative sample of the material is to be sent to outside laboratory, then
the sample shall be packaged in an airtight container and identified by batch number. The
sample will be got tested at Tenderer/ Contractors cost.
S. No.


Primer coat

Middle coat



(Epoxy phenolic)

(Epoxy phenolic)


Pot life

1 Hour for 2 lt.mix

1 Hour for 2 lt.mix

Top coat
1 Hour for 2 lt.mix



Air curing

Air curing

Air curing




Shelf Life

One year in tightly One year in tightly One year in tightly
sealed container One
sealed container
sealed container


55-65 per coat
No. of coats




Mix proportion

90-100 per coat

40-50 per coat





4 hours to 7 days.
Subsequent coat shall
Ensure the surface is
be applied after 6
dust and deposit free N. A.
hours to 7 days
prior to application.
Base:1 PBV*/
Base:1 PBV*/
Base:1 PBV*/
Curing Agent:1 PBV* Curing Agent: 1PBV* Curing Agent: 1PBV*

by *PBV-parts

by *PBV-parts

Material should conform to following properties:

a. Tensile strength: Minimum tensile strength of the coating must be 15 N/mm 2 and it
should be determined as per ASTM D-2370-73
b. Elongation: Minimum elongation of the coating must be 15% and it should be
determined as per ASTM D-2370-73


c. Specific permeability: The maximum value must be 0.15 mg/cm2/mm/24hr and it

should be determined as per ASTM D-1653-74
d. Adhesion with concrete: The minimum adhesion with concrete by pullout method
must be 2.5N/mm2 and it should be determined as per BS-3900-E-10-79

In order to have better bonding, the concrete surface should be clean, dry and
mechanically sound. The surface of the concrete structure to be coated shall be cleaned of
all traces of mould oil, laitance, salt deposits by mechanized means. The surface should
be thoroughly scrubbed using power tools/sweep blasting. Finally, the surface should be
washed with clean water jet to remove any salt deposits. The surface should be dried. All
the protrusions should be removed and cracks, joints should be sealed with sealant.
1. Mix the base and curing agent in prescribed proportion by volume thoroughly and
allow it to remain in a container for ten minutes.
2. A primer coating of IPN polymer shall be applied to the cleaned surface after surface
preparation within the pot life.
3. After air curing, intermediate and top coating should be applied with time lag as per
manufacturers specification.
4. The coating shall be applied by airless spray or other approved means.
During the application of IPNet systems clean, abraded steel plates of
approximately 10cm x 8cm shall be adhered to the concrete surface by means of putty/
adhesive in such a way that these can be detached. IPNet system can be applied over the
plates in the course of application over the concrete surface. Dry film thickness (DFT)
can be measured using magnetic electrometer. DFT measurement should be done at every
500-to 600-sqm areas or as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.
For acceptance purpose, at least 60% of all recorded total thickness measurement
of the coating after curing shall be 200 10 microns (minimum). Thickness measurement
below 200 10 microns shall be considered cause for rejection. The upper thickness limit
does not apply to repaired areas of damaged coating.
1. All coating damage shall be repaired with patching material by the contractor at his
own cost.
2. Repaired areas shall have a minimum coating thickness of 200 10 microns
3. Repair of damaged coating shall be done in accordance with the patching material
manufacturers written recommendations within the accepted rates.


3.8.3 Wet surface compatible Substructure coating system (CECRI Karaikudi):

1. The coating materials shall meet the standards specified by various codes and
formulation set forth by the patenter.
2. A written certification shall be furnished to the Department that properly identifies the
number of each batch of coating material used in the work, material, quantity represented,
date of manufacture, name and address of manufacturer and a statement that the coating
material used must meet the requirements specified by CSIR/CECRI Karaikudi.
3. The coating material shall be stored in the manner as per recommendations of the
manufacturer until ready for use. The coating material shall be used within the
manufacturers written recommended shelf life.
4. When a representative sample of the material is to be sent to outside laboratory, then
the sample shall be packaged in an airtight container and identified by batch number. The
sample will be got tested at Tenderer/ Contractors cost.
The coating system shall be moisture compatible for applying in wet/dry conditions as
well as foundations and subsoil structures.
The coating system shall conform to the following:


Quick curing two component moisture compatible

Resin System

Drying time (touch dry)

2 hours

D.F.T. in two coats

300 350 microns

Chemical resistance

Excellent against chlorides, salts, sulphate, alkalies

Salt spray test

Should pass as per ASTM-B-117

1000 hrs minimum


3.0 KN minimum as per ASTM-D-4541

Resistance (Impedance)

108 ohms

Surface preparation

As per manufacturers specification or as per relevant

IS codes

In order to have better bonding, the concrete surface should be clean, dry and
mechanically sound. The surface of the concrete structure to be coated shall be
cleaned of all traces of mould oil, laitance, salt deposits by mechanized means. The
surface should be thoroughly scrubbed using power tools/sweep blasting. Finally, the
surface should be washed with clean water jet to remove any salt deposits. All the

protrusions should be removed and cracks, joints should be sealed with sealant as per
Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi (CECRI).
1. Mix the base and curing agent in prescribed proportion by volume thoroughly and
allows it to remain in a container for ten minutes.
2. First and Top Coat should be applied with time lag as per manufacturers
3. Repair of damaged coating shall be done in accordance with the patching material
manufacturers written recommendations within the accepted rates.
1. Measurement of coating thickness shall be made using thickness measuring gauge
and Elcometer. The minimum total thickness of coating (1st& Top coat) must be 300350 microns
2. For acceptance purpose, at least 60% of all recorded total thickness measurement of
the coating after curing shall be 300-350 microns (minimum). Thickness
measurement below 300 microns shall be considered cause for rejection. The upper
thickness limit does not apply to repaired areas of damaged coating.
1. All coating damage shall be repaired with patching material by the contractor at his
own cost.
2. Repaired areas shall have a minimum coating thickness of 300-350 microns
3. Repair of damaged coating shall be done in accordance with the patching material
manufacturers written recommendations within the accepted rates.
3.8.4 Solvent/Water based Acrylic Elastomeric Coating
a. The coating materials shall meet the standards specified by various codes and
formulation set forth by the patenter.
b. A written certification shall be furnished to the Department that properly identifies the
number of each batch of coating material used in the work, material, quantity represented,
date of manufacture, name and address of manufacturer
c. The coating material shall be stored in the manner as per recommendations of the
manufacturer until ready for use. The coating material shall be used within the
manufacturers written recommended shelf life.
d. When a representative sample of the material is to be sent to outside laboratory, then
the sample shall be packaged in an airtight container and identified by batch number. The
sample will be got tested at Tenderer/ Contractors cost.



Primer coat
Middle coat
based Aqueous

Top coat
based Aqueous




Air curing

Air curing

Air curing







Shelf Life

One year in tightly One year in tightly One year in tightly

sealed container
sealed container
sealed container







No. of coats





24 hours to 7 days.
Subsequent coat shall
Ensure the surface is
be applied after 24
dust and deposit free N. A.
hours to 7 days
prior to application.


Total DFT in Three Coats 22520 microns
Material should conform to following properties:


Specific Gravity


1.32 to 1.40


Solid Content


70% 3


UV Resistance


Should Pass




Should Pass


Bend Test (Conical Mandrell)


Should Pass



Tested like ASTM-E-96

Should Pass


Resistance to water immersion


Should Pass



Tafel Extrapolation
Should Pass
In order to have better bonding, the concrete surface should be clean, dry and
mechanically sound. The surface of the concrete structure to be coated shall be cleaned of
all traces of mould oil, laitance, salt deposits by mechanized means. The surface should
be thoroughly scrubbed using power tools/sweep blasting. Finally, the surface should be
washed with clean water jet to remove any salt deposits. The surface should be dried. All


the protrusions should be removed and cracks, joints should be sealed with sealant as per
manufacturers recommendation.
1. Thoroughly mix the entire contents of the packaged tin prior to use.
2. A primer coating of the coating shall be applied to the cleaned surface after surface
3. After air curing, intermediate and top coating should be applied with time lag as per
manufacturers specification.
4. The coating shall be applied by airless spray or other approved means.
During the application of the coating, clean abraded steel plates of approximately
10cm x 8cm shall be adhered to the concrete surface by means of putty/ adhesive in such
a way that these can be detached. The coating can be applied over the plates in the course
of application over the concrete surface. Dry film thickness (DFT) can be measured using
magnetic electrometer. DFT measurement should be done at every 500-to 600-sqm areas
or as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.
For acceptance purpose, at least 60% of all recorded total thickness measurement
of the coating after curing shall be 225 20 microns (minimum). Thickness measurement
below 225 20 microns shall be considered cause for rejection. The upper thickness limit
does not apply to repaired areas of damaged coating.
The coating shall be visually inspected after curing for continuity of the coating
and shall be free from holes, voids, contamination, cracks and damaged areas discernible
to the unaided eye.
1. All coating damage shall be repaired with patching material by the contractor at his
own cost.
2. Repaired areas shall have a minimum coating thickness of 225 20 microns
3. Repair of damaged coating shall be done in accordance with the patching material
manufacturers written recommendations within the accepted rates.
Bridge piers and girders are of considerable dimensions. Freshly made concrete
members contain plenty of water in the pore structures. It takes long time to dry. Such
freshly made concrete structures should not be coated with epoxy or other materials,
which will seal off and prevent the internal moisture from going out in consonance with
atmospheric conditions. The moisture trapped inside the concrete can do untold harm to
the durability of concrete in addition to damaging the protective coating itself. For better
durability, the concrete should be able to breathe i.e. water vapour should be able to
migrate from inside to outside and from outside to inside. But water as it is, should not be
able to enter from outside to inside. The protective coating given to the concrete should
be of the above characteristics.
Therefore, it is pointed out that the epoxy coating, which does not allow the
concrete to breathe, should not be used for coating concrete members.
Instead, the protective coating should be based on acrylics which retains the
breathing property of concrete, while protecting the concrete from other harmful
environmental agencies, in particular entry of water and carbonation.

In addition, epoxy based coating material is not resistant to ultra violet rays when
exposed to sunlight and also it is not flexible. Whereas the coating material based on
acrylic polymer is resistant to ultra violet rays of sun and is flexible.
Coating is not only required for bridges, flyovers and industrial structures, it is
also required for very thin members like fins, faade, sun breakers and other delicate
concrete structures where specified amount of cover can not be given. Therefore, acrylic
based protective cum decorative coatings can be given for additional durability of such
concrete members.

Biggest world map was drawn on cooling

tower in Germany using Emce Colour flex for protection of concrete subjected to
aggressive acidic environment

Acrylic based protective cum

decorative coating given to J-J
Flyover at Bombay. particularly
being in coastal region.


Specifications for Road & Bridge Works issued by MORT & H and
published by Indian Road Congress.

IRC Highway Research Board Special Report on State of Art :

Corrosion & Corrosion Protection of Pre-stressed Concrete Bridges in
Marine Environment.


Steel Corrosion in Concrete by Aron Bentur, Sidney Diamond & Neal

S.Berke published by E&FN Spon London.

Corrosion of Reinforcement in Concrete Construction by C.L. Pagci P.B.

Bamforth, J.W. Figg (U.K.).

Corrosion Reinforced Steel in Concrete by Tonini-Gaides - ASTM Special

Publication 713.

Concrete bridge Practice (Construction, Maintenance & Rehabilitation by

Dr. V.K. Raina.

FIP Recommendations Corrosion Protection of Unbonded Tendons.

FIP Guide to Good Practice Maintenance of Pre-stressed Concrete


IS 12594 : 1988 HOT DIP Zinc Coating on Structural Steel Bars for
Concrete Reinforcement.

CRRI Paper on Critical Evaluation of Fushion Bonded Epoxy Coated

Reinforcements and other Protective Coating on Reinforcement by M.V.
Bhaskar Rao.

FIP Guide to Good Practice Practical Construction.

Technical Report by Mr. P. Xercavins. PX consultants, France ( Formerly

Technical Director of STUP, France).

Corrosion Handbook, a Joint Publication of The Electrochemical Society

of India and Associate (Data) Publishers Pvt. Ltd.

Report on Investigation of Sharavathi Bridge, by STUP Consultants

Limited/Hyder Consulting Limited, U.K. and STATS, U.K.


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