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3s The Mitten ‘Ableton of Mhign Hislory magesine FEBRUARY 2004 NMiodel TT will build a motor ear for the great multitude,” Henry Ford announced. “It will be s0 low in priee,” he ‘added, “that no moan making a good salary will be unable ‘to own one.” With these words Henry Ford Introduced the world to the Model T In October 1908, the Ford Motor Company ‘produced its first Model T: It became one of the world’s most popular cars, ‘The Model T (there were models A through S) carried a 4-eyelinder motor, and traveled ‘up to 45 miles per hour. It eame in one eolor, black, ‘The Model T introduced drivers to new ‘mechanical improvements. In a Model'T, the river controlled the ear with three Moor ped- als: a brake and a pedal for forward and one for reverse. This left the driver's hands free to steer the car, Unlike most ears ofthe day, the stooring wheel was on the left side ofthe ear "The Model T became popular because it ‘was cheap. The first Model TT cost $850. But eventually it went as low as $250 "The Model also was easy to fix. Alla driver nooded were pliers and a serewdriver to koop a Model T running. Spare parts were easily avail- able, and the Model T never seemed to wear out. ‘The popularity of the Model‘? allowed the Ford Motor Company to open a new factory in Highland Park, a small suburb of Detroit. At Highland Park, Ford introduced the moving assembly lino. (Gee next page.) Americans loved the Model T. A woman from Georgia wrote Henry Ford, “Your car... brought jay into our lives.” "The Model T even developed international fame, As one newspaper noted, “The Ford Motor Company has beaten out both the (US) fag and the Constitution in carrying civiliza- tion into the wild places of the world." In 1927 the Ford Motor Company produced its last Model. In 19 years, the company had made 15,007,083 of the ears, In the 1970s, Germany's Volkswagen “Beetle,” finally passed the Model Tin numbers made. [As the Ford Motor Company likes to say to this day, the Model T “put America (on wheels.” Workin’ On the Line he Highland Park manufac- turing plant was the home of Ford's Model T and the first automobile moving assembly Line. ‘At Highland Park the job of making a car was broken dov into basie tasks. Each task was assigned to a worker, who did the job over and over again. The assembly Tine made it cheaper to build a car. Before using the assembly line, it took 13 hours to build @ Model T: With the line it only took 90 minutes to make a Model‘. Iteven got quicker. "The two main parts of the Model T ‘wore the frame, o “chassis,” and the by. "The chassis moved along the line at six feet a minute, Tt took 41 separate jobs to complete the chassis. Bodies ‘wore built on the upper floor of the plant. Wood parts were buffed and ‘varnished and paint was poured over ‘the metal, Seat covers were stuffed swith horsehair ‘The last step was to combine ‘the chassis and body. A body chute, called a “Arop,” lowered the body ‘onto the chassis, The ‘completed ear was ‘thon brought to a shipping platform ‘and was taken to ‘adealer to be sl. Where to Take Your Eamily The Henry Ford Museum 720900 Ookwood Bld Dearborn, Mi 48124 (313) 982-6100 ‘ToD (313) 271.2455 Wibsite: www himgorg/ Email: info@thehensyford org ‘The Honey Ferd ‘Musourn documents ‘ond cele brates ‘American ios ond innovations. This 12-007 indoor history ‘museum houses on astounding callaction of orfct, one ‘hooey, ho resourons, ond three rot stores. Michigan Historical Museum 702 W. Kalamaz00 Stroot Lansing, Ml 48909 (617)379-3559 Wiese: wwwmichigan histoncors ‘The Michigan Historical ‘Museum alls he story of ‘Michigan's pos, fom its early ors 0 the 20H contr. ca Rattling on Down the Road he Moa bane nina inition. Amer [isis nt “th thease atte om Ont nie the quston “What hock herr you usconyor on aes, “The pens” yw al ate amet can et had stoma iar ote rdnyasne Hove he Ire trying tha along hi Mote T ma “tea dmged isl be eie ther stant wan wo sed leer emt can ot thon oth Prd tor 8 ow wen tr ch th faving te: "Der ar Worse th cn ho a ar shiping ou bck ne ord Meare luring cs te eto What Did Vou Learn® 11. On the Made 7 the searing wheal wos onthe side of he ox 3.__ Motor Company produced the fis Model T. 4, Sore using te fst line, 100k 19 hours 0 bull o Model F 6. Sec covers onthe Model T ware ted with S57 Abed chute, cold 0 lowered ‘the bod onto the chasis ' ‘Word List eee BLACK HIGHLAND ser THREE err & Whotcolor wee oll Model it FORD {6 Model Ts were mode ot Pork ASSEMBLY HORSEHAIR DROP Vo ~~" |WORDS -Multitudes Alorge number ‘Salary: Money pid fo a person ‘regularly inexconge for work {nstitutlon: An exablshod cxgerzation Down How many lloor pede id he Medel T

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