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N Yd Atesion ian Hoy megane 'ANUAR2004 dune 18, 1855, Cleveland and Detroit for processing the steamer Because of the rapid, all goods had tobe Minos became ‘removed from the boats and portaged the first boat to y around the rapids, hie pss through the Soo process took time and Locks. The trip past the rapids cost money. ofthe St. Marys River tok less In August 1852, the than an hour. Although the Soo federal government gave Locks were difficult to build, they ‘Michigan 750,000 acres soon played an important role in of land to finance the America’s industrial growth, Dullding of the canal, For years, Michigan had urged the US. gov Digging bogan during the summer of 1858, ‘ernment to support building a eanal and locks at At the height of operations almost 1,700 men ‘Sault Ste. Marie. Michiganians argued it would wore working on the canal. ‘The men worked benefit both Michigan and the nation. Not every: 12-hour days and were paid $20 a month, ‘one agreed. During one congressional debate, a ‘The work was hard, especially during the southern senator said that the Upper Peninsula winter On some wintry mornings, workers was "beyond the remotest settlement of the thad to look for tools that were covered by the ‘United States” and digging a canal there would _provious nights heavy snowfall A cholera be like placing one on “the moon.” epidemic alo killed many workers. ‘This attitude changed in the omen ‘Tho Soo Lacks wore ‘mid-18405 with the discovery of semen ‘completed in May 1855, copper ana iron ore in the west- ‘Tohypas the rapids, boats xn Upper Peninsula, The canson went through tno locks, minerals had tobe shipped to Bach lok was 350 fst ngs Jong, 70 feet wide, and had ai of 9 fot Tho locks were connected to 4 mile canal ed During the frst sum. ser, boats caried almost 1,500 tons of iron ore tough the leks. Five years later, tat figure was 120,00 tons When boats got larger, bigaer locks ‘were built. The newest lock opened in 1968, TL is 1200 feet long, 110 feet wide tn 1955 ships ‘and 50 feet deep. Today, the Soo Locks FOGG emin among the world’s busiest locks HOW THE et W O R K gate open. gate shut Spee a ‘oke Superior is about 20 feet higher than Lake Huron. The See Locke raise and lower boats as they ravel betwoen the lakes. fea, gate shut Boats headed into Lake Superior ser Late (upbound) must be raised ond boats headed into Lake Huron (downbound) must be lowered, As. ship enters a lack, gates shut behind it, “locking” it in. Next, valve is opened to allow water to flow either in or out ofthe lock to 964e Shut Sats cron raise of lower the ship. Finally, the {gale in front of the ship is opened cond the ship moves on, Where to Take Your Family [BRADY PARIC is sitted an the grounds ofthe original Fort Brady, near the comer of Ashmun Slee and Portage Avenue, Informational displays tal the history of Michigans eldest selement. During the evening hours, visitor con enjoy the beoutifl musical fountain the Kights up ot night (igh. For more information on Brady Park ond other things to see ond do ‘wile at Soult Ste. Mare, contac the Sault Convention ond Visitors Bureau, 536 Ashmun Stret, Saul Ste. Maria, tA 49783 or call (800) 647-2858 or via them onthe Web at www The Gathering Place day, Sault Sto. Mario isa pretty town located along the St. Marys River: It has ‘many restaurants, boat tours, and gift shops. As Michigan’s oldest settlement, thas along history. More than 2,000 years ago, Native ‘Americans settled at Sault Ste. Marie becaus it was a good place to gather fish and furs. In the mid-1600s, French missionaries explored the area. In 1668, Father Jaeques Marquette built « mission near the rivor and named it ‘This painting shows Native ‘Americans ving near pres- ‘ontdoy Soult Ste. Morte ‘hen the French arived. Sainte Marie du Saul. The name is French and ‘moans "St. Mary of the Rapid.” Today, we often just call it, “The Sault” (pronounced *Soo”) In 1789 the St. Marys River became part ‘of the international boundary between British Canada and the United States, In 1820, Michigan territorial governor Lewis Cass obtained land from the Ojibway Indians along the St. Marys River. Fort Brady ‘was built 20 that the Americans could keep watch over the river. Teday, Lake Superior ‘State University sits on the ‘same grounds overlooking: ‘the St. Marys River, ‘The importance of Sault ‘Ste, Marie changed with the ‘opening of the Soo Locks in 1855. Today, the US. Army Corps of Engineers operates ‘and maintains this impor- ‘tant waterway. The locks have been expanded over ‘the years and are a popular ‘tourist destination,

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