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1 January 11, 1805, President Thomas Jefferson created the Michigan, ‘Teritory. ‘The story ofthe Michigan Territory ‘began on April 30, 1802, when the US. Congress ‘passed an act allowing the people of Oho to write a ‘constitution and form a state government, (At the time, Ohio was part of the Northwest Territory) After Ohio joined tho Union asa stato in May 1803, the rest of the Northwost Territory which Included Michigan) bocame known asthe Indi ‘Toeritory. The trvtoralenpital was Vinoennes, a settlement on the Wabash River in southwestern Indiana, Atthe time, most Michiganians lived in Dero. [None had asked Detroiters about the territorial change, Detriters soon discovered being part of the Indiana Territory was a problem. It was more than 360 miles from Detroit to Vinownes, and there ‘wore no roads, only trails. tao didnot appear that the government officals {in Vincennes took When the Detroiter cerously. reelcison When Indian territorial. Teritory wos governor Wiliam Henry Included the Hlarrison ordered an tower Peninsula JANUARY 2005, (On October 13, 1804, Detroiters gathered ata ‘own meeting and signed a petition calling for the creation of a eparate territory. The petition said it was the “unanimous opinion” of the people liv- {ng n Detroit that “good order and prosperity” called Michigania. (This state, however, was to be located in present-day Wisconsin.) Jefferson's bill ‘was never adopted. ‘When the Michigan Territory was created, it Y ‘seemed logical to name it after Lake Michigan to STATEHOOD he Michigan Tenitory existed for 32 2ors. During that fim, the president of the United Stotes appointed it erto- Vial governor As more people moved fo Michign, is tritoril government grew: In 1819, Congress allowed Michigon voters fo selec! @ nonwol- ing delegote fo Congress. This man (only men could vole or be elected to poiical office) could observe whol Congress wos doing. He wos not allowed fo vole on bill, In 1823, Michigan voters received th right lo elect terri eS ‘council, The 9-man council later ‘enlarged to 13 men} worked wih the {errtorial governor lo make laws for the terttory. According to the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, once o territory hed {60,000 people it could write a stale consti tion. If Congress approved the consitution, the {esritory became a slate. Volers of the nev stole then elected « governor and « legislature, By the mid-1830s more than 85,000 people red in the Michigan Territory, which stretched all the woy to present-day North Dakota. In early 1835, Michigon prepared to become a stte. It was difficult struggle that took two long years. (On Januory 26, 1837, President Andrew Jackson signed « bill creating the state of Michigan. we ec) ‘When indiana become a stote 1816, the nals Tethry ‘wos created tnd the Michigan Tenitory wos slighhy ‘expended, @ When inois became o sate jn 1818, the Michigon Tesrtory wos. expanded to Inlude the present-day ate of Wisconsin. e by the 18308 the Michigan | When Michigan ‘become a sate in 1837, the Wisconsin Teritory wos created Wisconsin ‘become @ state jn 1848, at Did Yeu Learn? 13. The coptl a he IndionaTeitory wos wor the fi eitoial goverer af Mhigon. Tetory wos fred in 1803. 6. ili 7. The ‘8 Seore Ohio bacome a ste, # woe part of the Testo, Down 1. ie 250 miles rom to Vincennes, 2. In 1805, Present Thomas signed a bill coating the Michigon Territory 4. The word {@ Nate American word generally interpreed to mon “arent water” 5. Indione' Tenia governor, Wiliam Hany ‘ordered an election in Vines, ‘Bathe order never reached Detroit,

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