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Haylee Vaughan
Professor Hamlett
English 101 (9am)
24 July 2015
Caregiving for an Alzheimers Patient: Annotated Bibliography
Alzheimers Association. Care Training Resources Alzheimers Association. Web. 22 July
On this webpage there was a ton of information about Alzheimers Disease. I focused on the
article about care training for caregivers. This page talks about the different training classes that
a caregiver can take in order to take care of a loved one. There are two different classes that can
be taken to be certified to take care of a loved one and make the caregivers life easier. One class
is more advance then the other and takes more time, the reason for this is so that the caregiver
can learn how to deal with a loved one in the advanced stages of Alzheimers.
Alzheimers Association is a website that focus only on Alzheimers. There really is no author to
this website. It is a company and everyone that works there has a PhD or is a MD in Alzheimers.
This website is not just some people writing things on the web, it is a company. They have about
seventy different locations throughout the United States that people can contact to get advice and
help on Alzheimers. This company mission is to provide updated research on Alzheimers
disease for caregivers and for patients themselves. Their vision is a world without Alzheimers.
This source I would consider to be a scholarly source. This website has almost anything you
want to know about Alzheimers and if they dont have it on the site you can contact them to find
I am using this source because it gave me information on training classes for caregivers to take
care of a loved one. This will help my paper because my main goal is to talk about how to care
for a loved one with Alzheimers and the different things you can do to advance yourself in the
subject. This source helps me show that there are different things you can do to better yourself at
taking care of a loved one. This source made me even more interested in Alzheimers because I
learn something new that I had no idea about and wanted to know more about it.
Bonner, Dede. Chapter 10 and Chapter 13. The 10 Best Questions for Living with Alzheimers:
The Script You Need to Take Control of Your Health. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2008.
99-110. Print.
This book had many things in it about Alzheimers disease but I focused on chapters 10 and 13.
In chapter 10, I got information about what to do when trying to decide if your loved one can

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remain at home or not. Dr. Bonner list 10 different question that you need to ask yourself and
evaluate to see if your loved one could live by themselves. The questions include daily things
that a person should be able to do on their own. These things would include, being able to handle
their own personal hygiene, bathing and dressing, being able to choose nutritious food, prepare
meals and eat independently, is your loved one able to use the bathroom on their own without
help, can they move around the house at ease, can they do household and personal chores, can
they take their medicine properly, can they handle their finances, are they able to still drive, and
how well could they respond to an emergency. In chapter 13, I got information on an Adult Day
Care Center. Adult Day Care is the best invention to help caregivers and their loved ones. It gives
the caregiver time away to relax, go to work, run some errands, or just be themselves. And it
gives the patient a new scenery, social interactions, mental stimulation, and something to look
forward too. In this chapter she gives out questions about when you want to find a day care, what
you should do. These questions include things you would want to ask when touring a center. You
would want to know if they are licensed by the state, how long have they been open, do the hours
work for you and your loved one, what kind of center is it, how will they treat your loved one,
how will you find out about your loved ones day, make sure there are safety procedures in place,
make sure all help is trained in CPR and first aid, do they provided food and if so what kind, find
out all the cost and how is transportation.
Dede Bonner is an internationally acclaimed expert in questioning skills. Also known as the
Questioning Doctor. She also is a former political analyst for the federal government. She is the
owner of 10 Best Questions, LLC. And New Century management, Inc. She is not necessary an
expert in Alzheimers but all her work in this book has resources from people who are experts in
Alzheimers. She is the expert in questions which this book has many questions on how to
approach different situations. She also has the knowledge to ask for other peoples expertize in
this subject so she can better write this book. She uses sources like AARP, American Association
of Homes and Services for the Aging, David Linderman Alzheimers Day Care: A Basic
Guide, and National Adult Day Services Association, This book I believe is a popular source.
I am using this source in my paper because it gave me good valuable information about how you
can take care of a loved one at home and how to keep them there longer. It also gave me
information on how I know when the loved needs to further assistance then just being at home. A
lot of people would rather keep their loved one at home as long as possible because it is less cost
and it better for the patient and this information gives them way to do that. I am going to use this
source in my paper by showing caregivers that there are ways to keep their loved one at home
and not be put in an expensive living home. This change a lot how I think about Alzheimers
because I had no idea there was an Adult Day Care that could be used. I wish I would of know
that when my grandpa was alive. I want everyone that is going through this with a loved one to
know all the option there is out there to help them and their loved one.
Callone, Patricia R. Twelve Question and Answers. Alzheimers Disease: The Dignity Within:
A Handbook for Caregivers, Family, and Friends. New York: Springer, Inc, 2006. 11-21.
EBook Academic Collection. Web. 22 July 2015.

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This section of the book gave me a lot of information on how caregivers can take care of
themselves. It talks about the caregivers strengths and how they need to consider what they are.
Will they have a sense of humor with the loved one? Are they going to be patient with the loved
one? Are they going to be a good listener and be able to listen to the loved one, even when they
are repeating themselves? Repeating themselves will be something they do a daily bases because
it is a part of the disease. And will you make time for the loved one. Alzheimer's patients need a
lot of attention to make sure they are not harming themselves. It also talks about finding out what
the loved one likes to do and enhancing that. You don't want to focus on things they cant do,
instead focus on things they can and it will be a happier life for them and yourself. Along with
this it talks about how to evaluate the caregivers activities. For instance, if during holidays you
normally were the one to throw the party and do all the stressful things, let someone else take
over that job while you are caring for a loved one. The caregiver can still help but by doing
things that are enjoyable not draining. Also talks about dealing with hurt. When caring for an
loved one with Alzheimer's there is a chance you will be hurt because they may forget who are or
that they had given you something and demand it back. If this happen the caregiver is going to
want to differentiate the facts from the feelings. Another thing is being able to handle your anger
and guilt. Taking care of a loved with Alzheimer's can cause an extreme amount of anger and the
caregiver wants to make sure not to take it out on other people. There are methods that they can
do to control it. Also the caregiver will want to find ways to relax and discipline themselves to
doing them. Caregivers will want to keep close friends so they have an outlet and their can keep
them going by encouraging them.
Patricia Callone is the author of this along with other books on Alzheimers disease. Callone
served for six years on the Board of Directors of the Alzheimers Aos Association Midlands
Chapter. She also has experience with Alzheimers disease Aos as both an educator and a
caregiver. Along with her knowledge in Alzheimers she has resource from credible cites about
Alzheimers including, A Family Caregiver Alliance, Alzheimers Associations, The National
Library of Medicine, The Fisher Center for Alzheimers Research Foundation, and many more. I
believe this source is somewhat popular and somewhat scholarly.
This source is going to help me because it gives me good information about how the caregiver
can take care of themselves. Everyone wants to know what to do to take care of the Alzheimer's
patient, but no one thinks about the caregiver and what they need to do to take care of
themselves. This source helps me give that information to the caregiver so they can live a happy
life. This source is giving me information that helps me talk about the other side of caregiving
which is the caregiver. Caregivers can get all the information they want about caregiving but if
they don't have the information to know how to take care of themselves then they wont be living
a happy life and wont be able to take care of their loved one to their full ability. And this source
gives me that information to provide to those caregivers.
Callone, Patricia R. Section B. A Caregivers Guide to Alzheimers Disease: 300 Tips for
Making Life Easier. New York: Springer, Inc, 2006. 74-80. EBook Academic Collection.
Web. 22 July 2015.

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In this book I found section B to be most helpful for my paper. In this section it talks about when
is the right time to tell other people your loved one has Alzheimers. About financial issues, as in
who will be the loved ones legal guardian and take care of all their finances when they are unable
to. About long distant care, how to take care of loved one with Alzheimers when you are in a
different state. Also making sure your loved one gets the right dosage of their medication. The
living environment is very important when it comes to Alzheimers patients because it has to be
right in order for the patient to feel comfortable and safe. It talks about how to make holidays
enjoy for a loved one. About how to tell young children a loved one has Alzheimers disease.
Children will become scared of the loved one because they think something is wrong with them.
At that point it is time to tell them straightforward that the loved one has a disease but the loved
one still loves them very much. Also read stories to them about other children that have lived
through it.
Patricia Callone is the author of this along with other books on Alzheimers disease. Callone
served for six years on the Board of Directors of the Alzheimers Aos Association Midlands
Chapter. She also has experience with Alzheimers disease Aos as both an educator and a
caregiver. Along with her knowledge in Alzheimers she has resource from credible cites about
Alzheimers including, A Family Caregiver Alliance, Alzheimers Associations, The National
Library of Medicine, The Fisher Center for Alzheimers Research Foundation, and many more. I
believe this source is somewhat popular and somewhat scholarly.
This source is going to help me by answering questions people have about taking care of
Alzheimers patient. The question are questions that dont normally get answered because people
think they are not that important but they are very important. I am going to use this source in my
paper by talking about how to take care of the loved ones finances. Also by helping people that
live out of state from their loved one, on what they can do to help the loved one stay safe and get
good care. It will help talk about how once a loved one gets to a certain point they cant be alone
because they dont remember if they took their medicine and take the chance of overmedicating.
Also to help people know when to tell other about their loved, especially younger children.
Mace, Nancy L., and Peter V. Rabins. Chapter 16. The 36-hour Day: A Family Guide to
Caring for People Who Have Alzheimers Disease, Related Dementias, and Memory
Loss. 5th Ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2011. 78-80. Print.
This book had a lot of information on Alzheimers and caregiving but my main focus was on
chapter 16. This chapter talks about putting your loved one in a care facility. There is no right
time to put an Alzheimers patient in a care facility. It mainly is based on how the care at home
is. The caregiver may be to worn out and cannot take care of them anymore so they have to find
them somewhere where they will be properly taken care of, or caregivers with younger children,
a spouse or job may not have the time to be a full-time caregiver. There also could come a point
when the patient needs more care then the family can provide. This chapter also talks about what
to do when you decided to put your loved one in a care facility. First thing is talk it over with the
family. Everyone will not agree on what is best for the loved one. But they have to make a choice

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together about what will benefit the loved one and their life. Also dont wait till last minute to
find a home for your loved one. Finding somewhere for your loved one is a long process and you
want to make sure they are in a safe and friendly environment. So plan early and find homes you
like and have them set for when you do need the home. Once your loved one is in the home you
want to make you visit them often so they can have that comfort of having someone that is
familiar around them, also to make sure the facility is takin proper care of your loved one.
Money is also a big part of taking care of a loved one. Upon finding a home find out what kind
of payments they take and if you can pay for the home. And when putting the love one in the
home always get a contract and read the entire thing including the fine print. You dont want to
put them in a home with hidden chargers and mean care taking.
This book had two different authors that have affiliation with Alzheimers. Nancy Mace was a
consultant to and member of the board of directors of the Alzheimers Association and an
assistant in psychiatry and coordinator of the T. Rowe and Eleanor Price Teaching Service of the
department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences of the Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine. Peter Rabins is the Richman Family Professor of Alzheimer Disease and Related
Disorders in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences of the John Hopkins
University School of Medicine. He also is the director of Jane K. Schapiro Family-Centered
Dementia Care Program. This source is a guide for caregivers and their loved ones with
Alzheimers disease. They want to show different things they can do to be successful in taking
care of their loved one. I believe this source is a little bit of popular as well as scholarly.
This source is very helpful to me because it gave information on a different kind of care for a
loved one with Alzheimers. This source gave me the information I needed to talk about the
different facility there are and how to go about finding a permit one for a loved one. Along with
things to do to help chose the best one for the Alzheimers patient. I am going to use this source
to talk why families put loved ones in homes, how to go about finding a home, the different ways
to pay for the home, and will the home be suitable for the loved one. Most of the things I read in
the source was things I knew already from living with someone with Alzheimers but it did tie a
few loose ends together as in like how the home was paid for and that there is no right time to
put them in a home.
Press, Calistoga. Understanding Alzheimers-A First-Time Caregivers Plan to Understand and
Prepare for Alzheimers and Dementia. Berkeley, 2013. EBook.
This book gave me valuable information on what to do when considering taking care of a loved
one with Alzheimers. It gave me a list of questions to ask yourself when wanting to become a
caregiver. These question are very important because if you cant answer them with yes then you
should consider a different method to taking care of your loved one. It also gave me ways to help
caregivers to communicate with their loved one. Talking to someone with Alzheimers is
different than talking to a normal person. There are things you should and shouldnt do. Along
with that it talked about daily actives that the caregiver would have to learn in order to take care
of their loved one.

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Calistoga Press is a global publisher of self-help titles. The experts that work for this company
are dedicated to providing readers the support and real-life strategies the need to overcome
personal and emotional challenges. This book also provides many resources and references that
was used throughout the book, including, Alzheimers Assiation, Family Care Allinence, AARP
Foundation, and many more. All the resource and references have some kind of
expertize in Alzheimers Disease.
This source helped me in my paper because when considering wanting to take care of a loved
one with Alzheimers there are a lot of things that need to done before you make that choice.
This source helped me tell readers what things to ask, what things they have to learn in order to
take care of a loved one. Without knowing this information then caregivers might be taking on a
bigger responsibility then they think they are. This source also helps me tell caregivers that it is
not easy and takes a lot of work to take care of a loved one with Alzheimers disease. This source
has also made me think about Alzheimers in a different way because I didnt know that so much
had to go into taking care of an Alzheimers patient.
Reed, Bruce R. Alzheimers Disease Caregiving. Family Caregiver Alliance. 2012. Web. 22
July 2015.
This article takes about how you need to take care of yourself along with taking care of your
loved one that has Alzheimers. It talks about how taking care of an Alzheimers patient is a hard
task but you must also take care of yourself. If you cant take care of yourself and keep your-self
healthy then you cant keep your loved one healthy and safe. It also talks about getting
counseling and going to support groups so you can maintain your well-being.
The author Dr. Reed is involved in more than one thing. He is a professor at UC Davis for the
department of Neurology, and Director of the UC Davis East Bay Alzheimers Center. There are
also multiply resources stated at the end of the article including, Alzheimers Association,
Alzheimers Foundation of America, California Alzheimers Disease Centers, and many more.
This source is a popular source. This source is there to provide readers with information on how
to take care of yourself while taking care of an Alzheimers patient.
This source was helpful to me because it gave me information how to take care of yourself. It
also helped me because it talked about getting support and counseling which made me do more
research on support groups and counseling treatment for the caregiver. By using this source in
my paper it helps me tell the reader that its not all about the patient that you have to take time
for yourself. It also helps show the reader that there is another side to just taking care of an
Alzheimers patient. It has changed the way I think about Alzheimers because when I thought of
taking care of someone with Alzheimers I didnt even think about taking care of myself or how I
would take care of myself, my main focus would of been on just taking care of the patient. This
article made me think twice about that.
Simon, Dr. Harvey. Alzheimers Disease University of Maryland Medical Center. 26
September 2012. Web. 18 September 2013.

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I did not take much from this article because my main focus is caregiving of Alzheimers but this
article did give me information to help people understand what Alzheimers is. People think that
Alzheimers just affects the patient by destroying their memory. In which it does do that but it is
much more than that. It also known as the family disease but it affects the families watching their
loved one fade away and not remember anything. Along with it destroying their memory it also
destroys important mental functions. They forget how to things and eventually they will go back
to if they were a baby and cant remember how to do anything for themselves.
Dr. Simons is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and a member of
the Health Sciences Technology Faculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Along with
his knowledge in the medical field he consulted with organizations that specialize in Alzheimers
like, Alzheimers Association, Alzheimers Foundation of America, medical Alert, Alzheimers
Disease Education and Referral Center. He also has many references he went to get the
information he wanted to know about Alzheimers. I believe this source it both popular and
This source is going to help me define Alzheimers by telling caregiver what Alzheimers is.
Before people read something for the first time about Alzheimers they are going to want to
know what Alzheimers is. I am going to use this source in my intro so right off the back of
starting my paper people know exactly what Alzheimers is and what the whole paper will be
about. This source didnt change the way I look at Alzheimers because I knew this information
prier due to my own life experiences.

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