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From The Desk of……… Rev. Dr. Rea Blanca Bermudez-David

This new season has opened with a command from the Lord. We are called to …...


At this command we are asking the troops (friends of the Ministry) to join us and unite, to complete the
projects the Lord has given us for this year 2010. Over the years, many of you have been friends of the
Watchers Eagles International and we thank the Lord of you. You are such wonderful people with warm
hearts, and so much talent; having the desire to see the Kingdom of God advance. God wants you to
know that He love you. He is getting ready to do a wonderful work in your life. He is preparing your
heart to receive a supernatural blessing. He said, this will come as you plant seeds with expectancy!
Zac.8:12 For the Seed shall be prosperous; the vine shall give her fruit,
And the ground shall give her increase….and I will cause the remnant of
This people, to possess all these things.

God is calling us to build a wall of Prayer in the nations of the world. He has directed us go to the
Nations, and pass the baton of Prayer to others. He said, ask his people to support this good work.

In the book of Neh. 4:6 “so build we the wall; and the entire wall were joined together for the people had
a mind to build”. In this new season the Holy Spirit is removing every form of selfishness, and self-
centeredness from His Church. The body of Christ will become one people, one church in the earth. In
Acts 2:44 it says, “And all the believed were together,(United) and had all things ( Power) in common...”

God has given us the key to unlock the blessings. This key is unity. The Holy Spirit is saying Wisdom is
coming to the body of Christ, and wisdom is. Knowing your moment! Knowing your times and season!.
We see the children of Issachar were a people who had understanding of the times, to knew what Israel
aught to do(1cron.12:32) today we will see a new generation rising up. For a fresh wind is blowing to
take the Gospel to a new dimension. You are being called to be part of what God is doing today, will you
help us? God is saying, The Glory will rest upon those who will unite. Come let us pray.

The Grace of the Lord be with you.

Dr. Rea Blanca Bermudez-David.

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