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neyclopedia/free-books/renters-rights-book/chapter3-7.html Legal Tonics > Lenderds & rts Property Manegomont > Evicting Tenan‘or Ening Lsece > Evoton Nove for Not Paying ert > Tenancy Terminations for Nonpayment of Rent Rules landlords must follow to terminate your tenancy if you don't pay rent. eS ee SS Fete | CEndlord’s sume reas Leaace Landlord | tevtcuco — pecucnen “Tigres RR S10 Iryou ato lato win te rent landlords n moststates can immediately send you a tormination notes or nonpayment trent ging yous a few days in which ta pay up of move before the lanclors can fle for eviction These are usually called Pay Rent or Qu notizes—you ate given afew days fo pay or move out aut). you do neither within the tme mt, he landlord may tren fle an ‘eviction tawsut againstyou. The ules vary widely among sites, including + How soon landlords may serve a Pay Rent o Quit notice. While mast states allow landlords to send the notce the frst day ‘he rents lat, a handful on’ etthe landlord send the noice untl youre a ceran number oF cays late + How ina notice must be served. some states roquie tno ‘anclord io sone te notice personaly: most stats alow mating + How qutckly you must pay the rant before tho landlord can torminate the tenancy. in most sates larcleres must give me tenantinree te Gays 1 pay Up arface a rmination. B.tsome states don’ give YOU any tme aval stead, YOU Fal ay renton tmo—evon ustones—te landlord can simply demand tat you leave, win wnat alles an Unconditional Qut rotee + Wnat nappons it you'r lato more than onc. In many stats, you're late witn Mo rent a saconc or third umo wihin 2 ‘secited number ofmontns, ho lanclord does tnave to give you te Lal ew days 0 pay—she can tominate te tonancy |mmoctately. te momentine entis ats, wit an Uneonational Qutncteo. STATE-BY-STATE INFORMATION FOR EVICTION NOTICES FOR NOT PAYING RENT Many siates have stitrules on hancling evicions. For state-specific ws on evictna tenants tor not paying rent see Suction Iuoveas for NonpaymantorRant Eviction itsethatis, chyscalythroning you and your possessions outaf the pronerty—can'tbe done untl he landlord has {gone to court and proved tat you've done someting wrong (ike not paying te ren) Matus evieton. For 2 ciscussion ofthe evcton procedure, nclating tme periods, negotaion stategies, anc an overview of an eviction lansuil see Eveny Tenant's Logal Guido, by Janot Porman ang Marcia Stowar.

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