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Grade Basic Laptop Training

Changing Your Password
System Preferences---Users & Groups---Password----Change Password

Password Guidelines
Cannot contain any or all of the users name
Cannot re-use the last six previously used passwords
Passwords must be at least 8 characters long alpha, numbers or special characters
Must contain characters from 3 of the following categories
- Upper case letters, (A to Z)
- Lowercase letters, (a to z)
- Numbers 0 to 9
- Special characters (!@#$%^&()_ -`~+=[]\ ; , . : /<>?{} )
Passwords must be changed every 120 days
Five failed attempts will lock out a user account
User accounts will be unlocked after 30 minutes
Failed attempts will be cleared after 30 minutes

*Do not share your password with anyone!
*Login password will be the same for BlackBoard, KS Connect & email

Access KS Connect from the middle school home page or go to
Use the same username and password as your laptop login (AD login)
Used to access the daily bulletin, grades, grade checks, progress reports, report card, and schedule
Parents have their own login to access the same information in KS Connect
Should be checked on a regular basis
Teachers will update grades periodically

Mac Care Excerpts from MacBook Air Manual by Apple Computer.

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