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Module 1: Introduction
Introduction on SharePoint Server 2010
SharePoint 2010 Products and Technologies
Differences between Foundation Server 4.0 and SharePoint Server 2010

Module 2: Basics
Creating Web Application
Creating Site Collection
Creating Sites
Creating Custom Lists and Document Libraries
Creating Static and Web Part Pages
Changing the site Logo
Creation of Views based on criteria
Working with Quick Launch and Top navigation bars
Site columns
Content types
Using Lookups and Calculated Columns
Enforcing Unique values in List
Large Lists Support in SharePoint 2010

Module 3: Setting Up the SharePoint server 2010 Environment

Software/Hardware Requirements
SharePoint 2010 Pre-requisites
Installation Walk through
Module 4: Configuring User Groups and Permissions
Backup a site
Configuring Outgoing E-mail settings in Central Administration


Configuring Outgoing E-mail settings for Web Application
Creating Users in Active Directory
Creating Mail box for the user
Configuring Outlook account settings

Module 5: SharePoint Security

Adding the User to a SharePoint Site
Assigning Permissions
Site level security
List or Library level
Item level Security
Out-of box permission levels
Creating Custom Permission levels
SharePoint Groups

Module 6: Working with Administration Tools

Manage Content and Structure Tool
Recycle Bin
List Templates
Site Templates
Usage statistics
STSADM Command Line Tool
Windows PowerShell

Module 7: Authentication
Configuring Forms based Authentication

Module 8: Backup and Restore strategies


Backing up through Central Administration
Backing up through PowerShell
Backing up individual site

Module 9: User Profile Service Applications

User Profiles, Properties, and Audiences
Synchronization with AD
Organizational Profiles
My Site Settings

Module 10: Search Service Applications

Search architecture Overview
Configuring Search Settings
Search Scopes
People Search
All sites Search
Incremental Crawling
Full Crawling
Creating Custom Search Results Page

Module 11: IIS Web Server and SQL Server

Application Pool settings
What IIS does and when you should interact with it
What SQL does and when you should interact with it
SQL Database types

Module 12: Deployment


WSP Package Deployment
Individual Components deployment

Module 13: Business Connectivity

Connection to External Databases
Data connection Library role
External Content type and List

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