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Research Method
The descriptive method of research was used in this study. The descriptive method
of research is a purposive process of analyzing, classifying, and tabulating data about
prevailing conditions, practices, beliefs, processes, trends, and cause-effect relationships
and then making adequate and accurate interpretation about such data with or without the
aid of statistical methods.

Research Instrument
The instrument that was used to gather data is the questionnaire. The
questionnaire is a set of questions which, when answered properly by a required number
of properly selected respondents, will supply the necessary information to complete a
research study. The questionnaire is composed of two major items: entry level to
schooling and GPA of respondents.

Gathering of Data
After studying the samples of the questionnaire, the researcher saw to it that it
was enough to gather all the information which will cover all the aspects of the problem
and to answer the specific questions in the statement of the problem.
The copies of the questionnaire were distributed to the selected respondents. After
the respondents have filled them out, the researcher retrieved the copies.

Sampling Technique
Convenience sampling was used to get the element in the study. Convenience
sampling is the process of picking out people in the most convenient and fastest way.

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