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DIRECTORATE OF SFURTI OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER FOR KVI _3, IRLA ROAD, VILE PARLE (WEST), MUMBAI -400056 No: REVAMPED SFURTI/2014-15 14" March, 2015 STANDING ORDER NO. 1732 The Government of India, Ministry of MSME vide Office letter No. 4(25)/ 2012 -KVI -I (Part -III) dated 1% August, 2014 issued the guidelines of Revamped Scheme of funds for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI) merging the following schemes: i) Enhancing Productivity and Competitiveness of Khadi Industry and artisans ii) Product Development, Design Intervention and Packaging (PRODIP) iii) Rural Industries Service Centre (RISC) iv) Other small interventions like Ready Warp Units, Ready to Wear Mission, etc The proposals received under Revamped SFURTI will be scrutinized, sanctioned and implemented by following Procedure and guidelines prescribed in the aforesaid communication. While forwarding the proposals, the State/Divisional Directors/TA may kindly ensure that proposals fall within the guidelines. Further, under clause 4.4 of the guidelines, it is emphasized that Implementing Agencies shall be selected by Nodal Agency based on their reputation and experience of working at grass roots level and same will be done by the Nodal Agency by following a transparent criteria. Accordingly, the following transparent criteria and procedure are adopted by KVIC for selection of Implementing Agency for implementation of cluster under Revamped SFURTI. Step -I: Procedure for Identification of Cluster: a) b) Inviting the proposals from prospective agencies: i) Through News Paper: The Directorate of SFURTI will place the advertisement in National leading News papers as decided by the Project Screening Committee by giving the duration of one month period for submission of the proposals. ii) Through Website: The Directorate of SFURTI will place the notice in official website of KVIC on directives of the Project Screening Committee. iii) Through Technical Agencies: The Technical Agencies can also submit the proposal by identifying the prospective Implementing Agencies for implementation of Clusters under Revamped SFURTI. Preparation of list of Potential Clusters The Directorate of SFURTI vide letter No. SFURTI/New Cluster/1/Vol. -5/ 2014 -15 dated 20.08.2014 requested all State/ Divisional Directors to draw up a State-wise list of Potential clusters in consultation with State Governments, District Administrations and local PRIs as per the guidelines 5.2. c) Submission of Proposals: The prospective implementing agencies has to submit the proposal in the prescribed format i.e. Template -I (attached with this order and also available in KVIC website) to the concerned State/ Divisional Office against. Step -II: Scrutinizing of the proposals 1. At the State/Field Office Lev The proposals received from the implementing agencies, the State / Divisional Offices shall scrutinize the proposal as under: i) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 1) 2) The State/ Divisional Offices has to authenticate the information/ data provided in the Template -I by conducting physical verification and place the proposal in the prescribed format i.e, Template -II duly recommended by the State Director as well as Zonal Dy CEO before the State Level Screening Committee (SLSC) consisting the following members under the Chairmanship of Industry Commissioner/ Director, Industries of the concerned by State/ Divisional Office as per the Order No. SFURTI/NEW CLUSTER/GEN./2014 dated 13.10.2014. Industry Commissioner/Director, Industries Chairman General Manager, NABARD/ Representative Member CEO, KVIB Member State Level Manger of Lead Bank of the State © Member Regional Officer of Coir Board Member State / Divisional Director, KVIC Member-Convener Criteria for Selection of Implementing Agencies: A) Khadi Clusters: The Implementing Agencies should be a directly aided institution of KVIC or that of State Khadi & V.I. Board. The Implementing Agency must have a standing in the field of Khadi work for a minimum 10 years (20 years for Heritage) and be engaged in implementing Khadi programme in a composite manner i.e. spinning, weaving and marketing of Khadi. Particulars Experience in the Khadi _ field | a) Heritage cluster 20 years b) Major cluster 10 years c) Mini cluster 10 years 31Pag The no. of Artisans in the selected cluster will be : Particulars Non NE States | NE states/J&K/Hill states a) Heritage cluster | 1000 to 2500 500 to 1250 b) Major cluster '500 to 1000 250 to 500, ¢) Mini cluster Up to 500 Up to 250 (Minimum (Minimum 150)* 75)* *Minimum, but encourage proposals maximum number of artisans. 1.A’s minimum production level — _| Particulars Non NE States NE states/J&K/Hill states a) Heritage cluster | Rs. 4.00 cr. | | b) Major cluster Rs. 1.50 cr. Rs. 0.75 cr. [c) Mini cluster | Rs. 1.00 cr. Rs.0.50cr. | Sales turnover Particulars Non NE States | NE states/J&K/Hill states a) Heritage cluster Rs. 5.00 cr. Rs. 2.50 cr. | b) Major cluster Rs. 2.00 cr. Rs. 1.00 cr. ¢) Mini cluster [Rs 1.50 cr. _Rs.0.75 cr. Contribution: NA LA. 75% 25% of Project cost including land cost and ‘own contribution equity. Registered value | of land as reflected in the sale deed shall be considered. In case of land is taken on lease, the minimum tenure should be for 15 years and the value of the lease rentals will | be taken as contribution. 90% 10% of Project cost in case of NE states/ | J&K/Hill states The Implementing Agency to draw its raw-material requirement from the nearest Central Silver Plant of the KVIC or its local godown, Special Purpose Vehicle - Formation of SPV is mandatory to seek the final approval for hard interventions by IA. The purpose of SPV will be to develop and sustain the cluster after the project implementation period is over. An SPV will be formed for each cluster which may be any of the following entities: a Society registered under Societies (Registration) Act, 1860 ii. a Co-operative Society under an appropriate statute; 4[Page 8) 9) 10) 1) 2) ili, a Producer Company under section 581C of Companies Act, 195% iv. a Section 25 Company under Companies Act, 1956; v. a Trust; or vi. Any other legal entity, with the prior approval of SSC. Note: Existing Khadi and village industry (KVI) institution and other legal entity will be a deemed SPV, if its Managing Committee, by whatever name called, has a fair representation of artisans (at least 33%). Allocation of clusters to I.A. - Not more than one cluster unless it is an agency with State-wide coverage. The geographical distribution of the clusters throughout the country, with at least 10% located in the North Eastern Region (NER), J&K and hilly states LA. will form a Cluster Advisory Group (CAG), preferably headed by the District Magistrate and with representation from PRIs, traditional industry enterprises, support service institutions, banks, etc. with the objective of fostering increased level of involvement of various cluster stakeholders and strengthening the implementation of the project. Those Khadi institution/ NGO/ V.I. institution has already availed cluster programme under SFURTI/ KRDP shall not be eligible to apply under revamped SFURTI programme provided such institution do have the state wise presence. B) Village Industries Clusters: The Implementing Agency would be Non Government Organizations (NGOs), institutions of Central and State Governments. field functionaries of State and Central Govt., Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRIs) and Khadi & V.I. institutions of KVIC or KVIB. The IA. should have suitable experience and expertise of minimum 5 to 7 years to undertake Cluster Development Programme in rural / village industries activities in cottage/village/small scale industry and the I.As having direct 5| Page 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) experience in taking up manufacturing, production and sales of any village industry product will be given preference. Particulars _ Experience in the V | a) Major cluster 7 years b) Mini cluster 5 years The I.A. should have regional reputation and experience of working at grass root level and therefore the I.A. should not have any adverse audit objections. The IA. will ensure training of personnel in the cluster development by UNIDO or other national level institutes like EDI, Ahmedabad, NISIET, Hyderabad, etc. The I.A. should be located in the respective district of the cluster region and operating in the area of operation of the cluster. The L.A. should have experience to facilitate business development service by linking up with the service providers related to marketing, export, finance, HRD, technology, etc. Contribution [NA TA a) 75% | 25% of Project cost including land cost and own contribution equity. Registered value of land as reflected in the sale deed shall be considered. In case of land is taken on lease, the minimum tenure should be for 15 | years and the value of the lease be taken as contribution. rentals fo 10% of Project cost in case of NE states/ J&K/Hill states The no. of Artisans in the selected cluster will be : Particulars Non NE States NE Saaean| 7 states a) Major cluster 500 to 1000 250 to 500 cluster | Up to 500 (Minimum Up to 250 _150)* (Minimum 75)* 6|Paze 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) Implementing Agencies having direct experience in production/manufacturing/ sales activities will be given preference. (Details of same may be furnished). Special Purpose Vehicle - Formation of SPV is mandatory to seek the final approval for hard interventions by I.A. The purpose of SPV will be to develop and sustain the cluster after the project implementation period is over. An SPV will be formed for each cluster which may be any of the following entities: a Society registered under Societies (Registration) Act, 1860; a Co-operative Society under an appropriate statute; a Producer Company under section 581C of Companies Act, 1956; a Section 25 Company under Companies Act, 1956; v. a Trust; or vi. Any other legal entity, with the prior approval of SSC. Note: Existing khadi and village industry (KVI) institution and other legal entity will be a deemed SPY, if its Managing Committee, by whatever name called, has a fair representation of artisans (at least 33%). Allocation of clusters to IA. - Not more than one cluster unless it is an agency with State-wide coverage. The geographical distribution of the clusters throughout the country, with at least 10% located in the North Eastern Region (NER), J&K and hilly states LA. will form a Cluster Advisory Group (CAG), preferably headed by the District Magistrate and with representation from Panchayat Raj institutions (PRIs), traditional industry enterprises, support service institutions, banks, etc. with the objective of fostering increased level of involvement of various cluster stakeholders and strengthening the implementation of the project. Those Khadi institution/ NGO/V.. institution has already availed cluster programme under SFURTI/ KROP shall not be eligible to apply under revamped SFURTI programme provided such institution do have the state wise presence. iii) Submission of proposals to Central Office: The State/ Divisional Office shall submit the proposals recommended by the State Level Screening Committee (SLSC) to the Directorate of SFURTI in Template -II along with Template -I. Format of Template -I and Template -II are enclosed. 2. At the Central Office Level: The Directorate of SFURTI will scrutinize the proposal recommended by State Level Screening Committee (SLSC) and place the appraisal sheets before the Project Screening Committee (PSC) under the Chairmanship of CEO consisting of the following members constituted by the Directorate of SFURTI as per the guidelines for Identification of cluster: 1) Chief Executive Officer, KVIC Member 2) Financial Advisor, KVIC Member 3) Chief General Manager, SBI Member 4) Chief General Manager, NABARD Member 5) Deputy General Manager, NABCONS Member 6) Secretary, Kokan Nisarga Manch, Sindhudurg — Member 7) Director (SFURTI), KVIC Member-Convener The identified cluster by Project Screening Committee will be recommended for preparation of Preliminary Project Report/ Diagnostic Study Report. The task of preparation of Preliminary Project Report/Diagnostic Study Report will be assigned to the empanelled Technical Agencies by KVIC (list of Technical Agency is available in the website). Step -III: In-principle approval of the Cluster: In-principle approval for a project/cluster will be accorded by SSC the based on the recommendation of Nodal Agency and evaluation of the Preliminary Project Report (PPR)/ Diagnostic Study Report (DSR) submitted by the Technical Agency assigned to the cluster. The PPR should broadly cover the major features of the proposed project including baseline information on the income, livelihood levels of the artisans (no. of days, no. of working hours), proposed interventions, proposed implementation framework. Special Purpose Vehicle formation along with identified Implementing Agencies should 8\ be done as this is the basic step. Such In-principle approval will be valid for a period of 6 months from the date of approval, and before that it is expected that the project would be ready with Detailed Project Report (DPR) for final approval. In case final approval is not accorded to the project, within 6 months, the in-principle approval will automatically lapse, unless it is specifically extended by the Scheme Steering Committee (SSC). Step -IV: Final approval of the Cluster: The project will be accorded final approval by the Scheme Steering Committee subject to fulfillment of the following conditions: i. Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) with specific details of interventions with cost estimates and timelines; ii, Execution of shareholders agreement and other related agreements between the Implementing Agency and the members; and iii, Arrangement of requisite land for construction/erection of common facilities by the Implementing Agency in terms of registered sale or lease deed in the Implementing Agencies name. Flow Chart: The flow chart for the entire steps/ procedures involved starting from inviting proposals to sanction of proposal/ release of fund to clusters is appended herewith for ready reference. baw ee = Miler Chief Executive Officer Encl: Template -14 €1B Template -II Flow Chart of steps involved and procedures To - 1. Zonal Dy. Chief Executive Officers 2. All Directors / In-charge, State / Divisional Offices, KVIC Copy to: 1. OSD to C.E.O. KVIC, Mumbai, eee cae aoe cee AO to Financial Advisor, KVIC, Mumbai. Chief Vigilance Officer, KVIC, Mumbai. All heads of offices, KVIC, Mumbai. Director (Publicity), KVIC, Mumbai (in duplicate for publication in the ensuing issue of Jagriti for Media and PR cell. Hindi Officer, Hindi Cell, KVIC, Mumbai with a request to issue Hindi version of this Standing Order. Grievances Officer, KVIC, Mumbai. Public Relation Officer, KVIC, Mumbai. DIT to uploading in the website. ofr TEMPLATE - IA (Basic information to be submitted by Implementing Agency to State/ Divisional Office of KVIC during submission of proposal for SFURTI cluster) (TT luster Category a Heritage 0 Major Mini 2._[ Name of Cluster 3. _ | Location State District Villages 4. [industry S_Khadi OVillage Industry ....... (Specify) 5.__[ Current Product Portfolio 6. Name of Implementing Agency (IA) 7. | Project objectives 8. | Key Gaps Identified 9. | Area to be covered by the cluster i, No. of villages to be covered ii, Name of the villages & artisans available sr. | Village Artisans available Name_| SC | ST [OBC] Minority | Others [ Total Male Female wp lolol Total Page 1 of 8 (Enclose details in an Annexure in tabular Form! Sr. Name | Contact | Adhar | Skills | Detail | Livelihood Existing ‘Average ofthe | no, | card/ Bank | Levels | Employment(No. | Income of Artisan Election Alc. of working Artisan IDNo. hours/No. of (p.m) days in a month) 1 | 2 1 10. | Details of artisans in respect of following documents i, Bank Passbook Yes No ji, Identity card Yes No ii. Health Insurance Yes No iv. Janshree Bima Yojana Yes No v. Pension coverage Yes No vi_Educational benefits availed for children under JBCRY Yes No 11, | Whether the cluster is existent/ functional? give details: Present Activities of the cluster ‘A. (In case of Khadi Institution) Spinning activities Weaving activities Processing activities | Products ete. B. (In case of activities under V.I. Institution) Processing activities Products etc. 12, | Name of other associated institutions who are willing to take part in the cluster; (applicable to only Khadi Clusters) Sr. | Name & address of the Affiliated to Contact no. e-mail ID associated IA KVIC/KVIB 1 Yes/No [2 Yes/No 3 | Yes/No | {All the associate institutions should submit information as per Template 1B) Page 2 of 8 3, Proposed Interventions a)_Hard Infrastructure (New) Interventions Hard Infrastructure Facility | Constructed | Machinery/ | Cost Area Equipments CFC/RMB/Marketing b) Capacity Bui ilding infrastructure b) Replacement/ upgradation of Charkhas/looms/tools Replacement/ No. of | Unit cost Total cost upgradation of | beneficiaries Charkhas/looms/ tools Soft Intervention Proposed No. OF | Cost Interventions activities Beneficiaries | a) Skill training ©) Market Promotion 14. _ | Total Project cost 15. | Detailed Project cost 16. | Source of Funds 17. _ | Phasing of the Project 18. | Project | 0 Whether the IA is considered to be the SPV | Implementation Framework/ Proposed SPV Structure \ ive details) Whether an SPV is being separately registered If yes, give details along with proposed SPV structure: Page 3 of 8 19. Mobilisation of Working Capital 20% of hard interventions cost will be utilized towards working capital corpus as per the guideline. Provide the projection of Working Capital based on related activities on annual basis. 20. | Details of the existing Cluster and the infrastructure facilities available with LA. ‘A. Existing infrastructure available in the L.A. | i. Land Area (sq. ft.) Built up area w» (Sq. ft.) Machineries 7 o Tools available with the artisans namely . Charkhas NMC. Traditional... vi. Looms Improved... Traditional ...... vii. Others B. Source of raw materials within the cluster area ome Particular of the raw Source institution/ Annual Quantity Cost materials Artisans/ Local (approx) L 2. | 3 4 aL Indicate the “Product” to be manufactured under the cluster and projection of Sale value and margin etc. | Sr. | Name ofthe | Quantity Overall Proposed Sales | Margin /Profit on Product to be Production Value monthly basis produced Cost | 1 | 2. ES 4 - Page 4 of 8 22. | Projection of Artisan wages over the duration of the cluster project: 23. | Availability of Forward Backward Linkages(with assured target) 24. | Key impacts 25 | Resolution of Implementing Agency: (Enclose specific resolution approving the function of the cluster along with all the target proposed as brought out in the proposal under Template-I) Treasurer (1A) Secretary (IA) Chairman (1A) ‘Supporting documents as under should be enclosed: 1. "Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts for the last 3 years (2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14) 2. Registration Certificate of the Institution & its vali. 3. Details of land records owned by I.A 4. Details of SPV registration Page 5 of 8 TEMPLATE - IB B._ Profile of the Implementing Agency (IA) Instit ional Structure/Registration Details 8.1 | Legal Status Central/State Governments Institution c Society (Under Societies Registration Act, 1860) 1 Co-operative Society (Under appropriate Statue) Registered as Trust, Proprietary firm/partnership a Registered Under Companies Act, 1956 © Private Limited Company oO Pul imited Company © Company under Section 8 © Producer Company under Section 581C 3 Other (Specify) [8.2 | Date of incorporation/ Attach Certificate of Incorporation. Registration B3 | Registered Address B4 | Office Address/Locations B85 | Affiliated to KVIC Yes/No 7 If yes, provide Certificate No. Validity of Certificate 1 | Governance Structure B.6 | Composition ofthe | # Executive Board/ Trustees/Governing Name of | Designati | Background/ | Contact Member on Profile Number Email Body/Managing Committee and Page 6 of 8 (Professionals and others) with brief profile of the senior management personnel) Background of ] ] Members Not Available B7 [in case, IA is|# Name of | Background Profile ‘Shareholding (%6) registered under Member Companies Act, provide shareholding pattern Not Available l I | Operational Profile [88 | Major Objectives-Vision, Mission, ” Goal of the Organization 8.9 | What are focus areas of operational B.10 | Provide key projects/activities being undertaken by the —‘IA-Brief description including the project scope, size and duration | | (mention specific experience in the area/sector of the _ proposed project) B.11 [Mention key clients/donors associated with for project implementation along with details on the nature of association B.12_ | Mention key partnerships/alliances Llif any) 'V__| Management Profile - B13 [Background of key Personal Page 7 of 8 v Financial Position 8.14 | Key financials of the Organization _| Fixed Assets (Provide copy of the audited | Current Assets | financial statements for last 3 years) | Current Liabilities Revenue trend for last 3 years Profit/Loss for the last 3 years ISEC availed in case | Yes No of KVIC/KVIB Inst. ‘Amount of ISEC | availed during last three years Any other =| [vi Bank Account Details B.15 | Name of Bank 8.16 | Branch Name | B.17 | Bank Account Number Vil] Contact Details 8.18 | Name of Contact Person ” B.19 | Designation of Contact Person B.20 | Correspondence Address 8.21 | Contact Number | B22 | E-mail Address | Page 8 of 8 TEMPLATE - II (Format for recommendation of Khadi/Village Industries Cluster under Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI) at the level of State/Divisional Director and Zonal Dy. CEO) 1) Name and address of State/! ional Office 2) Type of the cluster (please tick): Khadi [__] Village Industries|__] 3) Name of the cluster: 4) Location of the Cluster: a) Name of the District: b) Name of the Block: 5) Area to be covered by the cluster: A) No. villages to be covered: B) Name of the villages & artisans available: sr, | Vilage Artisans available ———S—=wd “| Name_|'SC| ST [OBC] Minority | Others | Total| Male | Female 1 jaime Ee 3 | 4 s = Total J C) (enclose details in an Annexure in the following tabular form) ] “Existing | | Employment | Average Adhar sr| dang | contact | Card/ | 5,45 | Livelihood Aeene _ Artisan} T _| Fiection Levels | hours/No of | Artisan | | | days ina | (p.m.) [| month) 1 — 2 i Page 1 of 10 6) Whether the following has been covered for the Artisans: i, Bank Passbook Yes/No ii, Identity card Yes/No iii. Health Insurance Yes/No iv. Janshree Bima Yojana Yes/No v. Pension coverage Yes/No vi. _ Educational benefits to the children of the Artisans: Yes/No (State/ jonal Director may undertake random verification of the Artisan details brought out under Annexure-I in regard to point No.5 & 6 above) 7) Whether the cluster is existent / functional? Give details: 8) Present Activities of the cluster (In case of Khadi Institution): Spinning Activities: Weaving activities: Processing Activities: Products, etc. (Mention ilar existing acti in case of V.I. institutions) 9) Acti plan: ies proposed for implementation during 12" Five year 10) Details of Implementing Agency a) Complete postal Address: Pin code. District Telephone no. pee iax Not E-Mail I.D.: b) Affiliated to KVIC/KVIB: Yes/No (Certificate No & vi certificate in case of KVI institutions) ity of c) If not, is it ready to be registered with KVIC as per the norms of KVIC Page 2 of 10 d) Details of Management Committee Members including Artisans sr.| Name | Designation | contact no. (Validation of the above information are extremely necessary for KVI Institutions, so that I.A. may be declared as deemed SPV. Please refer the guidelines under 4.4.2) w fre ie e) Bank A/c details: i) Name of the Bank ii) A/cno. scree f) _ISEC availed: Yes/No (in case of KVI Institutions) 9) If availed, amount of ISEC availed during last three years i.e., 2011-12 .. 2012-13 and 2013-14 h) Budgetary Allocation and performance of Production & Sales of last three years i.e., 2011-12 ......, 2012-13 and 2013-14 11) Fund position of IA: (As on 31* March 2014) a) Fixed Assets: b)Current Assets ... ¢) Current liabilities... d)Other Financial related issues: e)Financial Status (showing Profit/Loss for the last three years) f) Experience in KVI or similar other programme: ......... years g)Category of the institution (if certified under Khadi): Page 3 of 10 12) Name of other associated institutions who are willing to take part in the cluster ; _ = | 5, Name & address of | Affiliated to | (ST the associated 1A | KVIC/ KvIB | Comact mo. e-mail ID | ptie cesocietet 7 CVC | ean | aac [La Yes/No | Ee a | (All the associate institutions should submit informat from SI. No. 1 to sl. No.11 and enclose the same. State/Divisional Director shall also validate those information and extending recommendations thereupon.) 13) Source of raw materials within the cluster area: | Name of the raw materials Quantity Availability / Source (approx) 14) Indicate the “Product” to be manufactured under the cluster and projections of sales value and margin, etc.: Margin/ Name of the | oo Overall ie Proposed | profit on | er Product fo Pe Quantity cost sales cost month | produce st Pee if TI “| A ee oo 3. | 4. | eee |e | 15) Existing Facilities/infrastructure available/to be made available in the cluster (if yes, give a brief detail) a) Land Area . (sq. ft.) Available - yes/no b) Built up area (sa. ft.) Available - yes/no c) Machineries (khadi/V.I.) Available - yes/no d) Tools (khadi/V.I.) available with the artisans (specify details) ) Road connection Page 4 of 10 f) Water availability in case of relevant industry g) Electricity connection (if no electricity available, then nearest point, where it is available) (Validation of the information is necessary at the level of State/Divisional Director for recommending the proposal before Zonal Level Screening Com: Dy. CEO.) 16) Design of CFC giving details of Machineri equipment, etc. a) Main institution fee headed by Zonal S & Tools, Name of the - Sr.} equipment a | Quantity | cog | Timeline for | romans Machineries required installation i b) Associate institution ~ Name of the Lr aie eco” | Remarks Machineries | requires installation 1. 2. | 3 I 17) Replacement/Additional requirement of Charkhas (NMC/ Traditional) Looms (Improved/Traditional), etc. a) Main institution: Sr. Name of the Proposed replacement | Cac | Timeline equipment/ tools (in nos) | (Year wise) 1. 2. Z a 3. 2 b) Associate institution & Name of the Proposed replacement | <5., | _ Timeline [PF | equipment/ tools. (in nos) (Year wise) _| Page 5 of 10 18) Action to be taken up under Design Development a) Main institution Details of M/c, ] sr,| Name of the Tools & requiteg | Expected acee activityyinput | implements, | “E2sS4 | “output | (Year expertise | 1. _| fa. 3. _ _| b) Associate institution T Details of M/c, | i ] sr,| Name of the Tools & required | Expected ace “| activity/input | implements, (cost) output | expertise [ 4. | a 2. | 3. L 19) Capacity Building Measures dicate training/ exposure visit/ components mentioning all types of training/duration/cost as per table) a) Main institution Type of Skill/ KVIC Training ft No. of Timeline sr.| Managerial | beneficiaries Institutes/ | Cost | (Year training/ | to be covered | Others (pl wise) Workshop specific) | i 2. 3. b) Associate institution Type of Skill/ KVIC Training Ts al No. of Timeline sr.| Managerial | oneficiaries | Institutes/” | oy (Year Haining to be covered | thers (Pl wise) Workshop specific) J 2 3. Page 6 of 10 20) Market Promotion Assistance a) Main institution eee Details of Marketing a Ste] sctivityyinput strategies, Tools, Cost | (year wise) components, expertise, etc. ri 2. i= 3 ! b) Associate institution 7 - 1 gz, | Name of the Details of Marketing Timeline | | activity/input strategies, Tools, Cost | (year wise) components, expertise, etc. 1. 2. | 3. (An indicative projection may be given for the specific head of cluster interventions under Sr.No.16 to 20 by State/Divisional Director recommending the proposal before the Zonal Level Screening Committee.) 21) Working Capital Amount of | Nature of | Criteria for | Sr. | Working Capital | Working | ISEC | determination of | Remarks required Capital Working Capital | 22) Target Production & Sales for the cluster for the duration of the cluster project: (Rs. in lakh) Sr. [Year Production Value | Sales Value 1 [2014-15 | [ 2 [2015-16 a [3 [2016-17 (4 [2017-18 _ Page 7 of 10 23) Target enhancement of Ai the duration of the cluster project: an wages (Rs. in lakh) over Present wage Sr] Year per artisan 1 [Prior to SFURTL [2 [2014-15 3__| 2015-16 4 [2016-17 [S_[2017-18 % of enhancement Amount | 24) Formation of Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) This will be governed as per 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 of the Revamped SFURTI Guidelines. 25) Resolution of Implementing Agency: The KVI institution shall enclose a copy of the specific resolution of the Managing Committee endorsing the SFURTI proposal for consideration (Enclose the copy of specific resolution brought out in the proposal under Template-I) 26) Critical examination of the specific information brought out under Template ~ a) About baseline information of the artisans: (includes information on the income, livelihood of the artisans, such as no. of days, no. of working hours per day, etc.) b) About proposed CFC and other interventions and projected cost thereupon: ¢) Proposed implementation framework: d) About SPV formation: e) Any virtual shortfall / deficiency noticed which needs to be corrected / rectified during the implementation of the programme : Page 8 of 10 27) Overall assessment of the proposal at the level of State/Divisional Director (Such assessment will highlight the factual information gathered about the Cluster, implementing agency, the livelihood of artisans, present state of activities, vis-a-vis critical examination of the cluster, This will also hold good while recommending the joining of Associate Institution in the cluster. If necessary, separate page may be enclosed in providing relevant information for ‘appropriate screening at the level of Zonal Level Screening Committee.) Recommended Signature of State/Divisional Director Page 9 of 10 28) Specifying reasons for recommending the SFURTI proposal at the level of Zonal Level Screening Committee that have been forwarded by State/ nal Directors (Such recommendations may highlight the strength of the cluster in terms of artisan coverage, capacities of L.A., product identification, other socio economic benefits and usages creating sustainable employment opportunities) Recommended Signature of Zonal Dy. CEO Page 10 of 10 Steps involved in Implementation of Revamped SFURTI programme alee Examination & scrutinization at the level of State/ Divisional offices for) recommendations (ross pad before Sate Level Seer) cae ac nes oy anise Tey Gracey eee J Scrutinization of the proposals recommended bY) SLSC and Appraisal of Drectorete of SFURTI ond) placing before Project Screening Committee (PSC) headed by Chiet Executive Ofer, KVIC (4.2.3) Preparation of PPR/DSR by designated Technical Agency (4.3.1) Placing PPR/DSRs before SS for oe approval (5.4.1) Preparation of DPR by — designated Technical Agency ~Fermation of Special Purpose >, (5.4.2) i Wetile (SPV) by LA, (44.1)? Pacing before Commission” ~ ‘Commissioner for approval at Placing DPRs before SSC for final / Ropointment of OF \ approval & sanction of funds (5.4.2) —==( byt) ) [a Scien - Conveying the approval of SSC —~ through State/ Divisional Ofrces

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