1) How To Create Swap Partition in Ubuntu Before Installation

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1) How to create swap partition in Ubuntu before installation.

1. Click on unallocated space, click on new.

2. Enter size as 2GB, choose primary partition, and file system type SWAP.
3. Ubuntu 11.04 remain about 4.4GB, so we should type a value more than 4.4GB.
4. Click on rest unallocated space, click on it.
5. Press add button to create/ partition.
6. Choose NTFS as file system, partition type logical and create it.
7. Swap does need much space, in my case I put 500MB.
8. From use as select swap area
9. click 0k button to create swap
10. Now we have/ partition and swap so we are ready to install.
2) Explain the main function for swap partition?
1. Move rarely needed items away from your high speed memory.
2. Data is written to a swap partition when there is not enough RAM to store the data
your system.
3. Allows you to hibernate.
4. The size of your swap partition should be equal to or twice your computers RAM
3) State the difference between Ubuntu and Debian?
Privately developed
Update new version every 2 years
Easy to install
Have company

Open source
Update new version every 6month
Difficult to install
No company

4) Write conclusion for this Lab?

The conclusion is, using swap partition, we can expanse computers physical memory
and extra memory on hard drive. I can learn how to create swap partition in Ubuntu before install
it, and also know the difference between Ubuntu and Debian I can understand how to install
Ubuntu and functions of Ubuntu. Ubuntu is easy to install, difference install Windows and
Debian. I can compare that Ubuntu more efficient and most popular proportionate with Debian.
And the last, I can say that Linux publish or produce more free OS, not like Windows and the

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