VLab VNX With VMware Integration Lab01 Unisphere Overview

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Lab Guide

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere

Lab Guide

EMC Solutions Group

This Lab Guide serves as a guide for a demonstration of VNX Unisphere. It
provides an introduction to Unisphere and a set of lab labs to demonstrate the
solution to customers.

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The information in this publication is provided as is. EMC Corporation makes
no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to the information in
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VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview

Table of contents
Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................5
Purpose ............................................................................................................................................5
Scope ...............................................................................................................................................5
Terminology ......................................................................................................................................5
Technology overview .............................................................................................................................6
EMC Unisphere .................................................................................................................................6
EMC Unisphere features and benefits ...........................................................................................6
Lab overview .........................................................................................................................................7
Lab environment ...............................................................................................................................7
Connecting to the lab ........................................................................................................................8
Lab 1 Unisphere Overview ..................................................................................................................9
Overview ...........................................................................................................................................9
Lab ...................................................................................................................................................9
Logging into Unisphere ................................................................................................................9
Browsing the Unisphere console ............................................................................................... 10
Dashboard ..................................................................................................................................10
System ........................................................................................................................................14
Hosts ..........................................................................................................................................17
Support .......................................................................................................................................28

Lab 2 FAST Cache Overview ............................................................................................................. 30

Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 30
FAST Cache Overview ................................................................................................................ 30
Lab ................................................................................................................................................ 30
Logging into Unisphere ............................................................................................................. 30
FAST Cache Setup Overview ...................................................................................................... 31
Storage Pool FAST Cache Settings ............................................................................................. 34
Lab 3 Storage Provisioning and FAST .............................................................................................. 36
Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 36
Storage Provisioning and FAST .................................................................................................. 36
Lab ................................................................................................................................................ 36
Logging into Unisphere ............................................................................................................. 36
Creating Storage Pools .............................................................................................................. 37
Review FAST Configuration ........................................................................................................ 42
Storage Pool LUN FAST Details................................................................................................... 45

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview

Block Storage Provisioning ........................................................................................................ 47

Storage Pool Expansion............................................................................................................. 56
Lab 4 VNX Unified Storage CIFS and NFS....................................................................................... 61
Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 61
VNX Unified Storage CIFS and NFS .......................................................................................... 61
Lab ................................................................................................................................................ 61
Logging into Unisphere ............................................................................................................. 61
Creating File Systems ................................................................................................................ 67
NFS Shares ................................................................................................................................ 69
CIFS Shares ............................................................................................................................... 71
File System Checkpoints ........................................................................................................... 77
Lab 5 - Unisphere Analyzer ................................................................................................................. 85
Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 85
Lab ................................................................................................................................................ 85
Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 93
Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 93
Support.......................................................................................................................................... 93
Customer .................................................................................................................................. 93
EMC personnel .......................................................................................................................... 93
References ..................................................................................................................................... 93

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview

Unisphere overview for block and file


This Lab Guide serves as a guide to a demonstration of EMC Unisphere for VNX
This Lab Guide provides:


An introduction to the technology components used in the solution

Unisphere Overview

FAST Cache Overview

FAST Overview


A set of illustrated labs to demonstrate the solution

Table 1 explains Unisphere and Unisphere terminology.

Table 1.

Storage Groups

A collection of one or more LUNs or metaLUNs to which you connect one or
more servers. These LUNs are accessible only to the server that is connected
to the Storage Group.

RAID types

The RAID type of a LUN determines the type of redundancy, and therefore the
data integrity the LUN provides. AX-Series storage systems support only the
Hot Spare, RAID 5 and RAID 1/0 RAID types.


A grouping of one or more disks or disk partitions into one span of disk
storage space. A LUN/virtual disk looks like an individual disk to the servers
operating system. It has a RAID type and properties that define it.

RAID Groups

A set of disks on which you create one or more LUNs. Each LUN you create on
a RAID Group is distributed equally across the disks in the Group. Each RAID
Group supports only one RAID Type.

Reserved LUN Pool

The reserved LUN pool works with replication software, such as SnapView
SAN Copy, and MirrorView, to store data or information required to complete
a replication task.

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview

Technology overview
EMC Unisphere

EMC Unisphere features and benefits

EMC Unisphere is a web-based user interface (UI) that you can run from any
computer with a supported web browser. Unisphere offers simplified array
management for many tasks. It is easy to learn, so you can be productive right
away. It offers:

Simplified management of EMC VNX arrays

Unified management for both block and file

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview

Lab overview
Lab environment

The environment for this lab includes the following:



Array Credentials

Username: sysadmin

Password: sysadmin




Array Credentials

Username: nasadmin

Password: nasadmin

Windows RDP host


Windows Credentials

Username: vlab\administrator

Password: Password

This lab includes the following labs:

Lab 1: Unisphere Overview

Lab 2: FAST Cache Overview

FAST Cache Setup Overview

FAST Cache Storage Pool Overview

Lab 3: Storage Provisioning and FAST Overview

Creating Storage Pools

FAST Overview

Managing a VNX array with EMC Unisphere

Lab 4: Unified Storage CIFS and NFS

NFS Overview

CIFS Overview

File System Checkpoints Overview

Lab 5: Unisphere Analyzer

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview

Connecting to the lab

To connect to the lab launch an RDP session from the remote access drop down menu
for VNX_With_VMware Integration_VC01

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview

Lab 1 Unisphere Overview


In this lab, you manage a VNX array using EMC Unisphere.

The lab uses:

EMC Unisphere Management console

The lab includes overviews of the following:


VNX hardware

Unisphere Analyzer

Hosts and Storage groups

Virtualization Aware Unisphere

Support features

Logging into Unisphere


To launch Unisphere double Click Internet Explorer on the desktop. (See

Figure 1)

Figure 1.


Launching Unisphere

Enter the following username and password and click login:

Username: sysadmin

Password: sysadmin

This opens the Unisphere Management console. (See Figure 2)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview

Figure 2.

Log in to Unisphere

Browsing the Unisphere console


Review the All Systems Dashboard. (See Figure 3)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 3.


All Systems Dashboard

Customize the All Systems Dashboard by clicking Customize on the top right.
(See Figure 4)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 4.


Customize the All Systems Dashboard

You can easily add/remove detail to the dashboard while in customize mode.
Once complete click Done (See Figure 5)

Figure 5.

Adding more detail to the All Systems Dashboard

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview



You will now select and array to manage. From the System list click VNXBlock. (See Figure 6)

Figure 6.


Selecting an array to manage

You are now presented with a new Dashboard relating specifically to the array
VNX-Block. (See Figure 7)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 7.


VNX-Block Dashboard

You can also customize this Dashboard by clicking Customize on the top
right. From the Customize menu you can add multiple options to your
dashboard by dragging the icons to the dashboard. Once complete click
Done. (See Figure 8)

Figure 8.

Customize the dashboard for VNX-Block


VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview



Click System from the top navigation bar to review the sub sections. Note
System is broken into Hardware, Monitoring and Alerts & Reports. (See
Figure 9)

Figure 9.

Review System Menu

10. To review the Storage Hardware of your VNX Array click Storage Hardware.
(See Figure 10)

Figure 10.

Selecting Storage Hardware

11. Under Disk Array Enclosures expand Bus 1 Enclosure 0 > Disks and click Bus 1
Enclosure 0 Disk 1 . Note that the relevant disk has been highlighted in the
center pane. This can be used to easily identify hardware components of your
VNX Array. Note also the Wizards and Service Tasks that can be performed
from the right hand pane. (See Figure 11)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 11.

Review Storage Hardware

12. To review Unisphere Monitoring and Alerts click System > Monitoring and
Alerts. (See Figure 12)

Figure 12.

Accessing monitoring and Alerts

13. Monitoring and Alerts contains the following (See Figure 13)

Alerts System alerts and warnings


Notifications Setup notifications for specific alerts

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview



QoS Manager Allocate system resources on an application basis


SP Events Logs View all events for your block system


Statistics Performance analysis and resource usage statistics with

Unisphere Analyzer. (For using Analyzer See Lab 5 - Unisphere Analyzer)

Figure 13.

Monitoring and Alerts

14. To access Hosts click Hosts on the navigation toolbar. (See Figure 14)

Figure 14.

Accessing Hosts

15. To view all hosts connected to your array click Host List. (See Figure 15)

Figure 15.

Access Host list

16. From the Host list you can see that you have 2 VMware ESXi hosts connected
to your array. (See Figure 16)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 16.

Review connected hosts

17. EMC Unisphere is VMware Aware. To view the VMware Integration within
Unisphere click Hosts > Virtualization. (See Figure 17)

Figure 17.

Access Virtualization

18. Currently you do not have anything listed under the VMware Infrastructure
tab. This section can be used to monitor vCenter or ESX hosts. To add your
vCenter click Add. (See Figure 18)

Figure 18.

Adding vCenter

19. Ensure Configure my ESX Servers managed by vCenter Servers is selected.

Click Next. ( See Figure 19)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 19.

Adding your vCenter server

20. To add your vCenter Server click Add. (See Figure 20)

Figure 20.

Adding your vCenter Server

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


21. Enter the following vCenter Server Credentials and click OK. (See Figure 21)

IP Address:


Username: vlab\administrator


Password: Password123!

Figure 21.

vCenter Server Credentials

22. Click OK to accept the server Certificate. (See Figure 22)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 22.

Accept the vCenter Certificate

23. Click OK to acknowledge the Message below. (See Figure 23)

Figure 23.

Click OK

24. Click Next. (See Figure 24)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 24.

Adding vCenter Server

25. Review the Summary. Click Finish. (See Figure 25)

Figure 25.

Adding vCenter Server Summary

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


26. To complete the wizard click Finish. (See Figure 26)

Figure 26.

Completing the vCenter Server Wizard

27. Under VMware infrastructure expand your vCenter Server to

see the ESXi hosts that are connected to your VNX array. Click
esx01.vlab.local and review the properties of the VM NFS-SIOC under the
Virtual Machines tab. Note that VM Name, Guest Host, VM IP and Guest OS
are all displayed. VMware tools are required on the VM for this detail to
display. This view allows the storage administrator to monitor storage usage
in the VMware environment. (See Figure 27)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 27.

View VM details

28. Next you will see how easy it is to add additional hosts to a Storage Group
using Unisphere. To do this click Hosts > Storage Groups. (See Figure 28)

Figure 28.

Navigating to Storage Groups

29. Under Storage Groups click vLab Cluster and note that currently you have one
ESXi host in your storage group (esxi01.vlab.local). (See Figure 29)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 29.

Review Existing Storage Group configuration

30. To add an additional host click Connect Hosts. (See Figure 30)

Figure 30.

Add an additional host

31. Click esx02.vlab.local and click the highlighted arrow to add it to the storage
group. (See Figure 31)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 31.

Adding esx02.vlab.local

32. Click OK. (See Figure 32)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 32.

Complete the Add Host Wizard

33. On the Confirmation message click Yes. (See Figure 33)

Figure 33.

Confirm Add Host

34. On the results message click OK. (See Figure 34)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 34.

Complete the Wizard

35. Review the Storage Groups screen and note that you now have 2 hosts in the
vLab Cluster Storage Group. Both of these hosts will now have access to all
LUNS added to this storage group. (See Figure 35)

Figure 35.

Review the vLab Cluster Storage Group

36. To access the Unisphere Support section click Support. (See Figure 36)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 36.

Access Unisphere Support

37. From the Support section you can access the following (Due to firewall
restrictions in vLab you will not be able to Enable the Support options). (See
Figure 37)

How Tos Procedures to help you manage and service your system


Community Online collaborative resources and forums for your product


Downloads Download software updates for your system using the

Unisphere Service Manager


Unisphere Help Comprehensive help system


Product Support Page Best practice documents, white papers and Live
Chat with EMC Engineers


Search EMC Support General EMC support search

Figure 37.

Support options

That completes Lab 1: Unisphere Overview

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Lab 2 FAST Cache Overview


FAST Cache Overview

In this lab, you will learn about FAST Cache on your VNX array using EMC Unisphere.
FAST Cache is a private storage pool consisting of two or more Flash disks that is
owned by the Storage Processors. FAST Cache supports read and write caching and is
controlled by the SP cache. FAST Cache can be enabled for all the LUNs in a storage
pool or for individual LUNs in RAID groups.

The lab uses:

EMC Unisphere Management console

The lab includes overviews of the following:


FAST Cache Setup Overview

Storage Pool FAST Cache settings

Logging into Unisphere


If you are not already logged into Unisphere from the previous lab please do
the following. Otherwise continue to Step 4.


To launch Unisphere double Click Internet Explorer on the desktop. (See

Figure 38)

Figure 38.


Launching Unisphere

Enter the following username and password and click login:

Username: sysadmin

Password: sysadmin

This opens the Unisphere Management console. (See Figure 39)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 39.

Logging into Unisphere

FAST Cache Setup Overview


Click System. (See Figure 40)

Figure 40.


Accessing System

On the right hand pane click System Properties. (See Figure 41)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 41.


From the VNX-Block Storage System Properties screen click the FAST Cache
tab. (See Figure 42)

Figure 42.


Accessing System Properties

Access FAST Cache tab

Here you can see that FAST Cache is enabled on your VNX Array and is
currently using 2 Flash disks in a Raid 1 configuration. (See Figure 43)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 43.


Review FAST Cache configuration

To close the FAST Cache configuration screen click OK. (See Figure 44)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 44.

Close the FAST Cache configuration

Storage Pool FAST Cache Settings


You will now review the properties of a Storage Pool to see how easy it is to
manage FAST Cache. To do this click Storage > Storage pools. (See Figure 45)

Figure 45.

Access Storage pools

10. Right click Pool 0 - FAST Cache Enabled. Click Properties. (See Figure 46)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 46.

Access the properties of Pool 0

11. On the VNX-Block Pool 0 : Storage Pool Properties screen click Advanced
and note that FAST Cache is enabled at the Pool level. This means that all
LUNs created from this storage pool will benefit from FAST Cache. To finish
click OK. (See Figure 47)

Figure 47.

Review FAST Cache settings for Pool 0

That completes Lab 2: FAST Cache Overview

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Lab 3 Storage Provisioning and FAST


Storage Provisioning and FAST

Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) lets you assign different categories of data to
different types of storage media within a tiered pool. Data categories may be based
on performance requirements, frequency of use, cost, and other considerations. The
purpose of the FAST feature is to retain the most frequently accessed or important
data on fast, high performance (more expensive) drives, and moves the less
frequently accessed and less important data to less-expensive (lower-performance)
FAST monitors the usage of the data in a tiered pool and then uses these statistics to
automatically relocate 1 GB sub-LUN data blocks of each LUN to the storage tier that
is best suited for that data. Tiered pools are heterogeneous pools that are configured
with multiple classes of disk drives (Flash, FC, SAS, NL-SAS, and ATA/SATA). The subLUN data blocks are relocated based on one of the FAST policy settings described
below. At any one time, the software supports only one data relocation operation per
In order to configure and use the FAST feature, the FAST enabler must be installed on
the system. Only pool LUNs are supported.

Logging into Unisphere

If you are not already logged into Unisphere from the previous lab please do
the following. Otherwise continue to Step 4.


To launch Unisphere double Click Internet Explorer on the desktop. (See

Figure 48)

Figure 48.


Launching Unisphere

Enter the following username and password and click login:

Username: sysadmin

Password: sysadmin

This opens the Unisphere Management console. (See Figure 49)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 49.

Logging into Unisphere

Creating Storage Pools


To create a new storage pool you need to browse to Storage pools. Click
Storage > Storage Pools. (See Figure 50)

Figure 50.


Navigate to Storage Pools

To create a new storage pool click Create. (See Figure 51)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 51.


Create a new storage pool

VNX OE 32 brings many new enhancements to the VNX operating

Environment. One such enhancement is the ability to now select different
Raid levels for each disk type. Accept the defaults here for Raid type and set
the number of each disk type as shown below. Please ensure to clear Perform
a Background verify on the new storage. (See Figure 52)
Disk Selections should be as follows:

Extreme Performance - Number of disks = 3

Performance - Number of disks = 3

Capacity - Number of disks = 4

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 52.


New storage Pool parameters

Click Advanced and note that FAST Cache is Enabled by default. Click OK to
create the new pool.(See Figure 53)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 53.


Storage Pool FAST Cache settings

Click Yes to confirm the create operation. (See Figure 54)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 54.


Click Yes

Click Yes to acknowledge the Warning shown below. (See Figure 55)

Figure 55.

Click Yes

10. Click OK to acknowledge the Message shown below. (See Figure 56)

Figure 56.

Click OK

Please note that it may take a few minutes for the Unisphere GUI to refresh so
that you can review the status of your new storage pool.
11. Once the GUI has refreshed you can now see that your storage pool is in an
Initializing state. It may take a few minutes for your pool to change to a Ready
State. (See Figure 57)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 57.

Review Pool 1 State

Review FAST Configuration

12. You will now review the FAST configuration for Pool 0. To do this right click
Pool 0 FAST Cache Enabled and click Properties. (See Figure 58)

Figure 58.

Access Pool 0 Properties

13. On the General tab note that both Raid Type and Disk Type are Mixed. (See
Figure 59)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 59.

Review Pool 0 General Tab

14. To view the FAST configuration for Pool O click Tiering. Note that Auto-Tiering
is set to Scheduled. Note also the metrics for Data to Move Down/Up. In the
bottom pane note that data within the pool is spread across all three disk
tiers. (See Figure 60)

Figure 60.

Tiering Summary for pool 0

15. To modify the Relocation schedule click Relocation Schedule. From here you
can easily manage and change the Data Relocation Rate and also the Data
Relocation Schedule. To finish click OK.(See Figure 61)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 61.

Manage Auto Tiering Data Relocation

16. Click OK to close Pool 0 Properties. (See Figure 62)

Figure 62.

Close Pool 0 Properties

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Storage Pool LUN FAST Details

17. To view the FAST details of a Pool LUN right click VAAI_LUN_1 and click
Properties. (See Figure 63)

Figure 63.

Access VAAI_LUN_1 properties

18. Click Tiering. Note the Tiering Policy is set to Start High then Auto-Tier which
is the recommended setting. The following options are available under Tiering

Start High then Auto-Tier (recommended) First sets the preferred tier
for data relocation to the highest performing disk drives with available
space, then relocates the LUNs data based on the LUNs performance
statistics and the auto-tiering algorithm.


Auto-Tier Sets the initial data placement to Optimized Pool and then
relocates the LUNs data based on the LUNs performance statistics and
the auto-tiering algorithm.

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview



Highest Available Tier Sets the preferred tier for initial data placement
and data relocation to the highest performing disk drives with available


Lowest Available Tier Sets the preferred tier for initial data placement
and data relocation to the most cost effective disk drives with available


No Data Movement No data movement between tiers. The LUN retains

the initial tier settings.
Note also under Tier Details that this LUN is currently running on the
highest tier. To finish click OK. (See Figure 64)

Figure 64.

VAAI_LUN_1 Tiering detail

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Block Storage Provisioning

19. To provision storage to a host you first need to create a new LUN. In unisphere
there a several ways to do this. On the right hand pane there are Wizards for
most day to day operations including a LUN provisioning Wizard which will
take you through step by step provisioning storage to hosts. To begin click
LUN Provisioning Wizard from the right hand pane. (See Figure 65)

Figure 65.

Launch LUN Provisioning Wizard

20. Click Next to begin the Wizard. (See Figure 66)

Figure 66.

Click Next

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


21. Click Assign LUNS to the servers & check both ESXi hosts. Click Next. (See
Figure 67)

Figure 67.

Choose servers to assign storage

22. Click Yes to acknowledge the Warning shown below. (See Figure 68)

Figure 68.

Click Yes

23. Select your Storage System VNX-Block. Click Next. (See Figure 69)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 69.

Select Storage System

24. Click Pool 0 FAST Cache Enabled. Click Next. (See Figure 70)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 70.

Select Storage Pool

25. Click Thin to create a virtually provisioned LUN. Click Next. (See Figure 71)
A thin LUN lets you assign more storage capacity to a host than is physically
available. Storage is assigned to the server in a capacity-on-demand method from a
shared pool. A thin LUN competes with other LUNs in the pool for the available pool
storage. The storage system software monitors and adds storage capacity, as
required, to each pool, not each LUN. This simplifies the creation and allocation of
storage capacity. For thin LUNs, you must install the thin provisioning enabler on the

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 71.

LUN Features

26. Use the following details for LUN Properties and click Next. (See Figure 72)

Number of LUNS: 1


User Capacity: 2GB


LUN Name: Lab3

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 72.

LUN Properties

27. Click Continue without adding LUNS to a folder. Click Next. (See Figure 73)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 73.

Select Folder

28. Review the Summary and click Finish. (See Figure 74)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 74.

LUN Provisioning Wizard Summary

29. Review the Results screen and click Finish. (See Figure 75)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 75.

LUN Provisioning Wizard Results

30. To see your newly provisioned LUN click Hosts > Storage Groups. (See Figure

Figure 76.

Navigate to Storage Groups

31. Under Storage Groups click vLab Cluster. In the bottom pane click LUNS. Note
that the new LUN you just provisioned is available to both ESX hosts in the
storage group. (See Figure 77)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 77.

Storage Group LUNS

Storage Pool Expansion

One of the many benefits of EMC VNX Storage Pools is the ability to expand a
pool with addition disks. VNX OE32 brings automatic re-striping of data
across the additional disks. To expand a storage pool follow these steps.
32. Click Storage > Storage Pools. (See

Figure 78.

Navigate to Storage Pools

33. Right click Pool 0 FAST Cache Enabled. Click Expand. (See

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 79.

34. You should have 3 SAS drives available with which to expand the pool. Please
ensure to deselect Perform a Background verify on the new storage. Click OK.

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 80.

Expanding Storage Pool

35. Click Yes to acknowledge the Warning below. (See

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 81.

Acknowledge the Warning

36. Click OK to acknowledge the Message below. (See

Figure 82.

Acknowledge the Message

37. To monitor the progress of the automatic rebalance of data right click Pool 0
FAST Cache Enabled. Click Properties. (See

Figure 83.

Access Pool 0 Properties

38. Under Operation In Progress you can see the Rebalancing % complete
details. NOTE: It may take up to 5 minutes for the rebalancing to begin. Click
Refresh to monitor progress. Click OK to close. (See

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 84.

Pool Rebalancing Statistics

That completes Lab 3: Storage Provisioning and FAST

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Lab 4 VNX Unified Storage CIFS and NFS


VNX Unified Storage CIFS and NFS

Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) lets you assign different categories of data to
different types of storage media within a tiered pool. Data categories may be based
on performance requirements, frequency of use, cost, and other considerations. The
purpose of the FAST feature is to retain the most frequently accessed or important
data on fast, high performance (more expensive) drives, and moves the less
frequently accessed and less important data to less-expensive (lower-performance)
FAST monitors the usage of the data in a tiered pool and then uses these statistics to
automatically relocate 1 GB sub-LUN data blocks of each LUN to the storage tier that
is best suited for that data. Tiered pools are heterogeneous pools that are configured
with multiple classes of disk drives (Flash, FC, SAS, NL-SAS, and ATA/SATA). The subLUN data blocks are relocated based on one of the FAST policy settings described
below. At any one time, the software supports only one data relocation operation per
In order to configure and use the FAST feature, the FAST enabler must be installed on
the system. Only pool LUNs are supported.

Logging into Unisphere

If you are not already logged into Unisphere from the previous lab please do
the following. Otherwise continue to Step 4.


To launch Unisphere double Click Internet Explorer on the desktop. (See

Figure 85)

Figure 85.


Launching Unisphere

Enter the following username and password and click login:

Username: sysadmin

Password: sysadmin

This opens the Unisphere Management console. (See Figure 86)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 86.


This lab uses Virtual Storage Appliances (VSA) to replicate EMC arrays. For
this reason you need to add the VNX-File VSA to your VNX-Block instance of
Unisphere. To do this click Home. (See Figure 87)

Figure 87.


Access Home

Click System List. (See Figure 88)

Figure 88.


Logging into Unisphere

System List

To add the VNX-File VSA click Add. (See Figure 89)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 89.


Add VNX-File VSA

Enter the following IP in the Connect dialog and click Connect. (See Figure 90)


VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 90.



Click Accept. (See Figure 91)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 91.


Accept the license agreement

Enter the following details on the login screen. Click Login.(See Figure 92)

Name: nasadmin


Password: nasadmin


Scope: Local (You must select Local Scope from the drop down or this
step will fail)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 92.

Login Details

10. You should now see the VNX-File appliance listed in your system list. (See
Figure 93)

Figure 93.

VNX-File Added

11. To manage VNX-File click All Systems > VNX-File. (See Figure 94)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 94.

Manage VNX-File

12. To view the storage pools for file click Storage > Storage Pools. (See Figure

Figure 95.

Navigate to Storage Pools For File

13. Note that you have two storage pools from which you can create File Systems.
(See Figure 96)

Figure 96.

Storage Pools For File

Creating File Systems

14. To create a new file system or to view existing file systems click Storage > File
Systems. (See Figure 97)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 97.

Navigate to File Systems

15. Note that you have two existing File Systems FS01 and FS02. To create a
new File System click Create. (See Figure 98)

Figure 98.

Create a new File System

16. Create the new File System with the following details and click OK. (See Figure

File System Name: Lab4


Storage Pool: clar_r5_economy

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview



Storage Capacity: 2048


Auto Extend Enabled: Selected


Maximum Capacity: 3072


Thin Enabled: Selected


File Level Retention: Off


Deduplication Enabled: Selected

Figure 99.

Lab4 File System

NFS Shares
17. Now that you have created a new File System you can now create shares for
users to access the File System. To do this click Storage > NFS. (See Figure

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 100.

Navigate to NFS

18. Note that you have two existing NFS Exports - /FS01 and /FS02. To create a
new NFS export click Create. (See Figure 101)

Figure 101.

Create a new NFS Export

19. Create the new NFs export with the following details. Click OK. (See Figure

File System: Lab4


Path: /Lab4
VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview



Read/Write Hosts:


Root Hosts:

Figure 102.

NFS Export Details

CIFS Shares
20. EMC VNX allows you to share the same File System as an NFS share and a
CIFS share simultaneously offering more flexibility in mixed OS environments.
To create a CIFS share from your File System click Storage > CIFS. (See Figure

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 103.

Navigate to CIFS

21. Currently you do not have any CIFS shares setup. To enable EMC VNX to
replace your physical file servers you can setup a CIFS server in Unisphere.
This step has been completed for you but to review it click CIFS Servers. You
have a standalone CIFS Server available that is using a VNX Interface
configured with IP Figure 104)

Figure 104.

Review CIFS Server

22. To create a new CIFS share click Shares > Create. (See Figure 105)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 105.

Create a new CIFs share

23. Create your new CIFS share with the following details and click OK. (See
Figure 106)

CIFS Share Name: Lab4


File System: Lab4


Path: \Lab4


CIFS Servers: click CIFS01

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 106.

New CIFS Share

24. Review your new share under the shares tab. (See Figure 107)

Figure 107.

Review new share details

25. To access your new share you can browse to the CIFS Server by doing the
following. Click Start. Enter the NetBIOS name of the CIFS Server \\cifs01
(See Figure 108)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 108.

Browse to cifs01

26. Enter the following credentials to connect. Click OK. (See Figure 109)

Username: cifs01\administrator


Password: Password

Figure 109. Cifs01 Credentials

27. Windows Explorer should now open and you can right click Lab4 and click
Map Network Drive. (See Figure 110)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 110.

Map Network Drive

28. Accept the defaults and click Finish. (See Figure 111)

Figure 111.

Complete the Map Network Drive Wizard

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


File System Checkpoints

A very useful feature of your unified VNX is the ability to take periodical
snapshots of your file systems using File System Checkpoints so that your
users can easily recover deleted files. To see an example of this do the
29. In your new mapped drive right click, click New, click Text Document. (See
Figure 112)

Figure 112.

Create a new text document

30. Call your new text document New Doc. (See Figure 113)

Figure 113.

New Doc Created

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


31. Open your New Doc and enter the following text and save the changes. (See
Figure 114)

Original Text

Figure 114.

Enter text

32. You will now take a manual File System Checkpoint of your Lab4 file system.
To do this click Data Protection > Create File System Checkpoint. (See Figure

Figure 115.

Create File System Checkpoint

33. Create your new checkpoint with the following parameters and click OK. (See
Figure 116)

Production File System: Lab4


Checkpoint Name: New_Doc


Storage Pool: clar_r5_performance


Storage Capacity: 2048

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 116.

Creating the File System Checkpoint

34. Now browse back to your mapped drive and delete the file New Doc. (See
Figure 117)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 117.

Delete New Doc

35. Now that you have deleted your file you can restore it using the File System
Checkpoint taken earlier. Right click the Lab4 mapped drive and click Restore
Previous Versions. (See Figure 118)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 118.

Restore previous versions

36. Under Folder versions click the manual checkpoint that you took earlier and
click Open. (See Figure 119)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 119.

Open Previous Versions

37. In the Checkpoint explorer window right click New Doc and click Copy. (See
Figure 120)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 120.

Copy previous file version

38. Return to your mapped drive and paste the checkpoint version of the file to
restore it. (See Figure 121)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 121.

Restore New Doc to mapped drive

39. Finally open the file to verify the text you typed earlier. (See Figure 122)

Figure 122.

Verify doc contents

That completes Lab 3: VNX Unified Storage CIFs and NFS

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Lab 5 - Unisphere Analyzer


Unisphere Analyzer lets you monitor the performance of storage-system components

LUNs, the storage processors (SPs) that own them, and their disk modules.
Unisphere Analyzer works within storage domains that the web-based Unisphere
administers. It gathers storage-system performance statistics and presents them in
various types of charts. The information Analyzer provides can help you find and
anticipate bottlenecks in the disk storage component of a computer system.


In this lab you will view various Analyzer options and open a pre-confgured file with
detailed performance data. As this is a demo lab there is no load on the array to view
performance data in realtime so the lab will only be based on archived performance

To navigate to Unisphere Analyzer click System and click Statistics. (See

Figure 123)

Figure 123. Navigating to Unisphere Analyzer


Here you will see 4 panes for various options within Analyzer. (See Figure

Figure 124. Unisphere Analyzer


To start and stop Analyzer gathering performance data on the array click
Performance Data Logging under Settings. (See Figure 125)
VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Here you can specify internvals and stop automatically after a certain number
of days.
As this is a demo environment there is no load on the array so click OK
without starting Data Logging. You will view an existing performance file later
in the lab.

Figure 125. Data Logging


Charts can be customized by clicking Customize Charts. (See Figure

126.)Here you can set various colours, line types and so on for the graphs.
The main section to highlight here is Advanced under Characteristics
(Analyzer). Select Advanced. This displays additional advanced performance
counters when analyzing performance statistics.
Click OK to apply this change. (See Figure 126). Click Ok to the Success
message. (See Figure 127)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 126. Chart customization options

Figure 127. Confirmation of changes saved.


Performance data can be viewed in real time or archive files can be viewed. To
view performance details in realtime you can use the charts under
Performance Charts. (See Figure 128). (Note: as there is no load on this array,
you will view an archive file instead).

Figure 128. Real time monitoring

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview



When analyzer is gathering data it creates .nar files on the Storage

Processors. There are several extra options besides viewing these files for
managing them. (See Figure 129).

If there are multiple .nar files over a period of time they can be merged
together into one single file. (Merge Archive)

.nar files can be copied from the array to a local machine using the Retrieve
Archive option.

.nar files can also be Dumped to an excel file if you have another
application that will do analysis on the numbers.

Figure 129. Archive Management


To open an existing .nar file (See Figure 130):


click Open Archive


Click vLab.nar


Click Open

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 130. Opening an archive .nar file


You can specify time ranges to view so if you have a .nar file than spans days
or weeks you can narrow down a specific time range within those
Click OK without changing the times. (See Figure 131)

Figure 131. Setting the Time Range


Right anywhere on this page to see the options available. To view as much
detailed information as possible select Performance Detail. (See Figure 132)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 132. Viewing Performance Detail Charts

10. You will then see options for performance counters you want to view. (See
Figure 133)
You can view performance counters of LUNs, Storage Pools, Raid Groups and
Storage Processors (SP). As you can see in 1 LUN is selected and Utilization is
the counter selected. Details of this LUNs performance can be seen in the
chart in the right pane.

Figure 133. Performance Counters and Charts

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


11. Scroll down the list of LUNs and select EMCW-LUN10. In the pane under that
select Response Time (ms) and Total Bandwidth (MB/s). (See Figure 134)
Now you can see various resopnse times in the chart in the right pane. The Y
Axis depicts the performance counter and the X Axis depicts the time.

Figure 134. Viewing Response Time and Bandwidth for LUN EMCW-LUN10

12. Click Storage Pool and SP to browse for other performance counters to view
on various components on the array. (See Figure 135 and Figure 136)

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


Figure 135. Viewing Storage Pool Statistics

Figure 136. Viewing SP Statistics

13. If you right click on a graph in the right pane you have the option to modify
the line colours, types and so on by selecting Chart Configuration. This graph
can also be saved as an image file, copied or printed. (See Figure 137)

Figure 137. Chart Options

14. When you have finished Click x on both windows to close Unisphere Analyzer.

Figure 138. Closing Analyzer

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview




During this demonstration, you completed the following labs:

Unisphere overview, its features and functionality

FAST Cache Overview

Storage Pool Creation

FAST Overview

Block Storage Provisioning

CIFS and NFS Overview

File System Checkpoints overview

Unisphere Analyzer

For any issues or feedback, or for further information about EMC products, solutions,
and demonstrations, contact your EMC representative.
EMC personnel
For any issues or feedback, please email demoteam@emc.com. Please include as
much detail as possible to ensure your email is addressed in a timely manner.


For additional labs within this lab please download the following guides:

VMware with VNX Integration Data Protection with VNX Snapshot and

VMware with VNX Integration insert lab name

There VMware with VNX Integration insert lab name

There is additional separate lab for an indepth analysis of FAST and FAST VP with
Unisphere Analyzer. This lab is called Unisphere Analyzer Evaluating FAST Cache and

That completes the demonstration of

Unisphere Overview
Thank You

VNX with VMware Integration - Unisphere Overview


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