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and Statistics

Ms. Packard

Learn about the major concepts and

tools for collecting, analyzing, and
drawing conclusions from data.


STATISTICAL CONCEPTS: Describe the major

conceptual themes of statistics: Describing
Data, Producing Data, Anticipating Patterns, &
Statistical Inference.
STATISTICAL SKILLS: Produce convincing oral &
written statistical arguments, using appropriate
terminology. Know when & how to use
technology to aid them in solving statistical
for producing data, analyzing data, modeling
data, & drawing conclusions from data.
consumers of statistical results by heightening
awareness of ways in which statistics can be
improperly used to mislead.

Room 214

A typical day...

YOUR DAY will begin with warm-up problem
or activity. This problem has been chosen to
extend an idea from last class or connect
with ideas from the current class.
FROM THERE we will work on building an
understanding of the material together. This
will occur through a variety of techniques
including notes, discussions, group work &
writing; lots & lots of writing.
COMMUNICATION is an essential
component of doing statistics. You will be
asked to communicate verbally & in writing
your thoughts, methods & conclusions.
Asking questions is crucial to your success in
this course. Ask your shoulder partner, ask
another teammate, ask ME.

Homework Policy:

In order to succeed at learning any new skill, practice is required. Homework

is assigned with that intention. We will be discussing the homework
assignment in class the next day, so it is ESSENTIAL that you try your
homework before the next class period.
It is understandable, however, that students are asked to balance many
responsibilities, and homework cannot always be completed to its fullest
extent, therefore all homework can be turned in or re-done until the exam for
that chapter.
Homework is a completion grade, BUT you MUST SHOW ALL YOUR WORK! If I
believe that you have not shown adequate effort or demonstrate cheating
the assignment will receive a 0.
There may be times that I see fit to give a random homework quiz without
notice. The best way to prepare is to do your homework everyday!

Classroom Policies
Come Prepared
Computer (and charger!)
Homework Completed

Meet Expectations
1. Be Safe
2. Be Respectful
3. Be Responsible

Attend Class
Attendance correlates to your success.
If you are absent from class, it is YOUR
responsibility to get the makeup work. All
documents can be found on our website using
Canvas. Use the weekly planner to get caught up
and then see me when you have questions about
the material.

Off and out of sight.

If I see your electronic device during class I

will have to take it and give it to the
office. You will get your device back at
the end of the day.

In the case that the CLASS expectations are not

met within the classroom, consequences
may include but are not limited to:
conference with teacher to discuss better Computers should only be out when asked
options, BIST room, contact home
by the teacher.
concerning behavior, removal from the
classroom and involvement of students

I am available for help! Here are some options for you:

Before/after school or during T3

Website: Use the website to watch videos, play games, take quizzes and ask
us questions! Go to or use Canvas!

Ask questions I N CLASS- ask the teacher, ask your partner, ask someone!

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