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™~ oa ZIONS BANK’ a 0. Box SOTO, Sa Lake Gi, UT B4130-0709 7 teste ren avainanee coorseoiavese ase Hosea lps ere Iuo\sON COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE wsosow cou : 1-760 sank 208) REXBURG ID Bs440-1912 ‘ Ahab Macready Mento WE HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN WHO KEEPS US IN BUSIESS. © sr ae ‘gomdnorree ae account Typ eo Brcthe Bra Faun wa a "Sass am ae Prentice Depends caged Crees Processed ang Banco Sous sone es coe ees a oesoaraicnebité cute anand Beso oar Beco. Gara soseoatbe ce Bie Ber etetent ses BES) SERGE seuaostes Stee sie Besos sister : is aieso Sepa seecoane ous FSS. Besos siecnstar a Sit DEPORT Seems ans ES 7 epbatr sacseans ae Wee SEPOSr Secsenee ere ee Getoer bustage oes 382. Geese swusrere site ‘sr09 a Sits WLS. Eepoair eres we BOB Bence Joreerce oe 2A Gepost yerserad ca feo Gepgem roetastr” aes YR Eepoai revecuane ae BR Genter reread ae we Ear fereceser ue ie Bape foresees Ee 1 RRBs BAVMeN cootsrese @ enacts There ere rane is ped i ALATA y oe — ZIONS BANK’ aie _, P.O, Box 30708, Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0709 2 Gikccke PRocESSED MUMBO cna AMOUR — NMRA a BBB cnn SOMONE 15 ‘une ‘s7go 11% oan 37544 ‘Netin check sequence [AGGREGATE OVERORAFT AND RETURNED TEM FEES Totter This Poi ‘Total Yew Dale “Total Overerat Fees 000 0.00 “Tole Retrnas ten Fees. 000 sooo “To lean more about robe: predicts ar series that ray ower te cast of managing eqzount ‘eras orte dacussrerraung ever coverage fem your eccout please carteck Custer Serie or vi yer Toca branch DAILY BALANCES Balance ate Defence Bar ‘907.8 outa owes iass0o8 a2 rau ows. one 1960898 aes Taga oe 0428 peer) a4 1738298 ous? 8 1405550, 408 1739858 owe 920 raze wos tpt ose 0430 450888 oust 1198598 ae fasta wrerest . Irieve! 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Box 30709, Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0709 Last Statement: Apri 30,2013 En oe wan ors ome wosgycee oan we pa REXBURGID a3e40.1011 oathelatbes be WE HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN VIMO KEEPS US IN BUSINESS. @ ‘Gsemng Account Type eatcanss owe fc bag Platnum NRA Tine Provons bance Depostree peste choos Proesst Eng Ease rionse Soot! 300 Soroes agree (NB etbotirictesin’ owe “anaunt cats “S90 eee ‘aa See Boo eer Bo Soo 200 os ae oer Sog0 tee 09 ene oe ons jogos 0 Bi et roe teres ‘are we 300 : a sm = aes = 83 = 8 BesOetr teetaerer 43.00 Deposit s76i03633 ve INTEREST PAYMENT 0001310260 2 Checks PRacessED Numb ef DBP. Amount Mamba. ~ 18 ona aq00 1 210.85 wk ewe FIC onossaenanrooene esas ZIONS BANK mate Box 30709, Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0709 os [AGGREGATE OVERDRAFT AND RETURNED TEM FEES Tollfor This Pood Tol Yearto.Date “otal Overcat Fos, $0.09 $000 “Tova Retumad tam Fees $0.00 $0.00 “Tolear more about out ether producia end garvices thal may lower the oos of managing acct ‘ent ob acu renoung ovrera coverage fom our account, plese certact Custer Servoe vi your lel Branch. bail dalances ””” ate Baimce bate, Boiance Date sot 14g67 56 oso 15.4673 95,23 osc2 1477536 site s42473 054 os08 resi 73 sits nize 0828 9507 S075 73 sie 1447673 08:23 0508 15,128.73, osc 113673 80 os/08 1s.30873, os snes oat wierest z Interoat Eamad This iterest Pesos stat ‘Number Of Daye This interest Peto Interest Pad Year-To-Date 2019 37.98 ‘Annual Percentage Yield Earned Current interest rat 0.100% ath orate change th ineest period “~ 1.78873 sies073, 12:086.73, 1242073, 1220873 sogrose 010% TESTE ener sic cores ses “This Statement, ZIONS BANK AccouNT 5 zie Mayan Se 80 Tot Tis = Tor = tf fo TH ee T iH ~ | Processed US701/15 Feosesoed 05/02/13 ¥108-00 T ) Processed 05/20/13 $148.00 Processed 05/21/15, 370.00 May 31,2013 ZIONS BANK. ACCOUNT | > ane. i} TT i t a pat T To ti HC Gra Sealy tal Alig ee feet 05/06/15 Spay 8S ch Tad ooo ey ts voze'et ono 090 Le veo'e easels ognoe'vt 1 abed Azeunung vonenoucoety souvjea Bupua saison ssypoug sauto pue sus0dag youn pu S99 sphz/4/9 9 38 BoUEIER Her sypei9 s8490 pue ss0d2g squouideg pue S99K9 veouerea pelea ‘SNOLLOVSNVUL G3EVSIONN ~ SALOORY UNOA uawinieg ques Jo eoveren Bupa poure3 wsavan ebiauD oomN9g -supain Jai pue sysedog ‘suawABd BUY S90 sanuejes snore SSNOMOWSNVEL Q3EV31O ~ LNAWALWAS NYE 102/49 sunday pareenu0g sway ez swoy 12 uy 823200) Sruansy ruanat, quauifey e1qn0g 40: punjek] “PUR MEY UID “@YeISIL B oI an DION reeeccerEerer eee eee | SvoNOBSUEAL, pareAtD [8:01 spar Jao pue sis0dan peseai9 fe pauls isa. snuanay dng 430 ‘snuarati dng 30 orwonay dt 30 eruene dnd GIO enusnats dn 30. enuanay dw _d30. arvana) dx dC fanvenan dg 430 ruenay dn) fa ssruenay dn ad anuanayy dg a0. fnvanoei dt” 30 orvora dW 0 snvensy dug SHO anuenou dnd 30 enuenau ded 3G. ‘anuanay dw 30. ‘anuanais dO, forward 30 eloN BLL ssiparg soino pue sy'sedeq pareerg suey z swautes pur sio0u9 Pere FOL u ‘saBIEUD dD Aunog wosipew — GZL ‘10@/g/s: 8 saBre49 AMD goog aS CUPP, GIL e1o/g/s swawheg pue sy20u9 FOO; oR RRR aT eteq wonsesues) pa129}9 ioe zebed ‘suodesm pajeaaung uoyeiou9e4 Kev ( NN ¢ by ise sways suoaesues) pavB=IOUN IROL oot walt supeio s2190 pue sysodag paree|aun IO, cows aruenoes anuanoy dm 31009 sapeig row pue ssodog paveeoun wrebo's swan siuowheg puE SYED BANEEIIUN AOL ovoee't saB1eU9 JMO sojog ais oye) ek eh0zIL9 seen 598149 JMO faunoguesipen Zl L0RIL9 90 ass doxsyoug 28:0) 10) 4189) ‘BuG07 x00NA 9p rez 120000°E10 # Od 1s04 Super sped 91 swueuXeg pur sy9aup p=1e/uN, So iomy ag ia owe rn * s ) e10z/2/9 04 dn yeyeq UoNoBsUeL| pareopUn, eros e26eq sundeann payeu0d suoqoesues, paueej9uN fe10L ove sw 009 sue supein Jouid pu sysedog pexee}9UN OL supaig setu0 pue sysodag peseeioun, 000 ‘quowheg pue sy994g povee;2UN HO squawseg pue Sp8UQ pasE=mUN snag AS) Fae aR ag uy” ae sioz/Z/9 Joye yeieq uoNdeSUB,|, pareEjoUN, yoe/ets voted suodee nn paresaue) uoyetjouosayy Aen mas ZIONS BANK* siamore accounts Page tof 6 P.O. Box 30709, Salt Lake City, UT 841300709 Poa Barony: 08,2009 Gat Stare ays, 208 ' oe 0002591 aiavasi “ano seineucemn ‘Roan econ MADISON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE ; erie : ‘400 766:9ANK 2295) PEXBURG ID asdeo-i611 i etd Awabttinatealsheneteehestin We WAVEN'T FORGOTTEN WHO KEEPS US IN BUSINESS.) TSDNMARY OF AGEORNT BALANGE: IS RE A TELUS CR Saas ‘Enachng Savings ‘Account Type ‘Account Nude ‘nang Bones sats song Pata MA — Fars PCE RAG La wae Prous Bsance operate chaos Processed ening Satce saaraee pee Sieees Saasvet Deseroton DEPOSIT Teressants Dencerr rere ingots Beposit rerersea60 DePost rereyazee Beposrr rereresss" Repost rerezssans Deposit Tereztssre ‘DEpostT 7arerseso0 DePostr fererteett epost Tereverrar Deposit tarevrare ‘DEPOSIT 7ereteauD) Deposit revetziaee DePOsIT 7areie6963 80 Depastr pereaeeaes: Beposir 7eret7sz23 Deposir verei4ooez Bebostr versteanzo Deposit Terese INTEREST PAYMENT co01201258 0 GiaRcesmeamre “Tree ere na ansecton fis per, 4 CHECKS PROCESSED. Nba Dat ecntunt —Miebetn te amount 2 ost yoo | 18 roo 124 ‘ome 000 1 ene 20955 ZIONS BANK’ aks ik COUNTY BNERIFP'S OFFICE 10x 30709, Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0709 — tik AcGREGATE OVERDRAFT AND RETURNED ITEM FEES Tot fer Tis Pod ‘Toe overdat Fe "7000 Jota Relured bam Fees 00 “learn move abou ou er pecan and eanécs tral may aes th cost of anasing aout cern ds orang ot ce ame ‘dese conta! 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Checks and Payments 4132013 146 Rade Trading Post Po #D1s-000021 Fioarms ‘Total Undeared Checks and Payments 4 om ‘Unclesred Deposits and Other Credits ‘Total Uncleared Deposits and Cher Credits 0 ets ‘Total Uncieared Transactions 1 tem Pages 239848 June Reconciliation ‘Consesea Weapons 7rte20'3 Uncieared Transaction Detail after 6/30/2013 ee Nu Payee Mom, Unetearet Checks and Payments 125 Meson County CWP Charges une 2018 Total Undeared Checks and Payments: + tem Uncoaré4 Depa and Otner Credts “Tota! Unctared Deposis and Oer Oreos © tems “otal Uncleared Transactions 1 tom Category Pege 4 Or_Amount 17837 1837 009 17887 se ZIONS BANK sence 2.0. Box 30709, Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0709 eee ee cere —— 2001870 ersvauy sso tase Serato, aca ec \WADISON COUNTY SHERNFFS OFFICE SEMAN eT soo rena 235 FEXBURG ID seedo-ety onsbankcom alsetad ttl fea AMAL latte WE HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN WHO KEEPS US IN BUSINESS. © TSUMIVARY OF ACSOUNT BACANGE 77075 ‘Account Type nace Bening Plafoun hia Previous Blarce charpestDates ‘oneeks Processed Enetng Bonce saps. 900 737 608875 {a SehouiTSicREDITS pate Anosnt Descrpton orn ‘a0 DEPOSIT Torera9010 orn moo DEPOSIT 7e7e1o76o ore 340 Berosir Tevesanane ores 2on0 Derostr 7evene56 0 ores 7800 Derostr rerezs009" omy e000 Beroetr terere9t'3 ore 22500 SEPOSIT Tevetsa570 ons 27509 ePOSIT Terezraon6 She ‘300 DEPOSIT 7eroasee26 ore 2599 DEPOSIT reretassas orn. 3300 Bepose feversoras ore 500 Berost revez71055 ons 110.00 DEPOSIT 7876181329, ores 3509. 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AccoNT aa Fmt (SE SE ey fm Te = | WE rete) Eh Ha HIT | Ee | i a RTT FUE Thy =~ Th recessed OBIS e110.00 ~ ™ Processed 07/11/15 $175.37. Ch 125 nN ezeret -soupjep 6upug Isioou ‘00 . : Sua) 0 00 ey 0 ezarcel ooo suo 0 ‘sypoig soo pur sysodec, gp ece'z: ey 1 ‘susuiAeg pus aye) szea0'sh seourreg paresig 'SNOWOVSNYtL OatWaTONN ~ STHOOSH ENOA sz290'91 sueuarag veg jo e2ueed Bupi se way) pauies isose1u, | 000 sway 0 Bing cones o0'inz'> suo Bt ‘sypaxp seuio pue sysodon, 289 way ssuOWiAed PLB PALO teteo'z aousteg Soya ‘SNOLLOVSNVEL O3HVS10— INNIVAG HNWE | Azeusuing uome}ouooay 7 shazisié bebe sued 9 payesou09 jooay Aine ¢ € ¢ Cs C, verso" leec'y w 4 i a y 4 4 4 8 8 a 4 8 u B 8. 8 8 u sesiv ees 8 pane AD zobed e10z-eune ‘owion 02 suoyaesuel) 9019 TCL swe of sypeig 40 pue sysodag pases e101, souandgdng 49d ENOE//L spain zewo pub ayeede Rare; wey sued PUP 9164 pErEAtD (BO, sefseto do Auneguospen sei Shes -squaumed Bue SY90UD parESIO tiny aia ue Wejaq uoRTesuELL pa1Zal wersq uonsesuel paleaid, ae suodea m4 Pere80009 uoneqiouooey Ane { ( ¢ C suoyesuels p=r@91oun [EOL ovece’e: 000 ° sspaig song ps eysedag paleopun won sypaig sano pue sisodog peresiour ovecee- wow ‘swaueg pue steoug polRdipun eio1 ovecez- suseons ‘20000-6108 Od wogbupey spay shh e0zieY siuauifa pur sxeuo/postaoun, Taney a a a RT Tat e102/6/8 01 dn ye}oq voWDeSUEL! paresjoury eiozi6ra eobed suadeajiporeoauog uojenouosey Aint ( € ¢ ( C ono weno svoqpesuery pexe9pun (e101 non sua 0 sipoxp 130 pum aysodon pasar eta sipatg a9 pie sisodoa pareoru coo Susy 0 suouKes pue syeuD paseeour Heo, quouihe, ue expcig| pansspin ine ISS a ) Sg a S10/6/8 4eye IEC UOYoesUe! | pareajoun e102 pabeg uct patea0u0D vont ouscoy Ant é t f ( ( ( ZIONS BANK’ P.O, Box 30709, Salt Lake City, UT 84120-0709 ‘Statemnont of Accounts. Pege # of 6 “hs Statement August 30,2013 Laat Stteront July St, 2013 2001900 cavax “auto WolemenIe MADISON COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE 145 E MAIN ST EXBURG ID essao-1911 Primary Ac Fer 2ehoursecount ‘ntocrtin, pease contact 1-300-780-BANK (2225) Bonsbankeom ‘Account Type Accouns Mumber DepasityCredis 908875 228107 ‘W DePosITscREDTS Date ‘Amount Deesipion ‘Bos ‘g000 DEPOSIT 7ers108610 ee. 7509 SEPOSIT 7eretsTa6s aor an00 ‘DEPOSIT 7678150137 sor ‘3800 NIGH" DROP GEPOSTT (Pe) 7e7ét18590 08 200 DeAosiT 7e7et30%86 tan 73.00 Derosn yeretansts oars 2500 Derosit Terezi277 tens ‘3800 Deposit 7eveiseni2 ots soso DeRoSTr. 7676136810 oate 3500 SEROSIT 7e7es3007¢ O58 vaoo0 DEPOSIT revesoae7 bas 7500 Dees rerenorss 9825 ‘00.00 DEPOSIT TeveDaaess 828, "50.00 DEPOSIT 767515248 280 fes00 ow 2ap.00 bee “e500 aaa 07 TehaRcemenrT Date Anaint Desersion oar Ex 4 GiEcie BrocessED untber...O3t. pendant — NMR DB nen Ht6 oss zessas 128 ‘wa ar ens agre00 Notin heck sequence ia ‘Ending Balance Balanecs Owed Chace Proceseed Eneng Balance ‘Terie Yorrars4 HARLAND CLARKE CHK ORDER REF #01S2Hen0s8908%0 1708808697 Raber aaa, rmeunt 120 oats 18172 ZIONS BANK Bzbn — P.O, Box 0709, Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0709 [AGGREGATE OVERDRAFT AND RETURNED ITEM FEES. Toto Th Pured Tat Yeuete Dsto Total Overdat Foes 000 "30.00 “TetiRatre tr Foe 0.00 3000 “Toler mare about or oer products and seroes that may lane the eos of maging account crerdas orto cust remote ovrtat coverage ore your accou, plsse Crtal Cuslrter Service vst yourloes breno. “BALANCES Bate Date. botonce ae. Baierce 1623875 oss wer erat ‘arezr 1931375 sina 16073 28 toxrez7 oan? 850046 ows oeez7 079 sozsizt see $6.58048 owe ssaar eo rorart 308 wara54s oar sant, inveres? Interest Earned This Interest Pato S107 umber oF Daye Ts neest Feros = Interest Paid Year-Te-Date 2013 sini6 Ania Percentage Vet Eamed 010% Curent inte es 0.100% wih ro te change thls ret pid ) [aH ease ovo acne, na Stare: ZIONS BANK. ACCOUNT fugust 90,2013 fa cereern Ts == Fosonced OB/ZI/IS 375.00 eestor veneol veut bobed alan 0 ‘sual “0 reouajee Ouipyg sms160%, “gypag sao ue. sisodsa ‘outed pve Syaayo' ‘eiozige Jo $8 pauses 2816S sypeip igo pur sisoded " suauiked pe sy8UD -sayeiea parser ‘SNOMOVSNYALL GINYSTONN ~ SOMOIRI UNOA suouoyas wen 0 eoustea BPI powes sever ‘6124 eDineS yo pue sysoded fad pun SND ‘eoween sonia SSNOWLOVSNVUL O3RVETO — INAMELVLS AVE enol suodeoya payeeau05, 7) bynes sree : eevrerccreeeeeeeces| eeane IIS zee uy sou ‘anuareet brunet snuragt ‘20u9r9 suena ‘nvareet ‘anuanagh ‘enone wauanens fnivara3} sunset onuanets aUDRERL ‘avarans enuasan, anvene ‘envono34 e102 Ar suey 92, swe 6h sums seiueug amo ‘tux ssoo0.d ou pip ‘28 0 no PAIN ‘saBI8UD ghd beoo0o-e10 #08 ogg eyed uopsesuel, paresig ypusoey ysntiny f suogpenues 1 pase—IO IE ‘sparg 2240 BuE sysoKlua paNEeD (EOL puis sare) ‘awanany ting fruen2yl KD ‘sruanay nD ‘sruonst] dO. aruanay do ‘snvonoy dk anuonmy do) hogar a ELOzoE ag ebOerezra a8 BO blowue 330. .RLOZILIE ao thoeie 43g ENOL spaio J0440 pus sysodea p=IERID squauiec puw sypa4o paleaIO fe4OL epi wo0ND HpAID HuEDE 180 Buped) Spay squouueg pub eypaup p=svOID ahd “ana” e160 esozisi5 svodaoia pojeoue9 0 ZIONS BANK’ rater cours P.O. Box 30709, Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0709 __Matncagecs aio in 002506 arava ~auip werent F iran, ooo coi. MADISON COUNTY SHERIFFS OF SEMANST re ES +1-800-789-BANK (2265) ABXBURG ID a24eo-1911 i tH ‘ Boat GANT Patyngelt apa Ending galancs 1038132 oa oe esis pea ; a, ee ee $m 7 peat pompias ; oe fa Repo eet a ae. See eee = ae =n 28. eet eee oo ak: Seo tae Be Ze ee a ee eee ot ee a 2 ca petoar ae ae a a BS | eer east 2 ae Soa series ae : Fa a a: Sa A RR ley : = ey Seer eee = ae eee eee = Be: ENE aimee ° “There waren ransacins this patiod 2 checks PROCESSED Na DB nna AOE BF Amour 130 ios 222 18t ome 283650 TRE Moan IC enna ZIONS BANK’ eens NADMGOUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE P.O, Box 307089, Salt Lake City, UT $4130-0709 — [AGOREQATE OVERDRAFT AND RETURNED ITEIA FEES. Tot for Ths Pei Total Yearso Dats Total Overara Fees ‘$000 ‘0.00 Total Relrned em Fes. 000 so00 Toles more shout ou other products and eects that may usr the cot of managing en:unt tet ere decee removing orerrah coverage fem your accour, aces Cotatt Custer ‘Seniew or it your eal ranch DAILY BALANCES ete. on Blance —— Bale Date, stance opioa| ios. ons ‘i.geaee. cans ‘o80-22 oan saga oe 202) ae so,t05.2 ce roigeaee tant 352) e008 sono cae 199682 cap 976500 oz rosso? tant sites 9720 0075.42 * 9830 ssi 92 wna wig ere : pest cassette tee (nfecest Exmed This Inlrost tid soso umber Of Oays This erst Peet a Inlet Paid Yeo-To-Date 2013, $1208 Aarua Prcantge Yi Seed 010% Ccurrere rors ae 0.1003 wh oat change Bi interest pind ‘Tie Botoment September 20, 20.8 Page Sof & a ZIONS BANK. 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Box 3070, Sat Lace Cry. UT 130-0709 ooroas4 srhaceasnanarcinioness MADISON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE “MSE MAN ST EXBURG ID sacco-r0xt ‘Statement of Accounts Page tot 6 “This Satan: Noverbe 28,2013 [se Sitemert Ocobe 31,2013 rin For 2 acount ‘orton, ao contac 1 900. 740-BANK (285) We HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN WHO KEEPS USN BUSINESS. 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Box 30709, Sut Lake Cry, UT 84530-0709, ROGREGATE OVERORRET AND RETURWED TEN FEES Total er Thi Paroe Tow YewrtoDkie Tas ovecrat Fone ‘00 3006 ‘ett climes tem Fane 200 Soee ‘Tetearn mre abou ox ther product ane serves ta may ower Ie cast of managing acct rector ta discuss rencrhng etal coverage ey your acca, ease corel Cus ‘Semis or vil yeur loc branch, DARY BALANCES Dc eanecnen Bane Dts esemnnnnen ce er V0s812 sw ases0 15 nz06.2 avis sores v8 tes wei ane osrags si iar tigs1as 00 sagen os war 1108 vizes13 wal iaszeas nes intent nares Cama Thi res Pato sos ‘unto Of Coys Thi intrest Peron Inreat Pa Ve To Gale 2013 she Anna Peerage Ves Eames Cure eared rate 0.100% wan ne chang te! pee Senne roe Barca ‘Tiost 03 11,981.08 1173608 pes. 0.10% Zions Bank Page at 6 This page intentionally left blank ZIONS BANK Account Ay | aa Nowember29, 2012 Page Set 6 = fs} Ed iy i000 150,00 - ~~ 3 ZIONS BANK ACCOUNT # mB event S03 Page Se! 6 oREND ATER a SEER acd nes Ss Tifia/is ¢asee.50 ChE 134 egona'tt squajea Boppy vase 000 sue 0 ‘siuauuted poe SCD ‘83 98's ‘clogilel yo se souejeg 218808 oo E suey!) 9 ‘supeig semi pus syéccdsq Fa | | | oo! swim) 0 ‘sypoig ewig pur sEsadeq- 009 suo 0 ‘}ueued PUP SY8D ‘SNOWBVSNYEL CBRIYSTIONN ~ SAUOOTH MOA ee'968's1 -uouieig 90a Jo eouseg BUIpUS way pouieg 0.90) us BIEN 224403 sway oh apex seug pua sysode sual 2 ‘sales pa SH) oun SNOHNeLd ‘SNOMOVGNYEL OFEVSTO ~ INGLES ANVB | | | | freuiuing vonenpuoody : exoetees, 1 a6 uortoy pte wonenjouos9y 2etu8AON f { 8 G oe ( ( 9rsv0' ose 90 & use e008! 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Box 30708, Sal Lake Cy, UT 84130-0709 es Statement: Noverber 29.2013 Pinay Acco For 2t hte seoount onsasze enstomemerccnsa ‘ntrmaton, passe cortact saoison coun sutras orcs reobieria aaa asst EXDUAG ID essao911 lonebankscom \WE HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN WHO KEEPS US N BUSINESS. © ‘SUMMARY OF RECOUNT BALANCE: pe a a ew wee secant Type “Teagoamce tren Oe sc Beg trum ia — "Boeases EXECUTIVE RANKING PLATINUNEN A Provois Bace Decostscreets, simeas 2.50804 ‘46 Deposirsicnenirs Date amare Descrpon ‘ne 7300 DEPOSIT 7ere007722 205 33000 Berosit rerenoeas ans 2500 Deposit rererzeas0 1386 ye000 BEposIT tere2ress0 a0 sro Deposit rersissess am ‘goo epost rerezar7r ae ‘3800 ‘SePOstt rereseros ane aso Deposit Tereaszess td #3300 Dero rerezsoea7. ano 12500 Deposit yerezovies faa 7300 Beposir rererinare ae soso Deposit reresgear4 oat roo Deposit 7ersz2659% ier $150 Deposit 7eressooas at 20000 Deposit Teresscass Yaa nD |RTEREST PAYMENT 000 sto8363 0 CHARGESIDERITS ‘Trae were no transaciens hs pat 2 Hacks PROCESSED Nabe nD nneAtBBant Numb Dat Kisunt 18 218 ns 37 00 185.60 a ‘An Easy Approach To Balancing Your Account Page ao @ “Te recone your cheskback bale to yout stlonent balance: Mail ac) ety you chack rege al ss been charg 0 your ccene dura te iter: pole Lit th cast Jos Pave wlan, Bu art Yt charged lo yout acount a "Chocks Osta” esi, bow, Then, epee ute nes thes 20. 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