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Spanish III Classroom Information

1. Bring your materials-writing utensils, paper, charged Thinkpad, textbook, and workbook.
2. Be prepared & quality questions before, during, and after you've completed homework and
assessments (quizzes, speeches, tests, projects, etc.) If you have not done or attempted the material, you
may end up 'zoning out' because you're lost, or distracting others because you've given up.
3. Be kind and respect others. This includes not only the thoughts of others, but everyones right to a
quality education. Therefore, please ask questions until you understand the material, but be sure the
questions you pose are related to the subject matter. When you contribute to the class, it should be in
the spirit of cooperation, not to divert other students' attention from learning the Spanish language and
culture. We can have fun together and learn
4. Listen! You learned English by listening to the language being spoken. You cannot hope to become
proficient in the language if you tune me out when I'm speaking Spanish.
5. Strive for your best and don't give up! I didn't learn Spanish in a day, and there were concepts I was
unclear about when I graduated from high school. Learning a language is not an easy challenge. When
you enrolled in the class, you accepted the challenge and I believe every student can succeed in Spanish
if he or she maintains a positive attitude, good conduct in class, good attendance, and a strong work
6. Accept responsibility for actions.
7. Use technology for good. Technology is encouraged in the classroom including the use of cell phones.
However, their use is restricted to educational purposes only. Your EVSC issued computer should be
with you and charged/charging each day. Your cellular phone may be on silent and should be placed in
the designated classroom storage area. Misuse of cell phones: One infraction will result in a
WARNING; the second infraction will result in a parent phone call and loss of cell phone priviledges;
the third infraction will result in a referral.
Traffic signal key:
Green light-any technology may be used for educational purposes.
Yellow light-only Thinkpads may be used for educational purposes.
Red lightno technology usage allowed
How You Will Be Assessed
Quizzes, tests and extended writing: There will be frequent quizzes, tests, and some writing assignments.

In-Class Participation (written and oral): First, the primary language of instruction will be Spanish. You are to
communicate in Spanish, not English, except during times of grammar instruction. This includes being on-task,
volunteering, and using your time as instructed. Listening: We do frequent listening activities in class. If you miss a
listening activity, whether it class work or a quiz/test, it is your responsibility to make arrangements to complete the

exercise. We will have frequent oral assessments, both formative and summative.
Homework & folder: The homework will be a mixture of videos I post for students to watch to prepare for
class and both online and written homework. My website is located at
Students will need a 3-pronged folder in which they will keep a record of their progress, all written assessments,
these guidelines and a whiteboard.
Grading Policies and Scale:
The grading scale is weighted based on the following percentage breakdown:

Quizzes, tests, and extended writing assessments:

Classroom participation and oral assessments:
Homework & folder

Student signature:
Parent/Guardian signature:



Parent/Guardian phone number:


Parent/Guardian email: _____________________________________________________


Please return this by Friday, August 14th; the student will keep this in their folder for reference.
My contact information:
Email: or
School phone: 812-435-8283
Google Calendar:
(To add this address to your Google Calendar, add this address under the Add a coworkers calendar tab. You
may also email me and I can add you more easily!)
The website is an invaluable tool. It contains a classroom calendar, videos the students will view for
homework, practice websites, and documents they may need to download. Visit me there soon!

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