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Dear Manager Human Resource,

I solicit your honor to be considered for the position of an intern at

Halliburton. I hereby submit following points in support of my candidature:

I am interested in this position because of the diversity of work one can

do in the services sector as compare to that of the Exploration and
Production sector. As a result the amount of learning one acquires is far
greater than the Exploration and Production sector. The other reason is
that Halliburton is one of the biggest services providing company in the
world which also employs some of the latest technologies and methods
in its work. Therefore this internship will also give me an opportunity to
familiarize myself with the latest tools and methods being used in the
services sector. Moreover I have decided that I want to pursue a career
in the Oil and Gas sector and since I have already done an internship in
the Exploration and Production sector (details provided below), this
internship will also give me an exposure of the services sector and will
help me plan my career path for the future.

I have recently done a two month internship in the Oil and Gas sector.
The company where I did my internship was Spud Energy Pty Ltd. It
was a field based internship at the SURI gas field in Sindh. This was my
first exposure of the Oil and Gas industry. As a part of my internship, I
did line tracing and worked on the process and instrumentation
diagrams (PNID) of the gas processing facility. I also learned the
design, operation and troubleshooting techniques of the gas
dehydration unit as well as different ways to reduce the glycol losses
during the process operation. I was also acquainted with the metering
equipment used on the plant as the BTU recorder, Moisture analyzer,
flow recorder etc. Along with the understanding of the different
Engineering processes, I also gained an understanding of the different
HSE protocols of the Oil and Gas sector.

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