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Erika Maldonado 1

Food Story
I come from the Latino culture and needless to say our food is delectable and always a
topic of good conversation. There are many specialty dishes that identify us Latinos wherever we
go. My physique can let everyone know I love food especially the traditional Mexican tacos,
burritos, tortas, pozole, mole, etc. Food is porn to me, I just cant ever say no to a good dish. Just
because I do not know how to cook doesnt mean I am not able to chow down, dont under
estimate me when it comes to food.
My grandmother is the best as her sazon was always on point without recipes,
measuring cups or spoons. This of course was pre-Alzheimer and dementia. Now I regret not
paying more attention when she was in the kitchen, but then again like she would say Mas
ayuda el que no estorba meaning he who isnt in the way is most helpful. She was after all a
one chef type of lady and great at it. No one dared enter the kitchen when she was in charge of it.
And he who dared try a spoonful before she was done cooking would get the well-deserved
spoon smack!
My mouth waters as I think of her famous Pipian, my favorite of all. My grandmother
was popular with this dish. Newly engaged couples and parents would request her cooking for
their special celebrations, events and gatherings. It was my birthday request each year. It is a
special green chicken curry prepared a certain way, not many can pull it off. And no it is not
mole; Pipian cannot be compared to any other dish. The aroma that fills the entire house is just
mouthwatering. I knew my grandma was making Pipian as soon as I would step out of the car
when visiting her. I would transport automatically to the heavens with each bite as the taste is
spicy and delightful. I would melt when the Pipian would touch my taste buds. I remember
savoring the last smear of green curry on my plate with a warm and soft tortilla. I was the first
one to sit at the dinner table and last to get up honoring this dish with my highest gratitude.

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