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WALT ask questions while we are reading

We love questions! Use the questions below as a guide to help you ask and generate questions while you are reading. Just like
Miss Jones asks you when we read together! Take turns in asking the questions. If you have your own questions, go ahead and
ask it! You may choose to just ask one set of questions, for example Evaluation Questions for the session to practice one type of
question, or you may want to practise a couple of different types. Be a question generator! Make your peers think!

Knowledge Questions: Recalling information

What problems did the main character face?
Describe the main events so far
Describe a timeline of the events in order
Use the character traits chart to describe another character. What new vocabulary can you use?
What happened after?

Comprehension Questions: Understanding meaning

Retell the story in your own words
Describe your favourite part so far
Describe why the main character (or another character) behaved as they did
Give an example of the characters feelings. What makes you think this?
What was the main idea?

Application Questions: using what you know in a new way

If you were one of the characters, would you act or behaviour in the same way? Why?
What would you do if you were in the book?
What is the problem in the book? How would you solve this problem in your own life?
What would you change if you could?
What questions would you ask the characters?

Analysing Questions: putting the pieces of the puzzle together

What caused the main character to act this way?
What things could not happen in real life?
Is this book or chapter like another book you have read?
What do you predict will happen next? Where in the book gives you this clue?
What is a theme/ message/ issue? What is the theme/ message so far?

Synthesising Questions: combing old and new information to create new ideas
What would it be like to be in this story? Explain and justify your thinking
Create a new ending for the chapter you have just read. Or the end of the book.
And a new thing, idea, problem, character, that was not in the original story. How would this change the book?

Evaluation Questions:
What did you think of the story? Explain your opinion.
Would you recommend this book to a friend? Why/ Why not.
Select the best event. Why do you think this was the best? Explain how it made you feel.
Are the characters and events believable? How? Explain.
Is there are better solution to the problem? How would you solve it?
How would you feel if..

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