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I Part. Multiple Choice.

Instructions: Maggie kept a diary of her trip. Then, choose the correct alternative
1. When did Maggie fly to Puerto Rico?
a) July 23th
b) August 4th

c) July 22nd

2. Who was worried on the plane?

a) Maggie
b) Pablo

c) his friend

3. When did Maggie meet her host family?

a) July 23th
b) August 4th
c) July 22nd
4. What language did Pablo and Sonia speak?
a) English
b) Puerto Rican
c) Spanish
5. Maggie felt _____________ because she didnt understand them.
a) excited
b) frustrated
c) exhausted
6. On August 4th Maggie __________________.
a) wrote on her diary
c) flew back home
b) wasnt exhausted

II. Part. True or False.

Instructions. Listen to these statements and choose T (true) or F (false).
1. Charlie and Maggie were on a school trip.

2. Maggie was worried on the plane.

3. Pablo and Sonia werent friendly.

4. Charlies Spanish was good, so he wasnt frustrated.

5. Maggie and Charlie werent homesick after the first few days.

6. Maggie wasnt glad she went to Puerto Rico.

July 22
Today we flew to Puerto Rico to begin our homestay. I was really excited. My
friend, Charlie, was worried on the plane, but I wasnt.
July 23
I was very happy to meet my host family. Pablo and Sonia were really
friendly, but hey spoke very fast. I cant speak Spanish very well, so I was a
little frustrated today. Charlies Spanish is excellent, so he wasnt frustrated
at all.
August 4
Wow! The two weeks are over. I didnt write in my diary very much. We were
really busy every day, so I was too exhausted to write at night.
After the first few days, Charlie and I werent homesick at all. We were glad
we came to Puerto Rico. We want to come again next year.

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