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Questions and Answers

Computer Science

Yonas Tesfazghi Weldeselassie

The Questions in this material are collected from Computer Science Subject
Graduate Record Examination Preparation Materials

The solutions are explicitly personal and are primarily intended for discussion
purposes with people who want to share ideas

Neither correctness nor completeness is assumed or implied

Do not rely on it

Your feedbacks are most welcome!

Question 1.
Any set of Boolean operators that is sufficient to represent all Boolean expressions
is said to be complete. Which of the following is NOT complete?
B. {NOT, OR}
C. {AND, OR}
E. {NOR}

Solution 1.
Recall that the basics of Boolean algebra operators are AND, OR and NOT. These
three operators are needed to express any Boolean algebra. So we need to check
which of the above alternative sets fails to express these operators.
To that end, recall that using AND and NOT, we can express OR, using DeMoivre
Theorem, as A OR B = A AN D B. Similarly, using OR and NOT, we can express
AND as A AND B = A OR B. Moreover, NAND can express NOT as the NAND
of a boolean variable with itself. Since NAND is negation of AND, it follows that
NAND can express AND by simply inverting the result of NAND (i.e. given A and
B, A AND B = Negation(A NAND B) = (A NAND B) NAND (A NAND B)). Since
it can express AND and NOT, it follows that it can express OR. A similar argument
can be applied to NOR. NOR expresses NOT as the NOR of a variable with itself.
It follows that it can express OR as the NOR of a result of NOR with itself. Finally
DeMoivres Theorem yields the expression to express AND using NOR (i.e. NOT
and OR).
With AND and OR, we cant express NOT in anyway. Thus the answer is C.
Question 2.
Which of the following decimal numbers has an exact representation in binary notation?
A. 0.1
B. 0.2
C. 0.3
D. 0.4
E. 0.5

Solution 2.

The only thing we need to remember here is on how to convert decimal numbers to
In order to convert integer decimal numbers to binary, divide the number by 2,

note the remainder and continue the same operation with the quotient until a quotient of 0 is obtained at which step we need to stop. All the remainders are then
written starting from the last to the first resulting the required binary expression.
In order to convert a fraction part, as is the case in this question, multiply the

fraction by 2, note the integer part of the product, and continue the same operation
with the fraction part of the product until a product of 1.0 is obtained. The required
binary fraction is then 0.i1 i2 i3 ... where the is are the integer parts of the products
starting from the first to the last (if the operation stops at some stage).
Apply this rule to 0.1 to get the following products 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6, (take away
1 and continue with 0.6), 1.2, 0.2, ... Stop! We had already encountered 0.2 which
means we will encounter it again and again if we continue which means this operation will go indefinitely. Thus all the choices A, B, C and D do not have finite
(exact) binary notation because all the decimal numbers 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 (which will be
0.6 on the second stage) and 0.4 are encountered in the conversion procedure for 0.1
which did not terminate. The only choice left is E; indeed 0.5 will give 1.0 in the
second stage which is the terminating stage resulting the binary 0.1 as its binary
representation. Hence the answer is choice E.
Question 3.
Bob writes down a number between 1 and 1,000. Mary must identify that number
by asking yes/no questions to Bob. Mary knows that Bob always tells the truth.
If Mary uses an optimal strategy, then she will determine the answer at the end of
exactly how many questions in the worst case?
A. 1,000
B. 999
C. 500
D. 32
E. 10

Solution 3.
The difficult part on this question is to understand what sort of questions Mary
should ask Bob. If she asks questions like Is it the number 764?, Is it the number
342?, etc, then surely Mary will need to ask 999 questions in the worst case in order
to get the answer.

The optimal strategy is to ask questions like Is it GREATER THAN 500?, Is

it GREATER THAN 250?, etc; each time throwing away half of the interval and
working with the remaining half. This is simply binary search method and Mary
will need to ask a maximum of log2 (1000) questions. Hence the answer is choice E.
Question 4.
If x is a string then xR denotes the reversal of x. If x and y are strings, then (xy)R =
A. xy R
B. yxR
C. y R x
D. xR y R
E. y R xR

Solution 4.
The answer can easily be verified to be choice E. [It is similar to transposing a product two matrices which is the product of the transposes in reverse order.]
Question 5.
A procedure that printed the binary tree


in postorder would produce as output1


Please note that in this tree diagram and the subsequent tree diagrams, some EDGES are
drawn with no actual nodes. This is due to the fact that, according to the package I am using
to draw trees (parsetree.sty), if one wants to have only one child node, then the node is drawn as
middle child (neither right child not left one). So in order to clarify that indeed the child node is
either left or right, I am adding additional empty redundant edge. Such edges should be treated as

Solution 5.
Just remember that
Inorder traverses a tree from Left to Root and then to Right.
Preorder traverses a tree from Root to Left and then to Right.
Postorder traverses a tree from Left to Right and then to Root.
All these traversals start at the root node of the tree and perform the operation on
each node of the tree recursively.
Thus choices A and E refer to nothing, choice B is a result of preorder traversal,
choice C is a result of inorder traversal, and choice D is a result of postorder traversal. Hence the answer is choice D.
Question 6.
Which of the following is not a binary search tree?


















Solution 6.
A binary search tree is a binary tree such that for all the nodes in the tree, we have
all left children are less than the root which is less than or equal to all the right
children. Such trees are used for searching in logarithmic scale time. The answer is
choice E.
Question 7.
Consider the following Pascal-like program fragment.
var i, j : integer;
procedure P(k, m : integer);
k := k - m;
m := k + m;
k := m - k;

i := 2;
j := 3;
P(i, j);

If both parameters to P are passed by reference, what are the values of i and j at
the end of the program fragment?
A. i = 0, j = 2
B. i = 1, j = 5
C. i = 2, j = 3
D. i = 3, j = 2
E. None of the above
Solution 7.
When parameters, to functions or procedures, pass by reference or pointer (also referred to as by name), the changes made in the function or procedure are reflected
in the caller. When parameters pass by value, the change is not reflected. Thus
when i and j go with the values 2 and 3 respectively, k and m will get these values
in that order and then k will have the value 2 - 3 = -1, m will have a value -1 + 3
= 2, and finally k will have a value 2 - -1 = 3. These values are sent back to i and j
resulting i = 3 and j = 2. Hence the answer is D.
**Observe that the procedure swaps the values of i and j with out using any extra
memory. BUT it is very wrong to use such a function in applications which deal with
big absolute value numbers. As such suppose that i is assigned the largest positive
integer value possible of the programming language under consideration and let j
be assigned any negative integer, then the first line in the function will assign k a
value above the integer limit resulting to a wrong result!
Question 8.
A starvation-free job-scheduling policy guarantees that no job waits indefinitely for
service. Which of the following job-scheduling policies is starvation-free?
A. Round-robin
B. Priority queuing
C. Shortest job first
D. Youngest job first
E. None of the above

Solution 8.
Consider Priority queuing; a policy where the process with the highest priority is
executed first irrespective of its arrival. Under such policy, suppose a system is
currently executing a process and is in the middle of execution when a process with
higher priority arrives. This means the system will suspend the execution of the process which was already executing and will start executing this new process. If this
new process needs some resources which are already occupied by the former process
then a deadlock occurs as neither the higher priority process will complete execution

without these resources nor the old process can proceed executing in order to release
resources for the new process. Thus there can be a deadlock (starvation). The
same argument applies for shortest job first policy in which case a shortest process
might need resources that are occupied by longer processes which were already in
the middle of their execution. Youngest process first policy is where the process that
arrived last will execute first which again can have starvation. The Round-robin policy which is preemptive scheduling algorithm forces a process if it seems it is holding
resource which are required by others thus avoiding starvation. Thus the answer is A.
Question 9.
Consider a singly linked list of the form where F is a pointer to the first element in

the linked list and L is a pointer to the last element in the list. The time of which
of the following operations depends on the length of the list?
A. Delete the last element of the list
B. Delete the first element of the list
C. Add an element after the last element of the list
D. Add an element before the first element of the list
E. Interchange the first two elements of the list

Solution 9.
Remember that after performing any operation, the structure of the list must remain
intact; in other words F and L must point to the first and last elements respectively.

B needs only the operation F = F->next;

C needs only the operations L->next = new node, L = new node;
D needs only the operations new node->next = F, F = new node;
E needs only the operations T=F, F=F->next, T->next=F->next, F->next=T;

All these do not depend on the length of the list. The answer is therefore A. Indeed
in order to delete the last element from the list, we need to first locate the element
before the last (which can not be accessed from L). Thus we must parse all the list
from the first till the element just before the last after which we can delete the last
element and assign L to the one before.
Question 10.
p := 1; k := 0;
while k < n do
p := 2 * p;

k := k + 1;

For the program fragment above involving integers p, k, and n, which of the following is a loop invariant; i.e., true at the beginning of each execution of the loop and
at the completion of the loop?
A. p = k + 1
B. p = (k + 1)2
C. p = (k + 1)2k
D. p = 2k
E. p = 2k+1

Solution 10.
Choice E is incorrect even before the loop started hence it is out. When one loop is
done, the value of p is 2 and that of k is 1. At this time, we see that both choices
B and C are incorrect and thus they are out. Performing one more loop gives p a
value 4 and k will have a value 2 at which time choice A becomes incorrect. Hence
the answer is choice D.
Question 11.
Consider an output-producing, deterministic finite automaton (DFA) of the kind
indicated in the figure below, in which it is assumed that every state is a final state.
Assume that the input is at least four bits long. Which of the following is (are)

I. The last bit of the output depends on the start state.
II. If the input ends with 1100, then the output must end with 1.
III. The output can not end with 1 unless the input ends with 1100.
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II only
D. II and III only
E. I, II, and III

Solution 11.

We start our analysis of the DFA by points II and III. First of all note that a label
a/b on an edge denotes that with an input a, we do transition along the edge and
produce an output b. Now, if the input ends with 1100, then we can verify, by
starting from any of the states, that the last output bit is always a 1. Hence point
II is true. To analyze III we proceed as follows. Denote the states (circles in the
diagram) by A, B, C, and D starting from the bottom left and going in the clockwise
direction. In order to get an output 1 as the last output bit, the last transition
must be from state A to state B which is equivalent to say the last input bit was a
0. We can get to state A only from state D which means the second from the last
output bit is a 0 and the second from the last input was a 0 too. To get to state
D, either we must have come from state D itself or from state C. This means, in
any case the third from the last output was a 0 and the third from the last input
was a 1. If we had come to state D from itself, then the fourth, from the last,
output bit was a 0 and the fourth, from the last, input bit was a 1; if on the other
hand we had come from state C then we must had come to state C either from state
A or from state B in which in any case gives the fourth, from the last, output bit
was a 0 and the fourth from the last input bit as a 1. Thus we conclude that in
order to get a 1 as the last bit of the output, we must have the last four bits of the
input to be 1100. Hence III is true. By II and III, we conclude that I is incorrect.
Hence the answer is choice D.
Question 12.
A particular BNF definition for a word is given by the following rules.
<word> ::= <letter> | <letter><pairlet> | <letter><pairdig>
<pairlet> ::= <letter><letter> | <pairlet><letter><letter>
<pairdig> ::= <digit><digit> | <pairdig><digit><digit>
<letter> ::= a | b | c | ... | y | | z
<digit> ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | ... | 9

Which of the following lexical entries can be derived from < word >?
I. word
II. words
III. c22
A. None
B. I and II only
C. I and III only
D. II and III only
E. I, II, and III

Solution 12.
Observe that both < letter > and < digit > produce only a single character, both
< pairlet > and < pairdig > produce even number of characters; hence < word >
produces odd number of characters. Thus I is automatically incorrect. II can be
produced with the following chain of rules:
<word> = <letter><pairlet>

= <letter><pairlet><letter><letter>
= <letter><letter><letter><letter><letter>
= words

and III can be produced with the following chain of rules:

<word> = <letter><pairdig>
= <letter><digit><digit>
= c22

Hence the answer is choice D.

Question 13.
Consider the following C-like program.
#include <stdio.h>
float sum = 0.0, j = 1.0, i = 2.0;
while (i/j > 0.001)
j = j + j;
sum = sum + i/j;
printf("%f\n", sum);

How many lines of output does the program produce?

A. 0 - 9
B. 10 - 19
C. 20 - 29
D. 30 - 39
E. More than 39

Solution 13.
Since there is one line of output for each loop, we need to determine the number of
times the loop executes. Since i is constant, we need to see the growth of j only. Let
the initial value of j be denoted by J1 and the subsequent values by Jn for n= 2, 3,
... so that J denotes a progression of j. We see that Jn = 2Jn1 ; J1 = 2, which gives
Jn = 2n1 , n = 1, 2, ... The loop will execute as long as i/j = 2.0/2n1 > 0.001
which gives n < 3log2 10 + 2 or n < 11.97 Thus the loop will execute 11 times which
is equivalent to say there will be 11 lines of output. Hence the answer is choice B.
Question 14.
For the C-like code shown above, which of the following is the integer that best
approximates the last number printed?
A. 0

B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
E. 4

Solution 14.
We need the value of sum at the last loop execution which is 0 + 1 +
= 1.999 Thus the answer is choice C.


+ ... +


Question 15.
An integer c is a common divisor of two integers x and y if and only if c is a divisor
of x and c is a divisor of y. Which of the following sets of integers could possibly be
the set of all common divisors of two integers?
A. {6, 2, 1, 1, 2, 6}
B. {6, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 6}
C. {6, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 6}
D. {6, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 6}
E. {6, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6}

Solution 15.
Since 0 can not divide any number, we see that choices B and D are out of question.
If an integer a is among common divisors of two integers, then surely all divisors
of a must also be in the set of common divisors; thus choice A is incorrect since 3
must also be in the set. If both 3 and 4 are among common divisors, then so should
be 3 * 4 = 12 by Euclids lemma ( if we let the two integers x and y, then since
4|x, we must have x = 4q for some integer q and thus 3|4q with gcf(3,4)= 1 =
3|q = q = 3p for some integer p and thus x = 4q = 4 3 p = 12p = 12|x. Similar
argument for y.) Thus choice E is incorrect and the correct answer is choice C.
Question 16.
Consider the following grammar.



Which of the following is false?

A. The length of every string produced by the grammar is even.
B. No string produced by the grammar has an odd number of consecutive bs
C. No string produced by the grammar has three consecutive as
D. No string produced by the grammar has four consecutive bs
E. Every string produced by the grammar has at least as many bs as as


Solution 16.
Observe that the length of any substring produced by B is 2n plus length of substring
produced by A for some integer n greater than or equal to 1. Hence the length of
substring produced by B is odd if that of A is odd and is even if otherwise. This
means both A and B produce same type (either both odd or even) lengths. This
implies the length of string produced by S is always even. Alternatively one may
reason as follows. The length of substring produced by A is either 1 (which is odd)
or is 1 plus twice of the length of B (which is odd again). Hence A produces odd
length substrings. B produces substrings of length 2 plus length of substrings produced by A (which is odd). Therefore B produces odd length substrings. Hence S
produces odd + odd = even length strings. Thus choice A is true. As to for choice
B, it is easy to see that b is always produces in consecutive pairs. Hence choice B
is true. Choice C is also true after all A and a can be next to each other only
once which gives a maximum of two consecutive as. The construction S = AB =
BaBB = BabbAB = BabbBaBB = BabbbbAaBB already shows that 4 consecutive
bs is possible. Hence choice D is False. It is easy to see that B gives two bs and
an A which itself gives only an a or as many as bs as as. Hence choice E is also
true. Thus the answer is choice D.
Question 17.
A particular parallel program computation requires 100 seconds when executed on
a single processor. If 40 percent of this computation is inherently sequential (i.e.,
will not benefit from additional processors), then the theoretically best possible
elapsed times for this program running with 2 and 4 processors, respectively, are
A. 20 and 10 seconds
B. 30 and 15 seconds
C. 50 and 25 seconds
D. 70 and 55 seconds
E. 80 and 70 seconds

Solution 17.
The computation requires 100 seconds on single processor implies that 40% of the
computation takes 40 seconds on any number of processors and the remaining 60%


seconds on parallel computation which becomes 30 seconds on two

processors and 15 seconds on four. Hence, in total, the computation takes 40 + 30

= 70 seconds on two processors and 40 + 15 = 55 seconds on four processors. Thus
the answer is choice D.

Question 18.
The lookup page table shown below is for a job in a page virtual storage system

with a page size of 1024 locations. Each virtual address is in the form [p, d] where
p and d are the page number and the displacement in that page, respectively. A
virtual address of [0, 514] maps to an actual address of
A. 514
B. 1024
C. 3586
D. 4514
E. none of the above

Solution 18.
A virtual page of 0 refers to an actual page of 3. Hence the required actual address
is 3 * page size + displacement on that page = 3 * 1024 + 514 = 3586. Hence the
answer is choice C.
Question 19.
If the expression ((2 + 3) * 4 + 5 * (6 + 7) * 8) + 9 is evaluated with * having
precedence over +, then the value obtained is the same as the value of which of the
following prefix expressions?
A. + + * + 2 3 4 * * 5 + 6 7 8 9
B. + * + + 2 3 4 * * 5 + 6 7 8 9
C. * + + 2 3 4 * * 5 + + 6 7 8 9
D. * + + + 2 3 4 * * 5 + 6 7 8 9
E. + * + * 2 3 4 + + 5 * 6 7 8 9

Solution 19.
The given expression evaluates to (6 * 4 + 5 * 13 * 8) + 9 = 553

Choice A evaluates to
+ + * 6 4 * * 5 13 8 9 = + + 24 * 65 8 9 = + + 24 520 9 = + 544 9 = 553
Choice B evaluates to
+ * + 6 4 * * 5 13 8 9 = + * 10 * 65 8 9 = + * 10 520 9 = + 5200 9 = 5209
Choice C evaluates to
* + 5 4 * * 5 + 13 8 9 = * 9 * * 5 21 9 = * 9 * 105 9 = * 9 945 = 8505
Choice C evaluates to
* + + 5 4 * * 5 13 8 9 = * + 9 * 65 8 9 = * + 9 520 9 = * 529 9 = 4761
Choice C evaluates to
+ * + 6 4 + + 5 42 8 9 = + * 10 + 47 8 9 = + * 10 55 9 = + 550 9 = 559

We conclude that the only expression that evaluates to the same result as the given
expression is that in choice A. Hence the answer is choice A.
Question 20.
Let P be a procedure that for some inputs calls itself (i.e., is recursive). If P is
guaranteed to terminate, which of the following statements must be true?
I. P has a local variable.
II. P has an execution path where it does not call itself.
III. P either refers to a global variable or has at least one parameter.
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II only
D. II and III only
E. I, II, and III

Solution 20.
A recursive procedure may or may not have a local variable. Hence I is incorrect.
All recursive procedures have an execution path where they do not call themselves.
Hence II is correct. A recursive procedure terminates only its parameter or a global
variable is being tested. Hence III is also true. Thus the answer is choice D.
Question 21.
Consider a computer design in which multiple processors, each with a private cache
memory, share global memory using a single bus. This bus is the critical system
Each processor can execute one instruction every 500 nanoseconds as long as

memory references are satisfied by its local cache. When a cache miss occurs, the
processor is delayed for an additional 2000 nanoseconds. During half of this additional delay, the bus is dedicated to serving the cache miss. During the other half,
the processor cannot continue, but the bus is free to service requests from other
processors. On average, each instruction requires 2 memory references. On average,
cache misses on 1 percent of references.
What proportion of the capacity of the bus would a single processor consume,
ignoring delays due to competition from other processors?










Solution 21.
Consider any one processor as it does 100 memory references which is equivalent to
say as it executes 50 instructions. Since the cache memory occurs on 1% of references, we see that on average there will be 1 cache miss on these 100 references (50
instructions executions) we are looking at. Thus these 50 instructions will take a
total time of (49 * 500) ns + (1 * 500ns + 2000ns) which is (24500 + 2500)ns =
27000ns. Also since there is only one cache miss during this entire time, the processor uses the bus for only 1000ns (half of the 2000ns). Thus the required proportion


27 .

Hence the answer is choice B.

Question 22.
In multiprogrammed systems it is advantageous if some programs such as editors
and compilers can be shared by several users.
Which of the following must be true of multiprogrammed systems in order that a
single copy of a program can be shared by several users?
I. The program is a macro.
II. The program is recursive.
III. The program is reentrant.
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only


D. II and III only

E. I, II and III

Solution 22.
Instead of directly answering the question, let me give a very clear definition of the
term reentrant (source:
Reentrant is an adjective that describes a computer program or routine that is written so that
the same copy in memory can be shared by multiple users. Reentrant code is commonly required in
operating systems and in applications intended to be shared in multi-use systems. A programmer
writes a reentrant program by making sure that no instructions modify the contents of variable
values in other instructions within the program. Each time the program is entered for a user, a
data area is obtained in which to keep all the variable values for that user. The data area is in
another part of memory from the program itself. When the program is interrupted to give another
user a turn to use the program, information about the data area associated with that user is saved.
When the interrupted user of the program is once again given control of the program, information
in the saved data area is recovered and the program can be reentered without concern that the
previous user has changed some instruction within the program.

Of course, recursive programs are routines that call themselves from within themselves and hence have nothing to do with this question. Macro is a standard procedure except that it is ready for deployment in a special way and hence has nothing
to do with multi programming. Thus the answer is choice C.
Question 23.
A particular disk unit uses a bit string to record the occupancy or vacancy of its
tracks, with 0 denoting vacant and 1 denoting occupied. A 32-bit segment of this
string has the hexadecimal value D4F E2003. The percentage of occupied tracks for
the corresponding part of the disk, to the nearest percent, is
A. 12
B. 25
C. 38
D. 44
E. 62

Solution 23.
D4FE2003 in hex = 1101 0100 1111 1110 0010 0000 0000 0011 in binary. The number of 1s is 14 and the total number of bits is 32. Hence the required percentage is


= 43.75%. Hence the answer is choice D.

Question 24.
A program that checks spelling works in the following way. A hash table has been
defined in which each entry is a Boolean variable initialized to f alse. A hash function has been applied to each word in the dictionary, and the appropriate entry in
the hash table has been set to true. To check the spelling in a document, the hash
function is applied to every word in the document, and the appropriate entry in the
table is examined. Which of the following is (are) correct?
I. true means the word was int the dictionary.
II. f alse means the word was not in the dictionary.
III. Hash table size should increase with document size.
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II only
D. II and III only
E. I, II and III

Solution 24.
We see that Hash table size has nothing to do with a document size and hence III
is wrong. Thus choices D and E are incorrect. II is right because we find false if the
word being checked was not in the dictionary. I is really confusing as far as I am
concerned. On one hand, one may argue that it is correct after all we get true only if
we naively think that the word was in the dictionary. BUT think of what happens if
we test a word that does not exist in the table, let alone in the dictionary. Will the
function return false or true? In my opinion this depends on the implementation. If
one initializes the returned value to true, upon testing the word and not finding it on
the table nothing will be done and true will be returned. In this case true does not
necessarily imply that the word was in the dictionary. Hence the only correct part
is II. Observe that false is obtained if the word is not in the dictionary as depicted
in II or if the word is not in the table all in all which again means the word is not
in the dictionary. Hence in any case II is correct. Thus the answer is choice B.
Question 25.
The finite automation below recognizes a set of strings of length 6. What is the
total number of strings in the set?


A. 18
B. 20
C. 30
D. 32
E. None of the above

Solution 25.
This is a little bit difficult problem. Let xij denote the number of possible paths
from a given state of the automaton to another state such that there are i rows
and j columns between these two states. We see that the number of possible
paths from the start state of the automaton to the final state is x44 . This is
equal to 2x33 + x24 + x42 = 2(2x22 + x13 + x31 ) + (x14 + x23 ) + (x32 + x41 ) =
2(2 2 + 1 + 1) + (1 + (x13 + x22 )) + (3 + 1) = 12 + (1 + (1 + 2)) + 4 = 12 + 4 + 4 = 20.
Alternatively one can reason in a lengthy but more understandable way as follows. x44 = x34 + x43 = 2x34 by symmetry. x34 = x24 + x33 = (x14 + x23 ) + (x23 +
x32 ) = 1+3x23 by symmetry again. x23 = x13 +x22 = 1+(x12 +x21 ) = 1+1+1 = 3.
Thus x34 = 1 + 3 3 = 10 and this implies x44 = 2 10 = 20. Again the same result.
Hence the answer is choice B.
Question 26.
Let S be the statement: for i := 1 to N do V [i] := V [i] + 1
Which of the following perform(s) the same changes to V as S?

i := 0 ;
while i < = N do
begin i := i + 1 ; V [i] := V [i] + 1 end

II. i := 1 ;
while i < N do
begin V [i] := V [i] + 1 ; i := i + 1 end


III. i := 0 ;
while i < N do
begin V [i + 1] := V [i + 1] + 1 ; i := i + 1 end
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. II and III only
E. I, II and III

Solution 26.
The given code executes the loop N times. I executes N + 1 times, II executes N 1 times while III executes N times. Hence the answer is choice C.
Question 27.
var i , j , x : integer ;
read (x) ;
i := 1 ; j := 1 ;
while i < 10 do
j := j * i ;
i := i + 1 ;
if i = x then exit

For the program fragment above, which of the following statements about the variables i and j must be true after execution of the fragment?
A. (j = (x 1)!) (i x)
B. (j = 9!) (i = 10)
C. (j = 10!) (i = 10)
D. ((j = 10!) (i = 10)) ((j = (x 1)!) (i = x))
E. ((j = 9!) (i 10)) ((j = (x 1)!) (i = x))

Solution 27.
The loop terminates when either i = x < 10 and j = 1 * 1 * 2 * 3 * ... * (x-1) =
(x-1)! OR i = 10 x and j = 1 * 1 * 2 * 3 * ... * 9 = 9! Thus the answer is choice E.
Question 28.

State 0 is both the starting state and the accepting state


Each of the following is a regular expression that denotes a subset of the language
recognized by the automaton above EXCEPT
A. 0 (11) 0
B. 0 1(10 1) 1
C. 0 1(10 1) 10
D. 0 1(10 1)0(100)
E. (0 1(10 1) 10 + 0 )

Solution 28.
Tracing choice D we see that 0 will take us to state 0, then 1 will take us to state 1,
then 10 1 will make us stay in the same state, the following 0 will take us to state
2, and finally (100)* will not change the state we are in. Hence we will end up in
state 2 which is not an accepting state. All the other choices A, B, C and E can
be traced to yield subset of the language recognized by the automaton. Thus the
answer is choice D.
Question 29. [Questions 29 and 30 are based on the code fragment below]
Program Main (input, output);
Link = $\uparrow$ Cell;
Cell = record
Info : integer;
Next : Link

If the rest of the program is as follows,

p1, p2 : Link;
procedure A;
p3 : Link;
new (p2);
new (p3);
new (p3$\uparrow$.Next)
end ;
begin (Main)



new (p1);


then, at line (v), which of the following allocated Cells is (are) available for reclamation by the garbage collector?
A. None
B. Only the one allocated by (iii)
C. Only the ones allocated by (iii) and (iv)
D. Only the ones allocated by (ii), (iii), and (iv)
E. Those allocated by (i), (ii), (iii), and (iv)

Solution 29.
When the execution reaches line (v), all LOCAL memories allocated inside the procedure A are available for reclamation. These are p3 and p3 next which were
allocated memories by lines (iii) and (iv). Hence the answer is choice C.
Question 30.
In another program written in a Pascal-like language with the same heading and
type declaration, assume that a choice must be made between the following two
Option P: the procedure Push defined by
Procedure Push (n : integer; h : Link);
p : Link;
new(p) ;
p$\uparrow$.Info := n ;
p$\uparrow$.Next := h ;
h := p

To be used in the main program using a procedure call of the form:

Push (n, Head);
Option F: the function Push defined by
Function Push (n : integer; h : Link) : Link;
p : Link ;
new(p) ;
p$\uparrow$.Info := n;


p$\uparrow$.Next := h ;
Push := p

To be used in the main program using an assignment of the form

Head := Push (n, Head);
Suppose Head points to the first cell of the list of cells, and a new cell is to be
added at the front of the list, leaving Head pointing to the newly added cell.
Which of the following implementations will FAIL to accomplish this objective?
A. Option P with parameters passed by value
B. Option F with parameters passed by value
C. Option P with parameters passed by reference
D. Option F with parameters passed by reference
E. Option P with parameters passed by name

Solution 30.
It is easy to see that Option P must be able to change h globally and thus needs its
parameter h to come by reference or pointer or name BUT not by value. Hence the
answer is choice A.
Question 31.
An XY flip-flop operates an indicated by the following table.

Current State

Next State



Which of the following expresses the next state in terms of the X and Y inputs and
the current state Q?
(Y Q)
A. (X
Q) (Y Q)

B. (X
(Y Q)
C. (X Q)
(Y Q)
D. (X Q)
(Y Q)

E. (X Q)

Solution 31.

Tracing choice A shows that it fulfils the requirement hence the answer is choice A.
Question 32.
A black-and-white computer graphics display is divided up into an array of pixels
as shown below.


Each of the pixels can take on one of the eight gray levels ranging from 0 (white) to 7
(black). In order to prevent sharp discontinuities of shade, the software system that
causes pictures to be displayed enforces the rule that the gray levels of two adjacent
pixels can not differ by more than two. How many of the 64 possible assignments of
gray levels to two adjacent pixels satisfy this rule?
A. 24
B. 32
C. 34
D. 40
E. 64

Solution 32.
Consider two adjacent pixels and let the gray levels of these pixels be x and y. We
need to find the cardinality of the set of all (x, y) such that x, y {0, 1, 2, ...7} and
|x y| 2. We see that
If y {2, 3, 4, 5} then x can take five different values ranging from y-2 to y+2.
If y {0, 7} then x can take three different values ranging from y to |y 2|.
If y {1, 6} then x can take four different values. (why?)

Hence there are 4 * 5 + 2 * 3 + 2 * 4 = 34 possibilities all in all. Thus the answer

is choice C.
Question 33.
A doubly linked list is declared as
Element = record
Value : integer;
Fwd, Bwd : Element;

Where Fwd and Bwd represent forward and backward links to adjacent elements of
the list.


Which of the following segments of code deletes the element pointed to by X from
the doubly linked list, if it is assumed that X points to neither the first nor the last
element of the list?

X .Bwd .F wd := X .F wd;
X .F wd .Bwd := X .Bwd
X .Bwd .F wd := X .Bwd;
X .F wd .Bwd := X .F wd
X .Bwd .Bwd := X .F wd;
X .F wd .F wd := X .Bwd
X .Bwd .Bwd := X .Bwd;
X .F wd .F wd := X .F wd
X .Bwd := X .F wd;
X .F wd := X .Bwd

Solution 33.
Let the element just before x be y and that just after be z. In order to link y to
z, we need x .Bwd .F wd := x .F wd and in order to link z to y, we need
x .F wd .Bwd := x .Bwd. Hence the answer is A.
Question 34.
Processes P 1 and P 2 have a producer-consumer relationship, communicating by the
use of a set of shared buffers.
P1 : repeat
obtain an empty buffer
fill it
return a full buffer
P2 : repeat
obtain a full buffer
empty it
return an empty buffer

Increasing the number of buffers is likely to do which of the following?

I. Increase the rate at which requests are satisfied (throughput)
II. Decrease the likelihood of deadlock
III. Increase the ease of achieving a correct implementation
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. II and III only
E. I, II and III


Solution 34.
Increasing the memory size increases the rate at which requests are satisfied but can
not alter the possibility of deadlock and neither does it play any role in implementation. Hence the only correct statement is I, thus the answer is A.
Question 35.
Which of the following instruction-set features is NOT generally considered an obstacle to aggressive pipelining of an integer unit?
A. Condition codes set by every instruction
B. variable-length encoding of instructions
C. Instructions requiring widely varying numbers of cycles to execute
D. Several different classes (sets) of registers
E. Instructions that read several arguments from memory

Solution 35.
Not answered!
Question 36.[Questions 36 - 38 refer to the code below]
Consider an implementation of an abstract type set of integers by a concrete type
IntSet defined as follows.
IntSet = record
Last : 0..Max
V : array[1..Max] of integer
The add element operation on an object S is implemented by storing the value
of the element in S.V [S.Last + 1] and incrementing S.Last, unless Last = M ax,
in which case an error flag is raised. Note that duplicate values may appear in an
objects concrete representation but are hidden in its abstract representation.
Let A be the representation function from IntSet into set of integers such that,
for each concrete object S of type IntSet, A(S) is the set of integers represented by
S. A(S) can be written as
A. {i | i 1..S.Last}
B. {i | i S.Last..S.M ax}
C. {S.V [i] | i 1..S.Last}


D. {S.V [i] | i 1..M ax}

E. {S.V [i] | i 1..S.V [S.Last]}

Solution 36.
The integers represented by S are the S[V [i]] values as i runs on the populated
indices which are 1 through S.last. Hence the answer is choice C.
Question 37.
An advantage of choosing this implementation of set of integers is that adding an
element to a set is a contact time operation. Which of the following is a disadvantage
of this implementation?
A. Adding elements to a very small sets could cause error flags to be raised.
B. Deleting elements from very large sets could cause error flags to be raised.
C. Determining whether a set is empty will require nonconstant time.
D. Constructing the union of two sets will require quadratic time in the size
of the set being
E. Deleting an element from a set will require exponential time in the size
of the set from which
the element is deleted.

Solution 37.
Since duplicate values are stored in the array, we see that a small set with repeated
elements can fill the array in which case adding element will cause error flags. Hence
the answer is choice A.
Question 38.
The following code fragment mutates concrete IntSet objects.
Procedure P(var S : IntSet, x : integer);
var k : integer;
k := 1;
while k <= S.Last do
if S.V[k] = x then
S.V[k] := S.V[S.Last];
S.Last := S.Last - 1;
k := k + 1;

Which of the following abstract operations of set of integers does P implement?

A. Add x to S


B. Delete x from S
C. Intersect {x} and S
D. Union {x} and S
E. Make a copy of S

Solution 38.
It can be easily seen that the procedure deletes all instances of an element x from the
array. Hence the answer is choice B. Note also why else is needed to increment k. If
the else was not there i.e., if k was incremented without testing for else statement
then problem would arise if we have S.V [S.last] equal to x as it wouldnt be deleted.
Question 39.
To compute the matrix product M1 M2 , where M1 2 has p rows and q columns and
where M2 has q rows and r columns, takes time proportional to pqr, and the result is
a matrix of p rows and r columns. Consider the product of three matrices N1 N2 N3
that have, respectively, w rows and x columns, x rows and y columns, and y rows
and z columns. Under what condition will it take less time to compute the product as (N1 N2 )N3 (.i.e., multiply the first two first) than to compute it as N1 (N2 N3 )?
A. There is no such condition; i.e., they will always take the same time








C. x > y




E. w + x > y + z

Solution 39.
The product (N1 N2 )N3 takes time proportional to wxy + wyz. While the product
N1 (N2 N3 ) takes time proportional to wxz + xyz. Thus have the former takes less
time than the later, we must have wxy + wyz < wxz + xyz. Since all x, y, z, w are
non negative, multiplying by

xyzw ,

we find that






Hence the answer

is choice A.
Question 40.
Which of the following is usually NOT represented in a subroutines activation record
frame for a stack-based programming language?
A. Values of local variables
B. A heap area


C. The return address

D. Stack pointer for the calling activation record
E. Information needed to access nonlocal variables

Solution 40.
Values of local variables are sent to a stack, return address is also sent to stack, also
information need to access non-local variables is sent to the stack as the stack is
the only way to communicate to the external world, finally a stack pointer for the
calling activation record is also needed to be kept in the stack as it is the only way
to get back of the subroutine. But heap is not needed in stack based languages.
Hence the answer is choice B.
Question 41.
Let A be a finite nonempty set with cardinality n. The number of subsets S A
having odd cardinality is
A. n

B. 2 2

C. 2n1
D. 2n
E. not determinable except in terms of whether n is even or odd

Solution 41.
Recall that a set of n elements has a total of 2n subsets. This number is even. Therefore, it seems reasonable to guess that half of these subsets have even cardinality
and the remaining half have odd cardinality. One may also prove that indeed it the
case, for n > 0, by using mathematical induction. For n = 1, we have two subsets:
the empty set (even cardinality) and the set itself (odd cardinality). Assume it holds
for a set of n elements. Now we deduce, that this implies the relation holds for a
set of n + 1 elements as well. As such denote a set of n + 1 elements by a set of n
elements union with a set of one element. The subsets of the set of n+1 elements are
therefore all the subsets of the set of n elements plus the same subsets with one more
element (the extra element). Since, by induction assumption, the set of n elements
has 2n1 odd cardinality subsets and 2n1 even cardinality subsets, it follows that
when one element is added to the subsets, all those with even cardinality will have
odd cardinality and viceversa. Thus the set of n + 1 elements has in total 2n1 +
2n1 odd cardinality subsets. This gives 2n subsets, proving the result. Thus the
answer is choice C.

Question 42.
A certain algorithm A has been shown to have a running time O(N 2.5 ), where N is
the size of the input. Which of the following is NOT true about algorithm A?
A. C1 ,C2 such that for all N the running time is less than C1 N 2.5 + C2 seconds
B. N , there may be some inputs for which the running time is less than N 2.4 seconds
C. N , there may be some inputs for which the running time is less than N 2.6 seconds
D. N , there may be some inputs for which the running time is more than N 2.4 seconds
E. N , there may be some inputs for which the running time is more than N 2.6 seconds

Solution 42.
Since the complexity O(N 2.5 ), by definition, denotes the upper bound, there is no
input instance whose complexity should be above this upper bound. Hence the answer is choice E.
Question 43.
A data structure is comprised of nodes each of which has exactly two pointers to
other nodes, with no null pointers. The following C program is to be used to count
the number of nodes accessible from a given node. It uses a mark field, assumed to
be initially zero for all nodes. There is a statement missing from this code.
struct test {int info, mark; struct test *p, *q;}
int nodecount(struct test *a)
if (a->mark) return 0;
return nodecount(a->p) + nodecount(a->q) + 1;
Which statement should be made to make the program work properly?
A. Add a->mark = 1; as the first statement.
B. Add a->mark = 1; after the if statement.
C. Add a->mark = 1; as the last statement.
D. Add a->mark = 0; after the if statement.
E. Add a->mark = 0; as the last statement.

Solution 43.
Since the topology or the structure is not given, it might be possible to come back
to a node which was already visited through the pointers p and q. Hence to avoid

counting again, every visited node should be marked by setting its mark field to 1.
This is done just before recursively calling the function. Hence the answer is choice B.
Question 44.
Of the following, which best characterizes computers that use memory-mapped I/O?
A. The computer provides special instructions for manipulating I/O ports.
B. I/O ports are placed at addresses on the bus and are accessed just like other memory locations.
C. To perform an I/O operation, it is sufficient to place the data in an address register and call the
channel to perform the operation.
D. Ports are referenced only by memory-mapped instructions of the computer and are located at
hardwired memory locations.
E. I/O can be performed only when memory management hardware is turned on.

Solution 44.
In memory-mapped I/O, the ports are assigned memory locations and any input/output operation is done just on those memory locations. Hence the answer
is choice B. This reminds me my project which dealt specifically with this concept
Question 45.
Questions 45 - 46 are based on the graph below, which shows measured values of throughput versus
multiprogramming level for a particular computer system. (Throughput is defined as the rate
at which requests are satisfied; multiprogramming level is the number of requests competing for
system resources.)

At lower multiprogramming levels, throughput increases as multiprogramming level

increases. This phenomenon is best explained by the fact that as multiprogramming

level increases
A. the system overhead increases
B. some system resources begins to saturate (i.e., to be utilized 100%)
C. I/O activities per request remains constant
D. the average time spent in the system by each request increases
E. the potential for concurrent activity among system resources increases

Solution 45.
At lower multiprogramming levels, the throughput increases because the potential
of concurrent activity among system resources increases. Of course system overhead
and saturation of resources also increase but these are not the causes for increasing
throughput. Hence the answer is choice E.
Question 46.
At intermediate multiprogramming levels, the rate of increase of throughput with
multiprogramming levels decreases. This phenomenon is best explained by the fact
that as multiprogramming level increases
A. I/O activities per request remains constant
B. some system resources begins to saturate (i.e., to be utilized 100%)
C. the utilization of memory improves
D. the average time spent in the system by each request increases
E. the potential for concurrent activity among system resources increases

Solution 46.
At higher levels of multiprogramming, some resources get saturated. But it is not
necessarily true that the average time spent by requests increases. It is true for some
requests but not necessarily for all. Hence the answer is choice B.
Question 47.
If Tree 1 and Tree 2 are the trees indicated below,


Tree 1













which traversals of Tree 1 and Tree 2, respectively, will produce the same sequence
of node names?
A. Preorder, postorder
B. Postorder, inorder
C. Postorder, postorder
D. Inorder, inorder
E. Postorder, preorder

Solution 47.
The only thing to remember here is Pre-order traverses Node, Left, Right; Postorder traverses Left, Right, Node; and In-order traverses Left, Node, Right. Hence
we find that the answer is choice B.
Question 48.
Let A be a finite set with m elements, and let B be a finite set with n elements. The
number of distinct functions mapping A into B is
A. nm


C. n!


E. 2n+m

Solution 48.
Take one element from set A. It can be mapped to any of the n elements of set B.
The same applies to all the elements of set A. Hence there are n n n ... n
mappings. This gives nm ways. Hence the answer is choice A.


Question 49.
S aS|b
The parsing automaton below is for the context free grammar with the productions indicated above.

Each state includes certain items, which are productions with dots in their right
sides. The parser using this automaton, with X1X2...Xn on the stack, reduces by
production A ? if and only if there is a path, labeled X1X2...Xn from the start state
to a state that includes the item A ? . (note the dot at the right end). Which of
the following stack contents causes the parser to reduce by some production?
A. a
B. aa
C. bb
D. aaS

Solution 49.
Label the states, starting from top left going clockwise direction, by 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Observe that the parser reduces as required only in the states 3 and 4. Now, if the
stack contents are either a0 or aa0 , then we end up in state 2 hence the parser does
not reduce as required. If the stack content is bb0 then the machine will hang as
the second b0 will create ambiguity. The empty string will end at state 1 hence no
reduction again. If the stack content is aaS 0 , then the first a will take the machine
to state 2, the second a will keep it in state 2 and the S will take it to state 3 which
includes the item S aS.00 which is the required criteria for reduction. Thus the
parser reduces as required. Hence the answer is choice D.


Question 50.
Let k 2. Let L be the set of strings in {0, 1} such that x L if and only if the
number of 0s in x is divisible by k and the number of 1s in x is odd. The minimum
number of states in a deterministic finite automaton (DFA) that recognizes L is
A. k + 2
B. 2k
C. klogk
D. k2
E. 2k

Solution 50.
I really dont know the answer to this question. I have never come across such a
question. But we can try some trial and error tricks. Lets take a particular k and
try to find a DFA with minimum number of states that fulfils the requirement. To
that end, we may pick k = 2. However, problem will arise as all the choices (k + 2,
2k, k 2 , and 2k ) will evaluate to the same value for k = 2. So we better kick off k = 3.
In order to see how many states we need to construct a DFA that recognizes
strings over {0, 1} with odd number of ones and a multiple of 3 zeros, we proceed
as follows: Obviously we must have a start state. Denote it by SStart . With a one,
we must go to a final state, hence there should be a second state which is a final
state. Denote it by SF inal . At this step, if a one comes we may go back to the start
state so as to ensure that with an odd number of ones, we can always come from
the start state to the final state. Hence, our next job should be to ensure that we
are at the start state if and only if we have already traced a multiple of 3 zeros. So,
suppose that we encounter a zero, when we are at the start state; what should be
done? Obviously we can not go to the final state; neither can we stay in the start
state. Hence we should have another state, denote it by S1 , to which we should
make a transition. If another zero is encountered when we are in state S1 , then we
should make a transition to non of the aforementioned states. Hence there should
be yet another state, denote it by S2 to which we should make a transition. Once
we are in state 2, if a zero is encountered, we can transit to the start state because
we have made a multiple of 3 zeros in total after which the start state can take us
to the final state with odd number of ones. So far so good with FOUR states.
But what should be done if a one is encountered when we are in state S1 ? We can go
to none of the states again. Hence we need to add a state, call it S3 which will bring
us back to S1 if a one is encountered again. The same applies to state S2 which must
go to a new state, call it S4 , whenever a one is encountered and will come back to
S2 if a one is encountered again. This means we will arrive in state S1 after 3x + 1
(for some integer x)

zero and even number of ones, in state S2 after 3x + 2 zeros and


even number of ones, in state S3 after 3x + 1, zeros and odd number of ones, and in
state S4 after 3x + 2 zeros and odd number of ones. Thus states S3 and S4 should
bother only on number of zeros which implies state S3 should go to state S4 with a
zero and state S4 should go to state SF inal with a zero. Also the final state should
transit to state S1 if a zero is encountered. Though this construction is not enough
proof, I bet it is impossible to reduce the number of states required and yet do same
job. Thus the answer must be choice B. The following figure shows the DFA we just
constructed. The above figure (the orientation of the states, to be precise) is found

to lead to a general construction procedure for any k. The following diagram can
be inferred with no difficulty and is enough to convince the reader that the answer
is in fact choice B.


Question 51.

In the diagram above, the inverter and the AND-gates labeled 1 and 2 have delays
of 9, 10 and 12 nanoseconds, respectively. Wire delays are negligible. For certain
values of a and c, together with a certain transition of b, a glitch (spurious output)
is generated for a short time, after which the output assumes its correct value. The
duration of the glitch is
A. 7ns
B. 9ns
C. 11ns
D. 13ns
E. 31ns

Solution 51.
This can easily be understood by putting a, b, and c at the same moment and see
how much it takes for actual result to get to the end. The inverter will takes 9
and the first AN D gate takes extra 10 nanoseconds to
nanoseconds to generate b
This means, it will take 19 nanoseconds for ab
to get to the output.
generate ab.
But bc will take only 12 nanoseconds to get to the output. Hence there will be a
glitch for 19 - 12 = 7 nanoseconds. The answer is therefore choice A.
Question 52.
Of the following sorting algorithms, which has a running time that is at LEAST
dependent on the initial ordering of the input?
A. Insertion sort
B. Quicksort
C. Merge sort
D. Selection sort
E. Shell sort

Solution 52.

Merge sort, as we all know, works by dividing the input in to two parts (blindly) and
working with these two halves independently and finally merging them as its name
implies. Thus it has least dependence on the initial ordering. Hence the answer is
choice C.
Question 53.
A certain well-known computer family represents the exponents of its floating-point
numbers as excess-64 integers; i.e., a typical exponent e6 e5 e4 e3 e2 e1 e0 represents
the number e = 64 +


i=0 2 ei .

Two such exponents are input to a conventional

7-bit parallel adder. Which of the following should be accomplished in order to

obtain a sum that is also in excess-64 notation?
A. The most significant adder output bit should be complemented.
B. An end-around carry should be generated.
C. The adder outputs should be bitwise complemented.
D. A low-order carry should be inserted.
E. The adder output should be left unchanged.

Solution 53.
When two exponents, each with excess 64, are added, the result will be excess 128.
Hence we need to subtract (or add) 64 to the sum. Adding 64 inverts the most
significant bit. Hence the answer is choice A.
Question 54.(Questions 54-55 are based on the following information)
Consider a virtual memory with M resident pages and a periodic page reference
p1 , p2 , ..., pN , p1 , p2 , ..., pN , p1 , p2 , ..., pN
of N distinct requests.
Assume that the string of N requests was constructed randomly, and assume
that initially none of the pages are resident.
Assume that N = 2M and FIFO is used. If the string p1 , p2 , ..., pN is repeated three
times, then the number of page faults is


B. N
C. N + 3
D. 2N
E. 3N


Solution 54.
Not answered!
Question 55.
If the string of N requests is repeated many times, which of the following is (are)
I. The fewest page faults occur when M N .
II. LRU and FIFO will always result in the same number of page faults.
III. LIFO will always result in the fewest possible page faults.
A. I only
B. III only
C. I and II
D. I and III
E. II and III

Solution 55.
Not answered!
Question 56.

The logic circuit above is used to compare two unsigned 2-bit numbers, X1 X0 = X
and Y1 Y0 = Y , where X0 and Y0 are the least significant bits. (A small circle on any
line in a logic diagram indicates logical NOT.)
Which of the following always makes the output Z have the value 1?
A. X > Y
B. X < Y


C. X = Y
D. X Y
E. X 6= Y

Solution 56.
If X = Y = 00, then we get Z = 0. Thus choices C and D are incorrect. If X = 00
and Y = 11 then we again get Z = 0. Thus choices B and E are incorrect. Hence
the answer is A.
Question 57.
It is known that the language L {a, b} that consists of all strings that contain
an equal number of as and bs is context-free. Let M be the regular language a b .
Which of the following is (are) true?
I. L M is a context-free language
II. L M is a regular language
III. L M = {an bm |n is a positive integer less than integer m}.
A. None
B. I only
C. III only
D. I and III
E. II and III

Solution 57.
L M = an bn . Hence III is incorrect. Also we know that an bn can not be recognized
by DFA. Hence II is incorrect. Thus the answer is choice B.
Question 58.
Of the following, which gives the best upper bound for the value of f (N) where f is
a solution to the recurrence
f (2N + 1) = f (2N ) = f (N ) + logN f or N 1,
with f (1) = 0?
A. O (log N)
B. O (N log N)
C. O (log N) + O (1)
D. O ((log N)2)
E. O (N)


Solution 58.
Not answered!
Question 59.
Let I denote the formula: (q = p) = (p = q)
Let II denote the formula (p = q) q
Which of the following is true?
A. I is not a tautology and II is not satisfiable.
B. I is not a tautology and II is satisfiable.
C. I is satisfiable and II is not satisfiable.
D. I is a tautology and II is satisfiable.
E. I is satisfiable and II is a tautology.

Solution 59.
Preparing a truth table is the simplest approach. We find that both are not taup






tologies but are satisfiable (meaning there exist values for p and q such that I is true
and same for II but possibly with different values). All the choices except B are
therefore wrong. Hence the answer is choice B.
Question 60.
Consider a data type whose elements are integers and whose operations are INSERT, DELETE, and FINDCLOSEST, with FINDCLOSEST(y) defined to be some
element x in the current set such that |xy| |xi y| for all xi in the current set. Let
where Top denotes the worst-case time complexity for the given operation OP . Which
of the following data structures would be best to use in order to minimize T ?
A. A sorted list
B. An unordered list
C. An implicit heap


D. An AVL tree
E. A hash table with conflicts resolved by a linked list

Solution 60.
Assume sorted list is used. Then insertion will take time proportional to logN ,
deletion will take same time, and finding closest will take time proportional to N . If
unordered list is used, insertion is constant time operation while both deletion and
finding closest are proportional to N . Both sorted and unsorted lists therefore have
T = N . Hence choices A and B should be incorrect. The AVL tree has T < N and
hence the answer is choice D.
Question 61.
A block of 105 words of memory is used for dynamic storage for objects of sizes 3
and 10 words. The operations supported by the storage are:
x := alloc(n) {Allocate any block of n consecutive words and return its starting
address; note that 3 and 10 are the only legal values for n.}
f ree(y) {Make the previously allocated block starting at address y available for
At a point where a certain request for allocation of a block of words cannot be
granted because of lack of a sufficiently long block of consecutive words to fill that
request, what is the minimum possible number of words that might actually be in
A. 10
B. 24
C. 53
D. 96
E. 103

Solution 61.
The difficulty here is to understand the problem than to answer it. We need to find
when can it not be possible to allocate memory when in fact there are a lot of (maximum possible) free memory words scattered all over. For this scenario, suppose that,
starting from the first word, we leave nine words free and then allocate three words
just above and repeat the process until we consume all the memory. Since each junk

will occupy 3 + 9 = 12 words of memory, there will be 8 such junks taking a memory
of 96 words. Now suppose that a request comes looking for ten words memory. It will
not satisfy; yet the actual memory in use is 8 * 3 = 24. Hence the answer is choice B.
Question 62.
Languages with a structure that implements abstract data types (e.g., c C++ class)
can prevent access to components of this structure by all operations except those
that are part of this structure. However, definitions of such a structure contain declarations of components of the structure (e.g., the header file for a C++ class may
contain declarations of its private components).
For a such a language, an objects name could be bound at run time to stack storage for its component values (direct representation) or to a stack pointer referencing
heap storage for its component values (indirect representation). Which of the following statements about comparisons between direct and indirect representations is
(are) true?
I. Indirect representation noticeably increases compilation time
II. Direct representation decreases the time needed to access components of a variable.
III. When the storage size of some private component of a variable changes, indirect
representation minimizes the number of recompilations of source modules that must
be performed.
A. I only
B. III only
C. I and II only
D. II and III only
E. I, II, and III

Solution 62.
The use of direct representation has the advantage that accessing of components is
one step process and hence is fast. Thus II is correct. Indirect representation has the
advantage that the compiler need not worry about the actual storage memory once it
has a pointer to the memory which makes compilation faster (decreases compilation
time). Thus I is incorrect. When storage size of components changes, indirect representation helps not to recompile again those modules that have not been directly
linked to the previous storage size. Hence III is correct. Thus the answer is choice D.
Question 63.(Questions 63-64 refer to the following information)

An array A[1..n] is said to be k ordered if A[i k] A[i] A[i + k] for each i

such that k < i n k. For example, the array 1 4 2 6 3 7 5 8 is 2-ordeered.
In a 2-ordered array of 2N elements, what is the maximum number of positions
that an element can be from its position if the array were 1-ordered.
A. 2N 1
B. 2


D. 1
E. N

Solution 63.
Consider the worst scenario in which the second element in the array is greater than
the element at position 2N 1. In this case, after sorting (1-ordered), the second
element will move N positions to get into its right position. This distance is maximum achievable distance otherwise those elements greater than or equal to it (there
are N 1 of them) will not get slots to fit in. Thus the answer is E.
Question 64.
In an array of 2N elements that is both 2- and 3-ordered, what is the maximum
number of positions that an element can be from its position if the array were 1ordered.
A. 2N 1
B. 2


D. 1
E. N

Solution 64.
2-ordered array satisfies ai < ai+2 and 3-ordered array satisfies ai < ai+3 but this
does not stop us from having ai > ai+1 . Hence an element can be one position off
its right place if it were 1-ordered. Thus the answer is choice D.
Question 65.
Consider a queue between two processors indicated below. N is the length of the
queue; e, f, and b are semaphors.
init : e := N; f := 0; b := 1;

Processor 1:

Processor 2:













end loop

end loop

Which of the following statements is (are) true?

I. The purpose of the semaphore f is to ensure that dequeue is not executed on a
empty queue
II. The purpose of semaphore e is to ensure that deadlock does not occur.
III. The purpose of semaphore b is to provide mutual exclusion for queue operations.
A. I only
B. III only
C. I and III only
D. II and III only
E. I, II, and III

Solution 65.
Not answered!
Question 66.
Churchs thesis equates the concept of computable function with those functions
computable by, for example, Turing machines. Which of the following is true of
Churchs thesis?
A. It was first proven by Allan Turing.
B. It has not yet been proven, but finding a proof is a subject of active research.
C. It can never be proven.
D. It is now in doubt because of the advent of parallel computers.
E. It was never believed, but was assumed in order to simplify certain undecidability results.

Solution 66.
Not answered!
Question 67.
Consider the following C code.


int f(int x)
if (x < 1) return 1;
else return f(x-1) + g(x);
int g(int x)
if (x < 2) return 2;
else return f(x-1) + g(x/2);
Of the following, which best describes the growth of f (x) as a function of x?
A. Logarithmic
B. Linear
C. Quadratic
D. Cubic
E. Exponential

Solution 67.
Observe that for all x 2, we have f (x) = f (x 1) + g(x) = f (x 1) + f (x 1) +
g( x2 ) = 2f (x 1) + g( x2 ). This is enough to conclude that f grows exponentially.
Hence the answer is choice E.
Question 68.
Let G = (V, E) be a connected, undirected graph, and let a and b be two distinct
vertices in V . Let P1 be the problem of finding a shortest simple path between a
and b, and P2 be the problem of finding a longest simple path between a and b.
Which of the following statements about P1 and P2 is true?
A. Both P1 and P2 can be solved in polynomial time.
B. P1 can be solved in polynomial time but P2 is not known to be solvable in polynomial time.
C. P1 is not known to be solvable in polynomial time but P2 can be solved in polynomial time.
D. It is not known whether either P1 or P2 can be solved in polynomial time.
E. It is known that neither P1 nor P2 can be solved in polynomial time.

Solution 68.
Not answered!
Question 69.

Let T denote a nonempty binary tree in which every node either is a leaf or has two
children. Then
n(T ) denotes the number of non-leaf nodes of T (where n(T ) = 0 if T is a leaf),
h(T ) denotes the height of T (where h(T ) = 0 if T is a leaf),
TL denotes the left subtree of T , and TR denotes the right subtree of T .
If F is a function defined by

F (T ) =

0 if T is leaf


F (TL ) + F (TR ) + min(h(TL ), h(TR )) otherwise

the F (T ) =
A. n(T ) + h(T ) 1
B. n(T ) + h(T )
C. n(T ) + h(T ) + 1
D. n(T ) h(T ) 1
E. n(T ) h(T )

Solution 69.
A simple trick answers this question completely. By the way, I learned about such
tricks from Barrons whilst looking for help to prepare for Toefl.

So consider

a tree which has just one node which is the root node. For this tree, we have
n(T ) = 0, h(T ) = 0, andF (T ) = 0. This makes choices A, C and D to be incorrect.
Now consider a tree with three nodes (one parent node with two children). For such
a tree, we have n(T ) = 1, h(T ) = 1, andF (T ) = 0. This makes choice B incorrect.
Hence the answer is choice E.
Question 70.
If DFA denotes deterministic finite automata and NDFA denotes nondeterministic finite automata, which of the following is FALSE?
can be recognized by a DFA.
A. For any language L, if L can be recognized by a DFA, then L
can be recognized by a NDFA.
B. For any language L, if L can be recognized by a NDFA, then L
is context free.
C. For any language L, if L is context-free, then L
can be recognized in
D. For any language L, if L can be recognized in polynomial time, then L
polynomial time.
is decidable.
E. For any language L, if L is decidable, then L


Solution 70.
Choice A is correct because if we can recognize L using DFA, then by making few
using the
changes to the machine (just complimenting it), we can also recognize L
same machine. The same reason applies to choice B. Choices D and E are also
similarly true. Hence the only false statement is that of choice C because whilst it
is true that union, concatenation and reverse of context free languages result to a
context free language, intersection and complement do not necessarily give context
free languages. Thus the answer is C.

!!!THE END!!!


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