Grade 4 Science

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Observation- ability to use our five sense organs: ears, eyes, nose, tongue

Classification- to group things together based on observable characteristics such

as size, shape, color, texture, movement, sounds, and others.
Variables- factors that can affect or can cause changes observed in an experiment.
Three kinds of variables:
a. Tested or manipulated variables- factors that are differ in an
experimental setup
b. Controlled variables- factors that are the same in experimental setup
c. Responding variables- factors that influence the result of the
International System of Metric units or SI- the modern form of metric system.
Temperature- refers to how hot or cold a body is.
Degrees-where temperature is measured
Scientific Process
1. Identify the problem
It states the question to be answered.
2. Form a hypothesis
Hypothesis is the proposed solution to a problem.
3. Test the hypothesis
It is the procedure part of an experiment which involves the use of materials
and equipment.
4. Statement of conclusion
Conclusion is an answer or solution based on observations.
5. Report the results.
It is the part where the scientists publish their findings or the result of their

Laboratory Tools and Materials


1. Test tube- a thin, slender glass tube used to contain small amount of
liquids or chemicals and can be heated on fire.
2. Beaker- similar to drinking glass.
3. Florence flask- long-necked thin glass vessel with round body. It is used
as a container of liquids and chemicals.
4. Erlenmeyer flask- a thin long-necked glass with triangular-shaped body
at the bottom.
1. Graduated cylinder- it is used to find volume of irregular solids and
2. Thermometer- used to measure temperature.
3. Spring balance- measures the weight of small and light solids.
4. Ruler- measures length
5. Watch- measures time
Other Laboratory Tools
1. Test tube holder- tool used to hold the test tube while heating
2. Magnifying lens- used to make tiny objects appear bigger.
3. Microscope- used for magnifying small objects and even very tiny
4. Funnel- used when we are pouring liquids or fine objects to a smallmouthed container.
5. Alcohol burner- used for heating materials.
6. Tuning fork- metal rod with Y-shaped end. Used for observing

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