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Stevan K. Pavlowitch (Serbian: Stevan K. Pavlovi, .

; born 1933) is the

emeritus professor of Balkan history at the University of Southampton and a fellow of the Royal
Historical Society, specializing in history, international relations, and current affairs.
Stevan Kosta Pavlowitch was born in Belgrade in 1933.[1] His family members had a long history
as diplomats in the service of Serbia's Karaorevi dynasty. His great-grandfather Kosta
Pavlovi was the first mayor of Ni following its liberation from the Ottoman Turks in 1878, as well
as the head of the Belgrade branch of Serbian Prime Minister Jovan Risti's Liberal Party.
Pavlowitch's grandfather, also named Stevan K. Pavlovi, was an influential lawyer, interpreter
and diplomat who served as an assistant to Serbia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, governed the
77th District of Rotary International, headed the SerbianFrench Friendship Society and was
awarded the Legion of Honour by the French Government. Pavlowitch's father Kosta St. Pavlovi
was a historian and writer who served as a diplomat prior to the Axis invasion of Yugoslavia in
April 1941.[2]

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