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Oman and its Education sector: P

Mohamed ali


P Mohamed Ali's social causes in

Education sector of Oman.
P Mohamed Ali has strived to get every
Omani get Quality of Education, hence he
founded many such schools and colleges
in Oman, Oman dental college was a
pioneer in Medical education in Oman.

P Mohamed Alis vision to strengthen

the Education System in Oman and
During 1970 with only Three Formal
Schools imparting education to less than
1000 students in Oman, the sultanates
economic and social development craved a
much-needed boost. With the advent of
His Majesty Sultan Qabooss governance
the first university was started and the
education system moved on from lectures
under trees and in mosques to better
conditions, qualitatively as well as
quantitatively. It all begin with
inauguration of Indian School, AlGhubra in July 1990, in Muscat and the
later P Mohamed ali went to build 3 more
schools and college for Omanis.

Indian school Al-Ghubra founded

by P Mohamed ali in the
Year 1990.

P Mohamed Ali Love for Oman

In 1996 he founded The

Caledonian College of
Engineering, the best
engineering college, with
Sheikh Salim Said al Fannah al H
aremi and Mohammed Rashid al
Fannah al Haremi

Oman Medical College built in th

year 2001.

Oman Dental College found in

year 2006 by P Mohamed ali

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