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Johns County Center for the Arts

Beginning Drama
Teacher: Michael Beaman, Drama Teacher SJCCA
Location: Drama Room


Office Hours: 8:30 am 3:45 pm or by appointment

E-Mail: (preferred)

Voicemail: 22031

Course Description: This is currently the one of the courses in the SJCCA Drama program and will be treated as
an upper level course. The students are expected to engage in educated and informed discussion and critique of
performance and text. There is an expectation of professionalism in both work and conduct. The course will cover a
wide variety of subject matter from basic monologue work to the foundation of technique. The course aims to prepare
our most talented students for future endeavors in the arts. The course culminates in both a written evaluation and solo
performances in front of an audience. Students are required to provide basic costumes and stage makeup, and to observe
and evaluate one Saint Augustine High School Drama production.
Expected Student Learning Outcomes: It is expected that the student:
(1) Will discover and demonstrate elements of acting
(2) Will acquire a basic understanding of theatre terms, methods and concepts
(3) Will demonstrate competent applications of the skills necessary in the creation of performance.
(4 ) Will work to diminish self-consciousness and transform it to self-awareness, self-respect, and self-confidence
(5) Will be able to use constructive criticism in discussions and critiques of their personal works in reference to
structural and expressive issues.
(6) Will develop a respectful, cooperative, and encouraging ensemble in which the student feels safe enough to discover
and take risks
(7) Will feel free to release some of the inhibitions that block creativity and connection to others
(8) Will apply the art of acting to the students work on stage by understanding basic skills of acting; release of anxiety
and inhibitions in performance, improvisational skills, among others.
(9) Will read plays, analyze them for character, transform them into performance and gain a lifelong appreciation of
the art of theatre by experiencing live theatre.
Course Fees:
There is a Fair Share Fee of $50 for this course. Due by August 28, 2015. This is a self-sustaining theater program. Fair
Share covers cost of rights for plays, materials, guest speakers, literature, costs of travel and more. There may be an
opportunity to raise funds through fund raising activities if cost will prohibit participation in department. This does not
include the International Thespian Society District Festival registration fee of $35 if students are invited to attend.

Course Requirements and Methods of Assessment:

Examinations: Major examinations for this course are live performances. Those performance dates are to be
determined. If a student cannot perform for any reason they must take a written exam.
Performance: Several monologues and scenes will be work-shopped in class. This will be a step-by-step process that will
include every step of monologue work, from piece selection to performance. Students will also be expected to read the
complete play the monologue or scene is from, as well identifying the objectives and tactics for the selection.
These scripted works may be used as part of the greater overall semester presentation, to be performed in costume and
make-up at in the Saint Augustine High School auditorium. A complete script analysis will be expected for this
performance as well, including tactics, beats, and objectives for your individual character. Students will be responsible
for providing their own make-up and costume.
Auditions for the fall Production of 3 by Tenn will be August 12, 2015 from 3:00 5:00 pm. Callbacks will be August 13,
2015 from 4:00 6:00 in the Black Box Theater.
International Thespian Society: Students in the intermediate class may be invited to attend the ITS District Festival on
November 14, 2015 at Creekside High School. Participants will be selected based on performance in class. Those who
advance from districts are expected to represent Saint Augustine High School at the state festival in Tampa from
March 16-20, 2016.
Play Reviews: You are required to attend one Saint Augustine High School Drama production per
semester and write a 3-5 page critique on the entire production. THIS IS NOT A PLOT SUMMARY, nor is it a gush or
slam fest. I want a thorough, justified critical analysis that could include, but is not limited to, commentary on
performance, direction, lighting/sound/set design, script analysis, and overall theatre environment. With performance,
emphasis should be placed on themes discussed in class, such as objectives, playing action verbs, clearly defined beats,
etc. Grammar and spelling will count. The fall drama production dates are November 18-22.
Journal: Students will be expected to write responses to scenes, clips or articles. Most of these will be held in class,
however some will be expected to be done as homework.
Supplies: Students are expected to bring a pencil, folder and paper to each class.
The school-wide weighting for formative and summative assessments for SAHS is 80% Summative
Assessments, 20% Formative Assessments. All students should have at a minimum 3 (three) summative
assessments per quarter and at a minimum 1 (one) formative assessment per week entered into
eSchoolPlus and published for parent review in Home Access Center. Per district policy, semester grades
will be Quarter 1/3: 45%, Quarter 2/4: 45% Midterm/Final: 10%.
If a student earns a grade of D or F on a test, they must be given an opportunity to re-take that test, or an
alternate version of that test. The following guidelines apply:

The re-take must be completed before the last day of the quarter of the original test.
The student must complete some kind of ticket to test for the teacher. It is up to the teacher to
set a policy or decide what this should be, some examples include test corrections and reflection

from the original test, completion of all homework and classwork leading up to the test,
additional review problems from the textbook, etc.
The student must schedule the re-take with the teacher outside of class time and the student
may not be excused from another class to re-take a test. Recommendation: before school or
during Jacket Prep.
The maximum grade a student can earn on the re-take is a 75.
Honors, Pre-AICE, AICE and AP classes may limit this to no more than one re-take opportunity
per quarter.

Class Attendance/ Tardiness: Please see the student handbook for policy on attendance. All
school policies and procedures are followed in my classroom. Attendance is necessary for
success in the classroom. If you miss a class please email me to ensure that we can catch you up
as quickly as possible.
Tardiness is disruptive and disrespectful, but I understand that circumstances occur. If
lateness is unavoidable, please enter quietly and offer the class an apology. NEVER enter during
a presentation; wait until it is completed.
It is the responsibility of the student to make up all work missed due to absence from school. Students
may request work from their teachers while they are absent via email or may contact the teacher directly
upon the students return to school. The time available for a student to complete the make-up work is
the number of class sessions missed (in other words, if a student misses three class sessions, the student
must submit the make-up work at the beginning of the fourth class session after the students return).
Any work that was due on the day of the absence is due on the day of the return. Students whose
absences are excused are permitted the opportunity to receive full credit for make-up work. Students
whose absences are unexcused are permitted the opportunity to receive a maximum of 50% credit for
classroom and homework. Quizzes and tests are made up for 100% credit. Coursework, quizzes and tests
not completed and submitted within the allotted time frame will receive no credit.

Academic Honesty: Cheating, plagiarism, violation of test conditions, complicity in dishonest

behavior, or other falsification of academic work is a serious breach of St. Johns county core
values and is subject to immediate disciplinary action.
SJCCA Drama Code of Academic Achievement: Any student involved in the SJCCA Drama
program will be held to a standard of academic rigor. If a students GPA drops below a 2.0 or if
a student earns an F in ANY course at St. Augustine High School the student will be placed on
a quarter of academic probation. If that student does not improve their GPA or letter grade
they will not be allowed to perform in ANY SJCCA activities including field studies, theater
performances or ITS events.
Other: Since theatre requires the use of mind, voice and body, there might be situations that require a certain amount
of physical contact between you and the instructor and other students. Please dress accordingly. Wear clothing you will
be comfortable moving in. Please no mid-drift shirts or skirts. If this presents a problem for you, please see the Mr.
Beaman to find a solution that best works.
Please remember that theater is based on the exchange of ideas through various characters. The Drama courses at St.
Augustine High School celebrate diversity and tolerance of others. Plays explore the most triumphant and tragic
moments in life. Students will be exposed to issues of first love, first heartbreak, coming of age issues, marriage, divorce,
infidelity, substance abuse, religious and racial intolerance, and adult language. Students will be challenged to portray

characters with varied points of view and social or religious backgrounds. If a student finds that they are unable to
perform a certain scene or monologue, we will certainly find new material. If you are ever concerned about material
presented in a scene, please feel free to contact me. Classmates will warn the audience before performing any scene that
contains sensitive material. Students should feel comfortable to excuse themselves if material is too sensitive to view.
Students are expected to treat the facilities with respect. There will be no eating in the Black Box Theater. Students will
be expected to respect other performers. No use of cell phones or other electronic devices will permitted during rehearsal
or class. If a phone is used, the school policy will be enforced and the phone will be confiscated to be picked up by a
parent that afternoon. Any student displaying a lack of respect for others or the facility will be subject to the SAHS
Three Strike Policy. First incident will involve a conversation with the student, second incident involves parent contact
and third incident will result in a consequence to help alleviate that behavior i.e. change of seating options, removal
from a certain scene or forfeiture of the right to perform in class.
Major Units of Study:
Unit One: Technique Work
Unit Two: Duet Scenes Contemporary
Unit Three: Small Group Scenes
Unit Four: Monologues
Unit Five: Voice Work
Unit Six: Farce, Comedy and Childrens Theater

All information in this syllabus is subject to change at the instructors discretion. However, this
will not be done without sufficient notice given to the student.

PLEASE REMOVE SIGN AND RETURN ----- Due By Monday August 17, 2015
I, ___________________________________, have read the syllabus and understand what
is expected of me in this course. I have shared this syllabus with my parents or guardian.

_________________________________ (Student Signature)

_________________________________(Student Printed Name)

__________________________________ (Parent/Guardian Signature)

__________________________________(Parent/Guardian Printed Name)

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