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CERT IPICATE OF OFFICERS, WARRANT OFFICERS, AND FLIGHT OFFICERS, TO SIPPORT CLAT POR INCREASED PAY FOR LENGTH OF SERVICE, UNDER ACT OF CONGRESS APPROVED DAGEAEER 2, 192. AsP.0 No. _ 512, G/o Postmaster, Now York, lew Date _ 28 February ag hs T, _Yohn Bs Wartehow Captain O38LK6 fame a © lo NG, » Al hereby certify that I have held a commission; appointment as camissioned warrant officer, warrant officer, flight officer, or Army Field Clerk; or have been enlisted as a monber of the respective services shown below for the inclusive periods indicated. I further certify that all Nations) Guard service claimed hereon was federally recognized; that it was not in the Inactive National Guard; tiat all Officers! Training Camp service was in the capacity of an enlisted man and that all initial appointments are shom fram date of acceptance: SERVICE OR COMPONENT TOE LOST 7 > GR, ORC, AUS; RAS UNDER A.W. 107 Enlisted from ito. Enlisted from to Enlisted from to, Warrant from YO es HY Se po Warrant from to i AUS Commissioned from 16 Feb 1942 to 28 Fob 19h5 Commissioned from to i Conmissioned from to —— Rganiaation, For the purpose of obtaining payment of certain alloviaebBMEron the government and in support of s§xontention that my mother (father) is in fact dependent on me for her (his) support, I hereby certify that the following statements of fact are true and correct: ‘ inna Wartchow 1. That my mother Ge) is krs. (iir.) ’ 3 Enierim, Iowa who Lives at a 2. That the amount required for my mother's (father's) reasonable 75200 100.00 and proper’ living expenses is from $_ to § ” month, - Fobruary 1, 1915, vebruary 28, 1945, 3, Thab fot the period-from Sion a ee Ihave contributed to the support of my mother (father), without any con- sideration therefor or hope or expectation of return therefrom, the sum 125400 _ of $ > 5 peceeseg . That the total gross income of my mother (father) from all sources s) proportionate share of household or living exeenges) other than my conted- butions has not exceeded and does not exceed :) for the period Pobruary 1, 19:5 Fobruary 28, 19! from to - . That the living expenses actus. incurred mother, { fathe: : Sens eS, by maatiy'ed sits) during the iod Or to. the ported gem, : amount to from $ to each month. (4ncluding in such any payment or contribution of others toward her ( —— “soit eae Captain, TOAUS. ——(HaH and Organizationy + FOREIGN SERVICE eee ‘ 212/60428 6i-121 P411~02 ‘ 7OLes Rallyay grand Dbyigton : Wartohow, Joun R., Capt, 10 3) 0 0458146. 2 me" sae 08 My, sgt dey gh ny ye 45 “Hot married se, 1 aor Mrs. ‘Anna Wartohow, Knierin, Towa t : 60 128.00 ‘ a 1945 owly ey 3 ora 3 16 Feb 1945 f* 3 nay 4 SL uy 6 2a 43 Sh July i ay 3 aay 3 or receive a monetary alws in lieu thereof semana eer 8/2 © 70F ver tar 28 Cash : Bl July 1948 oe srs see Par 19 AR 36-4220 : Sl July 1048 es LpMEtK, Lae ag WAR SAVINGS po, TASS A PAY RESERVATION APPLICATION (Orne. Oy Nuns. CG] Wanzanr Orricen. ” and condos on revere) Fcgraicstsas. Date S00. By 1 1942 On Ry “aE R s ‘ ‘ataiy Mg Seti a ae a Le 4. purchase of War Stags Bool, See late denomination of: C1 #25. 11430 C100 | £1 $500.1 $1,000 MATURITY VALUE, at the mie of $a oh Py dy ih po doe me on 7 oh 5. ny partll period ih wei 1 onc Aa thet in SLE ou en chet eto IG linet ay alr o diy ot eploment wih War Depa tuples ‘evoked by me, in wzting, porto cat dat, abd that Sums reserved pursoat ear interest before they have bees Converted into Wer Savings Boods, 6: Rept bonds in my nare—Ar luterloo, Towa 1 Coewner= (Ri. Gasy 7. Listes my Mr = 1 Beneicary— C1 Mis “ial Ccarmon.—Seyinsracion No 7 0 At 8, Mail bonds to*— st, OF camp) (come ‘Guey ar GS adborne, bse ee >) a ecsla eeeetenat A Ho Unapys a uneee ares as aay 1, Entered on Service Record of Pay Catd by ese ~ ap dvi —USE ONE, NOT ROTH, ne wet cieaoeey a er es : subscriber indicate by chock mark (V) the ap- ae Bae gen See ae GE a ‘ore than ONE box inde ‘each headings ( Y W,Dw A. G, 0, Form 20-5—-Revioed ee se "Apotovel by Gopotoie General, U. 8 igs opal oie apose ie Wi Bade tad iaaiaa) | AUTHORIZATION FOR ALLOTMENT OF PAY y i (Seo AR 35.5520) ~ John Re 0~458146 Capt,/ Co A,71Sth B,0.Bn ‘Seakeceay "a naay my dN Saga ‘The {238 Stara} named above hereby authorizes a Class Ealltment of his pay inthe amount of § Si eae ess Send directly to Finance Officer, U. S. Army Washington, D. C. W.D.4.6; 0. Form 80.29 Soe eens ee \ATRICATION OF DISCONTINUANCE OF AL’ “MENT (Geo AR 35-5520) VV Cape »Go.a, 715th Ou3BLu6 5 oman italia. eae AS TAS. iy. Come. Be. ishereby discontinued, effective Date of separation Deductions fr ellotment willbe continued on pay {GUST |t until acknowledgment is rescived ofthis notication, a required by AR 35-5520, to aoe th than ath Satin th allo’ sete willbe fied, Ses utf dacainanc ud fo ducargeetenate, dao sets rm cten why he i ot em TERE APPLICARLX TO CLASS OR CLASS W INSURANCE, THB ORIGINAL COPY OF Tis FORM WILL BE SEVT 70 THE ALLOTMENT. Dito, DOLDING 3 G1 AN EST Carlee Bis, Wasa Og 96, "No Contes! Wiks' bs sunt 70 sure Viens a ee ons WosNRERAdYON, WasUNarON, B.G, eae Saigo ato Send direct to Allotment Division, Building X, 19th and East Capitol Streets NE., Washington, D. C. € When applicable to Class E allotments, send original direct to the Disbursing Officer, Ofice of Dependency Benefits, 213 Washington Street, Newark, N. J. ‘Naipe of allots) orto Date oREODIS: state allotment chargeable "7 St } peemiuas deducted from pay for month of ina of sate alin) ~~" esi aa wie aa aie)" (Giga ook 0) OM AD Oot, Sp LUZ 9... when other than “Finance Service, Aemy” is affected, a uoneuon FOR ALLOTMENT OF PAY 2g, ee AAR. re, So, 5B (Applicable to Class N iasurance oly (ec. 1V, Cir. No. 100, W. D (Number and street or rusal soate) (City, toWn, oF post a Relationship of allottce brother’. “areas i If allotment isin favor of a bank, the following is required to be stated: Deposit should be made to the credit of— (Gtatement below not applicable to Government insurance) 1 herby te ht he pps fo which his oes ene sleep wil chil dade ma if mas fre star ‘Pine osurance consents the a Be ieteate company tig Place * suike oot words not apical, ICABLE TO CLASS D OR CLASS iInurance premiums, te nsrance (ncadiag eadowsnents an aun (in ra eer tka of he tlctna fang iat he lcipgt b mae afc of oy 28) ak nc han eer ace. ‘ x Gp Shelby, Miss. (. asx a Bri Rater’ Smonoao bY IRE April Sy 1943 vent (or es) painent policed) fon ta ie Of the alo oly THE ORIGINAL COPY OF Ti rem ane e a sar AAU ocr pe Cea tana IS SRO AG OEY OF ls OI sek Dkr" BS 1S BINS RATION, W BALIN TON, De W.D., 4, G.0. orm No. 29 Niovenbor 1d irfow SON INSU wees YBIERANS ADMINISTRATION ‘ifnsurance Form 350 ww APPLICATION FOR NATIONAL SERVICE LIFE INSURANCE [UNDER SECTION 6 (2) NATIONAL SERVICE LIFE INSURANCE ACT OF 1340 AND REGULATIONS OF THE VETERANS ADMINISTRATION ‘WITHOUT REPORT OF PHYSICAL EXAMINATION a naam le ated nsf Odaber 300, |Aplnton mu be mada the Vlora Adnan lyance nt such seri, HOTE"~Peron a ito supe on Ocnbar 0, 1800, ead peose who teaeaf Syn ieee eee eran ere idle rasa oh Ralph. artchow ima ee ‘easy cow orp ee Ey 1607. i, Ath Stes _____Vate Tow WE ig xtesreat etal Sc Ee ea Te] Ape Bbla az Mannion Toma 20 August 3900 4. DARE OF WRN Tito PansTE TOUR OF | 6. PRESENT ORGANIZATION ‘8 SHAT OME ‘Abie DURE Beaks gaderor ag Orantzaten, ognen, an, hp, Cotober 5s 1942 Cop. Tisth Engr Ry.Op.Bns 00h 38116 7 AREY sPanATON FROM LAGPSOURGP ADENEDURY, Gna povins | & ARE YOU NOW DBADEED OW ACOOWHT OF INURY OR DSELSEY 30, dhe ey tie ona HaeaR ‘THEREBY APPLY FOR IMGUEANOE OW THR VIVE-TEAR | 10,1 WIDE FAY PRIIONG As DIDIOATED BELOW: ‘LEVEL PREMIUM TERM PLAN IN THE AMOUNT OF | By DEDUOTIOR FAYMENTS TO SE MADE DIREOT TO ‘MONTEL ‘VETERANS ADMINISTRATION 4S FOLLOWS oan] Gaareey | Ses | ARR ar AuLonicERT Kowa 3,009 11, ARS YOU NOW CARKYING GOVERNMENT I7E INSURANCE} (AxawER "YES" or "0").NO_. xp »yEs" GIVE AMOUNT OY INSURANOR AND POLICY NUMBER IF AVAILABLE. AMOUH POUIOY 10... (Gio porn many carry «combined assaf Natonal Service life Inauranco aU. 6, Goverment ito Tauraace fn excors of 1,00 at any one tino) @ ‘FUME WANG OF BENEATOARY Belnlonhip | | Amount ie oscocealizoss (at marvod wanna or oven tet ant ldap tame and cath bonedelary SURREY it nae mus be wate) (exumber and street, ety town, o post omer) 1607 Wa_dth St., Waterloo, Ia. Pammoreat | Phyllis dee Wartchor commmarnr: 12 2D. arse ante se epeited ace eh Oeteet are oat or auras emits, te autranco wil become eect a f th day on which th apliotion and tender of premlams are made vate 2" Sara is ee fis be rem Pag ars mae (Geoverere side, Paragraph 1, for further information aso eflective datas f insurance) ‘THE UNITED STATSS 15 NOT TABLE FOR DEATH OCCURRING PRIOR TO THE EFFECTIVE DATS OF THE POLICY 14 Tae is es ae ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE COMPLETELY ANSWERED ‘Giame) —(Proase print or type). PERE om my pr or meth. 2 Rites acc pled. (hanson mayb ive a Lenn revi ro yen TREASON OF HE UTED sae |i he fet att fhe amount of nmrance applied te, {aaa wiener want get sao a ae DAY OF Blatedes signa ELC.X08 5 2 2nd, oer Eh Aagh Adj. (Bore) / CHR, WARTOHO, Captas oa rei Pa ad ae wat eres: te 08 eye ee ey asa Syl or lhe speed ofearens" Geta fh, 8, and OH, atonal Sonics ile esuran Acel DO NOT USE THIS SPACE a fain. eae ee Soldiee []Civilian E} Contract Surgeon (GEE INSTRUCTIONS AND CONDITIONS ON REVFRSE) ey WAR SAVINGS BOND __°HANGES IN OR CANCELATION OF ASS A PAY RESER' 1. Place .! emp Shel by. tdesissipns. of fain —uprtahow abn, = * hh. Rwy. ONE BI... hereby request that the Class A Pay Reservation for the purchase of War Savings Bonds, Series E, authorized by mein the amon et $98.00) pei) month, venient] week be evoed. I further equ that the pay raeraton deducted on the =---- AUBPY. ., 194... pay day be the FINAL reservation under my authorization, that my account be closed out, and that the proceeds iferdfom be sen ny nas to the adie given on my oiginal autborstion form; OR to = : oR 4514. Beaver Crest Drive, ‘Bi ° 3 the amounts, names or tds of owners, co-owners, bene crea) 4, Ts the individual named above, hereby requtst thatthe following changes be me en ofthe War Savings Bonds 1am purchasing. Inthe event of requested change inthe amount of deduction each pay day orn she matory value of such Bonds, I hereby authorize any balance in my account not already wsed forthe purchase of Bonds under my prier authorization to be appli tomy’ credit under this authorisation. I understand that ths request can be made elective only inefar a it eppliea to Bonds no already ued, ad ater i has boon received by the Chief of Finance, War Bond Diviion Washington, D.C. State hereon change request 17, Entered on SERVICE RECORD or PAY CARD rspalid balance in en on the orginal authorization, OR, if such address has been changed, to him at (ue intruction 4, Iti requested that the War Savings Bond account of th HReeacers acount be ent ohn othe ae Bian ey ey easy 9, Entered on SERVICE RECORD or PAY CARD 10, ais ‘Form: approved by Compile ‘General, U. 8. ‘Wherever a box [] occurs itis essential that the appropriate title, status, or designation yi WW. DA. G. 0, Form No, 20-5 Revised fe 9 oid su-oewo-r be indicated by deck mark. Mark not more than ONE. bor under each heading. HOADWARTERS 7157 April 5, 193 Subject: Change ir To : The Adjutant partnent, 1, ‘Transmitted herewith is a newly & D AGO Form 42. cuted concerning ant John B, Martehow, 3G ‘Tsth Railway Operating Sattalion, occasioned by divorce of officer from former wife, Wartchow ——_+ Assistant Adjuti NOT) GATION OF DISCONTINUANCE OF, LLOTMENT ~ Gee AR 35.5520) Vv 2 Tertchow John. Be 0438146 Gapt., 715th Railway Operating Ba. — 3 s hawt wan) ‘en sams)” “Gtiddlataiinly" "(Army secial wawber) (Geuls) (Company, regiment, oF aru of nrvioe) 8 “=e attoiment of the | 2S eg} {named abeve a the amount of § 23200. per nonth commencing 3 spe? is the obama =m! eve in s is 1 zugust. » roll, to. inne. Hartehow,. TRS ma entered on pay coll: of 205th Radway. Operatingha is heresy aiscontinued, effective our. Th JOMMARY. oh (Company oF deiatinent) ixcause of inereasing allotment..to..$125.1. Feb/hS. awe of separation. ee ait Ed ace Wire teeaed - = =, Pee P Celtetpe ee clea waa oie) aie BS Puce .ARO.$12,..G/0. Postnestan, Naw. Lork,WeZ. = ue Coal alas Egg ree Scan of dtd ae The {Seistebamane}' 8 ES! pall to include ..3 Deeember ee H allotment deducted to include.-Degemiber., 5 My 4S Deductions_for allotment wil be coolioned on pay {YOKE 1 uot acknowiedgment fp recived of this notieation, Ae required Sy an apssee ‘aie eet 1 AS 3 WHEN APPLICABLE TO CLASS P OR CLASS N INSURANCE, THE ORIGINAL COPY EXAMINATION DIVISION, BUILDING x, 19TH AND 'B-STREETS NE. WASHINGTON, D, VETERANS ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, 0. OF THIS FORM WILL BE SENT TO THE NO’coPirs WILL BE SENT TO THE W. D,, A. G. 0. Form No. 30 Navember 4,15; Hg. PRS 8:44 100,000 ‘gu2/so\25 6ln1. udlech vartshon, John Re, Captain, 16 fils ao APO 512 hee Tihth Ry or piv ar | 45 Not married urs. Anna jjartchow, mierin, Jowa 125.00 30 April 45 2 Sra 3 15 rebruary wien: ia ae ae B i Sea %B Re 8 or receive a uonetary allowance in lieu thereof HUTT TITIUIILLT 1] #2 dxt§32650 Disconta 3userks PPE 5-5. wea badihedl arliaad & B88 ee ctf thet I wos on foreign service for the perted stated. John 30 Apri 45 a. see Par 19, ARGS4220 30 April 45 . ata fe Ten 0 100 Tine new 61.00 pon Y U CERTIVICMTE For the purpose of obteining pez government end in support of sy contention on mm for her chief support, I hereby cert: true ax correct, pllowanecs from the nother is in fact depentont the following state are reasonable and proper living totel gross Anco! r proportionate tributions has not Liars per month or ‘LMarch 1045 _ mother during the emount to from a tiénty-fiveloliers. ction Location Date_____ 212/SOW25 SA ISh2YS SLAY PlDI-O2 John R. Wartchow, Capt., TC, 715th Rwy Opng Ba, Oh37IN6, SRCRET gaDENS APO 512, U. S. Army. s 268 onus 3 we BONE Mes. Jona Yartchow, Kaierim, Iowa. ~ ° 3rd - January 1 AS. January 32 ug. foreign service Jamary1 4S Samuary 315 Jamary 1 ny January 31 S January 1 4S Jamary 31 WS * (or receive a monetary allowance in lieu thereof) 30 25/6050, agsn IASB FOE-LERIMAT/ NM at 754 eachy 23 25 + and that T was on overseas service for the period involved.» JOHN R. YARECHON, Jamuary 31 as Gapte, TG-AUS. Par 19, AR 35-220. z Jamary 31. S ’ Paid in lire at 100 lire per dollar. _ 212/50h25 FSA 192-45 Gantan Peo. $ John R. Yartchowy Gapt., IC, 715th Rwy Opng Bn,Ol37Usb, APO S12, Ue Se Semye 25g SHUET guUERS ae HONE, irs. Anna Wartchow, Knierim, Iowa. ° 3rd December 31 Decesber + psagbe ky Decexber 31 foreign service Becsaber 2 Botosber 3, (or receive a monetary allowance in lieu thereof) 215/60804 Rosa REESE ee or eats October 3 db th gee = 22 50 qfoftt that T ms on overseas service for the poriod Savclved. JOHN R, RARTCHON, Decenber 31 Ly Capt., TO-AUS. Par 19, AR 35-220. Decenber 32. th - paid in ire at 100 lire per dollar. a oe sllowances from the ast my mother is in fact dependent for her chief supgort, I hereby certify thet the following statements are correct, le end proper Living __dollars Tho the sun of, “hy copsigeration thereof Sivonty. __dollars or expectation of return therefrom, eae 2o That th ach income are of houschold or exesciod ani ross income of ay moth y contritution of oth om all sources (including toword her proportionate es That the living expenses oe ‘lly iscurree Uy my mother during the Me eg "ee ‘i a er Bl, unt to from Locsticn_APO 400, Uy S, Army. THIS INCLOSURE 18 PART OF Deas ae anne aay 19 you. NO. NOY = Baa BeseunTs OF LaHAPSON TIPIOME OF DEPENDENCY Tor the purpose of obtcining peynent of certain sllovances from the i end in support of ay contention that my mother is in fact depertient 8 r her chicf supgort, I hereby certify that the following staterents are te ond correct. wy mother ‘le Mrs. Anna Wartchow __ That the emount recuirel for ay mother's recsonable ani proper Living Y......_dollars to___Sighty _ __dollars September Ly 1944 hot chy consideration thereof seventy-five dollars oe _Thet for the period from uber 30, 1944. as contributed to the support of ay mother, or expectation of return, therefrom, the sui of, income of ay wother trom all sources (including % or contriimtion of others toverd her proportionate her then my contributions has not dollars per month or Sper year tor the Yoriod from_September Dds cee in such incom Smre of houschold or aoe expenses) ott incurred by wy mother during the uclly “Beptember 30, 1944 cmount to from ‘gation Coe "A" 715th Rwy Opng Ba. THIS INCLOSURE IS PART OF YOU. NO. Date_ er 30, 1944 OCT iad ACCOUNTS OF LH. WATSON ard, mM YAR DERAntatEr ; Aus oy a orm beg Ga Ue ‘General, U.8, WAR DEPARTMENT PAY AND ALLOWANCE ACCOUNT APPROPRIATIONS: —paig__(Commlnioned Omir, Army Nor, WarentOflews, Coir Sars) (Per ws of poring oer) @ Station . ‘Station No. ‘On duty at present station per Par. , Haars, 19 Departed from. ——- z Reported for duty at ‘ig DEPENDENTS: HOME @) Lawful wie . mati ‘Daring th current period for wilal allowances are Gaimod on stiount of my dependant miter have Conttbuted to her support the sum of §... in cash or its equivalent, without any consideration in return, which eontribution is her chiet support, and each and every statement set forth in her affidavit dated 19 (attached hereto), fled with voucher for the month of (@ For over CREDITS: (©) For base and longevity, (0 For adsoon py for SOO SO SSE USES (©) For subsistence aliowaneo from —— GO fang wile pated Sok ead SiSgcals unt tag Bama alatint WF oiIRGU da luring which period I was nob assigned adequate quarters at my permanant stations if without T'was not on fold or sen duty; with dependents, did not ooeypy with them any public quarters aasigne tome without charge at any station, nor did any of them oecupy publi quarters assigned to them or to any other offer or his dependents, exeept for bona fide social visit. G2) Chas “E” Allotment. 8 ee sideinip Lav har ettoter ia Gee ep eget ncn arcade een een to i a ited ouo We ne eae ana ban papa ee HSU LER ester meeaason oy (7 Teertity that during the period for which rental allowance is claimed on this Vousher the above offer was not assigned adequate ‘quarlers a¢ his permanent station . — (SIGN ORIGINAL ONLY. oN Name MEMORANDUM, ‘TYPE OR Ranie Date. 10.czss_PRINT NAM AND RANK) eg O~ fon Treasurer of the United va pe, [Cheekle) No.(@) --- dated , for 8. tates in favor of payee named O08 Paid by fous one. ove. eS a0 MEMORANDUM U.S. Army Send directly to Finance Officer, ‘Washington, D. C. AUTHORIZATION FOR ALLOTMENT OF PAY Meshington Dy Cy z Gaia) 19.42 When other than “Pay of the Army” is affected state PA, TV rby state nt tha parpos for which ths linet acted i sll for the suppor of vl ld x dependent tres, or # ade oe the payment of if insrance premiums, the innurance(nlacing endowments andor twenty (roth) payment mee) nonuekiectte des ni tht apy therefor hs ben aed and the et pei pai thereon hat the tes the major and nota merely incidental allateral element ofthe traction Ue lltment i made a favor of arene compa isuig the poy and noth favor of bane gar epee air eur Pacmag tener slams teens oe in eeeeteieneea ee tober 21 W.D.y AG, 0; Form No. 29 ‘Cefober it 9a forest Ye. come niin orice ut D. 0, You. No. \ WAR Deremoe ~ You orgy Gangs oma, 0.8, WAR DEPARTMENT hae PAY AND ALLOWANCE ACCOUNT APPROPRIATIONS: “(Gonmiseo! Ota Ary Nr, Waste Cairst Son) r Pay ov vn Amr, 1 ner 4g49 (Pee ns of paying oes) () THE UNITED STATES, Dr © Station 716. Bagraliia(RO) Cp Olaihernes Lise Station No. 5. i On duty at present station per Par. 20... 8 O. No, ...268.., Hdgre. ootober 5... 19.42 ‘Departed frontiator loos Lenn. “10/6... 1948... Speed rete wip diatbariae Tae 1O/e 42 7G) bawl wile -pyllis 2. martgher, 1607 Hath. Sta, Waterloo, Tow. a Lege iat of ee ae fol earns srane aad br sd eich ait) Unmarried children under 21 years of age - ik ‘During tho current period for which allowances are claimed on account of my dependent mother I have contributed to hor support the sum of $... _--—-+ in eash or its equivalent, without any consideration in return, which contribution iis her chief support, and each and every statement set forth in hor affidavit dated .. (attached hereto), filed with voucher for the month of . (8) For over _....Q..... years’ servic ‘Sra... pay period; CREDITS: (@ For baso and longovity pay from__..gateber6. (@ For additional pay for from = (® For pay for 718. ‘of which T'was the actual and exelusive oWvner, which (was or were) suitable for the military serv maintained at. a ! (@) For subsistence allowance from (10) For rental allowance from . - babar OO SRL vue ped wal 6 age eRe laren paca AIO T'was not on feld or sea duty; i with dependents, | did not occupy with them any public quarters assigne ‘tome without charge at any station, nor did any of them occupy public quarters assigned to them or to any otlier officer or his dependents, except for bona fide social visits... DEBITS: G1) Class “D” Government Insurance Premiui, (12) Class “2” Allotment... e, (13) Class “N” National Service Life Tnsurance. (18) Due United States for G5) On Haars. (16) I certify that the for ing statement and account are true and correct; that ment therefor has not been received; and that Ne appropriation(s) involved, no ae MEMORANDUM JOM Ro WARTCHOW, Capt. CB-AUS (@7) Teertify that during the period for which rental allowance is claimed on this voucher tho above ollicer was not assigned adequate quarters at his permanent station, (SIGN ORIGINAL ONLY. ON ‘MEMORANDUM, TYPE OR a taj shojo Date Qababer $210.42 PRINT Rane AND Ra Por. Speen: fon ‘Tremmunet of the Ualted _— (Check(@) No.6) dated Qotobor..S1..., 10.42, tors 280.28... [face ibtits &ytee namst (08) Paidby | omg. gi, lebove. ies 10 Gs MEMORANDUM GKCBE TRANSFER LIST No. 22205 mae PERSONNEL ROSTER ROSTER AN J013-¥ FOR SEPARATION CENTER NOs 32, FORT SHERIDAN, ILLe ‘NAME ON, THOMAS R. Conn) WARTCHOW, JOHN R. SITES, GEORGE H. GRADE. AND aRa-OR SERVICE Yas cE CORRECTED AS OF EMBARKATIONs ATAVE EXTRACT Copy. pruned C. Crea DONALD C, COL TRIN CAPTAIN, FA, ASS'T ADJUTANT ASR SOOKE io 88 38 ADDRESS We WesHe rT Aves SUPER va, WiSCy 1006 & tr sr, WATERLOO, TOVAL Box, 36: ERNktts tue thors | RESTRICTED By direction of the President avel directed is necessary in military service 11 proceed to ficor or his dependents by privately omed automobile ized, DS for officer's travel is authorized, par. 1 g, Special Orders No. « WAR DEPARTIENT, Washington, | Uetober By 1942 EXTRACT Paragraph ©. DP following officers ordered to AD WP fr hotie to sta on date indicated. IDN. ¥D 31 P4g1-01-02-03-07-08 A 0425-23, All dates are 1942 and personnel of AUS 88 otherwise indicated. Grade, name, section Eff, date Branch and Sta to — Date of and heme address of duty which assigned rank Sapt John ha 5 Geb et OA3B1LG, Vattex Con, Op By order of the Secretery of War: G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official: J. A, ULIO, Hajor Gonoral, The Adjutant Goneral, cmp GU l \

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