ProGrowth Plus

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Make your own plan i With a choice of funds and benefits SINS > savings | HDFC LIFE PROGROWTH PLUS z Investment | A Unit Linked Insurance Product with Life Insurance Coverage as) Secure happiness for yourself and your loved ones Dliise Sarutha ke jiyo! |NTHIS POLICY, THEINVESTMENT RISKIN INVESTMENT PORTFOLIOIS BORNEBY THEPOLICYHOLDER ‘ourwork hard tattainyour dreams Yourmoney should workhardersothatyoucan attain yourdreamsand aspirations. lvestingina unitlinkedinsuranceplanisanicewayto bull weathandalsoenjylifeinsurancecover present HOFCLifeProGrowthPlus.asimplesavings-cum-insurancplan thatwil enableyoutoenoylfecoverandbenefitfrommaretlinkedretums. OFC Life roGrowr Pus'sareqular premium unitlinkedinsuranceplan.Intisplanyoucanchoose your regular premimandtheinvestmentfund(), Wewiltheninvestyout ragularpremium netafpemiumallaationchargesinyourchosenfund()inthepropartion yauspecy. ‘Attheendof thepolcy term, youllecevethearcunulatedvalueotyourfund(), Incaseofunfortunatedeathof LifeAssured during thepolcy erm, thenomineewilreeive the greaterofSumAssured(esswithdrawals)orfundvalue *PleaseseeDeathbeneftstor detail + Valuablefinancialprotectiontoyourfaiyincaseyouarentaroun. + Opportunity toinvestinachoiceot funds BEI src ionstnsyorequrpenon citefoecon | RMN Geos eiesnen ind ov ase ‘STEP1:CHOOSETHEPLAN OPTIONS, YOUR REGULAR PREMIUMG LEVEL OF PROTECTION, ‘Youcanoptforanycnectthefollwing2 Pan Options : ‘The Linked insurance Products donotoffer any liquidity during the fist five years ofthe contract. The policyholder will not be ‘themoniesinvestedinLinked insurance Products completely o partially tlitheendof thefifthyear. \ewlipay the greater of hefolowing Death Benefit 1 Sun Assured (esswithdranals) = UnitFundalue + Hinimumdeathbenefit ‘Thepolywilterminateandaomerebenefitswllbepayable."Seesecton OnDeath for deta le tosurrender/withdraw ‘AccidentalDeath | inadationtotheDeath Benefit wewilpayanaddtionalSum Assuredtayournarines Benefit? ‘Thepoly wilterminateandnomorebeneftswllbepayabe "yur oi documents eal ea ent aie Eran ‘You can choose your premium, frequency, policy term and level of protection as er the its mentioned below PARAMETERS Ey MAXIMUM Entry Ages UfeOption years eyes Entry Ages Extra Lie Option TByeae yea Tsturiy Agee Option z Tyee Maturity Age Bara Lfe Option Toyears anual 324000 7,00,000 Premiums alt Yeorly e000 50,000 any $2500 83 igher of £0 x annaleed premium or S xpoiytermxannuased premium | 40x annualised premium, subject to an ‘Sum Assured absolute maximum sum arsuredamount seul wanda Higher of 7x annualised premium e | Sreaooaoon, Ae Re MEAS PSH, 025,policy term xannualsed premium Agelessthan 45 years Poly term ioyeas Boyes ‘Mogesmertonedatove arog st bt “Poly temot yes ol yeassretteed 'STEP2:CHOOSE YOURINVESTMENT FUNDS 50, to balance your level of riskand return, making the right investment choice is very important and you are sponsible forthe choices you make, Wehave 4 funds that give you the patetial for: + Higher but more variable returnsior + Lower but mae stable etums overthetermat yourpoli. ‘Yourinvestmentwllbyyunitsinanyothefollowing4fundsdesignedtomeetyourriskappetite, Youcanchooseetheraloracombinaionof thefolioningfunds: rey Liguia | Securities, Eecas erioe pees sy ord peta Cr Eee rr ee ee rrenreereren ee ee I aamaaae | OMe | onc [omoene| me ucap Fue | LFESSOVUO | sire tlage copes Secutyeatedintnments|___o3t20% = [eoretor00%d ver rah OPTS | ULFORSCL/OUI0 | exposure tomidcapequitesSequtyrelted instruments | 096102096 ~ — leosetexoors) Very “Investment in Liqu Mutual Funds wil alvoys be within Mutual Fund limit prescribed by IDA regulations and quidelines(IROA (rvestmentFourth Amendment) Regulations, 2008, Annexure) Forisktactrspleasereter Terms & Conditions section below. * Changing Fund Choices: You can change your investment fund choices in two ways 1 Switching: You can move your accumulated funds from one fund to another anytime 2 Premium Redirection: You can pay your future premiums into a diferent sectonof funds asperyourneeds ‘+ changing Frequency: You can change the premium paying frequency anytime A.onMaturity ‘Your policy matures tthe end ofthe poy term you have chosen anda your isk overscease.Youmay redeem your balance unitsat thethen pevaingunitpriceand take thefundvaiue, Settlementoption; ‘Youcantakeyourfundvalueinperiodialinstalments overaperiodwhichmayextend uptosyears. Thevalueafinstalmentpayableonthedatespectiedsalibesubjectto Investmentrisk i.e. the NAV may go up or dwn depending upon the performance of ‘he funds chosen by you. Yourmaneywitremain investedin the funds chosen by you and is subject to the same investment risk as during the policy tem, During the Settlement period the risk cover wil cease, we wil continue to deduct Fund Management charge and no other charges shale levied. Pata withérawals and switches shall not be allowed during tis period. Complete withdrawal may be allowedatany time duringthsperiodwithoutleyingany charge AttheendofthisS- yearperod. wewilledeem thebalanceuritsatthethenprevaiingunitpiceandpay thefundvaluetoyou Bonbeath Incase ofthe Lite Assured unfortunate demise, we wil pay he Benet as {etinedbelowtothenominee ‘owilpaytherantrafthetolong eto | > SumActred(ecralihravalemade dig tetwoyes pera aan lemeditey precoding thedate oft) omentot | Thettaltandalue ssesoyeer | stnimumdeatbenettot10swot he preniumspat “hepsleyilterinatethereatierendnamersbeneti le psyable cnoreter | ™ Senate sitios meet tent toe aralonertot | Fre matunsiue ssesoyees | dnimumdest benefit OStothepreniumsnsi “nepoteyilterminatetheretterandramerebenettllbe poy ews pay the Accidental Death Benefit applicable) whichis theSum ‘Assured ination tothe Death Benefit described above, Your poly will terminate thereatteandnomorebeneits willbe payable ByPartialaithdrawal We understand that you may need money to mest any future financial ‘emergencies. You can withdraw mney from your funds to meet such needs. You ‘anmakelumpsumpartial withdrawals fromyourfunds after yearsof yourpoicy provided: + ThelifeAssuedisatleast 1B yearsofage. + Theminimumwithsrawalamountis €20,000. + After the withdrawal ang applicable charges, the fund value fs nat less than 150%ofyourannualsedpremim, + The maximum amount that can be withdrawn thoughout the policy term is 300300 thecriginalreularannualsed premium, D. ondiscontinuance ‘Thisplanhas grace petiod of 30 days tor annual anhalt yeary modes ands ays formonthy mode. Youare expected topay your premiums through-out the pale tem. Discontinuance before completion of year from commencement ofthe poy 1 youhave nat paid yourpremiumby the expiry of the grace period, then youl ‘ave the fallawingeptions: 1. Torevive the plc within aperodof2 years frm thedate of discontinuance, 2, Tocompletely withdran from hepocywitnautany sk cover ‘Your poy willbe discontinued + Youdonotexecseany ofthe above mentioned options: oF + Youctoose to completely withdraw fom the policy without anyrskcover Until the discontinuance af the poi, therik cover wilremaininferceand policy charges will cmtinue to be deducted. (nce the pales discontinued, the risk cover wil cease and the und value (as on ate of dscontinance ess the applicable Discontinuance Charge Please see the “charges” section for details ofthe Discontinuance Charges wl be moved to the ‘Discontinued Policy Fun. The minimum guaranteedintvest rate applicable tothe DiscontinuedPoicyFund shallbe4%4p..Suchratemaybechangedinthe futurelt ‘the IRDA revises the minimum ate fr discontinued pocies. The exces income ‘ezned inthe dlscontinue fund aver andabovetheminimumguaranteedinterest te shall aso be apportioned to the discontinued policy fund in ariving at the proceeds of the discontinued policies and shall not be made avalabl to the shareholders. The asset allocation for the Discontinued Poy Fund (SFI [ULFOs110/03/12Discant4PFLOL) shal be a5 per the prevaing regulatory equrements Currently theassetalocationsasfllows: (0) Money Marketinstruments-036t04056 (Gi) Government securis:6096t010056, 'A Fund Management Charge of 0.5036 pa wl be levied for amounts In the ‘DiscontinuedPotcy Fund If lscontinued poly isnot revved, the proceeds wil be paid out upon the completiono thelock-inperiodof five yeas. Inthe instances were the revvalpriod snat completed the endoftheleckin period, the policyholder can opt to receive the proceeds either upon the ‘ompetionoftelockinpetiod orupon thecompletonofrevivapeioinsuch cases. thepoliyholde doesnot exerciseany option. then theproceedswillbepaid ‘upon thecompletionof the ock-inperod. _Aterthepaymentof the continuance benef thepoicyshalterminateandno ‘urthec benefitsshallbe payable underthepolcy. iscontinuanceaftetcompletionof thes yearsfiamcummencementofthenclcy Intheinstances where your policy is dsrontnued after the 5-year lockn prod ‘thenyouvilhavefollwingoptons 1. Torevive the pic within period of 2 years rom the dateotsiscontinuance, 2, Tacompletly withdraw from the pac without any risk cover 3. Toconvertthepolcyintapaid-uppolicy wherethepaid-upsumassured equa ign sum assured muitied by the aio of total premiums pad to the total premiums payable as per policy terms and conditions ofthe policy. A paid-up pole wil continue as per the palcy tems and conditions and charges shall continuetobededucted During the eval period ie. under option above) the policy is deemed to bein forcewithrskcoverasperthetermsandconditionsof thepolicyandpolcy ‘hargesshali continue tbededucted the pocyhoider doesnt exerciseany ofthe aforesaid options thepolcyshalbe \deemedtobe withdravmandtneproceeds willbe paid outta thepotiyholde ‘ter the payment of discontinuance benefit the policy stall terminate and no furtherbenefitsshallbepayableunderthepolcy E-RevivalofDiscontinuedPolicies \Weunderstandthatyoumay wanttoreviveyour iscontinedpoicy. You hae the option to revive a discontined policy within twe consecutive years from the dateof discontinuance ofthe policy. subject our underwriting poy. At thetimeatrevivat + allduepremiumswhichhavenotbeen paidshallbepayablewithoutchargingany interest + the dlscontnuance charges deducted upon discontinuance shall be reversed and the proceeds of the discontinued poy shal be reallocated jn the segregated fundschosenty you based onprevalingunitpries + poly administration charge and premium allocation charge as applicable during ‘thediscontnuancepetedshallbelevied FOnSurrender yousurenderbeforecompletionafthe'Syearsfrom commencementafthepalcy ‘ourfundvaluelessdiscontnuedchargeswillbemovedtothe DiscontinuedPolicy Fund. The amountaiocated tothe DscontinuedPocy Fund withaccruedinterest, wilbepaidoutonthecompletonetthelockinperied, Peaseseethe" Charges section for detalsof the DiscontinuanceCharges. Incaseofthedeathofthe Lite Assuredbefore thepaymentofthesutrenderbenefit theamountinthe DiscortinuedPoicy Fund willbepaidoutimmedlately. Iyousurrenderaftercompletiono theSyearsfamcommencementofthepolcy ‘ourfundvaluewillbepoidoutinmediately Uponpaymentof hisbenefitthepolcyerminatesandnofurtherbeneitsare payable “The charges under thispoicy are deducted to provide forthe cst of benefits and he adnistrationprvideaby us, Our charges whentaken together arestructuredta give youbetteretumsandvaluefor maneyover thelangterm. Premiumduein | Premium Allocation premium | Ta premlum-based charge and depends on year of allocation. After Year Rate, deducting this charge from your annualised premiums, the remainders ‘Allocation | invested to buy units. The remaining percentage of your annualsed 4 nat ‘charge | premium e called the Premium Allocation Rate. The Premium Allocation 2 28% Rate &Chargearequranteedorfull ply tem, Sandaubsequent rar 10086 Fund Management | The dally unit price is calculated allowing for deductions for the fund ST nese ielandveimsclorpel eh Charge (FMC) | managementchargewhichischarged daly ° eeaee ‘% of annualised premium charged per month 1s 042% poiey This charge is a percentage of the annualised premium. The charge | 6t010 0.839% wil be deducted monthiy to provide administration for your poly. ‘aministration | This charge wil be taken by canceling units proportionately from |_21t018 Ni charge | each of the funds) you have chosen. This charge fs quaranteed forthe | 16and tentiredurtionf the ple term. subsequent 0.83% years The above mentioned polcy administration charge willbe charged month andwillbesubjecttomaximumchargeoft500permonth Every month we levy a charge for proving you withthe death cover in Mortality | your poly This charge wil be taken by canceling unis propertianately | The amount of the charge taken each manth depends on your age Charge | from each he funds) you have chosen, Ths charge s quaranteed for | & levelotcover theentie durationofthepolicy tem, Miscellaneous Charge(snayecharestoray Poly ateratonrequestititey the Polar wilatvat charge of 250 er equest ary adminstatvesevcg that Inadetin sly fyoureques Fr prt ithanal arden an premium edection foloningchageswbe caredonsucrequests Portilwithdrawalcharge: ‘parla equst fom the Poyholer wil tract charge of Re 250 per Feques. However te fequst executed trough the Carpanfs web portal the Paleyradeniltbecharged 25perrequest Thismibelevedonthe nt fonsathe tine artwtheronaotmeturaautingteconctperee, Switehingeharge: one herein tough Compr aban yh il ‘andi aother valle hnawithathe product Theehage parenchsntehwilbleied tnetnectetectnatesniten Premium Redirection: premium redectan request inated by he Poser wil teat chugs of 250 pr request were the request execute aug the Cemmpany/sebpartalthePaeyhoer wile charge 25pertequest ‘statutory ages Serle TaxandEdvationCesslpayablet the sppleabertestorall Discontinuance charge: chargers poly yearThetablebelowahvestne ascortuance chargeable Sas Premed cada tne tre) eto Lower of 20%6x(Anrual | Loner of x (Annual 1 | PremiumorFundalve)but | PremiumrFund ave) but otexceedingt 3000 | notexceeding £6000 Tomer of 5%6x(Arwal | Lower of 46x (Annual 2 | PremiumerFund Value) but | Premiumor Fund Value) but otexceeding? 2000 | naterceeding? 5000 Tower o10%6x(Annual | Lower of 36x Annual 3 | PremiumarFund\aiue)but | PremiumrFund Valu) but Rotexceeding® 1500 | _notexceeding 4000 TLoweraf596x(Annual_ | Lowerof2%6x(Annual 4 | PromiumerFund vaue)but | Premiumor Fund Value) ut otexceecing® 1000 | notexeeding 2000 NL NIL ‘Wecametchangeourcrenthareswitoutereraprvatom ROA. + TheFunetanagementCnargewilbesujcttotnematimuncapasalonedby!ROR: be uornied forthe etre dart thepeyere Tax benefits under th ply afe subject a prevaling tae laws (Sector OC and Seeton10(100)e!neineona Te 961 taxbeneftsmay change fhe tox ws ar changed. ts aovsblore-canfim he Somme nataen ae es sees ee Seaver eee res eee ee cae ee een Sanee PAT Se jnunuapn ane onsen a eae ei amet + Thepremiums padre sujettoimvestnet ks associates with capt marits and ‘the nAVsetheuisnaygoupor down basedenteperfmance of fun an fet ‘nfvenongthe catamaran theinsuredisrespansbieforhsher decsons + Tevarosfundsoferedunder ths plan arenamesofthe funda co nctinany way sndcatetbequltyor thespian he futurerespecsandreturs + Plesseknon th ssocted risks andthe ppb charges. rom yournsuanceagent rtetmeredryorplcydocumentssueddy suranceconpany syunitPices: Weise theveit pect funda perhe ROKsguidines Te uit iceo!UnitLinked Fungsshallbecongutetss Hart aiueof nvesentshef forthe fund putevalvet ycurtentetet lisany acuedaconeretotundmanogenentcageserste ale ‘any caret lls les provision any. Th este net eet vale of he und Ding bythe nuner of units exng athe vautlon dae [before ary units ae Blocatearedeened. ges he unit prc of te fundunde consideration We ound the leading national newspapers Ut sas ony be alocted onthe Gay te popes ‘coped andreas no apleyby adjustment of apaeaton mane torts roman Thepremamwilbeadustedontheduetateevenfithasbeenrecavelnacranceanathe Won negativecaw-backadeltons: Upontheesitt a poiyatay time enor ate the competion of fe pol Yeas. mel calute hearse he et dana teeauctonnyelebareon ata returns {he reaucton in yi is greater than 5 equred uncer the requtrs we wil ed Cae tack Adtions to te fund before payment of Benes fo ensure componce wth the ‘eduction inpeld expe Regulation 37(0oF ROA Linked sence Padus Regustns 2013 Extwoulieandeethorsuecer rmatuiy.wicherer series Dyexcusions + incasaodeath uetosucidewitin12monthstom hedateofnceationtthepocyor ‘fom he ter tereuvaof the poly theremin benef theplynocet ‘Sha be ented othe fe vale avalos on the dat of death Ay charges ‘covered subsequent to te date of death shal be fl back to te nominee 6 + wensinotpayAcientalDasn BenetthedestnaciraterS0Gaysromthedsteot ‘the accent ew ota cient eat beet the eats caused decor "et frontakingparte practicing ayhaaraushobby opusurraceuness ‘revayoeediohysinveing + Wel ot pay Acid Death Benet accent death caved ety or ‘etybyanythe owing © ntentnalysef -nfictedinjuryersuiceinespectveot mentacentons | Aloha or sowent abuse ofthe tain of ergs except unde the ectn of 2 at, euasion, hoses whether war Is deced or nt) cl wa, rebeton, Tatngpotinayingaccmetnanasapasengein conned “akngpartnanyactotacinainatce ‘)DetinionotRecdent: cident i sue unforeseen aneimvlutary event cased by eter an vibe teas cident Death means death yo ue ood jy ase yon int, Indopendentaalotherausesot eat *)canclltionintheFree-Lookperiod: Incaseyoare nat ayeealeto thegenerpacytemsandcondtions youhavetheotin Tacit ofthe poly. The Free Look pero for potas purchased tvouah distance rotten peed lon) wilbe30 days Oneci a your ang with heii Foley documents weal arangeto rund youthevalue of uns alcatedta yous the fbtect receipt aquest pus the natoste ptf the premium pus choses ved ‘anealavonotunts abectta deauctonof the proportenae isk premium ore period Snover theoxpersesineredby wsonmaticsenminainn sistant Apoyo Fete snare env renstateaorrestredatanpontoftmeandanew Preps ‘stance Marketing festa hsurance pois sol haughany made por fom foe-o- ose nteractns suche lene ere et Pease refer tele n Oar orketngernsurance Produ foreehcusvestniterestarceMorktg) Gytoans: WyAtterations inereaseordecreaseotposcyterm sumassuredandprenlunsatenotatowed, ‘hMomination ‘Aspe Secton 39 ofthe surance ct 198, yu ean nominate «pron to reste the itr thi cys yur iti edie yur poe isi fore yt ty tine by writen tie ous designate any ean opetsans es nominee tate we hal bay baits uncer ths pole upon yourutforuraeceah Incase henomineesonaned 5a ‘ano te the poyhelderarered tonameaneppines (ther hen theron Assignment "au may ls sion this poly by an endorsement upon the Poly slo by separate Should suita writen eqes tthe Compare pan receipt of such itn reaues te ‘sermstninreaontosachassgmentandshal ne equest ofthe person whom the ota was gen ora the assign, rata ten anole the oti oh Special rules forlargetransactons: ‘Faraveryangetaneactonaboveathvesaldlelnordertomantainequtyandtaimese it buchase or sale of uncaring assets. The numberof units aflocted may reflec the thresholevewitryromtimetotinedependingen amongsttiermaters theluiiyat edominataly investing Government ecurties ad 8s 25,000,000 or funcinwsting Eiabanicemioes, ‘prohibition ofRebates Section 1ofthelnsurance Act 2938staes: sersontotlenuterenewercentnuesinaracentespecttonykadot ake aes ccproprtyinndia. ay rebate of thentolorpartfthecommissonsayabloranyebate bFthe premium shew onthe ple. rr shall ay perso taxing out offen oF ‘ontnuingaaoreyaceotay rbot except suchrebteas may belowedinaceraance ‘thhepubshedrespetusesortalesol thins. 2) ay person making detautin compra wih the rvisons of his section shal be ) Non-Disclosure: Section 4Softhe nsurancoet938states: No paleo insurance ett before the conmencemetof ths Act stall te the try of wa yar om the ete of commencement of te act nd a aly oe Insurance efectegafter te coming it feof ts Act sa attr the egy of years a te date on wich ws elected be allen question by an sure on the {round hat astaement made te popaslfricuonce orm any report mee policy was inaccurate or false. uness the insurer shows that such statement was On 3 eer mas yh or nat he patihlett a hie Provided thotnathinginthisetian shall reventnessuertromeaingrpoatotage ree bene the termscf the poy ae antes en subsequent pra! ht hese at ‘hetfensured asia Staten hepopes WN) incase ot raudorseprecetationncuting non dacleurect ameter the foley areiesinnedily a Suen Ve sabe ae O)ServieeTaxother As perthe Serco Tat Laws, crvce tat other statuary evi at appeal. Ayer inet toner stnutarylenybecoingopaebiein turermay Deca poyale tau) aye Geen ape ich yew dans monetary ane Ensure a life of respect and dignity for you and your family. Contactus today © ToBuy online: 1800-266-9777 rare) © 1860-267-9999 (Lea cere epty-DONGT rear country gS. 0) @ Now to 5676727 Buy online at: Visit us at Disc Sarutha ke jiyo! WARE OF SPURION IRDA clariteso pubic hat IRDA or is fils do + IRDA does not announce any bo MONE CALLS AND FICTI lavalve in atvies Uke sale of any kind of insurance or faanelal products no invest prem 15. Public receiving such phone calls are requested t lea police complaint along wih dca of phone ea WUSFRAUDULENT OFFERS, umber HFC Standard Life insurance Company Limited. n partnership wth Standard Life Pc Registered Office: HFC Standard Life Insurance Compary Limited, Lodha xcelus, 13th Flaor, Apolo Mill Compound, NM. Joshi Marg, Mahalaxmi, Mumbsi-400 012 Insurance isthe subjet materohesalcitation, This document hasno monetary valve at anytime an isno roof any contract with HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited. HDFC Lite roGrowth Plus (Form No:PSO1 UIN:101L081V02) sa unit inked plan wih ie insurance coverage. This version ofthe product brochure invalidates all revous rite versions fr his particular plan. This product brochure i indicative of thet, warranties, conditions and exclusions contained in the insurance policy Please [ow the aso risks and applicable cirge rom your nsirance agent or the intermediary or he poiey document ofthe insurer. DFC Stndae Life Insurance Company Limited IRDA Registration No. 101. ARN: PPOS720144681

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