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NHS Band Boosters

Parent Meeting
July 21, 2015
7:00 p.m. Health Room

Scott Nettles


Camella Rogers

Vice President

Suzanne Duncan


Lori Davis-Nettles


Susan Hall


Erika Bailey

Attendees: 24

Steve Bailey
Brian Hall
Danita Hall
Jill Wilson
Mandy Bradley
Stacey Alexander
Amy Granson
Jeff Batis
Tina Russell
Michelle Calhoun
Scott Calhoun
Stacy Bentley
Stephanie King
Jessica Cosat
Eric Cosat
Dwayne Wetzel
Kelly Wetzel
Branda Olsen


Friday, July 31, 2:00 p.m., outside at the band

Monthly meetings
scheduled 3 rd Tuesdays, 7:00
in the band room

Scott Nettles



Mr. Nettles has set some noteworthy goals as the new Band Boosters president:

To make band more fun for students

To increase parent involvement (which will also make band more fun for

To raise the funds necessary to support our marching band (likewise, good
for students)

What worthy goals! Mr. Nettles, we appreciate you!

Band Booster meetings

Monthly meetings are scheduled for the 3rd Tuesdays, 7:00 in the
band room

Band Booster meetings usually include parents and band director

The first Band Boosters parent meeting will be on the final day of
band camp:

Friday, July 31, 2:00 p.m. in the marching band parking lot

Committee seats will be filled during this time

Mr. Nettles welcomes parents and families to share ideas, and looks
forward to working with you to make this marching season a success

Mr. Snyders Report

Jeremy Snyder
Items of general interest (especially to new band families):

Students are expected to arrive on time for performances and competition


Students are free to sign-out and leave with parents after awards

Detailed itineraries are available one week before an event

Contest events usually require a 12-hour commitment (from departure to

return trip)

Mr. Snyder appreciates the support of Band Boosters and thinks you all are
Good communication is of utmost importance

If a student must miss band rehearsal due to other after-school

commitments, it is the responsibility of the student to communicate with
band directors

Students are expected to arrive on time for performances and competition


Participation is part of the grade

Use of text message service is encouraged
Free text message service alerts families about band events:

Text to: 81010

Message: @nw1516

Band Shares and Fees

Mr. Snyders formula for determining band shares:

Calculate the budget for the competitive marching season

Divide this sum by the number of students

The cost will be around $300 per student

Sample band budget from last season is available upon request

Band Shares payment options

Students are encouraged to solicit corporate sponsorship in the community

Many fundraising opportunities are also available to students (NHS concession

stands, fair booths, fundraising sales, etc.)

Payment plan options are available for families

Treasurers Report
Lori Davis-Nettles

Contact: 765-452-1113

A warm welcome to Lori Davis-Nettles, our intrepid new treasurer

Please be patient with her as the treasurers responsibilities are being
transferred to her this year
This is a big job, and we need to thank her for all she does for our students!
The band season is just getting started
So far all bills have been paid Hooray!
$3,946.38 balance in checking account
$3,129.39 balance in student holding account
Heads up: there may be a Disney trip scheduled for 2016
Encourage your students to participate in fundraising now so they can add to
their student holding accounts
Student holding accounts roll over from year to year

Pit Crew
Scott Nettles, pro


Pit Crew committee opportunities:

Pit Crew will be formed and assembled at the July 31 st meeting
15 to 22 people will be needed for the 2015-2016 marching season
Pit Crew helpers receive free admission to band events and a spiffy new t-shirt
What is the Pit Crew?
Pit equipment refers to stationary percussion instruments that are set up at
the front of the field during the band performance
Instruments include xylophone, marimba, keyboard, amplifiers, drums, etc.
Responsibilities of Pit Crew
Load equipment into Tiger Pride trailer
Drive trailer to show destination; unload equipment
Transport equipment to performance field; unload and assist students with setup
Remove equipment from field immediately after performance; re-load onto
Return to Northwestern; unload; whew!

Food Committee
Linda Scimia & Camella
Purpose of Food Committee
Prepare and provide meals to students during contests and events
Responsibilities of committee members
Organize meal logistics
Contact parents for donations and/or assistance
Contact restaurants to solicit food donations

Fundraising Committee
Linda Scimia, pro tem
Purpose of Fundraising Committee
Organize and direct fundraising events
Contact parents for assistance
Coordinate and communicate with treasurer

No report.

Uniform Committee
Carissa Reese


(419) 236-1583

Purpose of Uniform Committee

To provide tender-loving-care for uniforms and students
Fittings; alterations
Organization and transportation
Band uniform fittings
Uniform fittings will begin this summer
Assistance is always appreciated; contact Carissa for dates and times
You do not need to sew in order to help with this job
Students are required to provide their own socks
All uniform accessories are provided except for socks
Socks must be black and must be mid-calf length or longer
Mrs. Reese becomes very sad when students leave stinky socks to ferment in
the garment bag with her freshly-laundered uniforms
So, take care of your socks. (We want to keep Mrs. Reese happy, dont we?)

Spirit Committee
Susan Hall, pro tem


Purpose of Spirit Committee

Provide locker decorations for band members

Decorate band room as needed

Provide posters to encourage kids
Provide goody bag for bus trip before Regionals

Three locker decorations are needed per year

Mr. Snyder will arrange to deliver and attach decorations to students lockers

Locker decorations must be fitted with magnets; no adhesives permitted on


Susan Hall has some magnets left over from last year, and would love to share
with you

There are approximately 90 band students this year


Corporate Sponsorships

Students seek local businesses to sponsor marching band (money can go

toward band shares)

Deadline for sponsorships: August 1, 2016

Concession Stand

Students can work at Northwestern concession stand to earn money for

band shares

Dates and times available TBA throughout the school year

Market Day fundraiser

Ongoing every month

Stadium Blanket fundraiser

Blankets are still available; cost is $40 per blanket

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