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CEOE MATB Carer Becinte | Manage oterFxam a English Proficiency Training | Wain | Grammar [Reng Corp <—[Schedutes Esuardsy | _ Sunday )an-t20pm | S0bam1200pm T[ ems | 09-500 fy @ Friday] Mon - Wed-Fri | Tue-Thur - Sat Form | cesngtanes | eng ner i =m | 600 pm-R:00 pm | 6:00 prs - 8:00 pen Professional ISA Review increases your chance al 925-7544 + 435-6062 893-8326 + 659-1085 “355-0334 + xn 255-291 of passing. je and Sub-Professional Levels: The New Millennium Edition Merle, Alferez Amacha A, Feliciano MSA Tutorial and Review Center Mathematics DIRECTIONS: — This isa test of your ability Yo think outsoluions to quantitative problems in Mathematics. Analyze and solve each problem carefully. Determine the corect answer from the four choices a, c,d Alter you have decided on the best answer, shade the oval above the letet tat earespondso your answer 1. Find the sum: 299 + 943 +398 + 101, 000 abe ao DIS wee — ey 17H) 122.222 2 Leaeas4ese6e74 84941055, then 0909 #1213 414415 416+ 17 18+ 19 + 20 . 6s DISS 12s sso LP 14243 4445464748 +04 10=55, ty 1OL-+102+ 103-+ 104+ 105+ 106+ 107 +108-+ 109+ 11 cs 25 36 91055 W106 ~— LOTS gy 5500 4. Bvaluste: (16- (24-8) +22» 8-8). 0000 abed 40 yas oe atc 8 5. If.20428437 +4 453 = 168 and 0909 234254404) +50 = 120,Find thevalusof xp 2B ed 936 yas 056 oo (6 Findsheproduc: 800 128 0900 )95 — b)1000—«) 10000 a) 100000 7. Find the quotient: 8000 + 125, 0909 hea a 4s wy 6a om ass MSA'Matn Tutoring Center “wn isthe remainder when 192 888 is divided by #7” 09.00 = 8. What is the remainder when 192 858 is divided by 8? OO OO 15. Reduce “api #9 is lowes terms 2909 aa wa os azn 9, Rounding 29995 othe neatst housandstheresuttis OQ OQ 2299580 0299900 2990 «5 30000 10, 398101 seatas 9909 2) thee hundred ninety eight, one hundred one ‘thre hundred ninety eight and one handed on. ¢) three hundred ninety eight and one hundred 17. Find the value of; 2(73)+ £69] one hundredths = "Ts rest 74] Qo09 4) three hundred ninety eight and one hundred 2388 one thousandth, a7 was se TA iar by BH ase iia G8 Whichofthe following nunbersisdvibiebys? #8 © 4 0009 a2 ys 954 gon *be8 29208 623688284 BRR 19.228 625% of what number? 12, Which ofthe following statements is rue? 0909 2909 2) ta numberis ivisileby 5 the tive by 10 a2 ws ss wan ') Ifamunbris divisible by 10, en tisdivsbe by 20.168 ie what percent of 6721 4) Manumber is divisible by 4, hen its divisible by 8 o » 50% 6) 400% EN 1 sini (a8) (281) --L(an-) 0909 2. pelate: 123401 +1294001 +125~8001. 9909 ‘ wow ase 2) 134653) 13553 13563 11568 impity: 35% of 48+ 12496 of 96-a48% of 27 00.00 2a. Find 3-1 oft6 14, Simply: 33486 of a8 +1214 of 36-4483 of 27 909 2. Find 0009 on ye om ts a7 ye 9 ae z TSA Gr Sense REN _Tie New Mion Bao San eras eis ead 5 MSA Math Tetorag Center 29, Ktposive integers mand sre not bothodd, whichoftte O00 23. Bvaluate: 0000 followng is always te” abed bed a a 5, a 2) m + nis even c)m-n cannot be odd a yt oth git P by mm is even mtn— tis odd 24, Find the value of in the equation 3x-+7 = 28 9909 30. Find the average temperature change forthe 2-day O00 Q , oy ow Period, Temperature change in derec celsius: 2.6, 3.8, # © 2 ld 10, 45, 46, 79, 50,81, 44, 53, 64,522 25, hich ofthe lowing asthe gentetvae?— 9.99 ane ee “Wil ‘ 1 abe 1G oR 3. Find the set ofall odd numbers satisfying te conditions 0 0 Q Sr—450 ad 3¢-720 ae 6 ) » ele) © Tele) {x]xet} o{x|x ea} + tt 26. Which of the following ewnnor yield an odd integer when vided by 10 seed 42, State th propery illustrated, 0900 4) The sum of two odd integers, W864 = Bs and 44 = 52 BD ER then (6) +4 =52 +) Theproduct ofa prime number and an od integer. or 4) distributive property of multiplication over ation €) The product of two odd integers b)ecommatative property of adition | «} associative property 4) The sum of thee consecutive integer « teasiive property of equality 27. 18+ 12-= 24, what i the value of 24+ 367 28,18 Jess than the product ofa number and—3 is greater. 00.0.0 peed than 7, which ofthe following could be that number?’ °° © @ a4 »6 os an J : , , a-6 bs gs a6 2 fa positive integer mis divisible by both3 and 8, theam 0.0.0 rustalao be divisible by fe 10 is 24 060 ‘34. The difference between 8 times a oumber and 17 is OO 231, Find the number. ub a3 »37 eas sO 26 ay 1984 ‘MSA Gi Servis Reviewer The Nev Milnor NSA Math Tutoring Center mee o 35. Four times the perimeter of a parking lotis 16 less than OOO Q 42. Paula is twice as old as Queenie, Seven years ago the OOOO Zoon metre: Whatisthe pester ofthelor? 8B ES fimoftirages mas Io" How oaieguemitow? 3224 246m YS0Lm 6) 92m 41 O08 ot yo gD 26-The amount of last month's telephone bil, decreased 0.0.09 40. Yor what valaw of x will x bu the averngn nf 0900 tyne yrodet of band P2000 equals P 131950. 2.68 bie 8107 et dtr aout of the il D4 oR ge ayPi7930 oPiai0se ey oven 4 tow my esr tetoen 7 nd 0sacuvndte 9QOQ 17. Fghentess an seve snes the oamterofandvices 0.0.9 ms eat gan is 269, How many sandwiches are there? 45, A patient must take his medication every'7 hours 000 Q. 232 yal or aas starting at 7:00 AM., Sunday. On what day will the #b @ a Patient frst eccive his medication at 8 A.M? 38. A hous and lot re sold forP 14 M. These cons 1.5 00.09 has ts lot. Haw much does the fot costs? * © © 2) Sunda o) Thursday a) PS.6M. bj 84M «)P10SM a) P 21M oheheny ateay 39, The sate price ofa television set is P 7 200. The O90Q 46, OF the 300 grocery shoppers surveyed, 96 didnot have OOOO discount rate is 40%. Find its regular price, one 1 regular day of the week on which they shop. What *b © @ percentage of the shoppers did not have a regular day ayrasz0 P6300 tr by P 12000 @) P 10,000, Manet 2) 32% BA =) 6H 90K 440. The lengths ofthe sides of triangle can be represented 09. OQ J ty thre consecutive integers. ‘The perimeter of the 47, Awatercontaneras 100 mot waterinitandis20% fl 9 ( ange oem Find got Ws one of Howmanymnlofvatercanthiscontainerholdirie aul? B © the lange. 2)200m1 —§)400m1 6) S00m1 4) $00 mL a2 28 0000 48, How many containers cach oeopies an aren of 2 00.0Q 41, The length ofa rectangle ie meters mre than twice ab ed ¥ bea its width, The perimeter is 112 meters. Find its area. fees nn ota kare BS ene mt a) 16m 24m ©) 28 m? 4) 640 mi? a) 358 +b) 448 ©) 530 +) 630 ‘ TA Ge ane, Te En RSAChapeee Roepe, Tee nn Fon 7 49. A starting salary of a secretary at ARC Computer 0000, ‘Specialists is P15,000 month. Nextyear the starting © sary will be raised to P18, 000, What isthe rate of Increase in the starting salary? D3% 20% 25% 3M 50, The cost.ofa square meter commercial lot in aeertain OOOO runicipalty five years ago was 12500, Therewasa 20 € 420? inrease in the price inthe lat five years. What 1s the price per square meter ofthat lot founy? )P 17500 ©) P 19.000 bP s2s00 4) 65 000 51, Last month a store manager decided to decrease the OOOO, Drices of al items by 10%. This month he increased = Bd the prices by 10%%, What would be the price for a ait of pants that had cast P es $4. How much must e cu from the edge of a piece of glass 00.00 7 3 abed 16 g smi noerfrittoftino an opening em wiser 3 2 3 s 9 2Fem yiten gidem 4 2X5 DA yom Wi Fem yt kem 25cm 58. Aree cartaveled for 2—L toaswithanarengemeedot 0009 decreased last month? ap 742.50 ©) P 675.00 b)P 750.00 oP 825.00 52, When the original price ofan item i increased by a 90.0.9 eran rate, the increased pice is P3 100. When the eriginal price is deereased hy the same rate, the decreased price is P1900. What isthe original price of thisitem? 8)P 1200) P20 @) P2500 w) P2800 3, Howmuch mast onehastoinvest in eoporate bonds paying 0000 9.6% in order to cam sn income of P 12,000 per annum? € P11 820 6) P12 000 bP 23 040 ) 250 000 ————__o?# mr MSA ii Seviee Reviewer The Now Millom Baton [MSA Math Tatra Centr 32 F impo, Fe led re 8) 264-5 3305 16 ee 1) 31 km + TIS, ole 56. If the weight of a 261-kg freight car increases 3-2 7 Sines when ly loaded, what wil eis weight witha, O29 fallioaa? 3 3 3) 70S g ©) 20-5 4g 3 » dig a 783 57, How many ters will emia in 4 1000siter storage tank 0.0.0 Q) if 8.2% of the liquid has evapor abe heat? nd due to excessive D918 9918 ep99018 — ayo98 ‘USA Gi Sie Reviewer Nov Moon Fi (MSA Math Tutoring Center, ‘ten ° 8, Dante recently sold some stocks for which be originally OQ. OQ (04. A125 ~eg box of Heand A detergent sos for P8750. YY UY | ought for F358. If it bas increased in value by 116%," B ¢ 4 ‘ALS~ kg box of Brand B detergent sels for P 103.20 4 how much di he receive forthe stock? ‘What isthe difference in the price per ke? aypors2s WP 72 ©) P7728 4) P77 P1200 © HPLSD 6) P1804) P200 59, Mr. Manay Vargas, realestate broker sold building QQ.Q.Q 65. A.30-em long plastic pipe costs P 249. At this rate, 0000 forPI7SM. How much didhe receive fhis commission abe what ithe price of the pipe per meter? abed j is 5.3% of the sale price ofthe property? a) Pa30 WPMD) P TT dh P74 2 P9sM ©) P9625 M rant ae tea 4, Abomeowner can rena chain saw froma rental agency 000.0 atP 2700 a day. The brand new ofthe sume saw ean © 60, £560 outof 700 examinees passed in the recent Career_Q.O ‘be bought for P 18900. Far how many days could the i Serie exam for Sub-Profesional level, what preent of 2 be homeowner rent the saw before renting would cost more ‘ne examinees passed?” than buying? 6% 7H — BH. IAN as 6 7 os Gl. Mr Cruz borrows P 750 000 from Asien Bankandis 0000 Gi Pala uss ton 10D-walt bulbs in Rer Howse. She uses pe g Charged P90 000 intrest. What rate of interest did 8B Ed these bulbs at an average of 5 hours each dey. HOW ‘sian Bank charge for the loan? ‘many KWH do these bulbs use ech day? 8% 9% — 1H HIM oe wy10 oso 4) 5 000 | ca Aste sls shirts for PL O78 each oF 3 for 92997. 0909 64. Ancesierange wes 12200 wnt perhonemdisren 9999 Hlow'much would one save by buying 3shirtsatatime 8B ¢ a nor eee ve to Be instead oF3 shins, one at atime? ni epg ae nes - : lalowatt-hour this? ayP237 WP R237 «gpl on J » a a 732 by 732 97320-9732 Qo (4 A computer can be rented for P1745 a werk or 347.50 00.00 000 | ‘Nay. You need te computer only for days, Atwhich 6 © 69. Avideocassete movie, puchased for Pa40 was marked fate daily or weekly), would it be cheaper torent and up 25% on the selling price. Later, as retail prees fll, by how much cheaper? this movie was marked down 20% on the current sale 1) weekly: P340 ) daily; P340 price, Find its new sale price daily: F240 1) weekly; F240 2)P352b)Paad «J PSO0 P50 0 THA Co ese Reviewer The New leno Fon a Sh Mat Twang Center 10. MSA Proviets, Ine, bought these office supplies last ‘week: 1 320 pens @ F 0.128; 1 480 packs paper clips @ PO.625, 1240 boxes of tape @ P 0.875; 1720 boxes of cards @ PO.SD, A 5% sales tax is added. What ‘vas the company's total bill? 2o sO co 26 sp 173.25, bypasst P9725 a)P372855 Data Sufficiency Directions: Eich ofthis dss sulficieney problem consists of a ‘question andwo statements, labeled) and 2), in which cern data sre given. You have to decide whether he data given inthe statements tre suficient for answering the questions. Shade the oal above 4 ifsatemen(1) ALONEissuficient,butstatement (2) alone D itsinement(2) ALONE suit, butsttement() aloe 71, The question " How mauy flowers are needed to border OO OQ ‘isnot sufficient. tole eet eres Bee i pont steneas TOGETHE wesc, ba ETHER et tee coin Goa lipiner Wetce dem amt GOCE ete 72, How many meters of fencing are needed to enclose OOOO Lash abe ‘what percent was the price per kilo of chicken 0 Ditn Odeo im aaa 1 Ti es a Tan Was He GF a 1 7%. 12 How many I-em-aquare stickers are needed to cover 0OOQ photo box 46m Jong, 3 em wideand Sem high? = 9 P © oar 60 938 aoa (One side ofa triangle is 3 em longer than the shortest OOOO side, and the other side is 4em longerthan the shortest @® © 4 fide, How long is the shortest side ifthe perimeter is GT em? 26m Waem —i2Hem_— dh Tem ‘Thelengthofa rectangle is 2 em lessthan twice its width. 0 OQ What is its width i em, its perimeter is 50 em? a8 9 16 42s (@) The price per kilo of shisken afer the inrease was P120. 2. Areal estate broker received a commision of 8% of 00000 the selling price ofa certain property, what was the 2 © d selling price ofthe propery” (0) Thesellng price minus the real estate agents commission was 9200 000 (2) Theseling price was 250% ofthe original purchase price ‘of P4.000 000. 3. Chin-Chin and Queenie May were among those who 00000 sold raffle tickets to raise money forthe club, If Chin- * > © 4 © Chin and Queenie May sold a total of 168 tickets, how many tickets did Chin-Chinsell? (1) Queenie May. sold 60% as many raffle tickets as Chin-chin (2) Queenie May sold 8% ofall the raffle tickets sol MSA Math Taering center ume Eon bs 4, What isthe ratio of m: 5:8? 00000 abede () a=2.and mss @) 5. Mxand y are integers, is. divisible by!7? 09090 (() The product ay isdvisibleby 17. (2) y isnot divisible by 17 6, On Saturday morning the printing machine of Gerpress 000 Q' Printing rem continously at uniform rate to fill a ab ¢ de production oder. At what time di it completely fll the order that morning? (1) The supervisor began the plan for production 8:08 am. (2) The machine had filled $0% of the order at 5 S48 am. and {ofthe oder by 10:8 sm. 00000 abede (1) If Gerard had 18 fewer books, he would have only half ae many as he actually has (2) Gerad as tre times as many ftion as nonfiction books 7. How many books does Gerard havet ‘What number is 24% of 2? 90090 (1) 1618 8% oF ce bot» 100 aS Ered 9, What was the the total amount raised for he Payatss OO O Tragedy? © (1) Of be amount donated, 48% came from private corporations. (2) Ofthe amount donated, P 15M came fom personal donations. 10. Mivim's total sore inthe thee bowing games was 530. 0.0.0 ‘What were her scores? abede (1) Miriam's highest score was 198 (2) The sum of Miriam's two highest scores was 368. SE 1 TSA Ghi'Serite Revoner_The Now Mien Eaton MSA mi 11, Is the value of x closer to 48 than to 787 oO oS co ao oO (Tao 88 @ ow 12, In ast Saturday's Midnight Sale at Sta, Lucia Malla QQ. 0.Q certain shop sold 75% of the shirts i its inventory. ab © de Each shit was sold for P3S8. What was the total revenve from the sie ofthese shirts on that day? (1) When the shop opened las Sturdy, there were 448 shir in is invetory (2) All but 112 ofthe shop's inventory were sold last Saturday. 13. Mow many more boysthan girsare therein thereon? 00.0.0 0 total sand boys int (2) The number of boys inthe room equals the square fof the number of girls ia the room. 14. tn what year was Gerard born? 0 1 bede (1) Gera friend Mary Angela, whois years younger ‘han him, wasbom in 197, old (2) in 1998 Gerard turned 20 y 15, A box contains 46 balls, of which 30 are red and 18 OOOO sre blue, If 16 of the balls are removed, how many # BEd & ofthe balls left in the box are blue? (1) OF e balls moved, the ato of the mumber of re ‘ones to the number of blue ones 5:3. (2) Of the frst § marbles removed, 5 are red ‘MGA Gr Savi Rniower “The Rov Milennlam Fon 8 uerear uperauons, 16, How long did it take Mrs. Alerezto drive non-stop OOOO ‘i ona trp from her home to Ayata Alabang? abede Alphabetizing (0) Ste, lferea's average sped forthe triphad been DIRECTIONS: Arrange each group of items in alphabetical ord. 1.Stimes as fast, the mp would have aken Zhou (©) Mrs, Alferes's average speed for the trip Was 50 ko por hour. 1. A. Commission on The Filipino Language 'B Commission on Human Rights 9009 17. 1EMyrma hada dents sappointment on certain day, 00.090 . Commission on Higher Education i was the appointment on a Friday? abode . Commission on Poplstion : (aay pours bee heaps iw sane «nea & cH (2) The appointments between 2:00pm. to 7:00 p.m, a &. acen : 2 A. Cooperative Development Authority 0000 18, What was the average numberof kilometers per liter 00.0.0 0 a ppg Srewolin scareenconmwae during scrim? 4D.6 de .Cotage industry Development Eerie nee ©. Cotage Isr Teknology Center i (1) The total cost ofthe gasoline used by the er othe Dy Coeetl ack tte flan P {@) The cos forthe gasoline used bythe efor the = xBep © Bean, trip war PIS,00 per iter ». aceD & coaD 19, What isthe ratio of @ to 6? 99000 3. A. Food and Nutrition Research Institute 000 (0) aie Smo than wie B. Fiber nds Development Autongy ae . Foreign Service insite ) The ratio ofa 10 40 i837 _. Family Planing Orgnzation ofthe Pipines 20, ALMSA Tutorial and Review Center, 400 students OO . 7 are enrolled for the Review Program or Academic ac de om DBca ‘Advancement Program or both. If 100 of these Bach & pBac Students are not enrolled inthe Review Progra, how tty ahem ar erlled in ath MBA Review 4A sae Commision eee Progam and MSA Academic Advancement Program ? Indo Technology Development sie Merle ntaaneeeenaae Inst of bor and Manpower Studies Fle rete rte .Insretion Material Corporstion {@) A total of 240 ofthe students are enrolled in the =. BDCA «. ReDA ‘Academic Advancement Program b BACD ached 16 ‘SA Gui eve Reser The Nox nto Eden DSA Gv eve Reviewer The Ne lls Eon Fi ‘MSA Math Twtorag Center MSA Math Tutoring Center 5. A PresdenalCommissiononGocdGovermment QQ. 9. A John Shannon Montessori 0909 B, Presidential Commission to Fight Poverty 'B, John Paul Hospital ae . Preside Cots forthe Unban Poor John Robert Powers D, Presiden! Commission on Huan Rights D. ob Nel nd Assists a cra 6. CABD » pace 6 DRA, cBAD 4 caps pEca 4. DaRe 6. A. AA Industial Chemical Supply ogoo 10, A, Sports Zone Resturant 0909 1B, AB Capital and Investment Corporation B. Sports Resourees Ine. abe ©. ASoriano Aviation Incorporated Sports Vales Ie D. Ar Driving Company Incorporate D. Sports Hose and Gener Merchandise a. DeaB & ApeD 2. aKeD 6. CRDA DcBA 4 cABD & Reps &. DaCA 1A, Aysla Pas I. 2909 LA. Abad, Josephine 0909 B. Ayala Health Care Inc. . B. Abad, Jason . Ayala Land te . Ata, Joseph D, Ayal Life Assurance Ine D. Abad, Jane 2. BCDA ©. DOBA 2 DBCA . BDCA , anc 4 Bac ». Dpac 4 BODA 8, A. Plpintnsorprsted 0909 2A. St Stephens Schoo! 9909 2, Flay Marketing BS Stephens University ©. FilsovStiping Company C. St Seholatias Aeademy D, Fina Products ic D. St Scholasti's College 2. ACDB «BAD ». anep «cpaB & cABD 4 BACD CDRA &.DCAB Fr Tuan Gh Saver wer Thea Milton aon TEA ChilSrice Reviewer The Now inom aon 8 MSA bat Tatoring Center J. ta tac 0000 17, A, UP for Smal Sal dates 0000 i B. Santos, Ana abed 'B. UP Institute for Science and Math Education Shes | ©. Sato, Ani ©. UP Instat ofBiolgy | pene sey D, UP stint of heisy a, CDBA ©, BADC * ABCD ¢, CDAB 5. DcBA pac 4 aco 4. coma ! 18 A Bureau of Fost, FA Phin ogee 0900 } 3. atpinetr 9998 Ba oft Reems 2e8 i) © Pitppine Heats ©. Buns of Mines } uae , Burau ofFisies and Agu Resources , | a aacD «ance & paca «pce | a AcBD a aca & banc 4 prac i 1S, A. Lana, Antonio 19. A. Ransh, Bian i 0000 oped Lana Jon eee 3. Rll, Mike abe | Lana, Olive ©. Ramirez, Sean DL, Olver D. Rancho, Eine a. asc aca + BCAD « BODA & ABDC 4 abe » poac @ Bad 16 A. Flin, tson 0000 2 A Gomme, sie 0909 | B. Fetip, Jatin bed 3, Quimbing Amie C. Fatimon, fre ©. inn, Ad Dee, tin . Quezon, Aura | ' 2 capa « cABD 2 ABeD « AcRD ACAD 4. acs 3 abcB 4 anc 30 TA GaSe Rewer The Now Millon Ein ‘SACS Reiever_The Re Mano Eo a Synonyms 1. Nobody liked haughoy Monty whokeptbrguingabouthis 00.00 DIRECTIONS ‘Shade the oval above the letter that corresponds to Ls) a auas the word closest in meaning to the bold and italicized word in the sentence, Same © respectable ad 0800 +b. foolish 4. dependable ample: 1. Thesnperturbed tnby slop sound er 0000 5. ecu paenan ae dacrz nemseee iets QQOQ : «ti ie ignominious act of accepting ries ake ‘undisturbed a. exhausted i eotng ces won honorable 6. unwanted 1 disespectble a remstabe 1. We should never be apathetie towards other people for OO 0.0 ‘we bave a social responsi tofu. nied 9. The impudent child was scolded for answering bickto — OQ.00 a, indifferent ‘e. generous aan suas % conermed a. wore repel «: lever bone a mide 2A good leader shouldbe cognizant of be nuneros issues 0 OQ ‘that affect his constitvents. abed 10. Spores are infinitesimal reproductive units of fungi and 0000 a. aware «, confused i apes -b_uninfoemed 4. idealistic Sa & microscopic 3. Always be careful not to issue any disparaging remarks 000.Q ™ ‘ent other peopl auee 11, Never trast anid person because you'll never know 00.0.0 yearels « sanaine whe goeson in his mid seed confising 4 discos 4 honest «loyal B eacerous stony 4 owes are ephemera they boom yet wider ina weskor O90 Q a oo ee 12 Jess san rmeibe gl who equeny hastantuams, — QQ.0.Q a hive «, enti «impatient okebeaeal abed ‘b. long lasting <4, short lived donate, jolly See eters att eee 9009 3. Suge toudbemeialaseyesiy enters 9.0 ‘a. simple , greedy . « ct B choory Sonesta corel . suct ooo 3 eaeess lenient 6 Theontigs Center ed with gergantuan sigs. come O having up to 50 floors abed 14, Christ teaches us to be concered about putting up riches in 9909 ‘heaven and not tobe obsessed with mundane things. 2 conde «. fit lss ‘temporary nian 'b, old and weak a. gigantic: >. worldly 4 ‘pera ant B TSA Geer iver To os Mio os MSA bh Tutoring Center 23 15, Rochelle has difficulty seeing, things from afar because she 99 on m4. Ea iis fortitude is the reason why he seldom 00 90 ene tit . rece — sonoe ia ieee i, 16, Regina, being 2 child ofthe, is oblivious tothe world around her. 00 09 28. ee ‘viewed as an impediment towards 09 99 io ite se si amar a aE 0000 26. The students were upbraided for misbehaving during the O00 Q all-knowing «immortal abed assembly. abed M8 pig mane as tfaismy tate 90 99 Sie a Sed meena hogy bed 27 Urbane people are appalled by re behavior, 0000 ioe fy , well-mannered ‘©. modem sped wos tte nent 7 e000 tacit 2099 Gree no ope 0000 28 apodn renie ns e 0909 2 Teslenwaatal ray tevonecvesenan 9209 «nin Doce ee b. discrepancy 4. mistake Be emcnen feshiasco wi 2008. mar eestcmant tins 9929 foo Paseo bottles as soon as possible to prevent malformation of the Sa aa infants’ erupting teeth. 2 comnecrtermeenonywomeite 088 ered eter — sone ora aac 431, Some people believe that Balee Drive is haunted because QQ. Q 22, For enmlyand hae are contrary tens and concord. 00.0 Q ats vom ren cate wt 5m 5 ed oan az an Tne EAkieke =e 3 32. She looks unkempt with hr wavy os ar fling reely 0.0 Q Antonyms ‘hind her ke . ety gin and rere DIRECTIONS: Choose the leter that corresponds to te won! opposite is incening othe aiid word or prac the sentence 15. Theroomistopsung.asifahariceejuipases og, 0900 a ‘dsr dey eee 1. The asceieman donated ll hismoneyochasy. 0.9.00 © deoyed 4 clean ‘sees! sellmotated d 34 Sherlock Holmes i omous sleuth 9000 eee adver detective aris sient 4 criminal 1. Ceamsin accompanied thea er sister tthe gst 0000 ', fllowed « letbehing 0909 indy rummaged through the chest of old clothes for 990 35. Ming moma trough he ceo bed Bletgoonone’sown sapped a ‘ tearched ou pase ho eclatiou sed duh 2 Beste beard itis digs. 0000 0900 heme i see 36. Oniya refi oud do sacha eins actofuting tp 99.2G ras an insine pron lovable person 2 oe “Cine 9900 abt parson 4 Scone person oe —— oe ee 37. Toangmentiheplicemen’sicame, te government 2009 | 4. se cers nnd ema caught he mayor hime shiccarteeag =a 9909 t icrease iit ser well out 3, combate 4 remove dani 4 Temerved 38, A penon's reputation very impoantsobe verycaetal 99.09 5, The mean boys derided he ikl boy. 0000 ota catumniate 309 ‘made in of © psd teh ent f 3. nda 4 Bhandoned conn 6, Chan was eval when she won ist pie nthe short 2. Te ori nefits merms. 2 99 sey oningcme . one 3 eased A develope » overoyed a Snerstc lane overshot ihe runway andtandedonadich —-Q.Q.00 Sigsine hetaces ar exert se ae metend ee lan eee & passed by 4 di notreach 3 milan 4 beating is NSNGhISene nine Thrill iy “cia RT es nn Bon F 5. Theauis proved obe fc sade gothighssass, 9.00 17. Tey dog wpm stad tment. 9909 a.difficult © average a. fatal , deadly ai bas 4. aosnenble & ae sy 5. The genious gts woedinced fom echower. «9.0.09 18, Heino rial ae tal lattome 9909 2. mute beh 2. epugant «. adorable taanee gut to 4 maty 10, The heathens used to peactice cannibalism. 0000 19, Welisened attentively tothe mellfuos sound produced 9000 abed ‘by the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra, ‘unc people «:oldpeple ‘tt people ‘Leutned people 2. bash «. melodious naar resonate, 4 inelow nbelieving that physical sai ot lndrance at ene ° "© 20, These medical and dens cactp conic by hear? 000 Group is just a proof of their munificence. abee a opportunity . ¥ sepping stone ‘aimeny 2. comminest 1s valores a 1. generosity ‘4, stinginess 0000 age Tae To PT TORT ogg ae ay 2. tonorble ¢.infamons ad , detestable a. vile 13 hep ltfapitteup eee ass 2009 aa neysanovene asa mantras 9000 a. admitted © accepted, a. remarkable . trivial ape amended detec 1b. substantial 4, significant 14 someperlebsievetataigaminerissins. — QQ 25. vousitlerergtsuiietsourimentifyousre 0009 ‘a. bad luck c, expensive: obdurate in refusing to eat vegetables. abed er go ok 2 subbom fem Bobet fe 15. The payer wer confucd when stdely — 0Q.0Q cae ‘utedn drng te team’ shudle 24 Donic mabe tated mindsourownbosness 09.0.0 a, advisers: ‘¢, onlookers a, reserved ©, nosey: abe specter dcrond oop inerteing 16, The Janky lad stood out among the average-sized students. 990g 25. Ladmize people who are modest despite their opulence, 0000 ‘a. fierve-looking cc. short and stout ate 4 great wealth cc. affiuence abed bine talent poverty 4 lavisnees Be Tal Gripen Teneaespaiin | VexGaerns same MSA Mate Tutoring Center MSA Math Tutoring Center 29 26, Do you always ty tobe paragon of virtue? #o 5S co 20 sete srogeuret of te fndvamscasedie win — 0009 ode sii Pega acl gec9 ‘b. example @. anomaly a. collapse cc. vibrate 27 Tages somah pathos tatteefecogdoon, 2229 — tet wi ig 55, Thevindicve pols sprxdnanresontis omens. 000.0 pec +o s a. revengeful ‘e. spiteful 28, Ginna ecco gt whocanakety ead tHE HE 010.00 ere 4 ros sa & Hevea = Sette 36, Ifwords were swords, then her wirilieemarks could QQ.QQ, em atned ee ree 28, Shed uso ie tt she wasn reat of a mi rsh pe 9909 i at hind 2 wi «malic he 17. Many sens vac othe efcnenssofBeMSA__9.0.00 Teview sass opal 20. Te ramseclebulngcolaptedealy. 5 ee eed 9909 nee «stim ce races 1 oe ee SeAnA-ming ree ewtinatehor inl —gggq 3 Ttynderyashinmre sain Berewerene, 9.09 elas 2898 — a + % tone 1b, farther d. thither ork i ote $9, MSA tral leas ers wh ei ene nd 32, CJ de Silva’s painting abilities are uncanny. 000 0000 e900 4. vigorous «indifferent mbt tla ming Rie ‘. ordinary <4. unbelievable ». eamest ‘4. enthusiastic 438, Lea Salonga’s performance was ulery delight 9909 40, Don’t rea hings upset you 2909 a. somewhat ‘¢. thoroughly . ‘© importnt ‘s. ordinary: vee hana ‘sey ting 6 renee i TENG eww Tefen Mons“ Genie Ther Milo Bion a eee | ae Single-Word Analogy ‘8. Pyramid: Egypt :: Taj Majal 0000 @. China: India abod DIRECTIONS: — Choose the letter that corresponds to the San & Gi, Word that correctly completes each slog 9. Tite Buptes: Mesopotamia :: Mle River: 0900 a. Egypt , Ttaly abed tele i Revit Faas 9989 ts Spee cone. tech abe cae 10, Mahabharata Inia Gilgamesh 0900 a Assyria c. Chaldea shes 3000 © Since 4. Bayon 1. Moby Dick: Homan vil: The OManandtbe Sea; 000 nysraeeoee 0900 ‘4, Charles Dickens ‘¢. Charles Perrault @. Grecian , Greek ates % Emest Hemingway 4. Robe Fost & Frenh i Gee ae eee carat 0000 12, Sistine Madonna: Raphael :: Last Supper 0900 We abed ‘a. Michaelangelo ¢, Rembrandt abed hee Aca Leomrdods Vici Yano 2 ao &. Pines 13 Slate Floor: Suet 0900 3. BIR Tes: DPT e909 = Wal = Mea 2 Pubic Roads «Tate celina Window ‘b. Houses ‘4d. Churches 14, Catholic : Priest :: Moslem : 0000 a. Rajah ©. Koran abed 4 Bey Coa tricl eveme 0909 ae oo Geese § Baw 1S, Gio Bacto :Destmeron::NiscloMachnveli: 000Q Gove a. The Little Prince , The Prince abed 5. USA; Washington D.C. :: Philippines : o00g b. Utopia d. Wealth of Nations 2. Quezon City . Manila 16, Samet More Telraph::AlexinderGrim Bel: OQ OQ, b. San Juan Cebu |, telescope ©. teleportation ated Bape 6 residential: President: Paiamentary 0000 a Seer aarp =a Sed 17, Paractate: Ante neque Caren: Televison 0909 ‘a. John Logie Baird ©. John Vincent Crowe * > © © King Carl © Wiiamsony 4. Howard aiken 1-Tegbna:Paloan Relay 9209 i. hist cnr Pony: Sst ener 9909 Taney, 1 Baenpact ‘ ‘Albert Einstein . Galileo abod cave 4. con 1 Ara Copel a TA Goi evns tere Te ow Mion Bais == “WSA Ch as Breer Tos Rev Manion Bln (MSA Math Ts Center ‘MSA Math Tutoring Center 3B 19, Pythagorean Tere Pythgors::CubicEguaon: QQ 50, sim: detihtin cruel totes: :masochism 0000 2. Alfred Nobel « Taraghia abea | 2. dlightinbuilinghouses c, deightinbeing abused * © By Isaae Newon 1. Ree Descartes | 2 daigitinturingrasons —d delgtingoingto Mases 2, Heary Cavendish: Hydrogen Henry Prey 0000 | 51, mamnka: Polish: fniango 0009 a arbor aid drm shed ‘Rasen Geman bed exysen 4 possum t 3. Spanish Pots 21, Allied Rowers: Rusia: Cental Powers 0909 | 52 neaniged: myopia: fied 0909 a. France © tialy aes 2. hyperopia .doseision avea Bain Ausra I stunt ink 22. enourage:atendans::cotege 0909 53, dyson: ceding: aphasia 0000 Spoccson frais, fmeatproceson —* © © ‘xmuclecoownstonc,eyemovenent «3 BE B. procession incout™ dol procession peek a memory 23 etal snd 0909 | 34 mained :teadoraremaran::bey 0909 ‘smal iver «small eiew ame ‘bas condor . water's ep aiicaid 3 sala ‘.smalrebe », baseleaer tea water 7m out: hideous: 0909 35, figuine:smal ge: erin 0909 tidsen © expen 2 ata bro = ama ualy veya 1 female hao 4 Teale dup 25, note nasa abdomen 00009 36, Xerox: phoacnir:: Aids: 0009 ‘ abaormal ¢, abominate abed alts shoes formal wear abed 4 abdominal 4 adenoma i dente pares 26, agnostic: doubts God's existence: atheist: 9909 37, Sayonara: Goodbye Bonjour 0000 denies Gau'sexsecec- lfims Gsexistnee® © © "Good lak Goodnight abed % GeniesGadasrestor——afrs God as restr b. Geed iy 4 Geodevening 27, infanticide: killing of infants; : genocide 990g ‘38, superfluous : excessive: supersede 0909 4: ling ofeeies «killing farce soca 0p 4. watch over great sed aa + kllingo eos 4 ling Geno 0 fllofseds 4. take the pac of 28, latrne : toilet; lavatory 0000 239, Nativig : Christmas: Senakulo 0000 ‘basin sink abed ‘Advert entcost : Ba 4 batzoom teat 4. Passover 29, mast: chew: eda 0909 40, theme sinidea moral 9000 collect complete aba a. avaloe e apicsrafaivice SBE 8 count 4 tow Bese a. a Randard m TSN Gv Seve Rainer The No Min ao "NSA Gi sevice Revver The Now Milenio Fein 3 Sn sat Taerag Centr ASA tun Teoring Centr Double-Word Analogy 8. dog heme 0000 ‘4, whale: pond © pig: sty ae 2b DIRECTIONS: Choose the letter tht coresponds to de 1 ook: 8 ogle brn rir of words thatis related in the same way asthe given pair of i eel ee 9, book laves 0900 ste tress 2 house: itehen fe fanselectricity BE fe eee 8: cimney ot cur ating : & adore: tate 10, panda: Chia 2909 4 grizzly : Aftica ¢, Pooh: Disneyland =” © { "ents 0000 polarbear ‘Ameria aa: Austalin, late: whisper linkin ape 1, jubilant: morose 0009 | %, beach whten 4 Boomer 2. fumble: mode csimpiesivish BE 1 joy bap pompous pretentious 2. abate: sughicbouse 0909 a C ‘a, quay : wharh snail :slow ba 12, tiny: mieroscopic 0000 ‘quack: duck 4. clown fun 2. uproar: laughter argument:mecting #6 — Bo. lage: mammoth 4. worm sweater 2 aa Ta abed 13 toamile: gut 0909 oa Ii eeceniae 3. towalk to stroll ‘©, tomunch : to eat wea ‘b. music: mobile GC iegth epee 1. to frown : to weep 4. tolift: to-cary if 4, numismatist : money ; 000 8 14, hand s arm 0000 q a. aesthetios : beauty . linguist: language ons ‘foot: leg ‘oe waist: belt abed / B. fetish: obsession ate :sense ta, lone coat anions uneasy 15, prep 0909 5 7 9909 rep 9999 a. egocenic :selFoeneed 6, fee: strong 4 a: pro «. able sean way plaid 4 scorn: adiabe temo 4. deca . 16, autora aude 10.00 «meet 9g0g 0909 2. bear eb 6. dog: Dalmatian a. tal plonres : colseum:spestatars ® ehcken: hen tigress B. moviehowe:cinema domme renporttion 1g tick: 0909 17, Edgar Allan Poe: Annabel Lee 2909 ‘litter fash table : desk yea 1 Robert Frost: Medea c.Chauoer: Antigone ° P © 4 ®, peste: pound words sebbard Pye Galen d. Shakespeare Rorco and Juliet % TSA Gr Sav Rewer Ti Now Mian Eon TSu Ghilsavike Reiner The Row Mano Eon ” ‘MSA Math Tutoring Center 18 advise: counsel: 0000 | — 26extemporancous : rehearsed: 0000 abed shed a. ead: diet «peace piece a. estaped refuios: wicked los: ont 4 wan quality mientous important sabrous heath 19. pepe: sweat 0000 237 tavern: bar 0909 reed 2888 a. stolen fin: wind 2 ian sho condominkin fee b ary:teas 4s: only parent tof 4. ate chinney 20, exizate se fe 0000 | *aucess dake 0000 ‘a. joumney ; far . implicate : involve abed ‘a. count : countess ‘gentleman : lady. shes gia: qety gate: ay 1 eve ram wierd ch 21, maggot fy 0000 29, avin decreas 0000 ‘a, caterpillar : leaves: . butterfly : moth abed 4, defer : act promptly forge: stop aber bees waep 4. dpe: og deny grant multiply: neense 22, he: him 0000 30, prowess: cowardice 2909 a mei «©. you: yours cous 1 adept shied arulous talkative be hey them 4. ere | .adtsumeordated brie :pide | 22, ie tortie 0000 | 3 churisma:charismata 0009 abed abed ly put down mb: release | deer ders basis: bases tsb: beanty 4. qu to ist | bacterium bacterium eighty eight 2. ilo: Ekim: 0909 | asimnete 0000 eee 3388 cavemen eave ce. dette: shanty 4 pees double: wo be palace hngs 4. bees: bechive quartile: four dt sexton sn 25 iionay word messing 909 | ateonatn 0000 ‘a. almanac : synonyms: atlas : maps: abe | |&, approximate : appro, -¢, building :bldng sist be enelopedia:wordorign 4 tests: dinosaurs | bal balance ak manager: mgr 38 "MSA Civil Service Reviewer The New Milonniam Eaton | MSA'Matn Tutoring Con 39 34, arachnophobia: fer of piers 0909 1 hydrophobia fear of wet objects >, elasropbobia: fear of lass «photophobia: ear of light 4. xenophobia: fear fin 235, unscrew then: 0909 remove : restore sensitize: make sensitive b. elngush: give up 4. stupety=make insensible Identifying Errors DIRECTIONS: Choose the underiined word or pases labeled ‘4b, eo d which are NOT acceptable in formal wrtten English (Choose eif there is no error. Shade the oval that corresponds to Your answer onthe item number in your answer sheet. No errr, 2, The House of Representatives decision to decrease 00000 36, veose: peschless 0900 : fat abede ee events the abed the budget for the Department of Education was vou ind wma: ible amet wih protests, No ero, d ° 37. COD sash on Sey ogee 3 The Cabin cenulay mect ones weck Noenor 00000 a. DST: daylight saving time ce, NA: not appointed a b © a e abede bora toi wt aEnaVE peer 4 Bath te Seniors sd the Consessmen fsisates 00000 2 . ¢ a abode etna 0900 lows, Noeror ee abed e a congront: dissimilar. deliberate intentional b converge :sepenle ——ddeludeuide 5. ThePhipine goxemment tae thes aachesot 09000 so, sane 0909 Ban he eee he lepove anh jai a lous: sae 8 osm, ‘b. moon : planer <4, soil : ground . 6. The Supreme Cort nha te ighespringss and 0Q.0Q 0 40 angi: 0000 “ ° abede o8e8 standaxd of morality as embodied inthe Constitution, a, feeble: active opportune timely : fra ea b.inocuoussharless ulate, No ener a Takchiictohedenr SeNeamcis abe, Suniciascwsuvew Gane nmaas Fa 7 MSA Math Tutoring Center 7. Some historias contests the sign ofthe Pilipino a, . © 4 ec ce oc ac oc readers. No enon 17 Hag either of he books been retumed? No-cor. 00000 2 booed 18, One hundred fify pesos are the average seiting OOOO o 5 abede rigeof one textbook, No eror ° ‘ © 19. One ofthe mashinss nthe printing neces werens O00QO a be tbede functoning ope Nosy ° Naso. 8 Some tee at ex we sanew ignore sme O00 0 asthe ont may Maetia Asoneie Nossa vio¥. zaite 00000 #-trPo Tes Apter man ze 00000 im te iors fo Og, Nos ve ¢ 10. The news are writen ivmeditely to meet the previous 0.090 abe 7 abede deadline. No sa 1. aemnis i mate neta nie teat 09000 coviginal Filipino flag. Nor. 2B cheeant chem ee eine Nossar 9909 to Mending hake ade oneshorivons, Nar O00 Q svenvbody toread, then books wit! 09000 v4 afew Ena How treat, hn bonkewit 90090 sever cease to be useful, No ero 1s. Noone das gunn tow inva dookeaes 09090 Nosnr. 20, Either the teashers orth Hibrarian ake care ofthe 2d eal og ag eq 2 ° cd books, No err. 21, A number of books i regularly donated fo public 00000 ee abede sehocls. No ere, 22, The mumbrf reads sominully seach yar, 09090 8 cd abede Xo-rror 2. For |, Renders Digest is informative asyetlas 9.0.90 abede 2 ‘The New Mleutum Eaton 8 : 24, The Movil Bllt bas en pbs he Panorama 00000 52 The youth delemstes beve been sang the 90000 mga over hand yes, Nace ii nth Nosy . apees 25. Allee inert that muse te 19000 Alien isin ge tus 09090 39, Thaw andl inthe comers govemmenownst. 00000 q : ® ar abede Nossa an 26, Thesilansic peer wi ibesstes, sons 00000 - nics contcs 29000 34 Themumber of socialized hovsinguntsszonsoresbyihe 00000 ‘about the contents of their newspaper, No error. a ‘ * abede poms, Hes soverment seas ach year. No err ¢ © 171. Gori end Teco, in. aon te Copan Barbe, vasa 0000.0 - St abede 35. A aumterof the government taxcoiections gocsto 09000 ‘popular comic books during the “70s. No erro ab 4 abcde ae : infastrostre projects. Nosnor. 28, Bol Medina bas the very famous Pugad Baboy 90090 a b © abede +36. The beneficiaries of the study grant given by the ———, uisttemaremtenmivée 00000 oe soverment whe them, Noa. 28, Pugad Rabo» fintangeie inthe Piippine Daily — O00 ne . ve abede Inquirer during the Tate ‘80s. No error. = Eales moa en ae 00 9 9 9 a s teloveoe pals ne ely salt ‘violent, No error. 30, Neither Pol Medinanor bis ita thinks ewilbevome 0.0.9 Q ¢ oe Se abede cess, Nose 3 Thepshletisotelevienvewing nese O00 oe 2 . adede cxolod further: Noor, 1 Some bcs tht Mi Media's wos anze de 09000 d : a ak abede socio-economic condition ofthe peopl in ox oun 2 Busy shi Chel acho as scr 090 4 . abode Noss bbe, osm “4 SAC SevieRivewer |The New Milenio Eatin (MSA Cv Service Reviewer The New Milena Eon e 40 he See of please sbouaFipno win 0.000 47. Themes asked er aquenion stout hex. «0000 : abede ae " abode numa tothe Unie Sates, a writen by | osm * cd . Diese Santos. Not | : | 4 tinue seam sisive to people who profess 0000 41, Nk ongun, one ofthe exceptional Piping at 90000 | fatima tj wees a abode ig also known for Quijano de Manila, No error. « * ee : 4.1 saps bot othe rade let andpssin. (0.000 42, Somessonle snes tat one cold ze store 0.00 sat . < abede emer bal a abede cmt nat by Inskingo a mivor on Mayday eve. Noa | : « : 50, Robert an Amavisan poet define teases 00000 48, Jose Garcia Vilma tciieat of aumerous anards, 00 00.0 : sab eae * & o_abede “performance in words". No error. ‘stun them, te "Natlonl Arist Award for Literate Fy . d Nosuae |S itecofte auter Havel cation for thir 00.000 ’ a > © a abcde 4H. The Far Bastern Universiy FEU) avo give Bea Q0QQ | "mwbabewors, Nocmr mete Qbede . ctr of Literate loner cane in 1958, aie on ce a 52, Jost ike Edgar Allan Poe, it iehelcued tat Nick 09000 asking him bes visting roe, Nos a abede i s Songun sar geting Hea aer es dak sleoboic ° ¢ 4. Beysen he muneros prot sitesi NekJooquin 0900.0 tevenges” Noor a > © sence © ‘ste bet No ero : te 53. Commis ase widely us nowadays ven nzsshaals, 0900.0 aoe abede 46. Those ae wo of fans ators tosnaz 0.00 Noam . bed ° abede ; % TSN Gr Stes Revert _ Tie ila aos a MSA hath Tatring Ceter 54. The number of Computer Science stunts seatiy 00000 Paragraph Development _ aun amily ede a ee DIRECTIONS: Fach exer tion, when put in the comet ne, 1 7a woud neta ag: Desde vin simethsones | |Jobs thn never questi tow SS auihnssatinotThina mimsvote 09099 | 78 1A. Thefntocte iat heb ath ete nsec ‘proficient in computer use. No error. ips mee mas oon : aoe | Oi eaten need 56. Roose shoul! ays rout opodss. 0.090 stilbene pong, 8 oe BB ETE |G. ite President apores hil, hens be deed: oe | Danity etrebecomings ny ngs see ties c Ont tireing vols oft ater al ec aif ___ obits amon, tsora hemes arora ven as iafet-my hair's and 09.090 aes an . sbede 1, Wha ld ei fat eh 09090 new laptog computer. No rot | == a a8 neces i z oe aD | ot sold eth fut seen? Inert ages alu aconmunicnewihother QQOQQ | % Wished wth see? Gpoge . ° } people anywhere in the world. No eer. od ae a . ete wig sen ed ete 1 shld be noe, however, tha the Present conmanite Ms 59. All of thepons are spent yesterday. Noe, — Q0.Q0 veto within thirty days from receipt of the bil, othervise, the Bilis . ead © considered to have been approved by him. 6, Eash computer some wih citar compatdisleer 09090 3. Wiawulthenewonkratihesnincers? 0.090 . > © ® BCDEAF d ABCDEF . oraDVD pase, Nos. b DpARCE & CBD-AEE oe ¢ DAECRE a TEN Grt ans Roiw Tefen iin = “asa caaamnmine” Nw Mion Elo (MSA Math Tutoring Center (MSA Math Tatering Center “ * ILA. Leamingtolisten tone way ofkeeping hiends. 'B. Although istening can really be very tiring on th listener, ity, onthe ‘other hand, be comirting othe speaker. . Soleam bow tolisten, and gain more frends 1. We sls show that we eare about what goes on in hr lives. E, By listening, we show ou fiends that they ae impertantto us 4. What shouldbe the third sentence? 00000 aA ac eB ee bB ap ‘5. What shouldbe the fourth sentence? 09090 aA ec ek alec dB ap 1. What shad be the Ist eens? 00090 aA ec cE ease ae ap IVA. Notonly tat, paying taxes alsomeans the government i no longerneedto acquire lonsto fil the budget dei. B. Bverycitzen should lend hand in pursuing economic progress ©. One way odo itis to pay one's axes corey D. Paying erect taxes resus in increased revenes tht the goverment uses for infastrucue and ote projets , Sobea good citizen and pay your ate eomecly. cond 0.0. TILA. Henee, it can be said that the President really has # lot of duties and A oc cE abe a resis, bs ap 1. He has contol over department secretaries and can overue their decison 9. Whatshuldbe the fou sextence? . Furthermore the President excise veto power overbills sed the oe “ * ee Congres. D. Lasily, be is the Chief Executive, executing the laws and rules of the be 2s county The President na presidential sytm isthe Head of Stata th Head 10, Whatisthespproprattiefortheabovepangaph? 00000 of Government. ‘a. Economic Progress auaade . ACize's Day 6. What shouldbe the second sentence? 99090 «Taxing the Ecooorny ae es ae 4. Taxesand Economic Progress va #6 ‘¢. Lend a Hand for Progress. 50 ‘MSA Chl Servis Reviewer The New Ment Ean a Correct Usage 5 His to Mount Apo vascarily documented. 0900 1 ae escent abe DIRECTIONS: Choose the eter tat corresponds tothe word by ascent & decree ‘rphrase that will comely completecach sentence. sa ea eee 2009 \ stepping onmy tes 0@00) a. have bore Bs Dome abe fee 1. —_ecrneenmy mead | & faveton 4 inden You're Your | tn. Theteaherscstibted dierent___outinesfortte stent flow abed pean sue | — «. coure ‘cami, —_remiiremomatr sor QQ | Sm oe kealts emai | 11. Cal jugales oranges, __ you? 9909 2. Bong t0 will undobiedly make other men OOOO | why ccsboald abe tate you aaa % may aan agit ance | 12, The refugees decided to their mes because 0.0.00 3, Due to tad weather, te aitine company deeded OQ OQ fined aay eotpne the ight by denser 4 esene 2 680 «1 13. My ster to Zamboanga seven yeas ago. 0.00 hte a then | ‘smiled immigrated abed 4. Drank driving waste reasnfor_asiient, 0.0.0 ‘migrating oimmirtine a thee & the | wemed sauce for the spaghetti Sunday. 00.00 2 they're a there ae a kas © amumber of ave your Titan compact. 0000 few 4 peces of aay Tan comps kt 0909 Lee user’ 15 the work pet, we ould ih hin_ina 0Q.0Q « te thee gis the eldest isthe most digest. 0000 | icce please & Between © Ih coed 3. peace & bess Ame a8 = ¥ 16, When he Apartheid Poicy was il nef, the Blacks were OO OO. 1, Brposurtosipolasonwit_yourasiom. QO aa we shed ‘are © aaaravate = ped pected 3, deteriorate &.san0y hated oh prosecuted a Tan Chaos Revs The No into aon 3 17. When we. the ag, we should all stand up. — OOOO 26, After cleming the entre house, Tfel___ 0000 pate c. risen abed 1 boomed , Barmed bp abea broughtin . brought th 1 goes along aie oee8 ®. broughton brought down | &. goesby 4 goes tiagh iesal roos 00 25, Theunexpected ofveniciesalong Marcostich” QDOQ | 5. the parying tens wer tld to thenoise. 0000 way caused heavy traffic, ‘buildin a. hold down ©. holdon abed tld oe | 2 ol th 4. tol with a TENG EGMS RAITT Teheran tin | MBA Cruse Rrters Thaw daca Rls = Sk Mate tutoring Center MSA Math Tatring Coster 34. A gustofsrone wind the ott wooden swine. 0909 Rese Cans eee 2 Knocked snd e-toc own DIRECTIONS: Rand ach con ten strer the qt ater 0 knocked tack 4. twist eth Chee eter at erent be Set awe bse Siegoenscotn 38. A numberof tary wakes were ete 0909 ample, thoy he on baton et the vie 2be8 ering exe and theo retin fom df Yi fad resin fond chit whch the ma keaton a tion — «hid oe et sa , laid away 4. taid out 1. Wiatisthe golden mean identified by Arse? 000 Virtue, Viees_e. Emotion Action "© 36, Weshakineve_peoplowihsaiesiontny 02.0 hotest 1. Jook down on «lookout to [AL “All animais wage perpetual war: every species is born to dev anor. Na mt eS odoe at $k trate 4. tookupo toes nat sation a prodigious numberof insibe Crete ‘se ain forth mae ke eels 37 Stop your younger boier so he will top ying. OOOO and Pars. Ar earth water are els of eames God nee ving sen ero ome, hs Peston igh ck thom 4. picking at a not to emulate the brutes, particularly when nature has ping 4k Prowl them ner with oto il hello hor thd rhe Bnd” 38, Always __ your best effort in everthing vo do. QQ.0.Q “Can there be anything more horrible im all nature? a. put across . put forth Nels ewe nae 1, Wichotiefalowngiteresnsbenwytereis wae? 0000 ‘a, Desire for what others have. alain ne 0900 & Tocmetrrenge rs wnetang 59, Dityou pn th ee © Tonge ween sen seldom Tope tones roe tert oe. b eigink eEae 12, Whats the author's stand on war? 9900 } ‘a Itis horrible, oun 40,5 tbe dso be pon, 2909 2 ietmprane + wie ee aes cont poplin. ae baie 4 ee ra podt an, 56 (MSA Ci Savin Reviewer 7a Mani Eton vce Reviewer The New Millennium Esition ST I 3, What is the best title forthe selection? nono 7. According to the author, what should be our goal in life? 9909 abe Toco nc meme abe 2 War The Need for War S Teeprodatsofar The Eament of War 3 Toactand contin improve oui dy by ay. 4. What does the statement “Ait animals wage perpemal war.” 10.0.0 4. Todie happily ren? aoa © res a. Allwar reverend tytn ta 3. Thee is aby me ind of wr osuring someplace Hl fa to devams €: Only ais stam sgn n we Forf deems che 4. Allama ms waa tne Lip bake winged bd Tha come B. Tell me notin our mabe Ife hat cn empty dram Hold fa to dreams Forth sou is de ht sinters, Forster dm go “tnd ings arent wha iy seen. Tipe barer od Fron wih wo fete rel! Lifes arent “nd the grave is not ts goat: 8, What figure of speech dha the author use in the first stanza? OOOO Dust thow art, to dust returnest, a simile ‘e. metaphor abed Was no Splen of tesu Bipot ties 9. The author is a South African Negro during the Apartheid OO OQ No exlomen, and nt srr appt cceio Policy when mos tac wee testa infor Twat * > © 4 pe Could be lling ninth ast re lines oft poe? Find us farther than today. & ihepayle ‘= tive Hs ay ee ae 10. What fen neste poem ave upnatierNewwes? 0.00 : Kinde em mare a abe 5. What ithe poet’ view on ite 9909 coe Aemmrnied ©: arene ranger vars Whites, 2. Lieis Ui tom . — - i 4. Itinereased their determination. BLiteistonely 4 Lis tan ep dream, wr 9 0000 LL, Which statements not correct inference based on the poem? 0.0 0 Q 4 Wat demesne romaine wine 0009 pigeon iopeheeteneery Oe ed 3 Boke retreated nro ver Wh. + Sem 4 © Hhcks in be drm of beter ie bite Demet 4. Whites en mre its over Blacks 58 [MSA Ciel Seviee Reviewer The New Miles "MSA Civ Serie Reviewer The New Menten Baton 39. MSA Math Tutoring Center 1s, oo “Only two things im life are certain, Benjamin Franklin once ‘remarked; death and taxes. But there is one other unpleasant uncertainty: ceticssm, No one escapes itemirely. dn gen our ‘careers, our emotional stabil, our happiness depend an how we As Disraeli once remarked, ‘is much ease oe critical han correc’- so there will always be pleny of eric in the world, some ‘well intentioned others cruel You can defend yourelf against the unkind ones by learning to control your emoitonal reactions, by ‘adopting a calm and rational atitude and by honesty tng to help ‘your critics 1 rid themselves oftheir anger. But in the last ena, ‘Your best defense is your ow day-to-day conduc. I is beeping Jour ‘moral standards high 18 haing a clear conscience, Its ving a [ye without any necessity whatever for deception or for concealment.” ‘Why should well eam howto coe with eit? 0000 2 Because reacting to erticisms only warms one'sbeart, © B © Because reacting fo ercism sometimes leads o farther twouble, « Becuise eting o-ccim makes ane fale A Because ritcism are always caret ‘According 10 the author, what isthe best defense aguinst 00 0.0 entice? abed 4 aperson’s bility tocounter-criticize ', one's ability to act with deaf eas «. one's day 1 day conduct one's anger ‘Why iit easier he eral than correct? 0900 1. Because tis easier finda flaw in someoneeie, © BE +, Becase itis easer'o contol nother pers opinion, «Because some peopl ate able a control her pinion, 4. Beease some people ind easier rise oter people ‘What isthe beste forthe above selection? 0900 4 Citcisms, Its Uses and Abuses abed ', How to Cope with Citcisms €. The Upsand Downs of Criticisms 4. Best Crise ‘MSA‘GM Seve Reloner The Non Millom Eon IMSA‘aty Tatoring Center E. Hair goes on growing afer a person dies because the cell of te ‘ody go om working unt they have exhausted ther fel supp The hair flit is compored of tw layers outer layer of cells {forming the outer root sheath and an inner layer of horny. fibrous ‘oblong eels. The hair rows upwards from the btom ofthe flee bby muliplication ofthe sot celle, which becomes elongated and lgnented to form the fber-ike substance of the har shaft ‘The soft cell at the hase ofthe folic need the nourishment brought ‘0 them and ail the other cells ofthe body by the Bloodstream 16. A person's fingemail, just like the hi, Keeps on growing OOO Q. {ven afer a person's death, What could account for this # > © @ oceurrenes? 4 The ded person's body keeps on producing new ex to continue the growth the ingests and bai, bs The dead person's body preserves ll the els sobairand nail growth zie « Theenergy supply ofthe cell of he hsirand the nals have not yet ‘een illy exhausted so growth sl eontinis, 4. Hr and nails just never stop growing. 17, What would happen othe soft casa the ase ofthe fltsle OOO Q. ‘mo noashment comes in? ae 1. They would stopmuiplying be Thy would produce wht hi, ©. They would goon dividing 4. They woe harden 18, Whntcwaldposstiyespiatheoccureneotactai? —OQ0Q ‘The soft eels produces white pigment which ives the halts white car. ', The sof cll die which gives the hairs whit color. «The absence of pigments fom the follicle accounts for white hi, 4 The absence of flicle due to old age cases white hat he New Minn Eaton a 19, Which ofthe following statements is NOT tue? so = ro 20 2, Hair flict is composed of wo layers. 1, Hair grows fom the tip ofthe folic. © Hair folile is composed of sof cells The soft cells need the nourishment brought in through the looses. Fhe concepts of Epicurcaniom are largely known to us throwgh Lucretius, rather than Epics. The later, Born an Athenian etzen in Samos in 341, founded his school in his garden, a symbol of retirement from the world, in 306 and died in 270 B.C. For the Epicurean, the universe was chaotic and anarchic, composed of atoms and the void. All knowledge was acguired by ‘nse perception: observation was therefore essential to understanding, There were an infinite numberof worlds, formed by the chance combination of atoms in infinite space. The god, inconcerned about human affairs, lived in the vold Between the {ferent words. They were nt tobe regarded superstitious or fare ‘only to be envied ‘Man hinself was made up of body and sou, Death was not o be “feared. There was no such thing as immaraiy: flr deat, atoms of ‘the soul were seattred. The aim of fe therefore was pleasure, the pursule of which brought about happiness, the final end. The Inyunction to follow nature meant, seek pleasure, Everything was desirable insofar asi led to pleasure, but above all, the aim was fabsence of pain and the achievement of peace of mind. This would the obtained personaly by se control the mastery and Lmiation of Vesies as for ax possible to thave that were srt necessary, Als, i implied lintation of socal relationships - “live sinown" refuse 10 ie involved in family or political afar, skepicism toward religion, which the Epicureans considered largely superstiton Ma tt 20, Who wasboman Athenian citizen inSamosin3sin€? —Q90Q 21, What do the Epcureans tink about he universe? 0000 1 Iewas dsorderly with an absence of ule abed 1 was erdery and witout ale. ©. Tew omic and filled with objects and humans {4 Theunverse was ull olfe moving nan orderly manner. 22, What was the Epicurean’ imate goal? 0909 ‘4 The puritof being godlike '. Tobrig ode out of the chaos. © The pusut of happiness. 4. Tobring chaos ito the word 23. Epicurcaniem had different view about religion. What OO 0 Q, was it? mba Religion contolsman. Religion brings man closer to God. ©. Religion smerely a syperttin. 1. Reigns man’s way afkaowing God. 24, Which ofthefollowingisnata beliefofthe picurens? — OOO ', There should be no lito man’s desires. abed '. Man should exereis restraint and self-control, ©, Manshouldiveunknown. 6: Limit desires to those which aestrclly necessary G._ What is the happy life? Sof.uicency and abiding tranquil: This is the gift of greatness of soul, the gift of constancy which cperseveres n'a course judged right. How can these attitudes be ‘attained? By surveying truth ini entirety, by safeguarding tn every ‘tion onder, measure, decorum, a will that is without malice and benign, focused undeviatingly upon reason, once amiable and fadmivabie, The wise man's soul should have the quay of @ god's ‘What can a_man desire fhe possesses everything that i honorable? [Wake dishonorable can contribu tothe orinum sae, then the happy Life will be comprised of elements other than honorable. And what could be meaner or stupier than to weave the good of the rational 2. Plato ©, Lueretus ‘soul out of irrational strands? bs. Aristotle 4. Epiuras Semce a VMSA CviServike Reviewer Te No Meni ai MSA Ci Service Rivener _ The New Minna Eon 8 MSA ninth Tutoring Center MSA Math Tutring Center 2s, 26. 2. 28 ‘What constites happy ie? 2, atisinment of everything that ne desires by being at peace wih everyone «, selfsulieney and tranquility 44. none ofthe above 2o bs ro £6 ow can one stain abappy life, according to Seneca? —-« OQ 00 2 bybeinghypocrical abed '. by geting whet one wants no matir what the cost © both aad 1. none ofthe above ‘Whats an indication tataman's soulisareadyliketharofa 0.0 Q. ae abed 1. He sat peace with thers, 1. He doses everthing. ©, He tains everything he desires without imitation. 4. Hediscerstruth, focuses upon reason, has wil hats ssthout malice ‘Which of he following statements is NOT tue based on he selection? 1 Self-sufficeney doesnot bring happiness 1, Greatness of soul ie atanabe {. Man should amt havea soul ike that of god's, 4. Man shoul! not desir that whic is dishonorable or) 5S co ao Love inthe open hand. nothing but shat Ungenmed, unde, ishing not 10 hur, As one shoul bring you cowstps in hat ‘Siam from the hand. or apples inher ski Tring you calling ont as children do: "Loot stat I have- and these are all for you." 29. What sama tes the min ea ofthe pos? 0900 s amat conan need &Sinaz nea iimpid 50. Wintguofspeechasusedinte icdstnes? 0.00 Cae wateaiein = SROG Bor poole 31, What des he author refer inhe asTine “Look what 1 0Q.0.Q eld her ral fr you"? aded ‘bere bec bebe état 32 According he auto ow sbouldonemanietislnefor 00.0 fomeone? abe wih eterstions sO with fmey appings > lie tite 6. without reservation or restitons 13, Whats th gender ofthe persona inthe poem? 9909 by matcline 4. feminine I. One day, the guru and his young disciples were seated on the 1. Love inthe Open Hand bank of the river, talking ad praving topeter. 4" wprooted tree ‘sree ‘ame floating dow the river and coxph inthe bark just infront of ‘tham.” Caught in the branches ofthe tree was a scorpion vihich must [Not ina silver cazket coo! with pearl Ihave been rapped onthe ree when was uprooted by the floodaer| (Or rich with red corandun or with blue, poo. "he gar en hat, nb he opin wold fal Lethe, ead fe WHMMEE, 4 car ele fom the tree and be drowned nthe river. So he reached his hand ud che agit to take the scorpion from the roe and to pa i safely om land. Ba a caer coarieeieet ony he reached out fo rescue the scorpion, ung his hand, ad he guru Fad to take his haa say in pan Not na lover's kot, nr ia ing ‘Afr a moment, the gra reached ou to resee the scorpion again Wore ich fon and he een plan and the seorpn stang hie agen The ura fet tying fo save the per Fidelis here a sere spring Scorpion an the scorpion kept stlnging im wnt hs hand ws red Kennels drop of mischief tthe Brin tod beotin npate ee a ‘MGA Chi Serve Reviener The New Milenio Eton 6 3 8 3, we Finals, one ofthe young diseples could control imself no longer land ke burst out: "Master, why do you keep trying to rescue that Sooish scorpion that doesn't even van tobe saved?” The guru looked very patienly at the impetuous young disciple and said: “Should Ibe sire 10 my nature which isto be compassionate just Because tis Scorpion 1s Being true to its mature ostng?” _. ‘Why did the guru stem to remove the scorpion from the 000.0 ranches? abed ‘2. Because he dd nt wan the scorpion to die by, Because he bates seompons ©. Because he wants fo row the sorpion into the waters 4. Because he scorpion might sting someone ele. ‘What does the statement, "Should be univ to my nature 00.0.0 hich is to be compassionate just beause this Scorpion is a being roe to itsnatre toting?” mean? 4. One should sluays be compassionate even if ti not propery reciprocated ». One should stop giving iithans One shouldbe compassionate only to those who know how to appreciate. 4. One should always cous one's blessings. ‘Whats the best tile forthe selection? 2. The Scorpion| © True Compassion The Guns 4. Thesting Alehough many quarts of bod passthrough the heart eack day. the heart cannot size the blood ihn self bu rather sustained dy branches of arteries originating externally. These coronary larteries can become blocked by the deposition of fatty material {including cholesterol), connective tissue fibers, and calcium Aeposited in the vessel walls If the blockage is severe, numerous heart muscle cells become axygen sarved and the heart stp Ie less severe cares, only part of the heart musele dies ay @ result ofthe blockage: The dead muscle is replaced by scar tse and the heart continues 19 function, though less effietently, Diet, stress, 0900 abed ‘emoking, and alcohol all contribute to the problem of heart atacks Interertingty although fs im te dict are often Blamed for heart ‘attack, about 70% of the hearts energy requirement normally ‘derived rom oxidation of fatty aids." om. Bees Noten Meck ‘37, What statement is NOT true based on the selection? 0000 Scar tise replaces dead heart muscles ae 'b, The hearts sustained by branches of arteries originating extemally © Onygenisesential forthe hear maseleso futon propel. {4 Theat utlies the blood within el. 38 sum is fem y 9909 flaca pera «, toomueh oxygen in the blood 4. deposits of tty material, coanetve tissue fibers and caleium, 39. What eases bear stoppage? 2 aero aon neha sles oe 1 ese fsb ne ears eee if omaen nt ben meses 4 pemes faypn in her er 40, Frisin te det 2 ys eles ped normally provides the heart's nergy resuiement © always exes heart blockage 4 normally gis wasted. K. Caner ita diease in which celle somehow bacome activated into uncontrolled multiplication and that produce an overgrowth, or ‘tumor, composed of malformed, malignant cells Cancerous tumors ‘an occur tn almost any issue ofthe body although some are more often affected than others. Three general linds of cancer, named ‘after the issues most often afte, are recognized: carcinomas (rom Karkinoma, the Greek word for cancer), which commonly involve “epithelial tissae (epidermis and lining membranes), sarcomas (Great arkoma, “esh’), which affect mainly connective tieswes, including bons: and leukemias, which start inthe bone marrow and Iymphatie tissues and spread in the Blood and lymph. Pom gy ‘SA iv Seve Relener The New Minna Editon 7 MSA'Math Tatering Center eee gee 2. 4. 4. we ‘4. Callsrepradace what isnormally enough by The cells replace the dead ell the boy €, Thecellsunsntrllblymuliply producing malignant, {6 Thecellsnatrally reproduce malformed, malignancells, Ieinbelcved hat concer 0900 ' can occur in any tisue ofthe body. phat 3. affects era tsuesef the body more han ites other sues. 6. both a and 4 neither anor ‘Whatdo you cll the type ofeancer whchatfetscomectve 000.0 Mess abed carcinoma «lesen Sarcoma 4 sltofthesbowe ‘cance fond inthe skin would most ely betas as ‘carcinoma leukemia 9999 3. scorn . Blood platelets swell and burst releasing chemicals ©. Prothrombin is activated 4. Foomaton a rin threads 50, How ace fibrin threads formed? 0909 4. Fibrinogen converted ino ibrin theadsby the plateets* > Thrombin ang cali ons ctlyzes the conversion of Hrinogen to ‘rin tress, «. Fbrn threads oecurnaturly i the blood {4 Fibrin threads are the result ofthe combination ofthe blod anit tls "MSA Gi Sie Reviewer _ The New Milenio Eaton ° MSA ath Tutoring Center ‘Nasing-Aanurugan 7. Mada silang mapanway dail st ang hapalauer, — QQ ‘fais e.kagandakan abea PANUTO: Piling sitnglarngioganng slimes. Ds kayabengan Lsngaingsn rato 4 Pakirandamniyaay bis abisanghanyangauinninizmg O00 Q 1, Isang bantog na grupo ng mananayaw ang ©0OQ Kaya siya ay maligaig =Dale aa ad ed ‘maine cmagulo gig acer Smeg ‘mating angisp a tanyag dalla. ago. batan 9, Malwen mang ang naraapa na dlainng tang tata. OOOQ ‘agen femal abd 1, Nawainga dat sa kas 9g 00.0.0 magia ‘matin iaualinigem ang pag-wsap ng erpo dail s akas ng fei anes 10, Sapattannagagavy ang masta e=pda att pang yoni 0.0 Q asnahiimign smi ee yee ‘.napakikinggan 4. nararamdaman be &-patenahe 2. ka bawatbatang Pil 0000 ew ee xpatan ng bavatbatang Pilipino ang magkaroon eS ne een Dod 1, Hin mo dapat awing atewaen ag paghutya sa psa. 9.0 O ee — 2 pagsumboa «.pagtanpo nis >, magssaway long aaa po 3. Nauulumthan sRochele lang nonglarso ang kanyang 0 0 Q ncaa 2nag lees — abed Bnalagugulo ¢Lnakaaala a «.nagpapsslamat ome dante 13, Dapat kang maphamal ng satapi sa mabuting paras == QQ. * pune abed 4. Tigibva.ngpasshero ang dyp angio ay unas. 0909 ‘apna mag pon ‘pummg-pino kaka abed agra magna ‘ong ay aria etalang 14, tan ae dings ng mea dayuranangmssPilpine. — QQ 5. Hindi na nakapagpigil ang kaawa-awang katulong kaya OOO Q a timgo etiam cane Ibinadtas an sar il 8 apoio. abed i ‘pinay 8 isiabi isigaw 15, Anganunang alta ay dapat bayeane maeig 0009 oie tae ganemng alensy & enathernemeetel, OO OG 6. Iminunghaht sng pagbabavel magtpon ng basure sa 0000 cae ——— . pagkasirang pami ing dahilan so 0Q.0Q «.pagkasira ng pagkskaibigan 6. papkasira ng lipunan 11, Pabatat-bunga lang pala ang pagging buts may pulitikal p mapagbigay. 3 ta08-puse «. pasikreto b pakunwae 4 spiican 12. Tiktop-tukod ang akusado na si ny patowarin ng 0Q.0Q bikin a naghukunwari «. magmamakaawa ’. mananaket 4. gumagapang, is (MSA Series evener The New Minin Eon nasi Eula ‘a. masungit e-mahiyain .tsabert A. pangit 1. walang kusang-loob walang baits salt 15, Hindi ama ang ika'y walang lingon-tikod. Dapat ay 0000 suklian ang kabutiign ng iba sa iyo ue ‘, mayabang walang utang na Toob >, mapagmataas , makagantok 4. nakasusuye *o tS co 8O 17, Helang ang ketulewa ng toong gumagawa ng Q iearamal-gumal na krimen, . mabait -maitim ang bud bi. bastor 4. matapang, ts ro pend 1s, Diemaliparan mg wvak ang lupsin ng mga Aquino sa OOO Tarte. 28 a. napakalit >. napakslawale «, napakadamt 4-napakasikip 19, Makenat pa sa patole si Lola Rost keys 0000 ‘wugud-ugod na. uele ‘a masayahin pa =, mukhang bata be masigla pa 4. napakatanda na ‘MISA Cv Service Reviewer The New Milenniam Eon » DSA Mate Tatoring Center 20, Nilubugan ng araw ang mga taong nasalanta ng bagyo 00 oO 9 ‘Wastong Gamit ‘ang mga tirahan. “= maven og a naputalan ng kuryente PANUTO: Plinantikngslingangkop yng ‘dui ang paligd dL aughirap Hainbawe 1. Ang ningas-kugon ay isang kaugaliang dapat 000) 21. hindi mo matatagpuan sa kanilang bahay si Cevile, 99.09 ivan otapuhinngmgr Pipi, 8B © 4 alias ay may puyo sa alempaken aang bg seem dhnaing mahi mate mahi tamakbo ‘b, mahilig mamasyal d, mahilig mag-aral_ 1, Katungkulan___ sinumanang tumulong sa kanyang kapwa. 09 99 ~ 0000 am ¢.namin 4, Binata na JB aya sip oy naniingatang-pugad m. 9999 eo atin saminigaityo .nanliigaw 2 ko kay Inay ang mga kaganapan si aming OOOQ -nabsbarkade @.nuninesias om pigs errands Rea ae Simi 23. Malimit na may kabanggaan si Malou sa opisina dal ae aa maanghang ang kanyang dita. 3. Ang ‘ng mga mantalaro ay dininig ng komite OOOO 8, pikon ‘©, masakit magsalita Kahapon. epee celine «.inkesp bevalingpakittos =. muzayahin Ener a aap 4. Naglt ang mg no __ abit nga 24, Dinapauntakanni Ana anginbitasyong manood sane 0.0.00 ae Samana sine sapagkat butas ang kanyang bulsa. abed © noon ‘a, sira ang pantalon ‘c. magtitipid cuore ‘b. walang pers 4. walang panahon 5. ‘mo si Chin ng damit sa kabinet. 0000 ® Kunin ¢, Hanapan abed ie om 25. Si Karl ay naptataingang-hawali. Animo'y wala 0QOQ ae ssiyang naririnig kahit tinatawag na, 6, _sullranin ng pagtaas ng presyong gasolina ang OO OQ ee a Flops plea abe igas ang taings % ehpehanel a. Hinggil kay c, Hinggil sa ‘Lmgiioatngien hare a Aymee a NAG Sane Revie The Ne tno ion NSA Chase Revener Th Nr Minion Fain aI MSa'Math Tutoring Center 7. Ang paslalakbay __ Magellan noong 1521 ang maging 00.00 | 14 Ang pagbabara ng mas au 0000 000 aabara ng mga stro ay dulot walang SSihmebisalisnewhipmretctace * hee | TRE meee 28 D. daw para hay | beng ila ng paskatalat 0 pagiatapon o¢ king sta 15. ___ rma ay map tayo ning ao 990 5. Ane puch paputapon kang mannan ey QQOQ | amy mi yma 9000 Sat «ene | Da 4 Mandin hinges 4 hag 16, Mepadndai ang ating eawsin_tayoay magtung- 00.00 | a 0388 9 Pinatay _ mga Haponess Jose Abad Santos nang_Q.0.Q upg o. taht tanggianaijang tyag ag himng mga isang Piping * © © 3. ag Gngmit aban sala aa eng 17, Masaya sit rapakaraming pagastok ang 00.00 a — ermoving a Taceag pi. abed | 2 spaglt «kahit 0. rmo_naman_s1_kailt_na.magéaln ne QQOQ ‘reat — imapgssalban 16 ego napagod nao iva Rey ay muenwa 0.0.0 2 Usipin «: akisep | Fenaijaang mgr abed b. Ussp-Usapan 4 Paks | 2 Baguman Samaiatwid B, Matiban 4. Maging h G. at Ong. Reyes, taal om stn 090Q | Cae eee ae Ahad 19, Pauly yong maghabaihinan ss pagrorond 0909 ai renee Wii, tea ‘eat nang ®: Sinltan 4 Nelaman dsm sana'y ate eres 0000 21, Hindimaaingilanggoangsioo mandsbil__tanyang QQ0.Q 2 faye mara ahed apalatang. apes cae % am 2 4 siguo me = 2 NGA cht Solon Rovee Th iw Minin ion eee aaa [MSA Ce Seve Revlener The New Milena Elon ving Pio. 0000 Pagkilata Sa Mali a abed Sa in PANUTO: Bashing abut angbawat pangungusap. Hanapinang salitaogrpo ngmgasaitanginay alnggsttnadhwsoang earl 23 Ang 1g mga mamamayan na hovag munang 00.0 0 ‘Kung)alaagmalplinang tice Se ee ee e328 ‘Halimbawa: 2 uspin skip 1, Napakimingpamilyaang sasalants nebasyo a = msingpemiyoang mse 24 Hindi __nabibigyang inasang sisi AIDSsanzayon. 09.0 Q rong iain Waheed a pa sa Lala s bn ake Ang walang amalavang Mi ino Adio aysnalat 00000 a Sang suliasinnahindskayng ssn? —-- O00 : ° e abede a May ‘e. Sino abed ng Rizal sa Fort Santiago. Walang mali, 1. Maroon Annes 4 : 2. _patimpalak sa Balagtasan na gaganapin sa plasa, 0000 ‘Si Teodora Alonzo at Francisco Mercado ang mga 99000 % Aone abe 2 » co abede Mayr a Bake ‘maglngn ov Ril Walang Q © a. ba mapkaroon ng sang bua? 0000 = Sie Ano abed 3, Hind Spat mika maghuwisnahindimalakavans 0000 Alin 4 Paano re . abede beysranng ait spo, Walang mal 28, natin ang ating kapwang nangangailangan ng 00.0 Q. ri : aioe abed ‘Abit e: Abutia Inisip tin ng atiog pamahalaan ang & Kinin 4. Kamen ena Lai gongo ah doway ey _ ang sino mang nasa 0000 art ‘kapangyarihan kung nais mo lamang makakuha ng pabor. abed ‘abst lain sn in Mainam sa lahat ag paraan ng pas: 99900 20. mo ang mabibjgat na dalhin ng Ie. 0009 eee eee ae aad aug, aig " ‘MSA Gr See Reiner Te No Miron ion NSA Grane Roener The Now Milanom aon 8s MSA Mate Twtorag Center MSA Math Taring Geter 6 Ang mga paxe. kang binitivan ay dapat mong 00000 ype abode 14, Nagiutulungan eng mga ninuno nating tpugaw OO000 ‘iokinguan- Walang mali 2 b abede a . ‘kaya nayari ang hagéan-hagdng taniman nepal. ¢ 2 7. Masaral axmsbut yoanshinmasvanzansiyoss 0000 alae : : 7 sbede . oa atpashon. Walaa c "S Gingsngomang daw agMasiazalonzmsaions 09000 $.Thmyneas main st mia mansanss 00090 aa na Kanye aaa elaaoon ¢ ¢ abede ast Rochel, Walne a Valid. Wane, 4, Hind amenesneeundiadinanekintaanen 0000 "6 Mazon sia nzuit masons hae hin sya 9000 : . A abede abede ream eg spars haa Wane 10, Unngrsivacn ang pasting niin ininravone 090.0 0 17, Unans. umualad ang bayan haitangan ong QQ0Q0 5 5 abede Ea abede mga dentista na nagisiniive matapos kamain pagtunlungan nang het, Welngia ¢ oe . alana, c 18. Mindi gawamalanng pages ang mgs maven 0000 1, Haluinmo ang sopasne ie‘itang ley. Walenemai- OOOO Q ‘matibay na paniniwala, Walang mali , ed c abede C 3 : 12 Rint amines ongrverony 00090 "9 Aninahiusanmo ba pinnagan Kane gamsin 09090 . adede abede veletong moan, Wall oveompate? Wine 13, Alum mo bs #4 maycoon proyskto ang DECS ms 090Q0 20, Hanapan 0 naps atnunganangvons 090.00 5 ; abede he a abede tiagwiang “Sudy Now, Pay Late? Walang al oo, Walang a q . c ¥ NSA Ch Se Re ie ei ain BSEGuSees Ho, hw iin an 7 21, Ayonsa men asbins, maski ang atutlne 00000 " tlm Tabede ng pageehersioyo aa pg-as 5 paglakaroon ag ° a ssltsa pu, Walang mali 2, Daptatinglsasan an ais na pashan g men 09000 F a : abede na pagksin, Walaa wal a e bin nating lging malinisat malayo sn 00000 lazing tayon 09000 . » palusyon ang ating kpaligican pus nasinsaating ¢ ‘ tahuigan, Wale ml, 24. Laban sa Yatas ang smapzing dail tay isang OQOQ0 : iM ede sing rogssbotahesickonomiya. Wang, e 4 ¢ 25, Walang fabtang ida sneosbaskastons 09000 5 5 adede gn. ang aasisia nang tant gt pean, «4 Waanea Beak Git Sn Rewer Th Ho lent on Pag-unawa sa Binasa PANUTO: Basuhing mabuti ang bawat pangungusap, tat, tla, says po. Pinang tkkng watong sagot ayn sivongbinasa A; Sa Langit Kong Gusto Gusto Kong mapunta sa lagi Kong gusto Ina may mg Angel ‘na nanunod a ain 0 langit kong gusto, ‘Se mga thon na lumtipad anuiad nla gusto ko ring tamipad nang mataas a maton 8 lagit ‘rtm Ravtong- apna ‘Kung mayroon lang isang hagdan pasingo don Aakyat na ako aged door ‘Doon se langt lone gustong mopantahan 1, Ano ang nas mapnian ng manus? 0909 ibn . Angel ‘tat 4. hagten 2 Ammangtayuaymapamitaitinwng sinong? 0.00 2 paged pagmanalais 1 pegvamangi €.paibigy kata 2, Anns soon tina gman eg pargmsting 09.00 ‘isipannganvang ua? 2 unang saknong, ©: Hhtlongsaknong , alwang anon 4. walang pangunating kasian 39 1B, Kabatnan: Pag-ase ng Bayan “Ang kabatoan ag pos-asa ng boyan.” Hoang snabi i Dr. Jose Risa, ang sting panbansang bayant. Mala fang pagitiwala niya 9 anghingtaino at Kokayahan ng imge kabataan, Naninwela siya na mahahango ang Bansong Pilipinas so tivak na Rasawian kung sila, ang mga kabotaan, ang magkakaroon ng runay na pagibig 3 oyun Maraming mastutulong ang mga kabataan sa pagpapauniad ng bovsa. Masaring simulan rl ang pagmamalasakit sa loni-kanleng mga pamayanan. Sa nga proyeliong inilulunsad ng pamahalaon, may mga “awaing panghabataan katuled me pagpapaganda ng ‘apaligiran at pagilnis mg mga sar-sarilingbaturan. Makatutalong din ang mga kabataan sa pagpapanaili ng. hatahimikan at Sapayapaan 2a mga pamayanan. ‘Noun, bak ita yore ang mga kabataong ito ang bibieo ‘a dakilong pangarap ng yunaong bayani? Baki ila ais nilang sitlen ang domdaming makabayang sivang andata a pagtatangzo! sa nang Bayan? 6, Ano ang nadarams ng may-akl a fabattan na kanya, pinahiwatg sa dlavang hung pangungusapngtalata? 4. Tua sapagiat nay na pag-asa ng bayan ang kabatzan, ‘Langit dah ia ibiguinng mga kabatan ang paninivals i Rial «Galak dil patuloy ang kabatan sa pagpapaunlad ng byan Dalam sipapkat nal nya anghabatan m Riel 20 28 bee) sO 7. "Ang kabataan ay pog-sa ng bayan” Ano ang implitasyon 00.00 ngpangungusap mit? abed | Masigana ang bayan. _¢. May suliranin ang bayan, , Mapayapa ang beyan, May bayani ang bayan ©. Ang porg-agham na pangalan gy koa eoecinea 1. ot araniwang tinatawag na halawang Santan sa ating bayan. Ho ay tsa sa mga kaaya-ayang halaman na panpalamut. Maraming Kase ang Santon ~ may pu pula dilaw at malagint. Tba-iba rin ang taki - may maa pre maki ang mga dahon, SoMAMTatONE aM ‘iba ay mas malapad at maikl May mabangong Santan ‘at mayroon ding walang amy: Ang nore coccinea Ls ay galing sa Indie. Mahalaga ito dabil sa magaring 0900 Ipanggamot. Ang solusyon mula sa pinakulons upat ay 4, lin sa mya summusunod ang HINDI nagpapelita ng = bin ‘macaring purge. Maaaring ipainon 2a nagdudusnal at gmamsasast sa pamayanan? 'sinisinok, Nakarutlong to sa pagkakaroon ng gana 8, Pahikis sa mgs proyekto a parayann, ss paghtin, Mabut rin ito xn di diadainan at nagiatae. bs, Pogpapsnatil ng apayapsan at atahiikan Para sa makating lslomunan, maoaring ipengmumog i. «.Paglinisngmgasaisaringbakuran, ‘ong bineyore sarin tanga no ay mainare na gamot {4 Pehikis sa kapowa kabataang may masamangbisyo ‘at panapal sa play, mga mayootna baka ng Ratan, 2999 ‘Sooma s mgegale Mabng ganot ang Santon. ‘5, Paano maison ng kabstan ang bansang Pilipinas siya hei ri kaseian? 8, Ano ang Jrra coccinea 1.? a, Sapamamagitn ng pghakaroon ng tunay pages bya, a 9900 spamamagian sa kani-kaniyang agusthan aman, 4. Panalanng punungiahoy ia apenas ke >, Pang-agham na pangulan ng Senta , Parchong tama ang at «©. Pang-agham na pangalan ng puta. 4, Walang tamang sgt 4. Pang-agham na pangslan ng mgs halaman namamulala, 30 TSA Chit Serie Reviewer _ The Now Minn Eton The Now Milne Eon 91 2 ‘Alin sa mga sumusunodna pangengusap ang waste? O00 ‘4 Ang lahat ng Satan ay mabango. bed ‘Ang Santang ply galing sa Tsina ‘. Maraming las ang Santan nguit walang malaginto ang kala. 44. Marin ipanggamot ang Santon, ‘Anon bahaging Santin ang ray inakamaraming gamit Tilangzamot? ‘dahon © wet ‘hula saga co 9 a -Anoangpnshanabuing paragt pra salaang nade? OO OQ a Ang Ugstng Statin 6, Ang Santan Bilang Gumot », Ang Santan (Mpa Ung Santa Alin mga sumusunod ang wastong gamit ng solusyon ‘las pinakolong ugatag stan? ‘-Masrng pampagane sx papa ', Manaringrantape a pilay © Maaaring ening pala {1 Maaaring angling eke at gis 20 00 abe Bakit mahelags ang pagbobasa sa ating buhay? Sapaghat naging malawak at masalinuot ang buhay ng ao sa daigdig, kasama na ang mga kaugalian mg mga tao. Sa pogbabaso, nainto ang kaxanayan sa papilla fag mga Sali, pag-unana, pggamit mg sanezunian, mga asanayion sa pag-isip,ponlasa,saloobin, at kawilhan Dagdag pa rito ang pageasok ng mga bagong Aaalaman, mga Bagong thas sa larangan ng sensi telnotohiva, Sining, Ang mga balitang pandaigdig at babasahing inilalathalataun-toon, ong mga mahuhusay ma alata falduan na di pa man nailaman o nababasa mg fang tao fa buong buhay niya ay ilan sa mga bogay-bagay na mmaaaring bigvane pansin sa paghabasa. ‘MSA Ghat Service Reviewer The New Mein Bion 18, Anoangpangunahing dvang eleven? 0909 Ang bilng ng mababusa —c. Ang kahalgshan ng pages Anglahalagahan ngailat 4. Ang himpngpagbabass 14, Bait malaga ang paghabasa? 0909 1 Sspaghat se hlos lahat ng gaan, kasangot ang pagbabs by Sspagkat martrating ang daisy pangarap sa paghabasa ©. Laat g nabangat sy tama 44. Walang tamang got 15, Ano ng pinakaminam na paragat ng nabasa? ‘Ang Kabslagehan ng Paghabasa| %, Paghabasa st Kaunlaran €. Paghabasa ng mea Pilipino 44 Sa Malay na Mundo ng Faghabasa E, Nukes sa mata ang tht ibang emosyon. Tus, unghot, pigha, pangamba,pag-asa, pakisep Ito ang salami ng kalulwowa ng fa0. Sa pamanagitan nite Inakapagpapahayag siya mg_pag-ibig, nakakakuko ng pansin, nanunukso, af maaaring mogbadya ng gali. ‘Noon. amg mata ay isa fang baal ng musa. Ngayon, lto'y pinalalamutian sa kasayahan, at ginagamit so asamaan, Ngunit maaari rin Itong pubunan sa ‘pagandshan, Tanay ngang maraming gamit ang matang ‘minumata, Kinakaplian ng soki, lumalabo ar ginagamit sa pagtingnin. 16, Ano ang paksangpangunsusap 5 lata? 0009 ‘a. Nikita 64 mat ang ba ibang emosyon, ate 1, ong salsmin sa kafuluwa nso «©, Sa pamamapitan nit, nakapagpapsbayse si ng damdamin ‘4 Tunay ngangtaraing gamit ang mang minunut, Kikai gsi lumalabo at gigas paging 17 Ano ang pinakaminam sa pamagat sala? 0000 o8 ‘4 Ang Mega Emosyon sa Mata ¢. Ang Iba’ bang Gant ng Ma 1. Mata: Bahai ng Mukhs — d. Mga Sats Mata [MSA Ch Servis Reever The New inna Eaton 93 1% Ainsamgssumasodanghnintngga gv 9900 Nia pelactts kites wie 909 gmat 2 Prakasa psscodse Maya sate tang won © & {2 mpspshinatig ng emosyon & halarabbang pend sw Mayas bang on. by. mazpapatang matindingkaredsman 6. Regional pare Wages and Prot Bord glen lt 4 Bilangng mga mangement bang an 22 Guano tala angpakataibang passhod noong Okuine 0.0.0 19, Pano nghgo ang panna ng wo ingpitsameana? 0900 1999atnoong ye 96 abed a, Natutuhan na mitar tin ang mata upang magpahiwatig ng iba't Ta 7 aed b P3850 4. P5850 Natlscn lang tay mtn sti eee 2 Kalanapavonng lamang tn nemnsind 0000 stuhan nila na ms uti para sa mga mat —— vue name my Palamuti par sa mga mata, a Nobyembre 1990 ‘©. Disyembre 1993, 2. anong parila ang nagpapshivatizne pageamitnematass O00 Q Museee et an ee % camaningreomertincrninire mes 990 a oa plead ang sagan © enogengsmmano mame tala boven 6. linang wan ME ta oan ca Bo lawarp apa Bawa eda Tima ‘mula 1990 hanggang 1999. Ang mgs tuldok ay kumakatawan 25. Mang beses nagkaroon ng dalampung pisong. ragiaas OOOO imabianribopee’ Tenens nrc apne rone 20 mses 9000 tie «. ttl sam ‘Minimum Wage in Metro Manila Se bland ao o gon Frm] a [mm | come triton Row ey ‘iene [ss va fara] ave | maa] aaa | saon| oom aon eumvanaeac [oe [ sae] [om [ame | ome am [ ae = meer | san] a oo] saan | wean | mae | am [ro] (Nev90 Jan 91 Dee9S Apr May 96 May9T FON Oe9e meeecaneeen | 6 | ep mets | el le = ee ee Dates Sener u TSA Gt Sia Revire The Ne tenn Eon MSA GiSeie Revere The New Milenio aon 3 MSA Sate Tetrag Canter ° 26, Anong pamagat ang angkop ssa tas? 0909 Pagtatalata 2, Badyet para se Militar ng Te" ang Bansa 'PANUTO: Basshing mabut ang i ne ee mga ong na sumusend do «. Badvet tKatayuang Panga ng mga Ping Hansa "A. Avon se batas na ito, pababayarin ang mga mayan ng 4. Bilangng mga Miia sa ht Than Banst mane = Tmpanya atssaleyan na nakapipnsla Kalida ng hangin daha nga woken imabogs ito, 27, Anong basa ang may pinakamatasna bila ng tops? — 0000 B. Ang “Clean Air Act” ay isang batas na naglalayong san a abed ‘mapanttingmabnsangatinghanin, ae C. Saibangbands naman, ang mga kampanyang magkalabit o South Korea China ‘maglalagay nga eit abn sa pouryon ss kanlang gat aybbigyn ng "tax break 28, Anong ans ang may inilaleagpinakanaskingporsiyento 0.Q.0.Q D. Asosea name "Chan Aic Abt Pg GDP paras bayer militar? 1, Ano angwastng ayosng mga pangungusp narmstabubuo OQ 0.Q 2 Jape © Brune ga TATU TA South Korea Malaysia = hn8o & DABE b BDAC a DBAC 29, Anong bans ang may piskamaakig GDP? 0909 2. King dgingan ng sg paravaka na pengsnevay ans OO OQ Ca a Step mun aes fan in a me emerned ak pinakaanako Meow pe Ke a. Ang*Clean Air Ac angtamang sohisyon saat ng polsyon, ', Aliminang tungls2 “Clean Air At 36. .noangiasuing dhilan king bakitmababalamangang 0000 abed King wang maya ng kumpana,sang-ayonkaba sa “Clean Iilangngkataywangpangmiitarng Bros? rrp & Tihagaicapeeciee 4. Tumaleng mapanatiling mainisang bangin, , Malis bana lamang ang Brune 3. Anoangpinsta-anghop na pamagatsanabuong ian? — 00.0.0 «Hindi kailangan angie D “si ne ‘Anglian . Ang Hangin abed 4. Walang nis magsondalo sa lailang mga to. Ang Clean Air Act Ang Kumpanya 56 ‘MSA Goll Santee Raver The Non eno Eaon ‘MSA Ch Seve Reviewer The Now Mins Ein 97 Ayon sa sligang bats, maraming mg katangiang dapat ‘aplayin ang sino mang nagnanais na maging Presidente me tense, Tawa, nararspat din ma. siya ay eehistesdong botate at ‘marunongtumese at sumula ‘sapang ahalgang katana ay Knaailangang 40 aon man Tamang siya sarang halalan [so samga tatangiang io ay nararapatna i siyang kaubong ‘pinangarakra mamamayen ng Puipinss ‘Avenghuliay nararpat na siya ay resident mg Pilipinas loob ng sampang on bago dumating ang hala Ano ang wastongpoghakasunid-sinod ng mgs ‘pareungusap na aakabubuo ng maksbulhan al ABCDE & ADICE b ABDCE & ADCBE Ano ang pamamsaraangginamitupang mabuo ag alata? 2. pagbibigay ng sani atbungs 1. palalrawan © poghahaming . papliseie emumerasyon Anong pangungusap ang nagsasabing hin masaring ‘maging Presidente ng hansa ang isang dayutan? ‘2 pengungussp 5 © pangungusap D paneungasap C &. pangungusap E ‘4-» mato ay nagmula sa Gitnang Asya at aglkad st tulay ne upang agkakabit mbt ibang bahaging ‘Asjase Pilipinas, Silay simurdanngIndones na galing 8 Tog Silangang Asya ‘Ang pnakaunang pangkat ng mga a0 sa Pilipinas ay a ge Its o Negri. ‘ag baling pangkat aman na dumatng upangmsnirahan ito sa.ating bana ay ang maga Malay na agra rins ‘Timog Silangang Asya 20 28 2o 26 0 tS cS a5 2° oS 2S sO 10 Kung targa ing guna Eag minora OQ 7 Ano ang wastongpaghakarunad-sunod ng mga pangungusep na malabubwo ng sang makabulubang tata? +o cS so a6 2 ABCD © CBDA bCABD 4 CRAD 8, Ano ang pmbungad ma pasangpasgungisa ang angkop OO 0 Q paras talatang abo? abe a. May atlong pangkat gto ang damatng sits Pilipinas roong ‘ang panahon, 'b,Tataiong i lamang ang panghat ngmga snaunang Pilipino. «©. Taslong pangkat ang mga Pilipino ngayon <4 May talong sinaunang Pilipino. ng angkop ms pga 09.00 4. Te Indones at Maley », MpPangatngTomnlas Asya ©. Sino Ako? Ang Mgn Unang Pagkat ng mga Plpno sO 9 pangungusap: “Ang mga Indones ay dumating nang ‘ dalawang bagso may limang libons toon m2 ong -akararean ano ang magigingpanibagongpagkaasinl- sunod ng mg pngungusep pang malabuo ng makablikang, ‘alt? 2 ABECD © CREDA, b CARED 4 CREAD MSA Gl Serviee Rinewer The New Millennium Eton 99 Constitution 7. How many Senators are there in the Senate? 0000 Tow many Senators are teen the Sex 0909 2 wentfive — DIRECTIONS: Shade the aval above the eter hat coesponds to th answer ht wl ke each statement are wenysfour tity ramp: = 1 Wht ein neem 8. Whatistheminimamagereqirementofasensor? 0.00 excusively forthe te and enjoyment of ipso O@ O} - sown citizens? abed os * fens «lands by, mrenyefve 4. tye = a 9. Which ofthe following bills do not originate from the Howse 0 0. DF Repesniative? abed 1. What do you alltcinroducoryputaftheConstation?’ OOOO a. Preface Preamble abed 4. Appropriation bills ce Anmesty by, Amendnens 4 il Ribs Revemcortribils Privates 2. What form of government does the Philippines adopt? 9900 10. The Members ofthe Lower House are 0909 a. Republisan omateA a. elected by region and ist. “es 'b, Democratic @ both a and _ eae 3. What js the power of the State t take private property for public use upon payment of a just campensaton? ‘a fight ofcofiatin 6 Fight of sequestration bh. eight of liming retour 4. right ofeninent domain 1b lected by region and appointed by the President. «lected by distriet and party Hist 4. elected by dart nd pointed by the Senators. 11, Thelegiative power ofthe goverment stltbevestedinte OQ OQ President «. Supreme Court . Congress 4. allofthe above 12. Whishofthe following may disqualify person romramsing 00.0.0 fbr Presidency? abed 1, Hes sixty years old onthe dy of the election, >, He lived abroad five years preceding the election, «Heh Filipino parent wasbor nthe United States 4. Hl isa registered voter. ‘0900 4. Who among te following may issue a warant of ares or a #8 6 search warrant?” a. a senor congressman ba judge the President 0000 abe 5. A forignee may acquire Filipino citizenship through “ 1, naturalization © rebirth ». extraditon 4 Vi plain 0900 (6. The right to votes also know as a. suffinge . democracy naturalization plebiscite 100 ‘MSA Gaver Sevie Reviewer Th New Meola Eon DSA Cater Serve Reviewer The New Milenniam Eaton 101 13, Which afte following sbows the santero power should 00.0 19, Thentiona langage of the Pilipinesis 0909 the President be incapableof discharging his es? ahead Pilipino o. Tasog abe ‘President > Vie-President-» Senate President» Hoate Speaker ‘.EngshandFlping Fino ‘President -> Vice President -> Chic lance» Senate resident H President» Vice President + Chie tice Hone Speaker 4 resident > Vie resident > Hause Spstr +See Presdent | 2. Yo may mop any amine rein oe 9900 14, A member ofthe Supreme Court 0900 i 1 Congres ora Constitutions! Convention 4. must have been for fifteen years or more, a judge of a lower court "i +, Congress and a Constitutional Convention '. mst have been fr ten years judge ofthe Court of Appeal l Iii and Congress «may not be a member ofthe Philipoine Bar I o o, © 0 00 of Ole © © © © oles * 0909 909 © © QO ~|GIO} | /o° sa cnaservie MSA Math ‘Tao co "Nov Nitin Eon a ‘Wich of tne squares, 2 toa wl stam at ] [Look across each row and down each column TP SE ee} Eo) A H ®@O * _ @ o © @ oe © @ ~ [|]? 19908 9999 % 9 O } 8 ~ © © oo A\|V \O|G QO 4 ~/O| es 2 is O € @ 6 4 aS 3 9909 4\2 mages = Sa —— = ‘MSA nat Tutoring Center MSA Math Tuorag Center OD 9D O Select the missing piece from 4 B, €, or dy so that th igure onthe let. oe Se AB QS Bross @ ® © @ shed OQ OY o oe “a ~o 29009 Oo eh Gey ee ic — 23.0000 @ ® © @ 24.0009 TSA Ghar or Reve _The Now Milo ‘uSa Mat Tutoring Cent ‘GA Gul Sn Review The Now Milenio Eon 115 MSA Math Tutoring Center 25.0000 bed Fhe 26.0000 abed gd We o AY Bb ¥-xn a FE & Bases : @ @ © (9999 @ L Y PEPYP : 30.0000 TSA Gi Senie Revener The New Menta Baton Answer Keys, Solutions and Explanations atnemaucs Sorutions 1, Find the sum: 299 + 943 +398 +101, 299 ss +398 101 1741 1st 6s LTH ayn BM 142434445 464748494 10=55, then Ta 12+13 + 14+ 154 164 17+ 18+ 194 20=7 10 (10) #55 = 100455=155 265 piss e125) $50 Bu 1+243444546474849410=55, then 0141021 103 + 104+ 105 + 106-+ 107+ 108+ 109+ 10 =? 10,(100) +55 = 1000-455 =1 055 w106s = 1075 a) 5500, a) 1088 4, Braluate: (16 (24-8) +22 x 8-8) = (16-6) #176 - 8) 40 1 Tos) = 168 a0 Has 0) 64 4) 168 S.1f 234384374 +53 = 168 and 23428440 +y +50 = 120 Find the value of x— y? 2428437 +x +53 = 168 ISL tH 168 23428440 +) +50 = 120, ~ 151+ y= 120 xy ae 036 48 956 64 ‘Maa Cnt soviee Reviewer The New Milmlum Eon 119 6 Findthe product: 800 x 125, 1 1 since 125-1100 en 8001x1000, % a 5 = 100 «1000 100 ovo 2925510006) 10000) 100 000 7. Find the quotient: 8000+ 12, 000 + (125) oo (188. . 5 0 (sr) “ 4 Ho wa 5. What isthe remainder when 192 868 ie divided by 8? ‘0 semaines or te rertnder 0 a0 wa os oun Rounding 299 943 tothe nearestthousand the result is “Tosa af uinbuer thease ernie we dp a the lat three digtsand replaceit by sree eroe. Retsinthe ours digit che number dropped off islersthan S00, Add 1 to the fourth digit i the digit dropped of e500 or more “Therefore 299943 ~ 300000 2)299.94 §)299.000 ¢)299900 4) 300 000 TRU Sx Gri Sevier esoner Tha Now Milman ‘SA Mat Tring Cnr 10, 398.101 read ae 4) Three hundred ninety eight, one hundred one. +) Three hundred ninety eight and one hundred one ©) Three hundred ninety eight and one hundred one hundredths 4 Three hundred ninety eight and one hundred one thousand 11, Anumberis divisible by 8if is ast thre digits divisible bby 8. Whichof the following numbersis divisible by 8? 3) 2088 =26+0 therefore 9208 is divisible by & 99208 46236 «882i 8886 12, Which ofthe following statements is true? 4) anumberisdivsbeby 5, then itis visibly 1. 25 iene by bt mot by 10. 1) Ifa mumberis divisible by 10,thenit i dvisibleby 5. ‘isdivinibleby 10 an aio by 5 ©) anumberisivsbleby 3 then itis vise by 6, indivibleby 3, bur not by 6 4 anumber ie cvisibleby 4 then itive by 8 iscvnbleby shut nosby 8. 13, Simpig: 4 (128 ~ 88) + (128 ~ 84) ~ + (128 - mi) (1as-e4)(F 1-5) =e 90 20 om M6 MSA Math Tutoring Center 14.Simplity i Ly otas + 12 ate £% of 96 ~ 44-20 of27 1 tue t nde ts otwet pk otat 2b 9s = een tar oy wwe Qa oas a1 15. Reduce “jgpy” to ts lowest terme, 'A fraction in it lowest terme if ie mumerator and deoninatr are relatively pine, Le, their greatest commen factor ie 1. To reduce a faction in its lowest terms divide ‘oth numerator andthe denonaatorby thet presest commen thr a men 10011001 + 77 3 2 Ya as 16, Which of the following is rue? 2) -16>8 9) SM 828-s4 onethementeroresioge MEA Jee thn the paive number ee ae 17. Find the value of x 3 s x-[2 (m+ S69) =3@) + 565) 2 +s aot on 36 24s ase 18, What is 25% of 2287 1 fine 296 gen acannon 92 yom oon 1. saie24 oa mnie wah = 288 mg = tun : p29 yt on 20. 168 is what percent of 6727 (o+-b)nisnstg + Lge sssses 225% —b) 50% © 6).400% 4) 50% 21. Byaluate: 123 «0.1 +123 0.01 +123 « 0.001 123 +123 +0123 = 13.683 4) 13.6530) 1355313563 d) 13568 ry MSA Gil Senice Reviewer The New Millennium Faden ‘MSA Goa Seriee Reiener_The Now Milena Eon 23 a2, rig 3 ot x16 = H{6) + (16) = 48> oT be 939 on 3 3 s 1 ott yt ott ory 24, Find the value ofx ia the equation 33-+7 = 28, W-7 = esd eT am CH 97 oe 25, Which ofthe following has the greatest value? 26, Which of the following eamnor yield an odd integer when divided by 107 8) The sum of two odd integers. 1479-90 90+ 10=9 9isan odd integer 1) Theproduct of a prime number and an odd integer. 21530 30+10=3 3isanodd imeger 6) The product of two odd integers, The product of tro odd integers alwaye od, ‘erefore i not svisibe By 10. 4) The sum of three consecutive integers. 9410411 =30 3051063 3 isanodd integer 20.1f 8x+12=24, what isthe value of 24x +367 dae +36 = 2(8x + 12)=3 (24) = 72 oe ve 7s an 26, Ife postveinteger mis divisible by both3 and 8 hen ‘must also be divisible bythe product of 3 and 8 10 is om 60 29. Ifpositive integers mand are not both odd which ofthe following isadways se ? 1) m+ mis even, ©) m= n cannot be od b) mn is even. Amen Vis oda 30. Find the average temperature change for the 12-day period, Temperature change in deuree celsius: 2.6, 3.8, 7.0, 45, 46, 79, 80,81, 44, 53, 64, 52. ave=(2.643847.044544647.9+5.0+81+ 5 ne) a 1 Michie tether ome a ww Mele ule) nests sas a Te ras Res Nin serena EES 7 ‘Me Mam Turing Center MSA Math Tata 31, Find he set ofall odd aumberssstisfyng the conditions Se = 4 £0and 3-720. Thereit no odd integer S420 an e720, nanaisand athe Ses4 and Se = 7. Tu Therefore he 4 sty eZ. alaton set to this eps op problem i empty. oflse} wf} ofx|rex} o {} 32, State the property ilustrated, If 86) 44-4844 and 4B +4 = 52 then 8(6) +4 =52 2) distributive property of multiplication over adition commutative property ofadition ©) associative property 4) transitive property of equality 133, 1F8 less than the product of a number and 3 is greater than 7, which ofthe following could be that number? Bee 21 135. Four tines the perimeter af a parking lot is 16 less than 2 000 meters, What isthe perimeter ofthe lot? 4P = 2000-16 = 47. 1984 64> P= 496 8)496 m —¥) 508m 6) 992m ) 1008m ona '36:Theamount of ast months telephone bill, decreased bythe product ‘of and P 30.00 equals P 1319.50. Find the amount of te bill 8 = 3( P30) ~ P131950-= B = P131950 +3(P30) B= PI31950 + P9=> B= P1400;50 2) P122950 ¥) 128950 6) P131050 4) P1 409.50 137. Rightoen less than seven times the number of sandwiches is 269, How many sandwiches are there? 18-18=269 > 78=269+18 > 318287 > S= 2747 8= a an bat oa was 38 A house and lot are sold for P 14 M. The howse costs 1.5 times a muchas the lot How much does the lot costs? W=ISL H+L= PUM S1SL +IL-P 14M 25 L = PAM => L= PIMs 25 L=Psom a)PS6M PRAM) PIOSM 4) PIM 39, The sale price fa television set is P7200, ‘The discount rate is 4096, Find its regular price. RP = 40 RP= SP 0.60 RP =P 7 200 a en 2b x= BoB = 31 RP = P7200 + 060 = P12000 a ae a an 2) P4320 W)P12000 ©) P6800 4) P 10000 6 TSA Chi Sevies Raion The Ron Wien Eon ‘MSA Gh Servis Revener_“The New Milena Eaton 127 ‘SA hat Tring Ctr ‘MSA'Matn Tutoring Center 40. The lengths ofthe sides of triangle ean be represented by three ‘consecutive integers, The perimeter of he triangle is 96 em. Find the length ofthe longet side ofthe wiange nm. Let 2 = longest side x H(24 1) + (442) =96 33x43 =96 = 96-3 > We Sx=s3 ATT “Thelongertside is 3I-+2~33 em 927 wat ey a6 41, The length ofa rectangle s 8 meters more than twice its width. “The perimeter is 112 meters. Find its area 2L+2W-P = 202W+8) +2W= 1125 4W41642W= 112 > OW +16 «1125 OW = 112-16 > 92 6= W=16 L=206)+8~40 A= LW= (16) (40) = 640 m* 16m em) 40m?) HO 42, Paula is twice as old as Queenie, Seven years ago the sum of their ages was 16. How old is Queenie now? P=29 (P=7) #(Q-1) =16 (29-4(Q-7 =16 3Q-14= 16 3Q=16+14 3Q=30 Q=10 a8 ») 10 16 a) 20 43, For what value of x will x be the average of 2, 4r, 6,8, 10°? Dede 4 64 8410 44, How many integers between 197 and 303 are divisible by 4 0° 107 200 204 208 212 216 220 224 228 232 236 240 244 248 252 256 260 264 268 272 276 280 284 288 292 295 300 325 by 26 931 aon 45, A patient must take his medication every 7 hours stating at 7.0 am, Sunday. On what day will the patient fist receive his medication at 8 am.? Sun 2:00 pm Sun 9:00pm Mon 4:00 am ‘Mon 11:00 na Mon 6:00 pm Tues. 1:00 am ‘Tues #:00 am, 4s) Sunday) Wednesday 6) Thursday 4) Teesday 46. Of he 300 grocery shoppers surveyed, 96 didnot have regular ay ofthe week on which they shop. What percentage ofthe shopper did nathavea rgularday of shopping? R= Sx 100% 2% 32% HAH «— IH). 96% 47. A water container has 100 mal of water in it and i 20% full How many ml of water ean this container hold itis fll? )200ml —¥) 400m) S00 ml) 800 mt 1 48, How many containers each occupying an re of 2-5 sare meee 5 eter can be stored in @ 952. square meter warehouse? Sade +26 i Sia = 26 > N= 952 62-1 = 488 containers ae ae oat 2398 48 gs g)a30 ae MSA GM Seriee Rlener The Nev Minato Eon Sak LSS ACT mae a DSA Math Totering Cent 49. The starting salary ofa sceretary at ABC Computer Specialists is P15,000a month. Next year the starting salary willbe raised toPI8, 000, Whatis the rate of increase in the starting salary? Rate of increase = —THES5E_ 5 10095 ‘laa poy 1. P8000 — P8000 599, PIS 000 3.000 = ERO Pis 009 * 100% 1 =x 100% 5 = 20% 23% 2% —)28% a3 50, The cost ofa square meter commercial lot in eer ‘municipality five years age was P12 S00. There was a 420% inerease in the price in the last five years. What is the price per square meter ofthat lot today? Present Price =P12 500 + 420% ( P12 500) 12500 + 4.20 (P12 500) 12500 + PS2 S00 Present Price = P6S 000 8)P 1750052500 P19000 a) 65 000 SI. Last month a store manager decided to decrease the prices ‘of all items by 10%. This month he increased the prices by 10%. What would be the price for pair of pants that had ‘cost P750 before prices were decreased last moath? New Price = P'7S0(1~.10) (1.10) =P 750.90) (1.10) New Price = P'742.50 8) P-742.80 6) P-750.00 6) P675.00 4) P 825.00 52, When the original price of an item is increased by « certain rate the increased price is P3 100. When the origins! price is decreased by the eame rate, the creased price is P 1 900. What isthe original price of thisitem? OF 1+) =P3100 OR 1-1) =PI900 P3100 P1900 op (er) 311-9 =190 +9) 31-3Ir = 19 + 195 31-19 = r+ 19 12 = 50r r= 12/50 =024 or= P3100 P3100 P3100, OF Ther) [i+ o2a) "tat 8)P1200 ¥) P2s0 P2500 4) P2800 2500 53. How much must one ast avest incorporate bonds paying 9.6% in order to ear an income of P 12.000 per annua? Prt = 12 000 = P( 0.096) (1) 130 ‘HSA GNI Senice Rewer The New Millennium Edion Math Toon Center 120 12000 _ pias (on56)0) Pi sz0 ©) P 125 000 by P23 040 ap 250000 ‘MSA Chi Sevice Reviewer “The Now Milam Eaton 131 L ‘4, How much must be cut from th edge of piece of glass 16-5 em 3 wide, in onder for tt itinto an opening Mem wide? sn wid Len witen 01 arta wile 9 ss Ameer 2 uh anes ao 12-5 api et das or in =12 5 =wix anrxteimdeat -mtx 4 = (0x4) «{ £« 4-9 +(44) 9.) saa 2 (09 +(1 2) <2 2 am 5 9 56, Ihe weight of a 241-kp freight car increases to 3 times when ally loaded, what wil be its weight with full oad? 3 5 amie 0 0g wad omin 4g yt 57, How many liters wil remain in L000-lter storage tank 8.2% ‘of the liquid has evaporated due to excessive heat? 1 = 100 x (1 - onxe ) a)918 —8)991.8—«) 999.18 a) 998. 000% 09 = 918 ers 458, Dante recently sold some stock for which he orginally bought for 358, Test hs increased in value by 116%, bow much did Dante receive for the stock? Present value = F358 %( 1+ 1.16)=P358 x (2.16) Present value = P 773.28 aP6T2e HPI PIA wPTTE 59. Mr. Manny Vargas a real estate broker sold a building for P175M. How much did he receive if his commission is 5.5% of the sae price of the property? Commission = Rete» Sale Price Commission = 0.085» P 175 M= P 9.625.M a)POSM 9) P9.7M e)P9.625M_ 4)P:180.5M 60. 1f 560 out of 700 examinees passed in the resent Career Service exam for Sub-Professional level, what pereent ofthe examinees passed? perwentage 360 rate = PERERMEE 5 190n = S60. 100% = 80 9% 265% =) 72% —g) BOM) 140% 1 "MSA Chil erice Reever “The Now Micrium Faion ‘MGA Gul Sree Reviewer The Now Nlennom Balen 133 ‘hath tring Centr MSA Math Tutoring Center 61, Mr. Cruz borrows P 750 000 from Asian Bank and ie charged 90 000 interest What rate of interest did Asian Bunk charge for the loss? 2) 8% 9% =) 10% ADM (62, A store sells shirts for PL 078 each or 3 for P2 997. How much would one save by buying 3 shirts at atime instead of 3 shirts, one ata time? (xP 1078) ~ P2997 32s — P2997 = P237 sR 237 Y)P921 P1237 PL ODE Savings 63. A computer can be rented for PL 745 a week or P347.50 a day. You need the computer only for 6 days. Atwhich rate( daily or weekly), would i be cheaper fo rent and bby how much cheaper? daily = 6 «34750 = P2085 weekly =~ P1745 P30 2) weekly; P-340 ©) daily; P340 by aaily;P240 4) weekly; P240 (64, 4.1.25 -kg box of Brand A detergent sells for P8750. ‘A. S-kg bor of Brand B detergent sels for P 103.20. ‘What isthe difference in the price per ks? Brand A= P8750 1.25 = P70.00 per kg Brand B= PI03.20 + 1.50 =~ P6880 per kg P 1.20 per ky P1209 bPISO ©) P1806) P2.00 Be MSA Chi Senice Reviewer “The New Millen ‘Sa Math Teterig (65. A 30-0m long plastic pipe costs P 249. At this rate, what is ‘the price of the pipe per meter? Price per meter = P 249 +0.30m = P 830 per m ») F830) PRd0 © @)PTAT a) P49 (6. homeowner can rent a chainsaw fom a rental agency at P2 700, 1 Gay. The brand new ofthe same suw’ean be baught for P 18 900, Forhow many days could thehomeowner rent the saw before ening ‘would costmore than buying? P2700 Days=PI8 900 = Days=PI8 900 + P2700 = 7 as w6 on os (67, Paula uses ten 100-watt bulbs in her house. She uses these bulbs at an average of S hours each day. How many KWH do these bulbs use euch day’? 1 kilo wait KWH = 10 * 100 watts x 5 hours » “yore as »10 950 45 000 68. An electric range uses 12 200 watts per hour and is run an average of 60 hours a year, How many kilo-watt-hours is this? 1 lo — wait KWH = 12.200 watts x 60 hex “Hap = 7a an2 m2 7320 7.32 68, vide cassette movie, puchasd for P40 was marked up 25% on ‘the sling price. Later, as retail prices el this movie was marked ‘down 20% on the cuteut sale pice. Find its new sale price [New Sale Price = P 440 = (1+ 0.28) x (1 -0.20) 440» (1.25) (0.80) ~ P440 a)P352 BRAK) P50 a) PSS0 MSA nate Tatoriey Center " 138 70. MSA Produits, ne, bought these office supplies lst week: 1 320 pens @ P 0.128; 1 480 packs of paper clips @ PO.625;, 1240 boxes of tape @ P 0.875; 1720 boxes of cards @ P08. ‘A'5% sales tax is added. What was the companys total bill? P3sst Purchased Price + Sales Tax = Gross Amount Purchased Price + 5% (purchased Price) = Passi + ons (38st) = P35si-+PI7IS8 = P3 72885 ~Gross Amount eponias a) P372855 Pinas wyrassi 71, The question " How many lowers are needed to border a recangalar garden? ",iavaves )weight —b) perimeter c) volume d) aes 72. How many meters of fencing are needed to enclose an 84-meter TR. How many I-em-square stickers are needed to cover a photo box 4 em long, 3 cm wide and 5 em high? SA=2 [Iw +h +h =2[K3) + (4K) + (35) San 94 oar yoo 88 a9 74, One side ofa triangles 3 cm longer than the shortest side, ad the ‘other side is 4 em longer than the shortest ide. How fon i the shortest side ithe perimeter is 67 em? let @* shortest side cond side c= third side atbtenr a+ (at3) + (a+4) -67 3a47- 67 we OT 3a = 60 a= 200m 8) 2em 23cm) 24em_— Fem 75. The length ofa rectangle is 2 em less than twice its width. What is its width in om, if ts per ter is 50 em? 2 + aw 2(2.W-2) + 2W e so by 48.meter rectangular garden? 4W-4 + QW 50 ow-4 = 50 21+ aw-P owe 54 2( 84) + 2(48) = 265m We oem ) 12m HY Ahm —«) 26m 8) 4082 as ys 916 as Be "HSA Gil anise Reine Tha Now Millon Baton NSA Ci Seve Raower The Now Minnie Elion 17 ‘MSA Mat Tring Cntr MSA Math‘Tatoring Comer Data Sufficiency Solutions and Explanations 1. By what percent was the price per kilo of chicken increased? (2) The price per ilo of chicken was increased by P20. (2) The rie perl of chicken ater the ineease was PID, a (1)only thence in pice, and both he original and fi prceatcurknown. Th the perentincreasecansorbe determine! fom (I)alone andthe anrwer mux be, C, or In ony te fina price i [ren sothe prentincrese cannot be determined (alone, andthe fnower mse Cor. From (I) and (2) toper te amount ofincresse Jsknown andthe price belore the inerese can becomputed. Therefore the erent ices canbe detrei’ ane thee aeseri6C 2. Areal estate broker received a commision of 8% of the selling price of» certain property, what was the selling pice the property? (1) The selling price mins the real esate brokers commision was P 9 200 000, (2) Theselling rive was 250% ofthe original purchase ive of P 4 000 000. From (it follows that P9200 0008529 (10% 89 ote ang 12200000 canbe determined “Terefoi(1)lone i ulin, nd the answer ean be A orD From (2) St fllows thatthe sling pie 2.5 (P4000 00). Ths, (2) lone also sulci, andthe best answers. has the selling price 3. Chin-Chin and Queenie May were among those who sold rae tickets to raise money forthe cub. If Chin- Chin and Queenie May sold a total of 168 tickets, how many tickets did Chin-Chin sell? Be ‘MSA Chil Series Reviewer The New Millennium Flom ‘MSA Mat Teoring Center (Queenie May sold 60% as many ae tickets as Chin-Chin @) Queenie May sold 8% of all the raffle tickets sold. f Chin-Chin sold riches and Queenie May tld q ticks, then 44-168, Accrdingto(), 4=000e Thevaleoleabedaermined bpyevng bth equations senlaneasy. There he mnrwer mu be RorD. Prom (2) he number of rll tckets shat Queenie May old ‘hanot be determined doce the otal saber oftckes wold is uaktow, ‘Thus Gj aloneis oe suficem, andthe bes ner is. 4. What isthe ratio of ms: 0? L Seaemeae (1) lone cel ot slice o une the guetion orerample ifm = Sands thers is8:8-20r424:1,batif smn andsm 1, theratiois 4s 16:20r2: 8:1. thus the answer must ‘eB Gor Sse ( slooeieeicet, dice mlipying the () a-2and m6, @) =2amt = 1 Ero eqns by PRE w= Wanda = 7, Theoret renin satis 261: Les ormiptyingevery term ofthe 4 rato by “S willenit to :4Landabe bes anerisB. 5, Ifeand.y sre integers ix divisible by172 (The product sys visible by 17 (2) y is not divisible by 17 aproductsyis divisible the prime number 17, then ther is divisible by 17 oryiedivrible by 17. Hence, statemeat (1) alone Fel that either xox yi divisible by 17, bee aot salient v0 determine tat xi vile by 7. Therefore the newer mst beB, (CrorE, Statement love leary not stint sine thereis00 Informationsbostxirgven. Hencethe aawer muttbeC orE. The tro atements together ar ellicient:Inys divine by 17 and yis ot thin sis divisbleby 17. Ths the best aaswerisC, ‘MSA Gn Savio Reviewer “The Nev Milani Eaton 139 ‘MSA Math Ttoring Ce 10 (oa Saturday morning te pannngmactne ot verres: rman an continous uniform ate ila production oder. At ‘what ime didi completely fil te order tat oma? (1) The supervisor began the plan fr production at $08 am, (2) The chief oder 48am. and 15 1 sottheonderby 108m, Statement () eclea'y nt sce, snceit merely sees thatthe supervisor began he plas for production at 88am. Hen the answer Imus be By © or E, Fromstatement (2) ican be concluded chat ann be otstoner on fdie 20min then od cbc ileia 3=9= 99 inmor# nines ser Dtem ora 33am. snd eb on How many boks does err tet Dif Gord nd 8 over bak ewe ofS ee ye 2 Gritty on ono chs Statement) impiethat book represent hale total nua of ‘books Geardhus So Sinemen (alone isles, and tbeaasner tmunbeAorD Semen) ane tno ison neon gether se mumterofGasontothemamier oo faionbooks. Terre the IeanrwerisA. ‘What number is 24% of ? Wier @ bots eta “The question can be answered i the value of x is known, In statones ) satesthat 16 = 008 adhe asco xen besolved This, semen () fins anchors be Act Satement alone isin sneitstatrchic/Bx ~ 160, in whchtbe value ofrcanbe sed, Thertorethe bes newer D. SaSe'Mat Tog Center 9. What wat the the total amount raised fr the Payne Tragedy ? (1) ofthe amount donated, 48% came from private corporations. (@) Fhe amount donated, PISM came fom personal donations. ‘Thesmount of mooey donated warthe total of prrtecororations and pv donations, Seta (alone oot slit, ieeitgivesolythe porn ht ren pine spoons, Thun shearer mse beB, Co E, Similarly sazement (2) lone ot suc, sinc it pve ony the smut fromperconsl donations. Ife al amount donated was. then (i) ma 2) togetercan beexpreed at 048%m-+PISM™ mich canbe td lve form This the est answer i: 10 Miramstotal sore inthe three Bowing ames was 530. What were her scores? (1) Mieriam's highest seore was 198. (2) The sm of Miia to highest sores was 3682 Sens) soon fis sireddact enon hereon -watheotereorr Stzemen (2 dooes sauce findibeother wo soot But (and) oper arene. le bethelowes sary the second wore and zhetbe highest more. x+y +2 530; = 198 and 17 #2=568 hereloe y= 38 198= 170 and = 530368 = 162.50 ‘thebemveris Cs 11, Inthe value of closer to 48 than to 782 (nas @ ee “Thevalucniesdiant baween 8 an! provide tha inthe mpi of 4820478, ie, m= (48 +78) 02 6. Therefore, stereos lie, dhe newer mi be A oD Steet (alent slices, ince berween and, wiecourto A; ‘wheres nis genie than 3 iecloerto78, Thusthe box sneer A MSA Math Tutoring Center Tai 12. i last Saturday's Midnight Sale at Sta. Lucia Malls certain shop sold. 75% of the shins in its inventory, Each shirt was solé for 358. What was the total revenve from the tle of these shirts on that day? shits in is inventory (@) All but 112 ofthe shops inventory were sold ast Saturday. Stavement (1 states that there ar 448 inthe inventory. So, the rom revenve = 0.75x 8x 388 = P 120288, Statement (1) alone isalficientsotheansner must be AorD. Statement (2 loneiclso sulficient since 112 is 29% of thesota numberof sins the gost even cn be computed at 3x (112) xP358 = P 120288. The best never therefore. 13. How many more boys th girls are therein the room? (1) There ea total of $6 ps and boys in the room, {@) The numberof bays inthe room equals the ‘square of the number of girls in the room, “Toanawerthis question wesbuld sow bg Statement () satesthat bb += 56, which isnot fier answer the question andthe answer must beR Cor Sxtement (2) satsthat b= g Sostaement (lone tent suc B () and (2 togter issn answer the question. Ee HSG Peg SHO; (gt N(E-71-0 > Be? Sothebes aneweris . 14, tn wh yee en Ged Nn? (0) Gears fiend Mary Angel, whe ene yom a him, as bom in 1979. (2) In 1998 Gerard turned 20 years old Statement (2) states that Mary Angela was born sometime in 1979 she was born nthe rt half of 1979, then Geraed wins ered 7, bay gh ws Danluiot or te Gee war bore Thecbrenaenen (Vanes carer ut 8 Grork tec (thc maper he qnon ca ‘nw mabe n 7, te rb ers 15, Abox contains 48 balls, of which 30 ae ed and 18 are blue {IF 16 ofthe balls are removed, how many of the balls let in the box ae blue (4) Ofte balls removed, the tio ofthe number of red ones othe numberof blue ones 3. (2) Ofthe frat 8 marbles moved, Sarre roa We OW a fee bane Dee sda tue Siete wee oil bal, 18-6 = 2b nee inthe bom: Semen) alone isin answer the vein; sndtheanemer uetbe Aor. Stemen) alone sulfiinn wo answer bane knowing that ofthe fit Shall emoved ‘resort sow many ofthe other allremoved were ro. Therefore, semen slaeialienr,bt semen one isnot Thebestanewers A, 16. How long did it take Mrs. Alferez to drive non-stop on & ‘nip from her home to Ayala Alabang? (D)IFMrs, Alfere's average speed for the trip had been 1.25 times a fast, the tip would have taken 2 hours @) Mrs, Alferezs average speed forthe trip was 0 km per hour 1 ‘MSA Ghiseree Riener The New Milenio Bion ‘MSA Mat Tutoring Cntr ‘MSA Math Tutoring Center 1 Gea that d= et where eth tink pth, isthetiein hour, andthe disancelnken. From aatemeat(Q= 1, ~(1259) t=? ag, =e, (96) = (12502) t= 28h. Semen (alone isslfsienttoanswershe queria. Statement 2 alone soot sufient Siete dinancei unknown. Therefore tebe sarweris A. 17. If Myrna had a dentist's appointment on a certain day, was the appointment on a Friday? (1) Exacly 64 hours before the appointment, was a Wedvesday (@) The appointment was between 2:00 p.m. 10 7:00 pm. Statement (1) alone is ot scien since itis at ted what ine ‘on Welaesay wa 64 hours before the appoinment. Semen (2 terainly not aliens since a informations given bout the day of the appointment, From (1) and (together tea be concuded that fhe ppointment was oa Friday: 68 hous before anytime the ermonieatineinthe moringewe daycare, sob hows before Friday i Nedneay andthe appolemenr the eon: So the fetearwers 18, What was the average number of kilometers pe liter of _gnoline » car can consume during 2 certan trip? (4) Te ota cost ofthe grsolne use bythe ear othe 640-Km teipwasP 1 152, (2) The cost for the gasoline used by the car for the trip was 18.00 per ltr. Statement) sates the umber of hn cracls, However the number fliers of poli wed cannot be determine, sine only the total oot of gusine wedi given, Soy sateen (I alone is ot nfiient andthe anwer mor beB, C, oF E. Statement) aloae is obviously nocsoficien, bu i gives addtional information needed ia (110 Aeermine the number ofiersused. Once he nurber af ilometes tered and the umber f ites ued are known the terage amber ‘fk perlite canbe determined. Therefore (1) nd(2) together ae ‘olin, and the bet answer is. i (MSA Gh Senica Rainer Tin Now Mili (€) ais § more than sce b 2) The ratio of ato 418327, Statement (I) canbe oxpretadat « = 26+ 8 ieobviously not sufficient and thar a: depends om h The answer must beB, C, of a3. 4-2 E.Statement 2) canbe exprenedas “= Sj v0 = 2 ‘Therlore 2) lone ellie and he best answers or the Review Program or Academic Advancement Program ‘orboth. £100 ofthese students are not enrolled in the Review Program, how many of them are enrolled in both MSA Review Progam and MSA Academic Advancement Program ? | 2-AtasATotraland Review Cente 400 tens ar ealed | (1) OF the 400 students, 160 are not enrolled in the MSA Academic Advancement Program (2) A total of 240 ofthe students are enrolled in the | MSA Academic Advancement Program Letabethe number of uudents who are enrolled in she MSA Review Program only; the number of students who atcenclled in the MSA Academic Advancement program only and ethe number of stance who are entlled in both MSA Review Program and MSA, ‘Acidene Advaccement Program, Statement () alone isuliient, nce states the numberof sadents who ate not enclled nthe MSA Academic Advancement Program a~ 160. and since «+ 4100-400 then = 140, Thun the answer mist be A oF. Statement (alo suficen, since 240 = e+ IOI; e~ 10, The bet anor, ‘WEA GvilSce Reviewer The Now Miloniom Eon 1S Mathematics aad Le we gd dea OL hb 8 Bah reo mg a ew 2a de HH Ba 1 Ba kb Ba ns oe ee he | ba re sa ak fe a da ea ae wad Ska He Se Be ae Tb md Mb Se Ge Md me ma he Be Be a eR . Be Bd on ee. Te sa Hee nd 3b He SLB TO Ba ee aA We We ag 568 TL nb od Sa Th Be the Be Ske BG Single Word Analogy bb DST Lb oa a ised TEL ae meth Data Sufficiency Ba Me =e eH te se oe tre 4d 2b _20.b _agd_ 8 2a ob We 4b We Se 1b dS Ba ta Wa a wb Ga Ma Re soe 3d ab aa bd ad | An ee English | fe hk AO th ni 7 4 ouble-Word Analogy za os » wa | Le os. de ud ze ae | da daa HR HH | bad the |B aS , va an 4c bee rs) ne ere Sa Bb md dT ae. HU | 6a Ma BRE ia te b 6b na a Mahe sb Bae 2 Ma ee : ot Spe ‘ oa wb oie 6 * * ve Ta 8d wb eb tea na ae rr Waa Gra erie Redeer he Now Minton Eien 17 Adentitying txrors Paragraph Development 1. be was happy th bare La ae sb da a8 21a: House of Representatives! 12 e-enjoy ze ae ay Be wa 3. e- meets ine 4. 6 Tegistate 14 be knows — 5. bs has ise seareet Usa ‘ < 7 ah Le aa ma 25.0 Ba ae ee an we yak Me 9. be attire 19.6: wasnt » 1s , as. 10. is 20d takes care fa ae weg 8a 360 Sa be aa 2.6 mb dhe are 3i.acbelieve ob Ma re 30.0 ae 2. rise 32 ©-singing Te Sa md Lb m4 Be me Beis a 6 me ab “od 24, b- publishing Bie 25-5 have sae =e a Reading Comprehension 17 ¢- comic book 37. suggest 1 os mG _ Pie. my oe pone | 2a 1b rae 324 ae frst appear ©80 2 a oe aa ie ae ma 3.8 ay Wa aa aha Me 41, deas 51.6: hae received sa 8b 25.6 aha ss. 42. bebelieve 52. a drunk ) we ie wd Be 46.4 44. him sae Be Be 2a 38d aa Sse Among 5s. a- train foo eh ms eh Besos a wa ma aos 40.0 50. 47. a: them 57. bas infeted 48.4 seems 58. beallows 49, c- readers! 58. were | 50. 60. becomes We MEN Chi Sie Revewer Tar Nex Minion Eas | MSA Mate Tearag Center 149 Filipino sanpino Kasing-Kahulugan Pag-unawa sa Binasa Lb 6 1b 16.8 aud Le "has ihe We 25.0 2s re ab me 2» ze ab 20.6 26° 34 Be Be isd 2a Ba 9.4 ab aa aa oa 10 19. we 4a 0.6 ae 286 sé 10.4 1d 20.8 aa Sa ib ad 2.0 Kasalungat ob a aad 30.6 Lb Be wa 16.4 aie Pagtatalata ae nb mb nd aa La 3b sd 1b 9.4 aa Ba ha ia ab Le ae ée wa 10.5 aa od 19.5 awe Sa we ia 2.6 asia Constitution Le 1 tha 19.4 25.6 Mga Kawikaan aa Bd 1a 20a 26.5 Le 6a Lb 16a a. Bd de iS. ae aa 4 r 1 nae 4b le Ie nia 28.4 he ka ihe 18 Be sa Mb The Be 23.6 4b ob Ma isd wb Se mb Ind ad 30.6 sd toe Ine 208 asd Wavtons Garald Explanations to Answers in Inductive Reasoning, Lb ha Ba 19. 25.6 aaa a a De kd ah 2.e 26a 1376 9 12 1s 3d ob ia aia ma ae we 16. re awa 2.C oO wl KiM se We Ihe 2a 2b be Ba wa a s0.e eee la eciee | 4.BcDeFoHiSKL Pagkilala Sa Mali . 4 e ake 2a aa Bee ke ea 5.0 i Is" yr 3b ae nb 8b Be saa an” ae 9b isa 18. 2a ‘se ae | sa We isd 20.6 aa Bal 10 Gren, ar SS SNe, emo ten 1s 239 5°25 ae 2144 2 mie a itn ie 8. AB co EF ov Ux MN o QR = ow 25.2958 29 "us 29 “a2 9. 2Y x WV 0 TS xP 0 MM 26. Mz_KX W GT ER 10, DC re HG » LK ws PO no TS sino amr NE Boa 8 Row .LO KP JQ IR HS GT on 21920 NSRELER LOE a> sh 6 Bs 8 orneiwne © 4 «ee oe 2.AZ BY CK DW BV BL 13.6 "1236 “72 “216 a2 Cowan ute 14 An CC ue FFF ow 1 30, 396" 364""3m"as1 "ss6" 16 12 6 2 3% BR 31. W718 at 2 26 ‘x LL mo PP eas TT ow X * Si ES ie “ 327 2 a2 a2 126 IEF HG LK , “ “ sow 333147321 22""330_ 2” aa wom 7 is 9 * LAs € oF on J mua O xen I 34 rar” ap "x6 “o12 “17 “zt 20. Bc DE + GHK » KLMN SES Oe UABCDEFG 35.18 KI6 mis O12” QUO Serer: ‘net hote sere aiid 36.80 DQ FS HU IW LY Pee a ia) Ceenmetn at HSN Cr Seve Revo Tis No Manon aon A Greene Te Now Milenio Bain 133 [MSA hath Tatring Center 37 Bc PQ EF ST Bt . wu aes ii adie Sas 3s. fe Ge “Te Rip Mi” dis thE ee St 49, 336 edd eee 50, pot rT crs HU B02 1V9 aalgpbcol7aa elt itr gals ismn se eee ee cet _ a bel 40, ANI CP3 ERS GT7 1V9 KXI MZI2 ob ane ot a aa So. why ctey dlus hed 41 AL C3) ES GT La—Le— 4 iiss Tas Abstract Reasoning me cu ru i 6 ol ea a ta ihe a - ab I2b 22. el ered as ea Be Be 2 448K 6T 4V 0 2X ue aad ts ge eb it i i sa a 2s. Be 16 % ssi tas Nias Pie Oi aT a oe eae ine eaten eae na ne n. ee col i he . 46.AC FM OKM OR r _ bo vo ob naa a0 sn 1s6 19 2122 2s is TA CS eer i vito ioe [MSA Civ SrveeReveer The New Milani Elion “Caner 155

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