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\int x dx boundless integral over the function x
\int _0^n x dx integral with bounds zero to n
over the function x
\int _0^(n+n) x dx integral with bounds zero to n
plus n all over the function of x
\iint x dx double integral with no bounds
\iiint x dx triple integral
\Alpha A
\Beta B
\Eta H

\Kappa K
\Mu M
\infty infinity symbol
lim (x->0) x limit from x to zero subscript for x
log_x n logx n
sin x sine function
sin^-1 x inverse sine function
cos x cosine function
cos^-1 x inverse cosine function
tan x tangent function
tan^-1 x inverse tangent function
sinh x hyperbolic sine function
sinh^-1 x inverse hyperbolic sine function
cosh x hyperbolic cosine function
cosh^-1 x inverse hyperbolic cosine function
tanh x hyperbolic tangent function
tanh^-1 x inverse hyperbolic tangent function
common character accents
x\hat x with hat on top
x\dot x with dot on top
x\ddot x with two dots on top
x\dddot x with three dots on top
x\vec x with vector on top
x\tilde x with tilde on top

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