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Brenna Kiger

Reflections Worksheet
(Note EACH piece you are submitting for your portfolio must have an
accompanying entry slip.)

The title of this piece is: Philosophy Journal Entry

I completed this piece on (date): July 30, 2015

The genre(s) is: nonfiction

Heres what I did to complete this piece (Put a check mark or X next to all
that apply):
Brainstorming ________
Rough Draft _______
Revisions to my first, or subsequent, drafts _____x____
Responded to teacher or peer editing comments______
Made a new copy with changes from my revision __x_______
Completed a final edit on my piece ___x______

I am proud of this piece because it allows readers to see the philosophies I

live by and/or what I believe in.

Brenna Kiger
The sentence or phrases I like best are My first philosophy is to forgive

and forget.
Another philosophy I tell myself is to keep a positive attitude, or an
attitude that would bring me success in life.
One of the most important philosophies I live by is competition. Even

though teenagers care more than anything what others think of them
or have to compete with one another, the only competition is yourself.

Because these sentences state my philosophies, three very important things

to me.

The changes I made to this piece during revision are descriptive language
and word usage.

I made these changes because it told in more detail why I live by these
philosophies and what they mean to me.

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