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Teachers Notes

Pair work


1B: Favorite things

6. Have students ask and answer to check
their answers. When they are nished,
ask students to give you feedback about
their partners favorite things.

1520 minutes

Sample Conversation
Asking and talking about favorite things
To practice yes/no questions and short
answers with be

Activity Language
Is your favorite . . . ?; Yes, it is./No, it isnt.;
My favorite . . . is . . .
sport; food; country; color; actor; actress;
cell phone; car; music; newspaper

Make one copy of Worksheet 1B: Favorite
things for each student.

1. Divide the class into pairs. Give each
student a copy of the activity.
2. Make sure students understand the
vocabulary in the left column of the
chart. You can preteach it if necessary by
having students match the words to the
3. Ask students to complete the middle
column with their favorite people and
4. Next have them guess their partners
favorite people and things and write
them in the right column.
5. Explain that students are to ask each
other questions to see if their guesses
about their partners were correct. Model
some of the possible questions and
answers: Is basketball your favorite sport?
Yes, it is. Is blue your favorite color? No, it
isnt. Red is my favorite color.

World Link Intro Unit 1 Lesson B

A: Is chocolate cake your favorite food?

B: No, it isnt. Pizza is my favorite food.

Follow Up
1. Have students mingle with their
classmates with their charts from activity
1B, asking questions to nd classmates
who have the same favorite things that
they do.
2. For feedback, ask students which of their
classmates are most like themselves.


1B: Favorite things

Write your favorite things. Then guess your partners favorite things.
Ask your partner questions and check your answers.

Your favorite . . .







Copyright Heinle, Cengage Learning 2011

cell phone




World Link Intro Unit 1 Lesson B

Your partners favorite . . .

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