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aai4s1 7 FROM: KOREA BOLT*ANSAN Se Vittions Pee tlh Designation: F 1852 - 00 Standard Specification for “Twist Off” Type Tension Control Structural Bolt/Nut/Washer Assemblies, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength’ ‘Tis tnd eased under te fed deskoaion F862; he mur ined fliwing te dsignoton induc he yer of ‘sv he eae of revision, he yer of ln rein A urbe in press ines eu as peo A [preps epilon adams an eur arange ine the Ia rein etapa ion edo 1, Seope * 1.1 This specification covers two types of heat reated, steel, tension conuol bolt-nut-washer assemblies, also referred to as sets”, These assemblies are capable of developing a minimum predetermined tension when installed by applying torque tothe fut, while at the same time applying a counter torque to separate the spline end from the body of the bolt using an appropriate spline drive installation tol. 1.2 An assembly consists of a tension control bolt with sphine end (covered by this specification) and a suitable nut and wasner covered by reference to applicable ASTM specifica- tion The fastener assemblies are intended for use in struc- tral connections. These connections, installation procedures, and the use of altemate design structural bolts are covered Under the requirements of the “Specification for Sructural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts". approved by the Research Council on Structural Connection. 1.4 The assemblies are available with either round (buon cor dome) heads, heavy hex structoral heads, or altemate design heads described in Section 10 and Fig. 1, in sizes ¥4 10 1 Yin, inclusive, in two types specified in Section 4, 1.$ Tension contro} bolts manufactured and marked in secordance with the requirements of Specification A 325, and conforming 10 the dimensional and other requirements of this ‘pecification, will be considered an acceptable altemate under this specification for two years fellowing initia! publication. 1.8 The following precautionary statement pertains only to the test method portions, Sections 13 and 14, of this Specifi cation: This standard does not purport te address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with iis use. It is the responsibilty of the user of this standard 10 establish appro- priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- bility of regutatory limitations prior 10 use. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards "This sponfesion is under he Juidcien of ASTM Conmiaee FIG a0 res ano he ire espontty of Subsomminee P16? on Stes! Bolt Comes eon approved May 10, 2000, Puses July 2000. Originally lied ns PIAS28 Lat presoat edition PTES2-08 5 puna ok of ATH Sandode, Vel 0 0 To:56 2 es617e1 P.085-010 ‘A29/A29M Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon Alloy, Har Wrought and Cold Pised, Gene Regu ments f ‘A196/A 194M Specification for Carbon and Alloy Si Nuts for Bolts for High-Pressure and High-Tempera| Service® ‘A242/A 242M. Specification for High-Strength Low-Ai Structural Stee!* ‘A325 Specification for Structural Bolis, Ster\, Fie ‘Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum tensile Strength? ‘A $63 Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nutt ‘A 588/A S8BM Specification for High-Surength Lowy Scructural Stee! with 50 KSI (345 MPa) Minimum Yi Point to 4 Inch (100 mm) Thick A-708/A 709M. Specification for Carbon and High Stags Low-Alloy Strvctaral Steel Shspes, Plates, and Bars Quenched and Tempered Allow Structural Steel Pstes le Bridges! ATSI Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology fe ‘Chemical Analysis of Steel Producis* AB7V/A 871M Specification for High-Strength Low Als Structurel Steel Plate with Atmospheric Corrosion Resi tance B 695 Specification for Coatings of Zine Mechanics Deposited on Tron and Steel® 1D 395) Pracuice for Commercisi Packaging” F 436 Specification for Hardened Stee! Washers! ¥ 606 Test Methods for Determining the Mechanica! Prop emies of Extemally and Internally Threaded Fasten Washers, and Rivets* F 788/F 788M. Specification for Surface Discontinuiies o Bolts, Screws, and Studs. Inch and Metric Series? F 1470 Guide for Fastenes Sampling for Specified Mechast cal Properties and Performance Inspection’ G10) Guide for Estimating the Atmospheric Corrosat Resistance of Low-Alloy Steels* ‘Aad Boot of ASTM Stendrd, Ya 0.01, ‘ Anoal Bok of AST Srndard, Vo 0.08 > ama! Boat of ASTM Sond, No 0.8 ‘anal Bok of ASTM Sanda, Vel 0208 7 annual Bok of ASTI Sanaa Vel 13.08 * pnd Boo of ASTH Sanaa 0302 P.204-B18 ao ECLTWANGAN 0314913768 oC CL Gh F 1852 a | ry ¢ ~ ee Ls! aN aos |} ROUND HEAD HEAVY HEXHEAD Carbon ang neral Requin. DIMENSIONS FOR TWIST OFF STRUCTURAL BOLT id Alloy Stet NOMINALSIZE | a ae eee _ eee wiots WIDTH ACHOSS mont | LENGTH OF wore ph Low ally waoouer | stdin | MemtaD me” | Aes t BAR aR i} ae ae | er Steel, Het wom | Sens ass | tatoos] ait pat Pasa | tt agh? a a Ea Tia fear aae |aae Tr wee] Nuws* 3. woes rad pasate es a Al ar 38_| at_fasepoas | a Tinimum Yied z Tao Te rill ear | or aaa , ep set] ifr fate | ae High Surg Ameen [oes a ss and Bas Steel Phe A ‘These values are the same ag the dimensions for Heavy Hex Structural Bolts smrinology specified in ANSI 18.2.1 ih Low B_ Tre spline length (LS)and across the Mat (S) dimensions are used for ceference 3frosion ‘only. The grooved spline design may vay in sae nd shape Mocha ff '-ANSUASME Subcom. 8 182. curenyprpiing an Amerisn Sunt fo ove meno equicent fr ts posu, Upon Poscan, these dimensions wil be replaced with a eefereace 22 ANSUASME Standards; ASME BI. Unified Screw Threads? ANSIB18.2.1 Square and Hex Bolts and Serews? ANSTBI8.18.3M Inspection ond Quality Assurance fur Special Purpose Fasteners? 2 Research Councit on Structural Connections *esifcation for Structural oints Using ASTM A 325 or 8490 Boits!9 Tecninlogy } Pefnitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: RG iden sembly lor—an assembly tot for purposes of assign- skifieaion numbers and from which test samples shal “Sted, shall consist of one combination of component 8 Anaizsn Naina Sanat asa 11 W, 404 St, 104 lor 1036 ss, Ses ‘a aa 'o te American Standard forthe dimensional reguirersets, FIG. 1 Hod and Spline Dimansiane inche Jots. That is, one tension contro} bolt component fot, one nut omponerit lot, and one washer component lot which are shipped as an assembly, 3.1.2 component Jot—A component lot, for the purpose of assigning an identidcation number and from Which test samples shall be selected, shall consist of all tension contol bolts, all nucs of all washers processed essentially together hrough all operations 1 the shipping container, of which each component has the following comunon characteristics: heat ‘umber (mill heat; ASTM designation and grade ot type, as applicable: nominal dimensions (size) and head style; heat ‘Meatment lot, and, coating lot, if applicable. 3.1.3 secondary processing—any processing performed by any entity on the assemblies or individual components after inital testing 3.1.4 tension contro! bolt—a bolt that ineludes an integral spline end which extends beyond the threaded portion of the bolt. The fastener is to be tightened using a special elecwric wrench and socket system which has an inner socket that 2001-NIJ-20 13:89 FROM:KOREA BOLTHANSAN Gh F 1852 ‘engages the spline end and with un outer sooker that engages ‘and fams the net '3,1.5 tension contra! bolt assembly—a tension control bolt, rot and washer combination, 4. Classification 4.1 The tension contro! bolts ate designed by type denoting ‘chemical composition as follows: ‘4.3.1 Type J—Plain carbon, carbon boron, or alloy steel. 4.1.2 Type 3—Weathering steel. Atmospheric corrosion re- sistance and Weathering characteristics are comparable to that fof steels in Specifications A 242/A 242M, A SS8/A S88M, ‘A 709/A 209M, A 871A 871M, (see 7.1.2) 5, Ordering Information shall include the items of infor vation balan Minna Stace ant an tha porsnve ortor chet “Zeonsidered as not being required, (see Note 1) 5.1.4 Quantity of assemblies 5.12 Size, include nominal tension conuol bol diameter and length (without the spline end) 5.13. Namne of prosvt, unt i, vist of rye tension control bolumauiwasher assemblies, 5.1.4 Head Style (see 101.1), 515 Type of Assembly, tht is; Type 1 or Type 3 $.1.6 ASTM designation and year of publican, 5.17 Mechanically zine coated, if required, and 5.18 Specis) requirements, if required tomo I-A epic der derription follows: 2520 assemblies, 4 ameter ny 2 re long Tenton Cont! BolUNavWasher assemblies found Hends, Type DSTA F 1682, 6. Materials and Manufacture 6. Heat Treatment 6.14 Tension contr} bolts made from carbon or carbon ‘boron steel shal] be heat treated by quenching in a liquid ‘medium from above the austenitizing temperature and then ‘mpering by reheating (0 & temperature of at least 800°F 925*C). 63.2 Tension conuol bolts made from alloy stel shall be heat rented by quenching in oil from above the austenitizing {emperature and then tempering by reheating to 8 temperarure cof at least 800°F (425°C). 62 Thread-—The threads of tension contral belts shall be rolled, 63 Mechanical Zinc Coating: 4.3.1 When aine coating is specified, each component of the sssembly shill be mechanicelly zine couted, The coating shall ‘conform ro Specification B 685, Class 50 Type 1s « minimum Lhickness, {63.2 Hot dip 2)nc costing shall not be permite. 6a Lubricarion— All nuts. plain and zine coated, shall be lubricated, The lubricunt shall be clean and dry to the touch. [Nore 2=No fuer Ibricaion shal! be permined oder than that spied by the manufacture, as the type snd amount of Ibrcalon is ‘eal to perirmance 314913768 2 esat7e: # any unit of a component lot after the manufacturer's test 10 ‘qualify & lot has been performed, the component 10t shal! be tweated as newly manufactured and shal! be reinspected ang retested in accordance with the requirements of its origin ‘manufactaring specification after such processing is com. pleted, Retesting shall be the responsibility of the pany supplying the component. 165.2 Secondary processing shall not be permitted to an assembly 1 66 Assembly: 66.1 The assemblies shall be of the ype apecified by the parchaser. 662 The assemblies shall consist of one tension conve) Dol, with one lubrieated nut and one or more washer(s). 616.3 Unless otherwise specified, mirs and washers used on the assemblies shall conform ta she tsaviremants of the specications below: yb Tyee Nat Speen, Waser Scien, ase ane Fh ‘ype ang isn 1A SES OH an Fath Toe) ‘Axe Pale Pan AEC Pan ‘ype ASSGON Mach Zine FA96 Type 1 Mish Zin Coss Cesiee Meabence! Zn Conte Toes ses oie Pan Fate Te 2 Pain Pan neeB Ca Pan 6.64 All nuts shall be Heavy Hex. All washers used in the assembly shall be eirevlar and through hardened. 7. Chemical Composition 2.1 Tension Control Bolts 71LA Type 1 tension conte) bolts shall be plain carbon steel, carbon boren steel, or alloy ste), atthe manafecstess ‘option, and shall conform fo one ofthe chemical compositions specified in Table 3 7.12 Type 3 tension contol bols shall be weashering se! and. shall conform to one of the chemical composition specified in Table 2, The selection ofthe chemical omposilon ‘AB, C,D,E, of F, shill be at the option of the manufaene See Guide G'101 for method of estimating the atmaspher= corrosion resistance of low alloy stecls 71.3 Product analysis, when performed, shall be made 0 finished materia) representing each lot. To meet the specifich tion, the chemica! composition thus determined shall cane to the requirements specified in Table} or Table 2 applicable, "74.4 Hea of steel 10 which bismuth, selenium, tells cr lead bas been intentionally added shal) not be permited 7.15 For Type } bolts made from plain carbon see oral see, heat of steel whish Boron has been intentionally #34 shall nor be permied 7.1.6 Compliance with 7.1.4 and 7.2.5 shall be based cerification that heats of steel ving any ofthe listed elemen intentionally added were not used to produce the bolts 7.1.7 Chemica) analysis shall be performed in accordans? P.20s-210 cal ny te on Jog 14:00 FROM:KERES ECL THANSRN 0344913768 10:86 2 eset7et 206-010 h erase #% TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements for Type 1 Tension Control formed oF tener assemblies 10 determune the ability of the Cons z a Sao a 32 Requioment— Full ie complied uses texted in ews ie aa acgordande wit La shall develop a bl tension when the - Spline end is separated from the bolt conforming to the ea capes eens come on a requirements in Table 5, Coluran 1 enn a coo . i om co 10, Dimensions anon O11 Oa seed Tie 10.1 Tension Control Botte eran Boren Stee! Product naive ans Fanon Ts 00 3280085 Manganese, in oa 037 Prospnons, mex 080 oo 9085, 208 04919090 a0drecae pons 000s 0008 a008 “oy Sis eat Produc: anaes pray Ba 10058 seo 080 os Prowerovs. max oss Ho Sut ax 040 804s Sie 03510038 orswos7 Barer ‘See 7.5 ang 74.6 ee 7 Sion a dlned by ie Aravaan ran and Soa rains eallbe consid wba ay wen ie manimum ofthe ange gen foe fe cone of avg omnis sxcoees one crac owing Ws: anganaaa, 65 sea, EDS copper 26 or noma inte fang or df anima quae any me lowing mans le spoil er gutod win Me ents RE ‘agnod fl of ronavuchan hoy sie: Aumnu, chomian up 22.89%, CER Scumbor. maybaanum, nial Manury tng, ena, ean, Gravy er atonng simon aecea 2 ostan a aearedaioyng afar. specification specified in 6.6.3 §, Mechanical Property Requirements for Tension Control Bolts 8.1. Hardness: ‘The bolts shall conform to the hardness specified in Table 3 8.2 Tensile Properties: 8.2.1 Bolts having a length of three times the diameter of longer (s2e 8.2.3) shall be tested full size and shall conform to the tensile stength and proof load ot altemative proof load specified in Table 4, 8.2.2 Bolts having a length less than chree times the diam- eter ace aot subjeot 1 teusile tests, except us permitted in 8.2.3. 8.2.3 Bolts having a length of two times the diametes or longer shall be permitted to be tested full size for tensile properties whenever suitable test equipment is available. In 5 the diameter” in Table 3, such cases reference to" dhree 5.2.1, and 8.22 shall be considered to be “two times the diamecer 8.2.4 For bolts on which hardness and tension tests are performted, acceptance based on tensile requirements shall rake prezedence in the event of controversy over low hardness tests 8.3 Nuts ard Washers— Mechanical properties for nuts and ‘washers shell be in accordance with the applicable specifiea- Sion in 6.6.3. 9. Assembly Lot Tension Test 9.1 Purpose—The assembly lot tension test shall be per- “3 10.1.1 Tension control bolts shall be fumished with either round (buton of dome), heavy hex structural or sltemate design heads, as specified by the purchase. 10.1.2, The cension control bolts shall have & body confoem- ing to the dimensions for heavy hex structral bolts specified in ‘ANSI B18.2.1 and a spline end conforming 0 the dimensions in Fig. | TO 3 Head designs as specied in 10:1) shall have a bearing surface area and head height equal 10 oF larger than requited for heavy hex structural bois in ANSI B1S.2.t 10.1.4 Round heads shal! conform to the dimensions in Fig. 1. TO.1.5 The thread length shall be as specified in ANSI B18.2.1 for heavy hex structaral bols. 102 Nuis and Washers— The dimensions for nuts and ‘washers shall be in accordance with the applicable specifica. tion specified in 6.6.3 103 Threads 10.3.1 Threads on tension control bolts shal be the Unified ‘Course ‘Thread Senes as speciied in ASME BILL, and shall have Class 2A tolerances 103.2 Unless otherwise specified, zine costed tension coo- trol bolts to be used with nuts which have been tapped oversize ‘in accordance with Specification A 563, shall have Class 24 threads before mechanically deposited zinc coating. 10.33 The gaging limit for bolts shall be verified during ‘manufzorure. In ease of purchaser/supelier controversy over thread compliance, System 21 of ASME B13.18.3M shall be used for referee purposes. 21. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance Ll.1 Surface discontinuity Timiss for tension control bolts, shall be in accordance with Specification F 788/F 788M. TL2 Surface discontinuity limits for the nut component shall be in accordance with the applicable specification speci- fied in 6.63 12, Visual Inspection for Head Bursts 12.21 Requirements— Each bolt component Jor shall be visually inspected for head bursts in accordance with the sample size and acceptance values specified in 13.5.6 and shall conform to the requirements in 12.3. Samples shall be taken at random, 12.2 Burst Definirion— A burst is an open break in dhe metal (caterial), Bursts can occur on tbe periphery ofthe round head ‘or on the Mats or comers of hex heads 123 Defective Criteria: 123.1 Round Heads— Head bursts shall be evaluated in accordance with the provisions stared in Specification F 788/ F 788M for products with circular heads. Ci1-H)-20 14:01 FROW:KORER BOLTSNSAN — 0314913768 To:56 2 e9ei72L P.007 — SS hb F 1052 TABLE 2 Chemical Requlremant for Type 3 Tonalon Cental Bali" Canesten, s ® 8 e . won ane osswoco —-—«osbueoah=«sanbw0as «== aS tw02s «= tawazs at wae Foe seat gece — GabetseSiebose «© lewase © Siewaa? 8 eae nga ronan csow 1s oyaueaso—=«ngbesa8—=stabte yaaa amie nab Peon ar REIN ORES SETS Riside Eston Hea Proxshan rota coins aceasta mae 40 max ea mae 40 max eke Ra Som Gowan Boemar Stet eben 948 nan sus sis ane 2050 mx nso mex ona mee 80 max 40 max 01g mex Pro Rahn Sc man one moe one Sein Stam S8s8 nan ‘ilicans - oa eile aosiaas osorsog0—=«sérewaas = aabteas —isteagh wis ass Seon BA er tee ir te ere out tat aie quswoss asmeoso —=«saatwag = sagguam «= aang om OMe Poel oad Seung oeipuss << Comiuas es euch es atece) |. CalunAs per: wena assinnss ——«sozsaaad «sabes omnes abies sata OMo Beeiiuaen woe «Gee = Sees «= Gvwiss © Greases © ir eoat quswcss —«osbmazs «—soavwensn sted «aaa Om eae SSRs GRRE = tisute © Gastouss, «Maton Vana van aa : . 20 in : rea stan : . corer : psn pret ‘ 08max oxo max : Poot eee : Soran oti : Tans wank : 06 a : . Product Anaiyeis a * 7 * Ll “Focageavont A/B G0 Eta Fore casos ol afer used fr Tpe 3 wren son ate, Slee © uss al be ame opian of The Sok menses ‘pode lomaets art s2achie or regateg. hoy ofa be present ely a8 euc.ale TABLE § Hardness Requirements for Tension Control Bolte Bier Reekval on sh Wn Man Mn Ma sere mae ane Ey Mein mm ow” aberaever 28 2 “Echs navnp.olongh wos nan ios ras wo aa 580 823 ‘De Nomina lamar ore 12.3.2. Hex Heads—Any bolt that contains a burst in the flat of the head that extends into the top crown surface of the head (chamnéer circle) or the under-heud beuring surface shall be a defective bolt. Head bursts shall be evaluated in secordance with the provisions stated in Specification F 788/F 788M for hex head product, 13, Testing 13.1 Tearing Responsibly: 13.1.1 Each component lot and assembly Jot shall be tested by the manufacturer prior to shipment in accordance with the Jot identifiction contl quality assurance plan in 13.2 through 135. 13.1.2 When components or assemblies are furnished by # source other than the manufacturer, the responsible party #8 defined in Seetion 18 shell be responsible Zor assuring all tes have been performed and the components and assemblies comply with the requirements of this specification. 13.2 Purpose of Lot Inspection—The purpose of 2 let inspection program is to ensure thet each lot conforms 10 requirements of this specification. For such a plan to be ful cflesive it is essential that secondary processors, distibutors and purchasers maimuain the identification and integrity of ex¢h fot unui the assemblies are installed, 010 FROM:KOREA SOLT*ANEAN ah et 9314913768 P.203-810 “ 56 2 6981721 852 TABLE 4 Tans Requitoments for Full Size Tenelon Control Botta eae Yow . Tons Seng? ‘tang Maton 2 Sas Aaa in ton ma nn be amet Couna 2 cover Caen § (awe ona 7050 73080 acm une oae6 27100 mae Maa toune base 49100 50700 ac = 9 UNE uae 55.480 22500 808 rare $8730 Oe ma 100 8100 2 = nomi Boi sae ane os ouexa — cus ‘ete, 720000 pt 1 000 $2000 ps - tut TABLE $ Assembly Let Tansion Teat Raquiramants rte Taare Tsien “oreace pan. secipince bed ol be ns, ho Sanas Csagnaion Tas Torslon Bs, rin (For me ‘ation Oh? mys s9une 7 coo 2 SoH onc 25.000 1% TONE 29.900 % une 000 x» UNS sa e0 * saa “ yan7 une ‘The mandates aeeBanee lel wraen valuae 70 84 NRE Ban me sue J abibotese lid) Mealy aad asi thin wae imegnyy oF such ioe 9 components ana nmsned ssscmblies fom raw material selection through all processing operations and treatments to fiual packing and shipment, Each ‘component lot shall be assigned its own component lot number and each assembly lot its own assembly lot number. 13.4 Lot Definition— Component lots and assembly lors shall be defined as specified in Section 3. 13.3 Number of Tests 13.5.1 Tensile strength, proof load, and hardness sampling shall be in accordance with Guide F 1470, 13.5.2 Chemical composition sampling shall be one test pet heat asing either che heat or product analysis method, 13.53 Assembly lot tension test sample size shall be in accordance with Guide F 1470,, Sample Level C, Table 3, a5 a ‘minimum, 4s 13.54 Coating Thickness sampling shall be in accordance ‘with Guide F 1470, 13.55 Dimensional and thread fit sampling shall be in ‘accordance with the manufacturers standard quality control practices. In the event of dispute, acceptance shall be based on the requirements for Final Inspection- Non Destructive shown in ANSI B18.18.3M. 135.6 Surface discontinuity sampling, including Head Bursts, shall be in accordance with Specification F 788/ F 788M, 13.3.7 Sampling for the nut and washer components shall be in accordance with the applicable nut and washer specification referenced in 6.6.3. ins When tested 19 agcnrdanee with Ini, recurs Sam- pling plan, a component lot shall be rejected if any of the test specimens fas! to meet te applicable requirements 14, Test Methods 14.1 Perform chemical analyses in accordance wich Test “Mena, Prastigns, and Terminniney A 751 i Genale and Hardnest—Conduct enlle and hardness test in accordance with Test Methods F 606 using the wedge tension testing of full sae product method to dering ful sine tensile strength 14.3 Proof Load-—Conduct proof load tests in accordance with Test Methods F 606 Method 1, Length Measuremeat, of Method 2, Yield Swength: atthe option of the manufacture. 14 Assembly Installation Tension Te 14.4.1 Test Condirions— Conduct vest at an ambient tem- perature between 30° and 90° F (10 and 32°C). 1442 Tost Device: 16.421 The tension messuring device shall be capable of ‘measuring the assembly tension after rorquing. ‘12422 The tension measuring device shall be calibrated in 1000 Tb (454 Ke) increments, 2001 -NOU~29 FROM: KOREA SOLTAANSAN 314913768 jose 2 ese172t Gh F 1852 14.423 Calibrate the tension measuring device (and any Line cyte) bated ae Gao foquonoy of oO ond the Tauipment manufacturers recommendation, but not less than fone time per yew 144.3 dnsteitation and Yenston test [4.33.1 lnsiall the tension control bolt, nut, washer, and appropriate spacer washer(s) in the tension measuring Avice. ‘The davier shall not restrain the head from turning. Install the washer(s) under the nut such that three to five threads of the bolt ate located between the bearing face of the nut and the underside of the balt head using the washer fumished with the assembly in comsact with the nut 14.4.3 3 Initially tighten the assembly using a hand wrench by mwiming the nut 10 produce the setting tension specified below. sning onion ein, 10001 : So x Ses . 507 ms uae 14434 Complete tightening the assembly aut using & spline dnve installavon tool capable of engaging the not and spline end simultaneously during this process. Tighten continue ‘ously untit the spline shears from the bol 1443.3 The bolt component, regardless of head style, shall not be restrained during the assembly tightening. In order to pass, shenring of the spline end shall ecur in the shear groove. Failure in the threaded region shall be considered nonconforming, 14.4.7 Record the tension after shearing ofthe spline end 8 the assembly installation tension, fo Clemeerin 15, laspeetion 15.1 If the inspection described in 15.2 is required by the purchaser, it shall be specified in the inquiry end contract or ret 15.2 The purchaser's quality assurance represensative shall have free enury to all parts of the manufacturer's works oF Suppliers place of business, that concem the manufacture or supply of the assemblies. The manufacturer or supplier shall afford. the purchaser's quality assurance representative all sonable faciliies to satisfy him tha the assemblies are being furnished in accordance wath this specihieation, All tests and ‘inspections required by the specification that are requested by the purchaser's representative shall be made before shipment, and shall be conducted 50 as not ro interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the manufacturers or suppliers operations. 16, Rejection and Rehearing 16.1 Disposition of nonconforming sets shall be in accor~ dance with Guide F 1470 the seetion titled “Disposition of Nonconforming Lots”. 17. Certification 17.1.1 Heat anelysis and beat number of each component (hate, nt and runehar).-and 9 eraernant certifying that heme having the elements listed in 7.1.4 and 7.1.5 intentonaly added were not used to produce the tension control bolts, 17.2.2 Results of hardness, wesc and proof Youd vss of each component (bolt, nut and washer), V1.3 Retulis of Assembly Lot Installation Tension TestnmAt the manuféeners option the mean and standard

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