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Week : 1

Day : Tuesday

Date : 04th January 2011

Kelas :
Masa :


Impak /Catatan


4 Maju
7:40 pg
8:40 pg
4 Harapan
8:40 pg
9:40 pg

6 Maju

PJ - Tunjang Pembelajaran 1 : Kecergasan

Bidang : Kecegarsan Fizikal
Tajuk : Daya Tahan Kardiovaskular.
Objektif : Aras 1
Aktiviti :
1. Memanaskan badan dan regangan.
2. Penerangan dan bersoaljawab tentang aktiviti
daya tahan kardiovaskular.
3. Latihan fartlek 1000m
- berjalan 25m
- berjogging 25m
- berlari 25m
- berjalan pantas 25m
4. Permainan kecil Aci ligan
5. Menyejukkan badan.
6. Refleksi
BBM /Alatan kun
KBKK Meramal.
Gambaran mental
Topic : Whole Numbers
Learning objective:
1. Develop number sense involving numbers of up
to 1 000 000.
Learning outcomes: Pupils will be able to :
1) Name and write numbers up to 1 000 000
Activities :
1) Mental Arithmetic
2) Pupils say the number names
3) Pupils write the numbers
4) Exercise
5) Summary of the lesson
Thinking Skill
1) Interpret
Moral Value
1) Self confidence



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