DAO 05 2002 - pns49&211 - RSB

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the provisions of R .A. No 4109, R .A To . 7394, Executive Order No . 913 ,

In accordance
of 1997, DAO No . 8, S *es of
Series of 1983, DAO No . 9, Series of 1990, DAO No . I,
1995, and Sec 10(4), Title X, Book IV, of the Adn-* *'su-ative Code of 1987, the mandatory
ific product stai_ ds is hereby ordered, for the protection o f
implementation of the following
cons ers and the general public :
Steel bus for concrete reinforcement Specificatio n
1 .1 PNS 49 :2002
steel bars for concrete reinforcement - Specification
1 .2 PNS 211
2 . All manufacturers, distributors, * porters and retailers of said products shall com p
requirements of these s. dards .
A third F
- ted

andlor Safe C `rc ation Mark, shall b e

'cation, o
the PS Q
ufacturers of said products .
the Bureau of Product Standards (BPS) by all

Importers of said products shall secure an Import Co odity Clearance (ICC) from the BPS as a
pre-requisite of - port shipments to be released by the Bureau. of Customs .


BPS shall promulgate * plementing guidelines specifying * plementing able's, taking int o

consideration present inventory levels, production capabilities of industies, and testin g

capabilities of BPS and other tesfing institutions. When necessary, BPS may designate a n
ton work
appropriate competent organization to assist in various aspects of standards * le
these products .
(such as product inspection, tesing, market monito *


5. The implementation of these start' ds shall be done in proper coordination with, the DT I
Regional and Provincial C ffices and the Bureau of Trade Regulation and Cons Protectio n
6. AII other orders or parts thereof which are inconsistent
Order are hereby repealed or ended accordingly .

the provisions of

s ativ e

7. This Order shall t a k e e ff e c t fifteen (15) days a f t e r publication in two newspapers of genera l
circulation .
Accordingly, all p es concerned are hereby in o ed that copies of said s dards
secured from the B S Standards Data Center.

Date :

6 August 2002 .

Recoil iended by :

..LU S

Director, BP


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