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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Alhamdulillahhirobil'alamin gratitude we pray that the presence of Allah SWT has given
grace and guidance to us all, so that we can finish this paper Structure 3 of Elliptical
Furthermore we would like to thank the lecturer for the course of Structure 3 who always
provide direction and guidance to facilitate the preparation of this paper. And to friends who
have given us the spirit and encouragement so that this paper can be resolved.
Hopefully this paper can be useful to readers in general and we beg criticism and
suggestions for better progress.
Wassamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Makassar, November 1st 2014


COVER --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FOREWORD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTENTS---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------A. The Background of the Analysis ----------------------------------------------------B. Purpose ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHAPTER II DISCUSSION --------------------------------------------------------------------A. The Definition of Elliptical Construction ------------------------------------------B. The Function of Elliptical Construction --------------------------------------------C. The Structure of Elliptical Construction ---------------------------------------------

CHAPTER III CLOSING -----------------------------------------------------------------------A. Conclusions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------B. Suggestions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------REFERENCES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A. The Background of the Analysis
Ellipsis (or elliptical construction ) is the omission of a word or words. It refers to
constructions in which words are left out of a sentence but the sentence can still be
Ellipsis helps us avoid a lot of redundancy. In fact there is a lot of redundancy in
language and it can be surprising how much can be left out without losing much meaning,
particularly when there are contextual clues as to the real meaning.
If we read a book and the book contains many sentences are repeated, of course we will be
bored to read it. Therefore, the elliptical construction is important to be studied and on this
occasion we will discuss about the elliptical construction clearly.

B. Purpose
1. To know the definition of Elliptical Construction
2. To know the function of Elliptical Construction
3. To know the structure of Elliptical Construction.

A. The Definition of Elliptical Construction
According to Drs. H. Paidi Dewa Brata, Elliptical Construction is a shortening
of two or more sentences by removing some parts of the sentences that have the same
original meaning . Elliptical Construction used to avoid the repetition of the same
word in one sentence.
According to Ganesha Operation Team, Elliptical Construction is a form of joint
compound sentence deprived of equal parts of the same predicate of a sentence.
So , Elliptical Construction is a sentence consisting of two or more sentences
which are deprived of of equal parts of the same predicate of a sentence in order to
avoid any repetition of the same word in one sentence.

B. The Function of Elliptical Construction

1. To eliminate the repetitive subject
Example : My servant has swept the floor, (my servant has) washed the dishes,
and (my servant has) cooked our lunch.
2. To eliminate the repetitive verb
Example : Rena is listening to music and her brother is (listening to music) too
3. To eliminate the repetitive direct object
Example : Why do you open (the door) and (you) close the door?

C. The Structure of Elliptical Construction

To explain the similarity in elliptical construction sentence we have to use
1. Positive Form:
We use too or so to combine a positive sentence. To make it easier we have to
divide it to be two parts:
a. For the sentences wich using auxiliary

Subject 1 + auxiliary + Verb + and + Subject 2 + auxiliary + too

and + so + auxiliary + Subject 2
Dini is studying in the library and Dona is too.
Dini is studying in the library and so is Dona.
b. For the sentences without using auxiliary
Generally, a sentence which doesnt have an auxiliary is in Present
Tense and Simple Past Tense.
Present Tense:
Subject 1 + Verb 1 + and + Subject 2 + do/does + too
And so + do/does + Subject 2
Simple Past Tense:
Subject 1 + Verb 1 + and + Subject 2 + did + too
And so + did + Subject 2
Present Tense:
o Your sister likes seafood and I do too.
o Your sister likes seafood and so do I.
Simple Past Tense:
o I went abroad last year and Ratu did too.
o I went abroad last year and so did Ratu.
2. Negative Form:
We use nor to combine a negative sentence with same subject and either or
neither to combine a negative sentence with different subject.
a. With Same Subject
S + Auxiliary +..., nor + Auxiliary +S +...

Mr.Lazy didnt come to class today, nor did he submit the assignment.

b. With different Subject

S1 + Auxiliary not(verb) + and + S2 + Auxiliary not + Either
And + neither + auxiliary +S2
The student couldnt come on time and you couldnt either
The student couldnt come on time and neither did you.
3. Contrary Form:
We use but, whereas or while to combine the contrary sentences.
S 1 + V I + but / whereas / while + S 2 + do / does + not
S 1 + V II + but / whereas / while + S 2 + did + not
S 1 + Aux (verb) + but / whereas / while + S 2 +aux + not
S 1 + aux not (verb) + but / whereas / while + S 2 + aux
Amel sleeps but her sister doesnt.
Amel slept but her sister did not.
Amel is sleeping but her sister isnt.
Amel doesnt sleep but her sister does.

A. Conclusions
1. Elliptical Construction is a sentence consisting of two or more sentences which
are deprived of of equal parts of the same predicate of a sentence in order to
avoid any repetition of the same word in one sentence.
2. The Function of Elliptical Construction are :
a. To eliminate the repetitive subject
b. To eliminate the repetitive verb
c. To eliminate the repetitive direct object
B. Suggestions
Similarly, we can describe the material that is the subject of this paper, of
course, there are still many shortcomings and weaknesses, because the lack the
knowledge and the lack of reference or the reference has to do with the title of this
paper. We much hope dear readers, providing constructive criticism and suggestions
for the perfect proposal in the writing of the proposal in the next opportunities.
Hopefully this paper is useful for writers in particular are also dear readers in
general. Such review this time, may be useful for you and also inspire.


Brata, Paidi Dewa. 2004. Strategi Sukses UAN SMA/MAN Bahasa Inggris. Yogyakarta:
Penerbit Andi
Tim Ganesha Operation. 2005. Instan Bahasa Inggris SMA. Jakarta: Erlangga
Ismail. 2009. Elliptical Construction. [online]. (
/2009/03/elliptical-construction.html, on November 2nd 2014)

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