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Ctrl+M = Curves Adjustment

Ctrl+U = Hue/Saturation Adjustment

Ctrl+L = Levels Adjustment
Ctrl+J = To make copy of a selected layer OR to apply "layer via copy" on a selection from a layer.
Ctrl+Shift+U = Desaturate
Ctrl+I = Invert. Could be used to invert image or invert mask (makes white black and vice versa).
Ctrl+Shift+I = Invert Selection
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E = To merge the composite onto a new layer of its own. Make sure you're on the
topmost layer for this.
Ctr+Alt+Shift+C = Content Aware Scale
Ctrl+N = New Document
Ctrl+Alt+I = Image Size
Ctrl+Alt+C = Canvas Size
Ctrl+T = Enter Transform Mode or Open Character Properties Box if you're working with Type
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I = Document Properties
Ctrl+Alt+Z = Step Backward (Anti Clockwise Key Presses)
Ctrl+Shift+Z = Step Forward (Clockwise Key Presses)
Ctrl+S = Save Document
Ctrl+Shift+S = Save Document as
Ctrl+R = Show/Hide Rulers
Ctrl++ = Zoom in
Ctrl+ - = Zoom Out
Ctrl+0 = Fit on Screen
D = Changes the Foreground and background colour to Black and White
X = Changes between background and foreground colour
F7 = Toggles the Layer Palette
F5 = Toggles the Brushes Palette
Alt+Backspace = Fills with selected Foreground Colour
Ctrl+Backspace = Fills with selected Background Colour
Ctrl+F = Re-apply the last applied fliter

Ctrl+W = Close Document

Ctrl+Alt+W = Close All
Ctrl+Q = Quit Photoshop. If you're sane you'd never use this. Photoshop runs, life runs. :D

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