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SYLLABUS: Applied Medical Occupations and Terminology

Room 825
Mr. Volkoff

Mr. Volkoff
Room 825
Conference Time: 12:44 1:38

Text(s): Introduction to Medical Terminology, 3rd edition. Ehrlich, Ann & Shroeder, Carol: Cengage
Health Care
Other Materials:
Three ring binder with dividers, Calculator (optional, but recommended), Black or Blue pens (work
done in any other colors will not be accepted and need to be rewritten), and pencils.
This course will give students the information that every health care worker must know to be successful in
the health care field. Students will be provided with an intensive study of the many different career
opportunities available in the health care industry. Students will complete a career portfolio which will
include the following information: educational requirements, job description, wages, benefits and
employment outlook.
In addition, this course will help students acquire a medical terminology vocabulary related to body
systems necessary to communicate information in the Health Science and Medical Technology industry
sector. They will learn and practice the principles of medical word formations, including the basic rules of
building medical words, identifying suffixes, prefixes, root words, and combining forms related to the
structures and functions of the associated systems of the body. While learning about the human body
structure and function and its related terminology, students will research certain diseases within each
body system. They will research the origin or discovery, signs and symptoms, treatments and
Other topics covered will include infection control, universal precautions, safety, interpersonal
relationships, nutrition, legal and ethical issues and employment skills.
GOALS: (Student needs the course is intended to meet)
Students will understand the basic structure of medical terminology including, prefix, root and suffix and combining
Students will develop a basic understanding of anatomy and physiology
Students will use medical phrases and terms in context, both written and verbally
Students will develop knowledge of good safety practices as it relates to themselves, patients and co-workers
Students will apply the medical terminology in the appropriate context and applicable careers.
Students will identify the major regions of the body and the organ systems located in each of those regions
Students will know appropriate terminology for occupations related to the health field.

Students will understand responsibilities, legal and ethical issues related to the health care field. Students will
interpret terms related to diagnosis and clinical procedures.
Students will synthesize informative and explanatory texts using multiple forms of credible sources.
Students will conduct short as well as more sustained research projects that relate to topics in the health and medical
Students will explore a variety of careers in the medical field.
Students will apply clinical skills to assess vital signs of a subject.
Students will create a scenario that might result in legal action if the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act (HIPAA) is not maintained.
Unit 1: Introduction to Applied Medical Occupations and Terminology
Unit 2: Introduction to Medical Terminology
Unit 3: Human Body
Unit 4: Skeletal System
Unit 5: Muscular System
Unit 6: Lymphatic/Immune System
Unit 7: Cardiovascular System
Unit 8: Respiratory System
Unit 9: Digestive System
Unit 10: Urinary System
Unit 11: Nervous System
Unit 12: The Senses
Unit 13: Integumentary System
Unit 14: Endocrine System
Unit 15: Reproductive System
Unit 16: Diagnostic/Nuclear Medicine/Pharmacology
This course has been articulated with Long Beach City College by test. Each student will have the
opportunity to receive semester credits if they pass the LBCC medical terminology with an 80% or
better. The student will earn the grade that they have received in the first semester of this class.
Students can also opt out if they pass the test, but do not want to receive their first semester grade.
Students will write down the daily agenda in daily planner or notebook. This will assure that each
student is aware of what is required of them.
Students will be expected to independently study the medical terminology assigned for each unit.
Students will also need to complete career research projects for each unit. Additional homework
will be assigned as necessary to support the classroom instruction.
Makeup work: Students will be allowed to make up all assignments missed due to an:
Excused absence: The student will have the number of days missed plus one to complete
the assignment. No assignments can be made up for unexcused absences.
Missed Exams: If a quiz, test or exam is missed due to an excused absence. The student
will take the exam the first day they return.

Missed labs: Labs cannot be made up. If a lab is missed the student will receive a 0 for
the lab.

The course grade will be determined by both lecture and laboratory components.
Grading will be as follows:
100-90% = A
89-80% = B
79-70% = C
69-60% = D
59.4 or less = F


As a student at Lakewood High School, you join a community of students who are
committed to excellence in learning. We assume that students will pursue their studies with
integrity and honesty; however, all students should know that incidents of academic
dishonesty are taken very seriously. When students are caught cheating or plagiarizing, a
process is begun that may result in severe consequences.
Cheating is the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work through
the use of dishonest, deceptive or fraudulent means.
Plagiarism is representing the work of someone else as your own and submitting it for any
1. First Offense: All students involved will receive a zero on the assignment in question,
the assignment will be listed in School Loop as Cheated.
2. Second Offense: A letter will be sent home, and student(s) involved will be referred to
their administrator.
3. Third Offense in any family class: In addition to the consequences for the second
offense, student(s) will be suspended from the class for three (3) days.
Class Rules:

Be on time.
Be prepared.
Be polite.
No grooming during class.
No Graffiti
Positive-active participation is mandatory.
No Loitering

Bathroom/Nurse Passes:
Each student is allowed 2 bathroom/nurse passes per quarter. Each additional pass equals
a five (5) minute detention the following morning. Any passes the students did not use is
equal to 5 (5) points of extra credit.


This syllabus is a guide for the course and is subject to change with advanced notice.

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